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May 22, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-05-22

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To Be Honored In LanternNght Parade

.._ .:


Swin gout, Sing, Snow White'
Will Be Given As Finals Near

With finals, commencement and
various other gripping events in the
offing, and the fact that no more pre-
sentations are forthcoming from the
Oratorical Association or Choral
Union, campus entertainment seems
to be slowing down.
UAt 4 p.m. today the seniors of the
University will' gather in caps and
gowns to parade around the campus
in a pre-Commencement display. The
custom of Swingout was revived three
years ago after having been abolished
during a period of five years because
of certain unfortunate indiscretions
on the part of parading students. Fol-
lowing the march around campus,
which will form on the General Li-
brary steps, the group will enter Hill
Auditorium to hear speeches by T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary of
the Alumni Association, and Doug-
las Farmer, '38. The program will be
presided over by Hugh Rader, '38.
Tom Sawyer Arrives
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,"
arrives at the Michigan today in the
full glory of technicolor. Avid 4Mark
Twain readers will see in this vehicle
an accurate portrayal of the famous
Lantern Night and the Lantern
Night Sing for women students will be

held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. The line
of march leaves from the steps of the
General Library and proceeds to Pal-
mer Field. In case of rain the affair
will be postponed to Wednesday.
Seniors in the march .will wear caps
and gowns, juniors will have yellow
hair ribbons to distinguish them,
sophomores will wear red ribbons, and
freshmen will appear in green. The
Sing for women will be the first' af-
fair of the kind to be held in the
'Liliom' Opens
Tonio Selwart in Ferenc Molnar's
"Liliom" opens the second week of the
1938 Dramatic Season Tuesday. The
production .:will employ simplified
stage settings of the modern trend
in scenery designing, and the treat-
ment of the play will be impression-
istic. A 'theme' of music will run
through the play to .provide atmos-
A track meet given by the women
physical education majors will take
place at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday at
Palmer Field.
Lovers of jungle love and life in a
sarong will be pleased at the advent
of one Dorothy Lamour in "Iter
Jungle Love" Wednesday at the Ma-
jestic theatre.

Trim Pr~ints :For Spring
L1 ? zi

Camp us Sind
Will Be Given
After Mach

Line To Form At
And Proceed To
Field ForSong


All Junior women are urged to at-
tend the mass meeting for the 1939
Junior Girls Play to be held at 5 p.m.
Tuesday in the Ethel Fountain Hussy
Room of the League, Dorothy Ship-
man, general chairman, announced
The purpose of this preliminary
meeting is to inform the Junior wom-
en of the work of each of the com-
mittee and give them a general idea of
the project about to be undertaken.
The chairmen of the various com-
mittees will speak for a few minutes
giving an outline of their group's work

Lantern Night, a traditional event
to honor senior women, will be held
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
The line of march will form in front
of the General Library. The seniors,
who will wear caps and gowns and
carry lantei'ns, will march in pairs
with underclassmen on each side.
Juniors, sophomores and freshmen
are to wear yellow, red and green
hair bows respectively. The Univer-
sity band will lead the procession to
Palmer Field, where the traditio al-
block M will be formed and the fi st
stanza of "The Yellow and Blue" will
be sung.



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HOWDY Guys 'n Gals! Forgive
me for Mentioning the forbidden
subject but finals are creeping up-
on us so be an opportunist and
seize your last chance to celebrate.
As the saying goes -"It's your
night to howl." So let's liven up
the Memorial Day weekend with
lots of "pretties" in the new things.
The jolly chant of the sailorboys
will be taken up by the Stag line
when this little number sails into
sight - for this adorable marine
blue, shauntung bewitcher is de-
signed in true nautical fashion.
The little double-breasted Eton
jacket buttons up with white an-
chors when you're dancing on the
cool terrace; the sides of the frock
lace up in jaunty sailor mode. DIL-
LON'S has this charmer waiting
for you. Then if i 's the frothy
feminine role you have decided to
play there's a peach chiffon clever-
ly inset with lace as feminine as an
old fashioned bouquet. But if you're
a saucy minx your dress is the
very modernized version of the
Dirndl dress - great puffy sleeves
and cuter than a bug's ear.
* # *
should envy the Michigan coed.
Pompey .may have had her milk
baths but it's a cinch that modern
plumbing and CALKINS FLETCH-
ER are offering the luxury-loving
gal a lot more in the way of sheer
luxuriousness than the Ancient Ro-
mans ever did. And this is what
we mean - there's a spanking new
bubble bath on the market, by
name, Bath O' Bubbles, guaranteed
to give you three times the bubbles

and a dozen times more luxurious
a feeling than former ones. The
old bubble-blowing addicts .will
rave about this and if you haven't
had the fun of a bubble bath yet,
you'll really oh! and ah! about this,
pine odor and all! News flash of
the week-is the pungent new per-
fume a'bientot meaning auf wie-
dersehen or au revoir in a more
spicy Spanish sense. You'll chalk
up another winner for Calkins
Fletcher when yoi wiff this!
* * ^*-
an old Scotch saying and hoot man
if you're like all good Scotchmen
you want the most in style and
fashion in your summer clothes.
KESSEL'S is partial to such noble
sentiments and have the very big-
gest scoop in pretty "play-time"
clothes. Linens, sheers, washable
silks, dressy cottons. Ol' Sol is
really here for good now so don't
let him catch you napping. If you
wait too long you'll see these style
winners on the best-dressed gals
instead of in Kessel's. NEW YORK
IS TALKING, everyone is talking
about navy as the accent for sum-
mer colors. And with their eye
on big town fashions.
* *' *,
brought in the new Shepardress
hat. In felt, in starched linen, and
all favoring the current navy and
white trend. Crowns are soaring
and theseare the new high! At
the races in Indianapolis these are
turning eyes away from the winner.
If you're the lucky woman who
travels this Memorial Day week-
end, equip yourself with one of
these and travel in style!


Seniors To Lead
The five senior women who have
been chosen to lead the line of march
are Hope Hartwig, Mary Johnson,
Angelene Maliszewski, Harriet Shack-
leton and Helen Jesperson.
The Lantern Night Sing, the first
This sheer, navy voile, trimmed in all-campus women's sing to be held
white, makes a popular dress for on this campus, will take place im-
summer teas. The loose fitting jack- mediately after the formation of the
et can be removed, and the sleeve- block M. More than 20 sororities,
less print worn by itself in warmer dormitories and independent zones
weather. will participate in the sing.
Judges Are Announced
Judges for the sing will be Prof.
0 4111 10 Ql ponsor David Matten, conductor of the men's
Three Scholarshi s glee club, Thor Johnson, director of
the women's glee club, and Prof.
Thelma Lewis, Norma Curtis, '39, gen-
In accordance with the custom of eral chairman of Lantern Night, an-
supporting scholarships and fellow- 'nounced yesterday. A cup will be
ships, the Alumnae Council an-. presented to the winner of the sing
poucesthee chlarhip' f $00by the Women's Athletic Associa-
nounces three scholarships of $100 tion. Chairmen for Lantern Night
each available to women completing are: Norma Curtis, general chairman;
their senior year in 1939. Virginia Mulholland, '39, patrons
The Beatrice Beckwith Scholarship committee; Mary Ellen MacKenzie,
and the Seymour Beach Conger schol- '39, line of march; Beth O'Roke, '40,
arship are open to all senior women, chairman of sing; Mary May Scoville,
The Cleveland scholarship is open to '40, lanterns; Jean McKay, '40, pub-
women students from Cleveland and licity.-
its suburbs.--
The awarding of the scholarships SIGMA ALPHA IOTA
will be based upon scholarship and Sigma Alpha Iota, professional mu-
need, and the purpose is to aid the sical sorority, will pledge two new
winning students to complete their members at 3:30 psm. today at the
last year. Deadline for all applica- home of Mrs. George Patterson. The
tions is May 31. The award will be pledges are Barbara Cahon, '40SM
mare earl-in Tune. and nTRhi Skinner '40ASM

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