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May 22, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-22

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Columbus Town .
COLUMBUS, O.-This town hums
with activity on this busy week-
end. Hotels are packed,stheir lobbies
lined with celebrities of the sports
world. Athletes, donned in thei let-
tered sweaters, lend a diversified
color scheme to the picture. In every
nook and corner, athletic bigwigs can
be seen with their heads together,
talking about this or that-quite often
about nothing.
Along with the Big Ten track
proceedings is the regular, ses-
sions of the Conference football
coaches, athletic directors, -and
faculty directors. Mix them all up
well and you have a colorful pan-
orauna of a bustling Columbus cn
a humid May week-end.
To the average soul, football
coaches are little tin gods, wrapped
in cellophane, and utterly unap-
proachable. You get a diferent pic-
tyire of them when the tension of the
season is off. Down here, they're all
on more or less of a lark, and on the
whole, are a great bunch.
!-Friday -afternoon the whole
gang tropped out to the Colum-
bus Country Club for a round of
golf. And they were just like any
other folk, grumbling about han-
dicaps, cursing missed putts, and
kidding each other about score
keeping. They had a grand tour-
ney with entries from every
school and then some. They auc-
tioned off all participants with
the gent who bought the winner
keeping the pot. And who should
come through but Chunky "Four
Leaf Clover" Munn, Michigan
line coach. He bought Red Blair
of the Ohio State athletic de-
partment fo $5 and cleaned up
$58 on. the deal, the two splitting
a $116 take. Blair's score was
84-19-65. Not bad for the off
Low gross went to. Ted Payseur,
Northwesterns' crack golf coach, who
turned in a pretty 70. High man was
Lynn Waldorf with a not-so-pretty
131. "Fritzl' Crisler had 87-16---71,
Miunn had 104, Charlie Bachman 100,
Harry Stuhldreher 110, Bob Zuppke
92 and Elmer Layden the same. Bet-
ter stick to football, fellows.
THEY RAN into some real trouble
making 'up the 1941 football
schedules. At 11:30 a.m. everything
was apparently set, and the coaches
were about to break up. Suddenly
came a squawk from the Hoosiers of
Indiana-and what a yelp! They had
only two games on their list, not even
enough to pay for jerseys that year.
So they reconvened, started from
scratch again, and finally wound up
around 3:30 in the afternoon. Rea-
son: poor drawing at Bloomington,
the worst football center in the Con-
It's .a laugh to watch these
coaches plan their schedules as
much as five years in advance.
The fellows that will play for
them are still in grade school.

Watson Takes,
Three Firsts

Baseball Team Loses; Chicago JJ ins Net Crow

'To Lead Team
Faulkner Takes Surprise
Second In 440; Gedeon
Wins HighHurdles
(Continued irom Page 1)
his sleeve. While Albritton was set-
ting'his new record with Michigan's
Wes Allen pushing him all the way,
Bill stepped up and high jumped 6
feet 5 inches, at least three inches
better than he'd ever done before, to
garner surprise third and run his total
points for the meet up to 18. Allen
cleared. 6 feet 6 inches but couldn't
make Albritton's record breaking
Michigan suffered a minor set back
in the javelin when Fred Martin, odds
on favorite, was nosed out by Iowa's
Bush Lamb. Martin failed to better
his 201 feet 4 inches of yesterday
while Lamb on his last toss threw the
spear 202 feet inches, one inch bet-
ter than his qualifying mark, to win
the title. Jerry Seifert of Wisconsin
was third, almost 20 feet behind the
Another Wolverine surprise came in
the pole vault when Michigan's Jim-
mie Kingsley finished in a tie with
Milt Padway of Wisconsin, the in-
door champ. Both cleared 13 feet 8
inches, but couldn't get over the final
13 feet 10 inches. The rain and the
poor condition of the runway made
this peformance especially impres-
The most courageous running of
the day was done by, Ross Faulkner
in the 440. With an all star field
against him, Ross, doped to finis'h
fifth or out of the money entirely,
crashed through in second place only
three yards behind 'the winner, Har-
ley Howells of Ohio State. Ross took
the lead in the back stretch but lost
it approaching the final turn as How-
ells passed him to breeze home in 48
seconds even, two - tenths slower
than his qualifying time of yesterday.
Behind Faulkner were such impres-
sive figures as Chicago's George Hal-
crow, outdoor champ in 1937, Carl
Teufel of Iowa, indoor champ this
year;, and Sam Miller and Malcolm
Hicks of Indiana.
Chuck Fenske, generally recognized
as the greatest distance man in the
Nation's collegiate circles, scored a
"double" with impressive wins in the
half and in the mile.
Ralph ran a great race all the way.
For the entire second mile, he, Mehl,
and Tommie Deckard fought it out,
with the lead changing hands fre-
quently but 'none of the trio allow-
ing another to get a substantial lead.
In the final lap, Mehl uncorked a
great sprint to pass Deckard, and
Ralph followed right along to move
into the number two spot. At the
final turn he put on his drive, but
Mehl was too strong and finished in
his record breaking time of 9:10.4
to add the outdoor crown to his in-
door title won this winter.
Mehl's record breaking two mile,
run in a pouring rain, was a thriller
all the way. The husky blond went
to an early lead, relinquished it brief-
ly in the third and fourth laps when
Indiana's Smith took over, but Jim
faded and had to drop out, Michi-
gan's Ralph Schwartzkopf taking the

'Bucko' Smith
Drops 3-2 Game
In 10thInning
Notre Dame's Win Evens
Series; Two Misplays
Hurt Michigan Cause

Track Summaries

(Continued from Page 1)
shared batting' honors for Michigan,
the former topping the hitters with

three for five,
The Wolverines next ball
against the University of
Monday night at Toledo.

game isE

Michigan AB
Pink, cf .............5
Brewer, ss ............2
Peckinpaugh, 3b ......5
Kremer, if ...........5
Smick, rf ............5
Trosko, rf ............0
Greenberg, 1b ........4
Lisagor, 2b ...........4
Beebe, c .c ............4
B. Smith, p ..........4
Totals ..........38

0 2
1 0
1 3
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 2
0 0
2 8



One-Mile Run: Won by Charles
Fenske, Wisconsin; second, M. Trutt,
Indiana; third J. T. Smith, Indiana;
Time, 4:10.9.
440-Yard Dash: Won by Harley
Howells, Ohio State; second, Ross
Faulkner, Michigan; third, M. Hicks,
Indiana. Time, 48 seconds.
100-Yard Dash: Won by J. L. Dav-
enport, Chicago; second Robert Lewis,
Ohio State; third, F. Kauffman, Wis-
consin. Time, 9.8.
Shot ,Put: Won by William Watson,
Michigan, (52 feet 112 inches); sec-
ond, C. D. Frary, Illinois; third, Wil-
liam Malisch, Wisconsin; fourth, John
Townsend, Michigan, (47 feet 12
120-Yard High Hurdles: Won by
Elmer Gedeon, Michigan; second, Ed
Smith, Wisconsin; third, John Col-
linge, Iowa; Fourth, Stanley Kelley,
Michigan. Time, 14.5.
880-Yard Run: Won by Charles
Fenske, Wisconsin; second, A. C. Bo-
deau, Purdue; third, Tom. Jester,
Michigan. Time, 1:52.9.
Javelin: Won by Bushnell Lambs,
Iowa. (202 feet 8 inches) ; second,
Fred Martin, Michigan, (201 feet 4,
inches); third, Jerry Seifert, Wiscon-
sin, (188 feet 5% inches.
Discus Throw: Won by William
Watson, Michigan, (154 feet 8i/
inches); second, C. D. Frary, Illinois,
(145 feet 4 inches; third, John Town-
send, Michigan, (145 feet, inch).
220-Yard Dash: Won by Robert
Lewis, Ohio State; second, Fred Teu-
fel, Iowa; third, Fred Elliott, Indiana.
Time, 22 seconds.
Two-Mile Run: Won by Walter
Mehl, Wisconsin; second, Ralph
Schwarzkopf, Michigan; .third; Tom
Deckard, Indiana; fourth, James
Whittaker, Ohio; fifth, Walter Stone,
Michigan. Time, 9:10.4. (New record,
beats mark of 9:19.8 set in 1936 by
Don Lash of Indiana. Also betters
National Collegiatej record of 9:10.6
set in 1936 by Lash.)
220-Yard Low Hurdles: Won by R.
N. Lemen, Purdue; second, Elmer
Gedeon, Michigan; third, Fred Teu-
fel, Iowa; fourth, Stan Kelley, Mich-
igan. Time, :23.6.
Broad Jump: Won by William Wat-
son, Michigan, (24 feet 11% inches);
second, R. Hubbard, Minnesota, (24
feet 3/ inches); third, Riley Best,
Wisconsin, (23 feet 6% inches);.
Mile Relay: Won by Ohio State
(Sulzman, Squire, R. Lewis and How-
ells); second, Illinois: third, Indiana;

Notre Dame AB R
Nardone, if.........5 1
Corcoran, 2b ..,......2 0
Borowski, cf.........2 1
Arboit, rf ...........4 0
Doyle, 1b...........4 0
Braddock, ss........3 0
Sullivan, 3b.........3 0
Kovzelove, c..... 3 0
Hunthausen, p.......4 0
Totals .. 30 ' 2
Errors: Arboit, Braddock

2 10
0 2 .2
0 2' 2
1 1 1
0 S 2
1 2 2
1 1 0
1 11 1
-.0 1 5
6 30 15
2. Brew-

er, Smith. 2 base hit: Nardone. 3
base hits: Kremer. Left on bases:
Notre Dame 8, Michigan 9. Struck
out, by Smith 4, by Hunthausen 6.
Hit by pitcher by Smith (Braddock).
Bases on balls off Smith 4, off Hun-
thausen 3.
Spartan Thinclads Win
State Track, Field Meet
Michigan State College piled up a
record smashing total of 83 points to
run away with the 23rd annual state
intercollegiate track and field meet
here today. The Spartans captured
firsts in 10 of the 15 events as they
annexed their 13th state title.


Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio
Instructions in all
forms. Classical, social,
dancing. Ph. 9695.
Second Floor
Wuerth Theater Bldg.






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