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May 22, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-22

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning 'xcept Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated ?ress
Trhe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchescreditedte t
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
04.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers ReAresentative

Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor .'.
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor .
Women's Editor .
Sports Editor . .

Robert D. Mitchell
. Albert P. Mayio
iHorace W. Gilmore
. . Robert I. Fithenry
. . . Saul R. Kleiman
. . . Robert Perlman
. . William Elvin
. . Joseph Freedman
. . . . Earl Gilman
. . . . Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
* . . . Bud Benjamin

Business Depirment
Business Manager .. . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager.. Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
---Alexander G. Ruthven.
The Uiversity's
Summer Session...
A EW DAYS AGO the Daily issued a
supplement describing ,the activities
of the 1938 Summer Session. The activities and
projects of the Session covered 16 pages in the
supplement, and one cannot help realizing in
glancing over the offerings that were discussed
that the eight weeks of summer in the Univer-
sity have become an institution of importance all
their own. The Summer Session can no longer
be rightly regarded as only a place for failing
students to make up their deficiencies in grades
or as a place for struggling through formal re-
quirements for degrees.
Today the Summer Session, as judged by its
newer developments, provides surrotindings in
which comradeship, cultural activities, learning,
practical information, exchange of ideas, social
entertainment, and recreational activities can all
be found with little effort. The confines of the
- University during the summer reach far beyond
the environs of the city of Ann *Arbor and
beyond the boundaries of Michigan. Camps for
geologists, botanists, anthropologists, foresters
and engineers are established in such far-off
places as Wyoming, Colorado, Virginia and north-
ern Michigan. Occasional travel courses take
students abroad for first-hand study of art,
music, foreign languages and literature and
health and sport movements.
On the campus itself are found special pro-
grams and institutes not available during the reg-
ular year that bring authorities and advanced
students from all parts of the country to the
University for work. These include courses of
study such as the Institute of Far Eastern Stud-
ies, offering courses in Asiatic problems, culture
and languages to be found nowhere else in the
country. a well-known Linguistics Institute, the
International Law Institute, and the proposed
Latin-American Institute. Lectures by interna-
tional authorities are offered in addition to
regular classwork, in both a series open to the
public and in special conferences and programs
such as the Physics Symposium and the lectures
to be given in the bio-chemistry of protein food
Student dramatics bring a full series of out-
standing plays to summer audiences and display
fine accomplishment in the space of a few weeks
for rehearsal. Social occasions fill week-ends,
making use of the advantages of the League and
Union and sightseeing trips are scheduled
throughout the term. Sports of all kinds are
available for those who enjoy physical exercise
and competition.s-
In other words Summer School has become a
live, creative institution, no longer something
added on, as it were, to the regular work of the
University. The student, whether graduate or
undergraduate, can find here an atmosphere as
etimflnkin f ,rl nvod n m m wnsvf +cz+ta o

can talk the language of their choice. Guided
by such an attitude, the Session, although 45
years old and drawing one student for eery
two that attend the regular year, may be re-
garded as still in its early youth, growing, vital
and still looking for new ideas.
Robert Mitchell.
Dr. Oriderdonk's
War Movies.. .
NOT THE MOST outstanding among
scenes picturing the abject horror
and rank brutality of war in Dr. Frances S. On-
derdonk's peace movies last Wednesday, was the
one in which two terrified and bewildered coolies,
trussed like a gunny sack so that they sat on
the ground with their legs tied under them, are
shot by Japanese rifles pressed against their
spines. Not even the the somewhat romantic
blindfold, wall and sunrise were afforded them.
It wasn't the fact that two coolies were shot that
impressed us. Twenty thousand were executed
when the Japanese took Shanghai. It was that
there was not even any adventure, sportsmanship
or whatever you wish to call it, that we supposed
kept people blind to the realities of war.
Pictures of mangled bodies, wrecked homes
and devastated countrysides, thanks to such
groups as World Peaceways, have flooded our
papers and magazines and have in some measure
at least made the world peace-conscious. But
perhaps they have been overdone, so that now the
average person is unaffected by these pictures.
He looks at a mutilated cadaver with some
complacence, as if it were an animal or a dummy.
But there is something about these films that
one doesn't feel in still photos. There was some-
thing about seeing and hearing a man being
blown to bits, soiething to seeing a year old
baby crying amid the wreckage, blood streaming
down its face into the pool that once was its
Dr. Onderdonk seems to believe that the
League of Nations and collective security would
prevent all this. We will neither take issue nor
agree with him here But his purpose we acclaim
the finest in the world, and his task perhaps the
most difficult.
The more successful that men like Dr. Onder-
donk are in making the people realize the mean-
ing of war, the more easily will the people brush
aside those who attempt to rush them into war.
Morton C. Jampe.
The Editor
Gets Tolhd.,,
Mr. Ghost Leaves Town
To the Editor:?
Two divergent views on "The Ghost of Yan-
kee Doodle" have found expression recently in
the Daily. The original reviewer believed the
Ghost's attempted resurrection unsuccessful for
reasons which the second writer, Dr. Slosson, be-
lieves based on misconceptions.
Strangest of these msconceptions, Dr. Slos-
son finds, is the reviewer's assertion that Amer-
ican life is interpreted in that play "in terms
of the upper income bracket." Dr. Slosson argues
that all four of the play's liberals are facing
bankruptcy at the moment the play begins, ergo
the phrase quoted is inapplicable. However, it is
also true that cash payment of a debt of $800,-
000.00 is required to precipitate the near-bank-
ruptcy. Before this crisis, the play makes very
clear that all four had lived comfortably all
their lives on the income 4 a going business,
the capital and assets of which must be well in
the millions. Dr. Slosson's lot in life has been
singularly fortunate if, for him, such a group
seems to belong somewhere else than in the upper
income bracket.
Sledge-Hammer Subtlety
Dr. Slosson takes the reviewer to task for not
criticizing the play "from the angle of its own in-
tentions." This is sound gospel, as far as it goes.

But it is also the duty of the critic to pass judg-
ment upon any woik of art in accord with the
general canons of criticism which are valid for
that art-form at the moment the specific work'
of art is created. Let us grant, for argument's
sake, that the playwright, Mr. Howard, has been
completely successful in pantomiming a New
York Times' editorial on the woes of the liberal,
through an allegory in which Mr. Every-liberal
and Lady Brave-and-True encounter a Slough
of Despohd, from which a tempter, Mr. Razzle-
dazzle, would fain lead them; from the latter's
wiles they can find surcease only by fixing their
rapt vision on that oh-so-faint light out yonder
which must be the glimmerings of a New Day,
unless it be one of the ushers sneaking a quiet
smoke. This engaging little fable, be it added,
is recounted by Mr. Howard with all the subtlety
of a sledge-hammer.
It must be admitted that these, the aims of
Mr. Howard, were not revealed item for item by
Mr. Kiell, the Daily reviewer. But I believe he
rendered a commendable civic service by using
the limited space at his disposal to inform his
readers of his conviction that they would be
well advised to stay ._away from the Howard
opus, telling them, in effect, that their time
would be :more pleasurably and profitably spent
with Papa Broun's meditations, or in brushing
up their pocket pool. Would that I had heark-
ened unto his sage counsel. Mr. Kiell might
have added a footnote, for those desiring lectures
by day and a pillar of fire by night, that the
Yankee Doodle piece would be just dandy for
Kill's Aesthetic Rights

dramatist writing a play and not merely positing
a problem, has Hamlet reach a decision and act
accordingly. Yankee Doodle's Ghost jerks along
with all the hectic rhetorical coughs and hysteric
creaks of the doomed. I would like to post a bet
with Dr. Slosson, if it is not beneath his dignity
to pick up some .easy money, at his own odds
and with Aline MacMahon as stakeholder, that
within a lustrum the Ghost will be peacefully
resting in Never Never land, along with Belinda
the Beautiful Cloak-model.
-Nelson W. Eddy.
For A Liberal Orgnizaion
To the Editor:
We the students of the University of Michigan
will graduate into a world threatened with war,
badgered by Fascism, and ill with economic in-
security. The average student is interested in
combating these evils with a liberal plan of social
reform, a plan compatible with the process of
social evolution. Students, as a vital part of
young America, should have an organization to
represent their views and through which they,
can express their opinions, on Fascism, war, and
domestic policies. Such an organization should
be a reflection of the liberal sentiment on this
Today we do not have an organization to
which students of a liberal opinion can adhere.
Instead we have an organization operating under
the attractive appellation of the Progressive Club
that only purports to be liberal. Whatever may
be, or may have been, the objectives of the
organization, today it does not reflect liberal
sentiment. It is dominated by an extremely
left group. Probably 'red' would be a more de-
scriptive word to use. It is not my opinion that
the so-called 'reds' should not have an organiza-
tion to represent their views. In fact, I believe
it is a very good thing that they do. Nevertheless,
I do not believe that any such left organization,
as the Progressive Club has come to be, should
pose as representative of the liberal opinion on
this campus.
Proposes A New Liberal Club
Therefore, I propose that the liberals of this
campus organize a club or party that is liberal.
In the first place, I believe that such a party
could be more accurately representative of stu-
dent opinion than the Progressive Club. Sec-
ondly, I believe that a party that is liberal but
not extreme left will have many more adherents
than a left group. The extreme leftists fail to
realize that they are the greatest creators of
Fascists: Their very radical measures and in-
clinations arouse popular antagonism and preju-
dice, thus swinging to the right many individuals
that were obviously liberal. I do not wish to
argue the logic of the Communist creed. I merely
wish to point out an obvious fact, that a liberal
organization will receive more support than an
extreme left organization because it is more pal-
atable to the average student. Finally I believe
that such an organization would be able to
achieve more liberal gains than the Progressives.
It would be able to do this because of its greater
numbers, because it is more reflective of campus
opinion, and because it would not place those
individuals with whom they would be forced to
deal on the defensive. That is, University au-
thorities, landlords, etc., would be more inclined
to listen to a liberal group than they would to a
group that they thought was extreme left.
Therefore, I believe that the liberals should or-
ganize. Heretofore, we have left liberal measures
to the Progressives. They have only succeeded in
arousing the antagonism of the campus author-
ities and the student body. It is necessary that
something be done along a liberal line on this
campus. Only the liberals can do it. I hope that
there will be an adequate discussion of this prob-
lem in the columns of the Daily. .If there are
enough liberals willing to take up the idea we
may be able to form an embryonic organization
this spring and develop it into a strong effective
body next fall.
On Mr. Brandeis' Letter
To the Editor:
Mr. Brandeis' letter of a couple of days ago, I

feel, needs a reply. Nobody can deny that there
was some truth in what Brandeis said, namely,
that there were far too few people on hand to
greet a great novelist like Ramon Sender who
has come over ocean and continent to speak for
the cause of democracy. But why is it that there
were too few people? Mr. Brandeis' bitterness
and epithets will not solve anything. Having
talked with the delegation which came from
Spain, I am sure that they would be the last to
endorse the belligerent attitude Brandeis as-
sumes. We who have worked for the sake of
Spanish democracy on this campus have had the
opportunity to find how many friends Spain has
here. Of course one finds apathy and inertia,
but one also finds interest and support. And the
important thing is that support for democracy
is increasing in this hour of need. If Mr. Bran-
deis doubts this, let him remember the recent res-
olution which our Student Senate passed to lift
the embargo so that loyalist Spain shall not be
the victim of unfair legislation. And I may add
the vote was fairly unanimous.
-George Mutnick.
There Goes The Orchid
To the Editor:
This morning's issue of the Daily presented a
neat commentary on "liberal journalism" to any-
one who read the article on Senator McCallum's
speech and also the eloquent plea on the editorial
page for objectivity in news reporting.
By emphasizing Mr. McCallum's criticism of
federal interference in matters of state legisla-
tion to the exclusion of other more significant
parts of his address, the article adroitly conveyed

Gorky's Last Novel
THE SPECTER, by Maxim Gorky.
D. Appleton Century Company,
New York. $3.50.
Gorky in this, his final work, has
drawn a magnificent picture of the
futility of the intelligentsia in Russia
during the revolution. The chaos of
Russia between the years 1909-1917
is reflected in the turbulent life of
Clim Samghin, a "static" intellectual
who -journeys restlessly through Eu-
rope in search of spiritual peace. Clim
and his associates typify that huge
class of intelligent dilettantes whose
brilliant ideas and plans are forever
dwindling down to mere talk, lengthy
and tedious.
Clim, himself, is a failure as far
as action is concerned, and this is
particularly unfortunate, considering
his mental capabilities. A heavy at-
mosphere of helpless futility weighs
down upon him as he tries to escape
the confusion about him. His strug-
gles are in vain however, for he fi-
nally returns home "to find- his des-
tiny" in the Russian revolution.
Marina, a very beautiful, talented,
and clever friend of Cim is another
example of "intellectual waste." Her
life had always been an exciting one,
and when the revolution broke out in
Russia, she became involved in Bol-
shevist political intrigue. Her bril-
liance and charm availed her nothing,
however, for she soon suffered a most
inglorious death at the hands of a
murderer. In this affair, as in many
of the Bolshevist uprisings, Clim be-
came unwillingly involved. His in-
tense desire to remain aloof and de-
tached from the current confusion is
never realized.
A kind of cold realism pervades
The Specter. Midnight murderers, in-
trigue, and spies-all so familiar to
us in present day Russia are por-
trayed with grim details. The fact
that actual incidents are related, and
historic personages, such as Martov
and Lenin, are presented, emphasizes
the realistic element.
Character delineation in the book
is excellent. Clim, Marina, Dronov
and Tassia are all presented sympa-
thetically and understandingly, Tas-
sia achieving the position as the best
woman character in the book.
The Specter is the fourth and con-
cluding volume of Gorky's tetrology,
Forty Years-The Life of Chin Sam-
ghin." Since the book was not com-
pleted and lacks Gorky's final re-
vision, there are a few perplexing
points in the text. For example-
does Clim remain unreconciled to the
"New Russia," and the Bolshevist rev-
olution, or does he finally come to
accept as his own, the Bolshevist dog-
mas? Gorky's intentions in the mat-
ter we will never know, and the ques-
tion remains. Textual discrepancies,
however, are relatively few, and the
vivid descriptions and brilliant char-
acterization more than compensate
for them.
Hammock Reading
by Catharine Whitcomb. Random
House, New York. $2.00

VOL. XLVIII. No. 167
SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1938
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty
of this College on Thursday, May 26,
at 4:15 P.M., in Room 348 West En-
gineering Biulding. The program in-
cludes: election of University Coun-
cil member; nomination of panel for
Executive Committee; discussion of
grades and scholarship, and regular
All Students, College of L.S.&A.,
Architecture, Schools of Education,
Forestry and Music:
File change of address card in Room
4 U.H. before June 1st. Blue prints
of records and other information will
be sent immediately after examina-
tions to you at the address given in
February unless change of address is
filed. Failure to receive your blue
print because of faulty address will
necessitate a charge of $1.00 for the
second copy.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: Fresh-
men are invited to discuss thefr aca-
demic programs for next year with
their counselors before June 1.
German Department Library: All
books, unless due at an earlier date,
must be returned on or before May 23.
Cleveland Residents. The Volun-
teer Department of the Welfare Fed-
eration of Cleveland is seeking stu-
dent workers for the summer. Detailed
information and application blanks
may be obtained in the Office of the
Dean of Students by those interested.
First Mortgage Loans: The Uni-
versity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing, Uni-
versity Hall.
All Students who will be on campus
for the next three years may enter
the competition to be conducted at
the Mchigan Wolverine for the posi-
tions of personnel manager, purchas-
ing agent and treasurer. One need
not be a member of the present work-
ing force to apply. Applications will
be accepted at the Wolverine office,
209 South State Street, from May 20
to 30, during meal hours.
Rochdale Cooperative House: Appli-
cations for admission to the Rochdale
Cooperative House for the coming
year, 1938-39, are now being accepted.
A new prerequisite to consideration,
which requires each applicant to
write a 100-200 word essay on the
Cooperative Movement, is now in ef-
fect. Application blanks are avail-
able in Dean Olmstead's Office, Room
2, University Hall, and at the Roch-
dale House, 640 Oxford Road. All ap-
plications must be in by Wednesday,
May 25.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Cleveland Civil Service
Play Director, Male and Female;
19 years minimum age.
Play Leader, Male and Female; 18
years minimum age.
Applications must be on file by
Wednesday, June 15. For further
information call at the Bureau of
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
201 Mason Hall
Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4
Summer Work: Dietitian-house
manager needed for camp running
from June 20 through September 1.
Duties: planning for 60 people, buy-
ing day to day supplies, supervising
of dining room, kitchen, garden and
laundry. Salary: $5.00 a month and
maintenance (board and room while
at camp, transportation between Chi-
cago and camp.)

For further information call at 201
Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
201 Mason Hall
Office Hours 9-12 and 2-4
Academr IC Notices
Engish Concentration Examination.
A qualifying examination for students
who plan to elect English as their field
of concentration will be given Tues-
day evening, May 24, in Room 2225
Angell Hall. Foreign language, 7-8;
English 8-10.
English 32, Section 6 (Mr. Hawkin',
section): Assignment for Tuesday
May 24, "Twelfth Night."
English 150 (Playwriting) and Mr
Rowe's English 298. There will be im
portant final announcements at the
meeting Monday night, May 23. Ken
neth Rowe.
Economics 172: Examination room,
Monday, May 23, 1 p.m.: 2 Ec. A, B
D Haven C, J; C Haven K, Z.
Economics 173: Examination Tues
day, May 24, 8 a.m. C. Haven Hall.

sic Auditorium, on Maynard Street.
The general public is invited. He will
be accompanied at the piano by Miss
Grace Wilson.
Carillon Recital. Wilmot Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun-
day afternoon, May 22, at 4:15 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture.
Drawings, photographs and maps of
Soviet architectureand city construc-
tion, also illustrations showing the
historical development of Soviet ar-
chitecture from 1918 to the present,
loaned through the courtesy of the
American Russian Institute. Third
floor exhibition room. Open daily,
9 to 5, except Sunday, until May 24.
The public is cordially inviteI.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
An exhibition of articles in silver, gold,
enamel and semi-precious stones, for
ecclesiastical and general /use, de-
signed and executed by Arthur Ne-
vill Kirk, is shown in the pier cases
at either side of the Library entrance,
second floor corridor. Open daily,
9:00 to 5:00, except Sunday, until
June 1. The public is cordially in-
International Council Group: The
last program ofthe year will be held
in Room 316 in the Michigan Union,
this evening at 7 o'clock. An all-
Philippine program will be presented.
The program will be preceded by a.
buffet supper in Room 116 at 6 o'clock.
All foreign students and their Amen-
May 22, at 6 p.m. at Zion Parish
can friends interested in international
affairs are urged to attend this final
Phi Eta Sigma: The group will hold
its regular Sunday dinner meeting
at 6:15 in the Union. Professor Thorn
ton of the Engineering School will
address the members.
Eta Kappa Nu: There will be an
important meeting at 7 p.m. in the
Union. All members are urged to be
Vulcans' last meeting of this year
today following Swingout. Meet at
5 o'clock in the Union. We shall then
leave for-the island.
Recently initiated Vulcans are ex-
pected to assist at Swingout. Meet
Tim Hird in front of the main library
at 3:30 o'clock Sunday.
Suomi Club: Picnic today at 3:30
p.m. The members will meet in front
of Hill Auditorium and from there
proceed to the Island. Games and
refreshments are on the program and
all Finnish students are cordially in-
vited. Please call Viola Vehko, Tel.
8429, if you are going to attend.
Attention Lutheran Students: The
Lutheran Student Club's Annual
Senior banquet will be held Sunday.
All members are invited. There will
be the regular charge.
coming Vents
German Table for Faculty Members:,
The regular luncheon meeting will
be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interested
in speaking German are cordially in-
vited. There will be an informal 10-
minute talk by Professor Henry W.
Nordmeyer on "Die Kunst des Uber-
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, May 23, 3:30 p.m. Room 313
West Medical Building.
"The Chemical Composition of Gly-
cogen and Factors Influencing Its
Deposition in the Liver" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.

Physics Colloquium: Dr. R. L.
Thornton will speak on "Retent
Changes in the Cyclotron" at the
Physics Colloquium on Monday, May
23 at 4:15 in Room 1041 East Physics
Botanical Journal Club, Tuesday,
7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139. May 24.
Reports by Dorothy Novy. The
species concept in Corticium coron-
i illiae. Rosemary Biggs. Myc. 29:686.
Ralph Bennett. Papers concerning
fungous growth substances.
Josephine Burkette. Some Hypho-
mycetes that prey on free-living ter-
ricolous nematodes. Chas. Drechsler.
, Myc. 29:447. 1937.
Behavior of Myxomycete-plasmo-
D.B.O. Savile. Recent researches in
. the life history of Allomyces.
e Chairmen: Professor L. E. Weh-
- meyer. Professor F. K. Sparrow.
Michigan Dames: General meeting,
s Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the League.
Attention Engineers: A job confer-
ence meeting for all engineers will be
held Tuesday, May 24 at 7:30 p.m.

Putlication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members.of the
lniverstty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30:11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

This is one of those books which
the reviewers used to call "light sum-
mer novels" and which they have
more recently referred to as "good
hammock reading." It is about a
day in the life of some pretty dull
people living out the fine summer
weather in a summer colony on the
shores of a New Hampshire lake.
These people are as follows, reading
from left to right: Simon, an author,
supposedly quite a deep guy, who.
wishes he could write something real-z
ly real; his wife, Myra, rather nuts
and very nasty; Dick and Kitty, a1
conventional upper class young couple
with a brat of a kid named Little
Joe who doesn't seem to serve much1
purpose in the story, but then, neither
do any of the others; Hector and
Lisa, another couple; the Baroness
Natalie something, who has had a
child by Hector; Daphne, the child;
and finally, a chauffeur named Char-
Contrary to expectations, there is
not much action in the book,'and
even when toward the end a car
goes over a precipice and a couple
of people get killed, it doesn't seem
to matter much. The story, such as
it is, concerns itself chiefly with what
goes on in the minds of the various
people. Simon, the author, for ex-
ample, thinks bitter and cynical
thoughts about the futility of every-
thing, and hismwife thinks unpleasant
ones about him.
Through Part One and Part ,Two
of the book, Morning and Afternoon
of the summer day in queestion,
which include a number of retrospect
biographies, the characters are intro-
duced and the action apparently pre-
pared for.
In Part Three, Night, everybody
gets drunk and indulges in varying
bits of whimsy, reminiscence and
half -wittedness. Hectortand his
two women meet and there is an
embarrassing moment or so about
Daphne, the little love child; Myra
tries to make the chauffeur and gets
her little pan slapped^ Dick recollects
his college days at Yale, and that's

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