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October 25, 1938 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-25

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Swim Contest
To Take Place
Today At Union
Ten Events Are Scheduled
On Program; Officials
For Meet Announced
The all-campus swimming meet for
women will be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the Union Pool. The women
who are entered in the meet will be
swimming for W.A.A. house and in-
dividual championships.
"All substitutions and late entries
must be made at the door before the
first heat of the meet is run," said
Ruth Hartman, '40, who is officiating
as clerk of the course. "There will
be no substitutions or entries accept-,
ed after 7:30 p.m.," stated Miss Hart-
It is requested that all women whol
are swimming in the meet be at the'
pool by 7 p.m.," said Clara Lenfestey,
'41Ed., chairman of the meet.
The order of events is as follows:
50 yard back crawl, 25 yard breast
stroke, 25 yard front crawl, 50 yard,
front crawl, 25 yard side stroke, 25
yard back crawl, 50 yard breast
stroke, diving, comedy rope relay and
a free style relay will conclude the1
Dr. Margaret Bell, Director of thej
Department of Physical Education1
for Women, will announce the events.
Miss Marie Hartwig, W.A.A. Intra-
mural Advisor, will score. The div-
ing events will be judged by Miss
Laurie Campbell, Miss Rosalia West-.
cott and Miss Hartwig, all of whoml
are faculty members of the Woman'sI
Physical Education Department. Jane
Richter, '39Ed, ,willhannounce the
events. Timhing for the finals will be l
checked by Harriet Sharkey, '40, who
is officiating as chief timer of thel


Tar ty Line
By the Neighbor

"Varsity, we're for you, here for you," etc., rang out true and strong this
weekend in the Yale Bowl with more than 200 students, 130 band members,
and more than 5000 Michigan alumni, at New Haven, to see the Bulldogs go
down in defeat under the jaws of the Wolverines. Hardly a radio was silent
in Ann Arbor as thousands listened to the game. Hopes were high and many
were confident of victory, at least until the first quarter of the game was
well under way.
The certainty of the students was shown in the way they enjoyed them-
selves at the Union Formal Friday evening. It was quite a gala affair in spite
of the fact that so many had gone to the game, and to see the sights in little
old New York. Mary Lowery and Norman Foster were enjoying Steinle's latest
piece "Special No. 12." During supper we saw Elizabeth
Watkins and Louis Hopkins out on the terrace with Jinny
Osgood and Frank Shull. Behind us were Bill Clyde and
Norma Bennett. Before the floor show Barbara Bradfield
and Randall Jones were lustily singing "College Days" as
did Ann Vedder, and Jack Lehner.
Floor Show Makes Hit .. .
Spec and Spot were quite a hit that evening, especially
when they took Jeanne Burt for a ride while Don Van
I: Loon patiently waited on the sidelines. Watching the
entertainment from various parts of the ballroom were
Marianna Jamison and Henry Swan, Sally Roe and Hugh
Estes, Betsy Honhart and Jim Moore, and Bob Harrington
and Jane Coupe*
Before we dashed off we saw Carol Adam's, Bill
Archer, Ned Boston, Ellen Krieghoff, Mary Crow, Ralph Kirchen, Ed Adams
and Mary Ann Young at the Sigma Nu table. Such fun they were having.
Robert Wood and Eileen Adams were leaving along with Ken Simson and
Mary Henderson. Over to the League and there we saw Patsy McKinnon
with Fran Loutrell, Alice Bassett and Ed Hoagland, Paul Keller and Mary
Haydn, and Marietta Killian with Dick Long. Jean Donaldson and Hugh
Heyward were ascending the golden stairs behind Elaine Jacobs and Bob
Heaps of kids went to the game. We don't know how they all got there,
but Marcia Connell and Rus Strickland turned up in New Haven as did
Yvonne Westrate who was seen with Ed Dwight, an Eli man.
Hit New York Hi-Spots . . .
Such a time they had after the game! In New York, Hom Kleene, Al
Bentley and Bob Canning spent a few "quiet" hours at the German-American.
Russ Cole, Alpha Delt alum was seen strolling up 52nd. Bob Herman, Bud
Harris, and Earl Brenn dropped in at Leon and Eddie's. Bill Sawyer, some
band members, and persons unknown, but very
much with them, were seen trying to get into
see Tommie Dorsey at the New Yorker. Such a ."
happy weekend it was for all.!!!
Back to Ann Arbor and Sphinx had a social,
Saturday afternoon. The Gamma Chi's and
the Sorosi's among others held open house.
Kappa Nu had a "Hard Times" party that
night, and Babette Berg, Nat Siegel, Norma
Grosberg, Gerald Eder, and Herb Scott had.... .
a wonderful time. At the Delta Delta Delta
formal were Wally Knapp, Virginia Richard-
son, Jane Lyon, Bill Parker, Jane Griswold and
Jack Berner, among others. At the Betsey Bar-
bour stag dance, we saw Marion Sterne dancing
with Bill Coxen, Margaret Cleary was with Don Leitch. Nancy Gould went
by with Bob Porter, as stags, Bob Elliot, Ted Kennedy and Dwight Adams
looked on, This was one Qf the busiest weekends so far and still busier ones
are coming in the future, to make us forget mid-semesters and studies.

Banquet Ticket
Sale To Open
Sororities Urged To Make
Reservations Promptly
Tickets for Panhellenic Banquet, to
be given Monday, Oct. 31, go on sale
at the Undergraduate Office of the
League at 3 p.m. today, announced
Anne Kingston, '40, chairman of the
banquet. Tickets are priced at 75
The hours for the ticket sale are
3 to 5 p.m. today, tomorrow. Thurs-
day and Friday. Miss Kingston urged
all sororities to get their tickets
promptly, adding that tickets must
be bought at the same time for every-
one in the sorority who plans to at-
tend the banquet. Betty Rouse, '40,
who is in charge of tickets, will be
in the League at the specified hours.
The committee in charge of the
banquet are the following: Miss
Rouse, ticket chairman; Jane Jewett,
'40, program chairman; Madelaine
Westendorf, '40, music chairman;
Jean Clemmons, '40, decoration
chairman; and Beth O'Roke, menu
Dinner will be served in the League
ballroom at 6 p.m. Approximately
800 guests are expected to attend,
Miss Kingston stated.
Local Alumnae
Sponsor Cook
Boo k Contest
The Michigan Alumnae of Ann Ar-
bor is sponsoring a contest to name a
new cook book today. It will contain
an unusual variety of tested recipes,
including the favorite recipes of
prominent people throughout the
country and the best local recipes.
Funds from the sale of this cook
book, which will be sold throughout
the country by the various alumnae
clubs, will go toward the erection of
the Mary B. Henderson cooperative
dormitory for 20 women.
All titles submitted should bear the
name and address of the originator,
and should either be mailed to the
Michigan Alumnae Contest Chair-
man, 1546 Packard, Ann Arbor or
dropped in the boxes provided for
that purpose at Wahr's book store,
Michigan League, Michigan Union,
Mack's Department Store " and Good-
year's on Main Street and in Angell
Hall lobby. The boxes will be there
at 9 a.m. today and throughout the
week until Monday, Oct. 31.
The judges are: Dr. Margaret
Tracy, Dr. Elizabeth Crosby, Mrs. Lu-
cile Conger, and Dean Alice Lloyd.

Academic Laboratory
To Be Held At Island
The class in Community Recreationj
which has won fame by "Icky, Hocky,
Poky, Poc." will have its purely aca-
demic laboratory period at the Island
Class will take the form of a picnic
for the Physical Education depart-
ment. The group will meet at 7 p.m.
at the Women's Athletic Building and
from hence will troop down to the
When the group arrives at the
Island they are at the mercy of the
program committee, headed by Mary
Ellen Spurgeon, '4OEd. and Bill Rior-
don, '39Ed., who are keeping the pro-
gram a deep dark secret.
Anything from "Drop the handker-
chief" to a demonstration of some
of Michigan's famous passes should
be expected from the committee.

Announce Bridge Contest
The second duplicate bridge tour-
nament sponsored by the social com-
mittee of the League will be held at
7:15 p.m. Thursday in the Ethel
Fountain Hussey room of the League.

Music Group Has Supper
Sigma Alpha Iota had its first
alumni meeting and supper Wed-
nesday. Helen Bryn, '38, and Eileen
Lay, '38, read the sorority's conven-
tion report at that time.


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charm does double duty.. enchant-
ing onlookers both night and day.
Sweaters and boleros you pull on over
daytime things add a casual, distract-
ing allure to simple evening clothes.
Mittens and gloves to warm your hands
whether you're dressed in tweeds, or
silks and velvets.

A BIT ,!
and come see us
about your "En-
San" photoS now.
Pho ographe r
322 S. State Dial 5031

Sweaters in Sissy Pastel or Muted Persian Colors 5.00 to 6.50
Boleros in Baby Blue or Pink, White 8.50 to 12.95
Mittens and Gloves in Baby Pink, White, Red ... 3.50


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,The amazing new portable that weighs
only 8 lbs. 15 oz. and 'fits into desk
drawer. 84 characters-standard key-.
board -only $2975 ... $1.00a week.
The pride of the great Corona line.
The only portables with famous Float-
ing Shift. Free case and touch-typing
lessons ... for as little as $1.00 a week.

Second Tea Dance
Of Current Season
To Be Tomorrow
The second tea dance of the current
season, under the joint sponsorship;
of Congress and Assembly, will be
held from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow inI
the League Ballroom. Tickets for+
I men are 25 cents and women will be
admitted free.
The tea dances, innovated last year
to provide an opportunity for after-
noon get-togethers, have met with;
much success. Last week, more than
400 people attended.
Refreshments will be served and
prizes are to be given. Music for the
affair will be furnished by Charlie
Zwick. Co-chairmen of the joint
committee are Phyllis McGeachy, '40
and Edward Wetter, '39. Those on'
the committee include: Rholand
Rhead, '40, Ed Egle, '39E, Art Kost- F
man, '40, Morton Linder, '40, Zenovia
Skoratko, '40, Jeanne Judson, '40,
Gladys Engel, '40 and Betty Myers,
A.A.W. To Hear T[alk
The Ann Arbor Women's Club will
meet at 2:30 p.m. today at the League.
IkMiss Barbara Tinker, a graduate of
the University, who has recently re-
turned from China, will speak to the
group on her experience in war ridden

W.A.A. Announces
VolleyBall Games
A round tournament of volley ball
is being conducted by the W.A.A.
The Colvin residence will play Gam-
ma Phi Beta today at 4:30 p.m. Delta
Delta Delta will play Martha Cook
today in B tournament.
Kappa Kappa Gamma is scheduled
to play Alpha Omicron Pi Wednes-
day at 4:30 p.m., and Alpha Chi
Omega will play Zone II. Ann Arbor
Independents will play Pi Beta Phi,
and Mosher will play Zone VIII at
5:10 p.m.
Betsy Barbour will contest against
Chi Omega in tournament B Thurs-
day at 4:30 p.m., and Martha New-
berry will play Kappa Alpha Theta
in tournament A. Sorosis will play
Alpha Phi at 5:10 p.m., and Delta
Gamma will play Alpha Xi Delta in
B tournament.






+J~ In \t


"I Have Eyes-Fox Trot
"You're a Sweet Little Head-
ache - Fox Trot
"Emaline" - Fox Trot
"The Perfect Waltz"-Waltz
"Carolina Moon" - Fox Trot
Other Dance Numbers by
* Xavier CUGAT
ii ..... fltfl CiT ~rW r .1..3 i

314 South State Street

o Exhilarating as an April
breeze laden with the scent
of fresh gardenias.. a deli-

' 1






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