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February 18, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-18

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TIURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1937



6 Member 1937
Associed Coe6ate Pres
Distributors of
Cl6k]bu Dst
Published every morning except Monday during the
Cn iverS ear and Puble tonsession by the Board in
Member of the Associated PTess
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ubj
for republication of all news dispatches creditedto it or
not otherwise credited in this newMpaper. All riht of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
$4 0d; by mail, $4.5.
Naional Advertising Service, Inc.
£Bllege Pbishers Represetatie
Board of Editors
George dros ewl Wuerfe o Richard irsey
Ralph W. Hrd Robert Cummins
Deprental Boards
Publication Depa.eai:ntasie A. Pierce, Chairman;
Jaes Bdger, rod Dei6niels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robsert ees.
Reportorial Department: 0ed W rner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, William , Shadleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, Williati S1,aller, lharti . Hershey.
Editorial Department: M rshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary S ga Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Cayton Kepler. Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
chen, Tracy Bukwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
Ketcham. Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, Bill New-
nan, Leonard Segelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Colemtan, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas Russ Cle.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha ,ankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, rodie pay, Florence Levy, Florence
Michinski, Evlyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
ack Staple. Accounts Manager Richard Croushore. Na-
,ttonal Advertising and Circulation Managr; Dbon J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertisin ,Manager; Norman Steinberg,. Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Pubications snd Class-
ified Advertid ng Manager.
The Retirement Of
Profesor St-taus . . .
AS CHAIRMAN of the Board in
Control of Student Publications,
as a personality and as a teacher, Professor
Louis A. Strauss is respectfully and affectionately
regarded by those of us who have worked with
him. In his dealings with students working on
publications, experiences that might have been
difficult or embarrassing became valuable lessons
through his tact and understanding.
He is a man of exceptional tolerance, and in
the many years he served as chairman of the
Board in Control, his closeness to the youths
with whom he was dealing led them to draw
from his deep and rich philosophy of life per-
fect mutual confidence.
We who have been associated with Professor'
Strauss through The Daily feel the ticher for
the association, and we extend to him our wish
that his trip to England will be pleasant and
that he will return safely to take up his duties
as a teacher next fall.
We look forward with pleasure and confidence
to association with Professor William A. Mc-
Laughlin, who will take up the duties of chair-
man of the Board in Control.
S INCE OUR LAST editorial com-
ment on the labor situation, much
has occurred and most of it has been favorable
to labor.

the weeding out of the less efficient workers in
time of widespread unemployment.
Another welcome item is the announcement
that the General Motors Corporation has ceased
its labor espionage as a result of the La Follette
Senate sub-committee investigations. General
Motors paid $839,764 for detective operations in
its various plants between Jan. 1, 1934 and July
31, 1936, representatives of the Corporation testi-
fied before the sub-committee. The recognition
of unions as official representatives of the work-
ers has brought negotiations between workers,
the unions, and the management onto a plane
of legitimacy in which espionage has no part.
And, apropos of this point, it is encouraging to
watch the work of Special Prosecutor Thomas .
Dewey in ferreting out racketeers who have been
using New York labor unions to extort money for
"protection." The elimination of this element in
labor unionism is a part of labor's coming of
In the New York State legislature, a bill has
been introduced to compel labor unions to gub-
lish their financial accounts. This will help, if
universally adopted, to separate genuine unions
from quack organizations set up by foes of
labor, and it will help to eliminate the racketeer-
ing elements in some unions which now consti-
tute the chief objection to trade unions for many
Materialist Rouge
Curriculum Like Painted Woman
(trom the Chicago Daily Maroon)
(Abstracts from a speech deliveted by
President Hutchins of Chicago before the
Cosmopolitan Club of New York City, Jan-
uary 29, 1937.)
THE QUESTION most often put to me is: "Is
anything wrong with our educational sys-
tem?" The answer to this question is no. The
educational system is operated by a million loyal
and self-sacrificing individuals who have put
on the greatest demonstration of mass education
the world has ever seen. I can think of no crit-
icism of them. On the contrary, they deserve
the gratitude of the people.
The anwer to the question asked us may,
however, be given in somewhat more general
terms. There is never anything wrong with the
educational system of the country. What is
wrong is the country. The educational system
that any country has will be the system that
country wants. It will be, in general, adapted
to the needs and ideals of that country as they
are interpreted at any given time. In the words
of Professor Frank Knight, "Organized educa-
tion, democratically controlled, is on its face, as
regards fundamental ideals, an agency for pro-
moting continuity, or even for accentuating ac-
cepted values, not as a means by which 'society'
can lift itself by its own bootstraps into a dif-
ferent spiritual world." The fundamental propo-
sition which I wish to advance is that whatever
is honored in a country will be cultivated here.
The means of cultivating it is the educational
WHAT, THEN, is honored in the United States?
I am afraid we must agree that what is prin-
cipally honored in this country is external goods,
and of these principally material goods, and of
these principally money. We talk a good deal
about freedom. It seems on analysis to be the
freedom to make money. We talk about equality.
Under strutiny it often tgrns out to be equality
of opportunity to male money. Where freedom
is not used in this sense, it seems to be the
government posing as a policeman to prevent the
commission of the major crimes. When we
talk about equality in any other sense than
equality of opportunity to get rich, we seem to
be thinking of equal treatment of unequals, not
merely before the law, but also in all the relations
of social and intellectual life.
I hope you will understand that like all univer-
sity presidents I have a high opinion of money
and An perfectly aware that without an adequate
supply and distribution of it no civilization can
exist. I am talking about that excessive, over-
whelming, and primary urge for material good
that may be said to characterize our society. The
discussion of social and political questions in this

intellectual environment must resolve about the
cost of doing anything about it. The cost of
education is a valid objection to it if our people,
including the educators, admit that financial
success is a test of a good education. If Mr.
Roosevelt were going to regard the enrichment
of the populace as his aim, he could not object
to discussion of his plans in terms of his outlay
involved. The rich men can legitimately object
to having their money taken away from them if
the sole object of doing so is to make somebody
else rich.
THE EFFECTS of current ideals on the educa-
tional system are apparent even on the sur-
face. Freedom in the sense of anarchy pervades
the curriculum, our relations with students, and
the organization of educational institutions. All
professors; all students, and all'subjects must be
treated equally even though they are unequal.
Every force is as important as any other force.
All students must be admitted to all levels of the
university and may, through the passage of time,
achieve at last the rarified heights of Ph. D. de-
gree. So the suggestion that not all students
are entitled to the small-group instruction has
been repudiated as undemocratic in more than
one university.
Even in the educational system the most im.=
portant influence is the popular desire for ma-
terial good. Teachers and professors are not
ordinarily ambitious to get rich. But the stu-
dents want money; the parents of their students
want them taught how to get it, and work that

*** IT ALL
"All through in 4June, eh?"
"Yes, sir."
"Gotta job?"
"Nope, not yet, but I've collected some mighty
fine signatures on those 'we are overstaffed at
present' letters."
"Worried, need a job badly?"
"No sir, I guess not. Doesn't seem to bother
me much."
"How old are you?"
'Twenty-one. ,,
"You know what I'd do then, if I were you?"
"No sir, but I wish you'd tell me. Things seem
pretty well muddled sometimes."
"All right, son, listen and I will tell you just
what I'd do if I were graduating in June and in
your shoes."
"Right now is the only time in your life, very
probably, when you will be able to do just what
you damn well please. It's the only time when
you'll be free to go and come without responsi-
bility, the only time you'll ever be able to say
"to hell with that and if you don't like it, you
know what you can do."
You don't have to worry about time because
it's not worth anything. The only thing that the
next few months or years of your life can give
you is glamour, adventure, excitement, a chance
to see and be different. Why not take advantage
of it?
"WHY not take whatever money you have
'whenyou graduate in June, even if it's
only ten dollars, and start out to see the world?
You've got ingenuity, you can talk yourself in
and out of most things, you'll get along.
"Take all the time you want. Go down the
Mississippi in a row boat, ride the freights to the
coast, hitch hike to Mexico. Sooner or later
you'll catch a job on a boat and then what.
South America, land of opportunity, China and
Japan, Germany on a bicycle. You can do it.
Any college man with the gift of gab and a
little intelligence can get anywhere if he really
wants to.
"You've seen the stories of Richard Hallibur-
ton, read "Around the World on One Leg." After
all they did it, why can't you?
"Think of the opportunities for a swell time.
You've heard of what other crazy college kids
have done. Don Hutton and Bid Cutting posed
as Pan American pilots in Shanghai and were
guests in the bridal suite of the biggest hotel
Two other Michigan men got themselves
locked in the Tuilleries and slept in Napoleon's
bed. Crazy, maybe, but those are things that
will nake your life worth more. If you have a
zest fpr living they'll appeal to you. If not
you'll get a job at $30 a week and probably be
moderately successful.
"PRACTICAL, hell no. Safe, probably not.
Money ? ? ? It's just a question of what you
want to get out of life. If you're after security
and regularity and the orthodox, you better take
that job and start working up.
"If you want to be a writer or a newspaper-
man, or just feel the urge to travel and see
things, it's yours for the asking. It's the only
chance you'll ever get to find adventure. It's the
only time when you won't have responsibilities
weighing you down. You're free, white, and 21.
You can go out and see the world. You may
find fame and fortune, and you may not, but
at least you will have led a full life.
"And when in the years to come, you and your
professor sit dozing in your chairs before the
fire, you at least will have had a past.
"You see, I am the professor."
HERB WOLF is the only Union President I
can remember who has not been somehow
changed by his tenure of office. Some of the
changes were for the better, some for the worse,
but inasmuch as Herb was about tops before
hand, he could only have changed one way.

till with his innate sense of humor, good
natured, and- a vigorous opponent of all forms
of restriction, Herb is the same likeable joker
who stepped into Wencel Neuman's shoes last
spring. The problems of the Union weigh no
heavier on his shoulders than their true signifi-
cance warrants. He has escaped the air of pom-
pous righteousness which so many of his pred-
ecessors have, assumed, and by so doing has
earned the respect of the whole campus.
BENEATH IT ALL: If you took all the red tape
necessary to register late in this University,
and put it end to end, you'd have enough cord
to hang every Delta Gamma in the Parrot .. .
Fred Warner Neal, Daily tycoon, has finally
reached an agreement with the police depart-
ment. "I've gotten five tickets in the last five
weeks," Fred explained. "I'm so absent minded,
I just. can't remember about turns and stop
streets and such, so I've got the police to agree
to call a truce and let me alone for a while ...."
can cope with the problems of practical lifeO
That kind of thing is too remote from the condi-
tions of economic struggle. What the pupil must
have is some sort of strictly practical, technical
training in the routines of a vocation that will
enable him to fit into it with a minimum of
discoort to himself and his employer. So the
tendency is more and more to drive out of the
course of study everything which is not imme-
diately and obviously concerned with making a
living. Thus the University of California has just
announced a course in what is called cosmetology
because the profession of beautician is the fastest

Soviet picture which opens its
three day run at the Mendelssohn
tonight, I can only rely on what
others have said about it. The critic
of the New York Times (H.T.S.) said:
"Again the builders of the Soviet
Union are taking the American public
behind the scene, to a certain ex-4
tent, and showing how they are striv-
ing to overcome the many barriers in
the road toward their objective of
the cooperative Commonwealth . .
Lala Tchornaya's acting is a joy to
behold and the playing of the other
principals and of the ensemble is ex-
cellent . . . A fine feature of the film
is the singing and dancing, which is
far from routine. Many of the scenes
are gripping, while others are full of
Not attempting to make only a
list of press-sheet "quotes," one may,
nevertheless, add a line from Irene
Thirer's review from the New York
Post: "Gypsies" is a hauntingly beau-
tiful movie: a tensely dramatic one
laden with woeful melodies and an-
cient chants, combining tribal laws
with modern common sense-and
blessed with a sense of humor."
And according to most of the re-
viewers this picture has all the qual-
ities that has distinguished a number
of recent releases from the Soviet
Union. They have qualities of char-
acterization and interpretation that
raise them above mere propaganda.
Arthur Poister
yesterday's performance by Ar-
thur Poister on the Hill Auditorium
organ. Frankly enthusiastic over the
Dupre "Stations of the Cross" group,
he attained a decisiveness and sense
of the dramatic truly enviable. What-
ever misgivings may be entertained
concerning the ultimate value of
many Dupre compositions, they are
at the least admirably effective in
terms of the instrument. Such a per-
formance as this would bear many
repeated hearings and continue to
add distinction to performer and
composer alike.
From the initial attack of the first
chord in the Handel Overture, Mr.
Poister revealed an admirably poised
and mature artistry. His sense of
color values is discriminating and
contributed a distinctly personal
touch to the Bach Passacaglia and
the Choral Preludes.
His program was well chosen, bal-
anced and satisfying. Well known
for his important educational recital
continuities at the University of Red-
lands, California, he has also amply
demonstrated the versatility neces-
sary to the public performer.
Tuberculosis Is
Found By Test,
Claims Dr., Bell
Earliest Stages Of Disease
Discovered With X-Ray
And Injection, She Says
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
of a series of articles on the tuberculin
test which Will be given Feb. 23 through
27 by the Health Service for sophomore,
junior and senior women.
The tuberculin skin test accom-
panied by the x-ray is, at present, the

only way of recognizing the very
earliest stages of tuberculosis, Dr.
Margaret Bell of the Health Service
declared yesterday.
This method of testing students is
expensive when carried out on a large
group, but it is of great advantage to
them, she said. Dr. Bell explained
that a larger group would be tested at
this time, but that it is necessary
for the women who were tested two,
three and four years ago and showed
negative reactions to be retested to
determine if they still test negative.
"The Health Service," Dr. Bell said,
'will give two dosages of a purified
protein derivative test and one called
a TPT test." These are more effec-
tive than the Mantoux or "old tu-
berculin" test, she said. "If a red
halo appears on the skin in 48 hours
after the test has been given, the test
reads as positive," she explained. "If
no halo appears or there is no re-
action, the test reads as negative."
Each person who has a positive re-t
action is x-rayed, she said.
Given Skin Test
In -September, 1931 when women
who were entering the University'
were given the skin test with the
standard Mantoux or "old tuberculin"
along with their medical examina-
tions, 38 per cent of them tested
positive and they were x-rayed, Dr.
Bell said. "Of the total number who
were given x-rays, six were regarded
as deserving special care because
they had had tuberculosis in the lung


I *

THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1937
To Department Heads and, Others
Concerned: All time slips must be in
the Business Office Feb. 19 to be in-
cluded in the Feb. 28 payroll.
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 7:30 to
10, Friday evening, Feb. 19, to ob-
serve the moon. Children must be
accompanied by adults.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received announcements of Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations
for Radio Inspector, Federal Com-
munications Commission, salary, $2,-
000; also for Junior Billing-Book-
keeping Machine Operator, salary,
$1,440. The latter does not require
degree. For further information con-
cerning these examinations, call at
201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12
and 2 to 4 p.m.
Senior Aernautical Engineers: Stu-
dents graduating in Aeronautical En-
gineering in June who are interested
in the training course for Appren-
tice Engineers offered by Chance
Vought Aircraft are requested to con-
fer with Prof. M. J. Thompson at
their earliest convenience.
Contemnporary: Mansucripts for
the third issue should be left at the
English office, 3221 A.H., as soon as
Women Students wishing to check
their merit cards at the League for
completeness may come to the Un-
dergraduate office Thursday or Fri-
day of this weelk between three and
five. Sophomores and juniors are
especially urged to come.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 3, Section 1, P a.m.,
M.W.F.S., will meet in Room 401
Mason Hall. Dr. Elder will be the
instructor for this section.
Mathematics 4, Section 1, 9 a.m.,
M.T.T.F., will meet in Room 404 Ma-
son Hall. Dr. Myers.
Mathematics 6, 9 a.m., Tu. Thurs.,
will meet in Room 401 Mason Hall.
Dr. Elder.
Mathematics 328: Seminar in Sta-
tistics. A meeting to arrange hours
will be held today at 4 p.m. in Room
3020 Angell Hall.
English 31, Section 7, will meet in
Room 1209 A.H. TThS 10.
English 47, Mr. Seager's section
will meet at 11 a.m. MWF, 16 Angell
Allan Seager.
English 128: The class will meet
in Room 35 A.H. (basement) instead
of 2225 A.H.
Earl L. Griggs.
English 160 (Section 2): The class
will meet in Room 2225 A.H. instead
of in Room 1209 A.H.
Paul Mueschke.
English 298: Members of my class
are to report to the Hopwood Room
this Thursday afternoon. -
R. W. Cowden.
Playwriting (English 150): The
class will meet next week Wednesday
evening (Feb. 24) at 7:30 p.m., 3217
A.H., and thereafter on Monday eve-
nings at 7:30 p.m., 3217 A.H. Sidney
Howard's "Yellow Jack" is assigned
for Wednesday.
Kenneth Rowe.
French 202, Methods and Tools:
The class will meet this aaf-

ternoon at 4 p.m., Room 110 R.L., to
decide on a definite hour.
Psychology of Management (122)
meets on MF at 9 a.m. in Room 231
A.H. instea'd of in 3056 N.S.
Business Administration 172, In-
surance: This course is a continua-
tion of Insurance 171 offered in the
first semester, but with extra read-
inge may be elected by students who
have not had the first semester's
course. Two hours credit, Tuesday,
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mr. Irwin.
Psyehology 39: Lecture MWF at
10 a.m., 3126 N.S., Laboratory I, Tu.
2-4; II, Wed. 2-4, Room 300 W. Med.
Business Administration 280, "Pub-
lic Utility Accounting: Will meet' at
~2 p.m. today in Room 109, Tappan
Carrillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower,
this afternoon at 4:15 p.m.

The Detroit Philosophical Society
cordially invites the members of the
faculty and the student body to at-
tend an illustrated lecture by Dr.
George W. Crile, of Cleveland, on
"The Interpretation of Man" at the
next meeting of the society, which
will be held Friday, Feb. 19, at 8:30
p.m., at the Hotal Statler in Detroit.
Professor Kasimir Fajans will speak
on "Einiges ueber den Aufbau der
Materie" on Thursday, Feb. 18, at
4:15 p.m. in Room 2003 Angell Hall.
This is the third of a series of five
lectures sponsored by the Deutscher
Verein. Members of the organization,
advanced students of GerlYan and
others who are interested are in-
vited to attend.
University Lecture: Prof. Norman
E. Himes, of Colgate University, will
lecture today at 4:15 p.m. on the
"Vital Revolution." The lecture will
be given in the Natural Science Au-
ditorium, and is being sponsored by
the Economics and Sociology De-
partments. The public is cordially
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Capt. John D. Craig, noted
deep sea diver and photographer,
will speak in Hill Auditorium,
Thursday, Feb. 25 at 8:15 p.m. on
the subject "Diving Among Sea Kill-
ers." The lecture will be illustrated
with his Motion Picture Academy
prize-winning films. Tickets are now
available at Wahr's State Street
book store.
Illustrated Lecture by Mr. James M.
Plumer on "Art in Ancient China" in
connection with the current Exhibi-
tion of Chinese Art in the Archi-
tectural School. Auditorium, ground
floor of the Architectural Building,
Friday, Feb. 19, at 4:15 p.m. Open
to the public.
The New World Civilization is the
subject of a lecture to be given by
Mrs. Marzieh Carpenter at the Mich-
igan League Thursday evening at 8
p.m. The public is invited to this
lecture sponsored by the Baha'i study
Mr. John D. Cowley, Director of
the London University School of Li-
brarianship, will deliver a series of
eight lectures, beginning Wednesday,
Feb. 17. Mr. Cowley's lectures will
cover the development and present
state of county libraries in Great
Thenlectures will be in Room 110
of the General Library building. They
will come at 10 a.m. on Wednesday
and at 4 p.m. on Thursday. All
persons interested will be welcome.
The World of Charles Dickens:
Lecture of special interest to students
tonight at 7 p.m. at the M~sonic
Temtiple, 327 South Fourth Ave. This
is the second lecture in a ser ies given
Thursday nights during Lent by Dr.
W. P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian
Church on Religion in World Liter-
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural building. Open daily from 9
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Exhibition of oil paintings by Karl
Hofer, Alumni Memorial Hall, Feb.
1-21, 2-5 daily including Sundays.
Events Of Today
The Junior Mathematical Club will
meet in Room 3201 A.H. toddy at
7:45 p.m. Mr. Paul T. Nims, '37E,
will be the speaker.

The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ob-
seryatory lecture room. Dr. Hazel
M. Losh will speak on "Distribution
of Sun-Spots in Longitude." Tea
will be served at 4 p.m.
Varsity Debate Tryout: There will
be a meeting of all men interested
in debate in Room 4203 Angell Hall
at 4 p.m. today. At that time ar-
rangements will be made for tryouts,
and an announcement of the ques-
tion will be made. The meetihg is
open to second semester freshmen.
Varsity Glee Club: Full rehearsal
at 7:30 p.m. today for the Dearborn
Inn concert next Sunday. Bring
tickets and money for Chrysler Con-
Tryouts for French Play: Tryout,
for the French Play today from 3
to 5 p.m. in Room 408 Romance
Languages Bldg. Open to all student$
Institute of The Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting today
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 West En-
gineering Bldg. Professor Thomp-t

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


Of prime importance was the settlement, after
six weeks, of the General Motors labor dispute.
Through the unusual executive ability of Gov-
ernor Murphy, both parties were with difficulty
kept in conference until the basis was laid for
negotiations of specific proposals between rep-
resentatives of the Corporation and the United
Automobile Workers, which has gained recog-
nition as a bargaining agent for its members,
but not the exclusive recognition it asked for
in the conference. These negotiations are now
in progress. Whether a new era of reasonable-
ness has been entered upon in employer-labor
relations or whether the bitter conflict has been
but postponed until vital issues are discussed in
the negotiations remains to be proven by the out-
come of the negotiations.
Onother fronts, laboi' has advanced. Chrysler
and General Motors have announced wage in-
creases. The clothing trades have granted a

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