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February 18, 1937 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-18

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Only FiveWolverine AthletesSuccumb To Ineligibilil

Ly Jinx

Fraternity Mermen Reach Finals

Individual nor s One of the largest groups ever tox
enter the Intramural interfraternityI
swimming meet turned out last night I
By ART. BALDAUF to compete in a hotly contested bat-
Perhaps it's a bit superfluous to tle for places in the final to be held
continually repeat every week the on Friday at 5 p.m. 114 men froml
fact that Purdue's Jewell Young is 17 houses were entered in the meet
still the leading scorer in the Big and an estimated crowd of 150 per-1
Ten. But the fact remains, and un- sons watched the swimmers go
less something drastic happens in- through their paces.
side of the next three weeks he'll be Those houses that were successful
on top when the last brace of games in qualifying for the final meet on t
is played on March 6. Friday are in the order of their score,]
Not only will he be on top, but he Alpha Delta Phi, Sigma Chi, Psi U.,
will have won scoring honors with the Trigon, Phi Gamma Delta and Chi1
largest total of points ever to have psi,
been made in Big Ten competition. The individuals entered in the 50-
To date he has averaged over six- yard free-style include Reety, Dale,
teen points a game, which if he keeps Pioch, Harris, Haughey and Buer-
up means something in the neighbor-.
hood of 182 at the close of the season.
And even if he does not reach that
mark it is quite probable that he Just a Few
will eclipse Joe Rief's all-time rec-
ord of 167, established in 1932 when Da s o e
he played with Northwestern.
Young reached his peak this season To Save Dollars
when he scored 29 points against Il-
linois Monday night, fifteen more A continuation of our Sale on
than the total his nearest teammate, A Mnat Ta
John Sines, scored. Right now his MANHATTAN
nearest opponent in the scoring race, and
Earl Combes of Illinois, is 46 points VAN HEUSEN
behind him.
Minnesota gained undisputed pos- H R
session of first place Monday mainly S I T
through the efforts of John Kundla
and George Addington. Between them 20% Djsc
they scored over half of the Gophers'
points. Pjms-Mflr
Jake Townsend, who was respon- Pajamas - Mufers
sible for the Wolverine conquest of Neckwear
Indiana the other night took fourth
place in the scoring, at the same time S is O co t
its Opoat
helping to cut down one of his big-
gest rivals, Ken Gunning's hold on
third place to a matter of eight points. .0 D isc.

man. In the 50-yard breast-stroke
Benham, Sherman, Williams, Rat-
liffe. Tyler and Holpuck will be the
contestants. The 50-yard back-stroke
will find Tredwell, Holpuck, Brink,
Davis, Sullivan and Dale competing.
Those who got through the pre-
liminary heats in the century free-
style include Pioch, Harris, Hartz,
Slater, Thompson and Schoem. The
distance free-style of the 440 has
entered Tyler, Kurtz, Sherrill, Mc-
Kay, Dunn and Kuehne.
Aside from the individual events,
there are six houses entering teams
in the 150-yard medley relay race.
D.U., Theta Xi, Sigma Chi, Psi U.,
Phi Gamma Delta, and Lambda Chi
Alpha are all hot after victory.


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