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October 25, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-25

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Crisler Displeased*...
FdRITZ wCISLER wore a grim Mon-
day look at yesterday's practice.
It presaged a very rough week for
your varsity football team with plenty
of raw noses and a thorough grind-
stone rub.
There is little elation among the
Michigan coaching clique today over
Saturday's Yale victory. Crisler and
Co. prefer decisive triumphs, and1
the Eli win was anything but that.
Crisler is not a little irked over the
Wolverine performance at New Ha-
ven, and he made no bones about it
"There was nothing swell about
that victory," he commented
sharply as a bunch of the Field
House gang tendered their con-
gratulations. "We looked pretty
bad at times."
He had a minute to spare, and I had
a couple of hours. It seemed a likely
time to pose some questions.
1. How about our leaky pass de-
"First," he replied, "you must
give\Hiumphreys a world of credit.
He's a great passer, and he was
especially good Saturday."
"X A C9lt " " AA 4m7ie iff.

Amid Flying Footballs And Mud
Intra-Union Feud Flares Anew

Sian Kelley Hurdles Rival:
Players And Puddles For
Last Minute Scores
Flash!BThe Union Cafeteria boys,
football rivals, the Union Waiters,
eight strong, in a driving rain and a
sea of mud.
This was the second meeting of the
two "star-studded" clubs this sea-
son, the Waiters having routed the
Caf Boys, 38-6, the Sunday before.
It took plenty of courage for these
14 hardy men to get themselves up at
eight o'clock of a Sunday morning
with the rain beating down in all its
fury. As to the missing members of
each team-well, you know, it was the
"morning after the night before."
Both clubs are eager to renew rela-
tions next Sunday, each claiming,
"If it hadn't been for the mud, we'd
have slaughtered 'em!"
Nichols Swims To Score
As to the game itself, it looked as
though the waiters' superior manpow-
er would decide the battle, for they
waded into an early 12 to 0 lead. Ned1
Pingel Replacement
Sought By Bachman

E Morrow, ineligible football player.
faded back andtthrew a long pass,
1 mud and all, to Don Nichols, of
wrestling fame, who swam 50 yards
to a score to send the Waiters into
a 6 to 0 lead.
A few minutes later, after the Wait-
ers had brought the ball deep into the
Cafs' territory, Bill Coombs, another
wrestler, shot a pass to Harold Nich-
ols, Don's brother in the grunt-and-
groan sport, who caught the ball in
the end zone for the waiters' second
Not To Be Denied
But the Caf boys were not to be de-
nied. With their backs to the wall,
rain beating in their faces, and a
slippery turf beneath their feet, they
fought to tie the scorer
Bill Watson versatile track star,
heaved a long pass to Star Kelley,
who does plenty of hurdling for
Charlie Hoyt, and Kelley galloped to f
a touchdown, showering mud in the
faces of his desperate pursuers.
Then, when it appeared that the
Waiters had the game in the pockets
of their pure white jackets, the fleet
Kelley intercepted a Waiters' pass
deep in his own territory,. dodged
several opponents and a hosts of pud-)
dles, and raced almost the entire
length of the field to give his mates
a well-earned tie.
The lineup for the Cafeteria boys
was Sid Wiener, Larry Tutak, "Al Pet-
erson, Bill Watson, Stan Kelley and1
Herb Pendall. The Union waiters
who managed to make the nine
o'clock call were Don Nichols, Paul
Cameron, Jim Gallis, Jim .Patterson,1
Harold Nichols, Bill Coombs, Al Chad-I
wick and Ned Morrow.I

Crisler Spii1n's
Defense, Sets
Team Passing'
Luther's Aerials Hit Mark
As Wolverines Sharpen
Offense For Illinois
Pass defense-Michigan's glaring
weakness, increasingly apparent with
each contest, was not the practice
menu for yesterday.
'In fact, Coach Fritz Crisler did not
spend a single minute of the after-
noon working to correct what every-
body but- said Mr- Crisler claims to
be wrong with the 1938 edition of
Wolverine gridders.
Luther Hits Mark
In fact, Mr. Crisler did just the'
opposite. He sent his charges through
an extended offensive passing drill
with Tom Harmon, Dave Strong, Fred
Trosko and Bill Luther on the thrdw-
ing end. Of the group, Luther, the
sophomore back hailing from Toledo,
was by far the most accurate heaver.
Time and again, his bullet passes hit
their mark, a la Newman, Baugh and
Surprise number two of the work-
out was a punting exhibition by one
never thought of as a kicker. Vince
Valek, the junior end who has shown
up so well this year that against Yale
he played the full sixty minutes, was
the booter.
No Serious Injuries
With the reserve line attempting to
break through the second string var-
sity and block the kicks, Valek shot
long looping spirals some 50 and 60
yards down the field. During the half
hour or so which he practiced, the
Holly, Mich., lad had but one or two
under that distance. A slight tail
wind was an advantage but even so
the exhibition was a pleasant sight to
the coaches.
Coach Crisler watched a signal drill
by his first and second elevens, with
no change in the lineup that started
against the inspired Eli last Satur-
day and then sent them in.
The squad came out of the Yale
contest without a serious injury re-
sulting.*The usual cuts and bruises
were evident but everyone except Joe
Savilla, the burly tackle, is in good
shape. Savilla put in an appearance,
but his right foot was in a cast neces-
sitating travel by bicycle.
Galento To Meet Thomas
Promoter Herman Taylor announced
tonight he had signed "'Two-Ton"
Tony Galento, of Orange, N. J., lead-
ing contender for the heavyweight
title, to a 12-round bout with Harry
Thomas, of Chicago,'here on Nov. 14.


It's easier to be better looking

.,, ''
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.-acVIm-- ne nt inuI i 5, y EAST LANSING, Oct. 24-{)P.--
once did Yale pass to an un- Coach Charley Bachman gave his
covered man. On ever other suc- Michigan State College football
cessful pass we had the receiver charges no rest today as hoedrove
covered. That includes 'both them through a stiff practice session
touchdown plays. Our men were in, preparation for their "big" mid-
so near Moody they could have seasongamewith Santa Clara Satur-
touched him without moving. But day.
if you, can tell me how to over- Bachman shifted the emphasis
come mental lapses and a flat- from aerial defense, stressed in ad-
footed pass defense I wish you vance of earlier contests, to the rugged
would. It was a case of men being type of playhe, b es will be neces-
in the- right place but not doing sary to stop the Westerners' bone-
the right thing." 'rcrushing power plays.
2. What happened to our vaunted State's third and fourth teams
ground game? scrimmaged today as Bachman con-
tinued to seek. capable replacements
"No running game will work if for Johnny Pingel, his triple-threat
men do not 'block. We used the star, at left halfback. Pingel played
same plays against Yale 'that we through most of the Syracuse game
used against Minnesota, but the as a result of the injury that benched
blocking wasn't there. And conm- his regular understudy, Gene Ciolek,
bined with some glaring over- for the remainder of- the season.
sights, it ruined our attack. In reviewing the Spartan victory;
"You newspaper men had the over Syracuse, 'Bachman expressed
boys believing they were unbeat- particular. gratification over the line
able. The great Michigan team play of George IIandler, 240-pound
that had scored a- moral victory sophomore tackle, and Lyle Rocken-
over Minnesota.. Sure fire win- bach. junior guard.,
ners. The best team in the Con-
ference. The team read that'
stuff, and their friends told them Brewer Returns To Illipi
the same thing. They believed it.+
Yale did not." CHAMPAIGN-(R)-Mel .I



Compile .714 Mark
The Junior Staff made a stirring
comeback after last week's rather
miserable showing and compiled the
magnificent average of .714 in pick-
ing Saturday's winners. .
The grand old man of the East,
Mel Fineberg, paced this week's selec-
tors with his .750 average, picking 21
of the 28 games up for consideration.
Herb Lev and Tom Phares were dead-
locked for second, each one gdme away
from Expert Fineberg.
The Princeton-Navy and Baylor-
Texas A. & M. ties caused even the
most careful calculations to go astray
and there were several other upsets
which even Eddie Dooley and John
Kieran failed to foresee, all 'of which
served to hold the general average

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3. They seemed to lose their cocki-
ness in the/ second half. Is that a
permanent loss?
"I should believe so. It took 13
points to wake them up. We are
forgetting Minnesota, and every-
thing else that has passed. We
are thinking of Illinois this week
-no one else"
4. Did the intensity with which Yale
scouted Michigan hurt? (Six scouts
at Minnesota, four at Chicago andone
at Michigan State).
"No. We knew dust as much
about their plays as they did
about our's. The trick is in know-
ing what's coming next."
5. What about Saturday? Did you
ever hear of an Illinois team that was
a soft touch?.
"I never did. I don't think there
has ever been one. The team we
meet Saturday definitely is not."
6. Any special commendations for
Saturday performances?
"Heikkinen and Janke. Both
played great games."
returned to New York after the
game, saw the Broadway show "You
Can't Have Everything," spent Sun-
day touring the town, and left that
night on the sleeper . . . The best
rushing of the trip was not done
against Yale but against Vassar .. .
40 of the gals were on the train and
needed plenty of interference to get
off at Poughkeepsie..
Seen at New Haven in the press
box: Tuure Tenander, the Flying
Finn, back from Europe and seek-
ing American employment . .
Yale's attitude toward the press
is amusing... The Eli moguls
act as if they were doing the boys
a favor by allowing them to
watch their football game-....
How naive... They might com-
pare football crowds with lacrosse
attendance and remember who
made it possible.
Random memoirs: Those amazingly
attractive femmes aboard the New
York to New Haven train Satidee
morn ... Yale men apparently do all
right for themselves . . . Broadway
at night with enough light to read a
paper . . . Princeton men at the
Famous Door and The Onyx Club,
lively 52nd Street dens . . . They all
look the same in their tweed coats,
flannel slacks, white button down
shirts .and black ties Risiav shorw

tregular Illinois quarterback this sea-
son until a knee injury forced him out
of action, returned to the lineup Mon-
day as a guard when numerous in-
juries forced Coach Bob 'Zuppke to'
Tuggle' his lineup. Brewer played
guard as a sophomore last season.
Four Illini guards---George Berhardt,
Wes Martin, Ralph Hathaway and
Jim Hodges-are nursing injuries
which may keep them- out of the
game with Michigan Saturday.
Buckeyes Prep For NYU
COLUMBUS--()---Coach Francis
A. Schmidt sent his Ohio State Uni-
versity varsity squad through a work-
out Monday that included every phase
of football. The Bucks humbled Chi-
cago 42 to 7 in a Big Ten game here
Saturday, and travel to New York to
take on New York University this

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