FEB. 18, 1937
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ". +i'" ^ '. T Ti E YM I U H u W n 1 sN n A I T .L
Guests Named
By Commit-tees
For Caduceus1
Five Medical Fraternitiesj
To Hold Formal Dinners
Betty Lyon Reaches Korean Graduate Student Tells
Badminton Finals, n ,
Guests of the committeemen for
the fourth annual Caduceus Ball tc
be held tomorrow night in the Union
Ballroom were announced recently.
Mark Coventry, '37M, general
chairman, will have Betty Servis of
Detroit as his guest. Ben Van Zwal-
uwenberg, '37M, chairman of tickets,
will attend with Mrs. Zwaluwenberg
Other committeemen and their
guests are Grosvenor Root, '37M, and
Elizabeth Ann Barthel, '37, Arthur
Benedict, '37M, and Margaret Dwyer
of Muskegon, John Warren, '39M,
and Mary Jane Frye, '38. Root, Bene-
dict and Warren are members of the
ticket committee.
Gelmar Van Noord, '37M, chairman
ofadecorations will attend with Mrs.
Van Noorf, while A. Jackson Day,
'38M, a member of the decoration
committee will have as his guest
Betty Sinclair, Grad. J. Robert Wil-
son, '37M, also on the decorations
committee will attend with Mrs. Wil-
Five fraternities have planned for-
mal dinners to precede the ball. Those
entertaining are Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Phi Chi, Phi Rho Sigma, Nu Sigma
Nu and Theta Kappa Psi.
Dr. and Mrs. Gayle Mehney will
be theachaperons for Theta Kappa
Psi while those for Nu Sigma Nu will
be Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Haight
and Dr. and Mrs. Russell Malcolm.
Phi Chi will have as its guests Dr.
and Mrs. William Perham and Dr.
and Mrs. Donald Kerr.
Chaperons for Alpha Kappa Kappa
will be Dr. and Mrs.- Robert Gesell
and Dr. and Mrs. Max Peet, while
those for Phi Rho Sigma will be Dr.
and Mrs. Jack Tolan.
J. .P. Interviews
Continue Today
urj wancoti a tudlent Li e
Betty Lyon, '39, won the semi- ge fen
finals of the women's badminton
tournament last night when she de- Miss Kim Is Impressed By able to attend the football games and
feated Jean Gourlay, '37, 11-6, 11-8 Many Gi the Choral Union concerts.
in Waterman Gymnasium. Adatgs en Opportunities Appreciated
Miss Lyon, who is the women's Students At Michigan The women of Ewha are very
badminton manager, used her hard earnest and sincere in their attempts
hits and service in such a way that By MARJORIE TILLINGHAST to demonstrate gratitude for their
her opponent's placements availed The grandeur and size of the build- educational opportunities. Miss Kim
her little. Miss Gourlay's wrist ings, the completness of the equip- took pride in relating how they sing
movement made her smashes un- ment and the marvelous opportuni- in the choirs and teach Sunday
usually effective, ties for education which are offered School classes in the churches of
The match took place during the to young people have especially im- Seoul. A few of them even go into
weekly Wednesday night mixed pressed Miss Shinsil Soonie Kim of the neighboring country where they
double period. Seoul, Korea, who is doing graduate conduct the entire Sunday service.
work in the department of physical Most of the graduates of Ewha
. . education for women. College enter fields of social service
30 R otin g Lit tle Miss Kim has been in charge of work where as high school teachers1
physical education at Ewha College, 'and mission workers they find their
Pranks tersSeoul, Korea, since 1930. She was careers. A few are now entering the
Besiege graduated from Oberlin College, Ob- fields of medicine and business, al-
Ch ldren's Theatre erlin, Ohio in 1926. Directly follow- though Miss Kim particularly stated
ing her graduation, she taught physi- that a large percentage of them
cal education at the Korean School marry soon after leaving college. I
By BETTY BINGAMefl I at Honolulu, Hawaii. Miss Kim is studying here for two!
While the goddess of peace flapsI.h Student Life Differsj years on a Barbour scholarship.
Music Section
Plans Program
Of Gypsy Airs,
The music section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet at 8 p.m.
today in the home of Mrs. Arthur
Mrs. A. J. Eardley, who is to have
charge of the program for the eve-
ning, has announced that the enter-
tainment will be made up of gypsy
music, and will be called "On the
Gypsy Trail." A number of original
gypsy themes will be played and
gypsy songs will be sung by members
of the group.
Those who will take part in the
meeting will be Mrs. Mischa Titiev,
pianist, Mrs. Arthur Smith and Mrs.
John Bugher who will sing, and a
quartet made up of Mrs. E. M. Hoo-
ver, who will play the viola, Mrs.
Lewis M. Simes, cellist, Mrs. Warren
Good and Mrs. E. French, violinists.
At the opening of the program Mrs.
Nelson Smith will give a history of
the gypsies.
SCA To Hold First
Dance Of Semester
The first in a series of dances this
semester for all students on cam-
pus will be held by the Student Chris-
tian Association from 9 to 12 p.m.,
Saturday at Lane Hall.
Jacobs and his Wolverines will
play for the dance,William G.
Barndt, '37, general dance chairman
for the S.C.A., announced yesterday.
Jacobs orchestra also played at the
last S.C.A. dance before the end of
the first semester. Plans have been
proposed to hold dances this semes-
ter every other Saturday night.
Tickets to the dance, which is open
to all students as well as members of
the S.C.A. will be 25 cents.
f l e a u A!
., v
Begin the new semester with a new hairdress.
You will be satisfied with any work our
operators do for you.
her snowy wings over parleys and
student gatherings, a bloody feud is
raging in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre and environs. It's a fight
to the finish between the Paul Street
Boys and the Red Skins, but the
question is who's going to be finished
first, the boys or Director Sally Pierce,
or for that matter the theatre. One
and perhaps more are doomed to
an early end, by the looks of things.
When Director Pierce first gath-
ered her little lambs around her to
rehearse for the next Children's The-
atre production "A Place To Play"
which opens tomorrow afternoon in
Lydia MendelssohnTheatre, she may
have had an inkling of what the fu-
ture held in store, but it is doubtful.
Of course she had come unscathed
through "Hans Brinker" and "The
Little Princess," but then the female
element in the cast had been enough
to keep everything in control.
Now the males have it-30 of them
and every one exceptionally healthy
and full of original ideas on how
to occupy spare time between acts.
The Lab Theatre was the first vic-
tim. The fly balcony there holds no
terrors for this cast. Several mem-
bers were seized with the fascinating
idea of scaling the ladder leading
up over the stage. There they dis-
covered a nest of pigeons, peacefully
meditating on whatever pigeons med-
itate on, and secured them for fu-
ture entertainment, tucking them in-
side their shirts. A little later Miss
Pierce was presented with a pair of
wild-eyed fledglings as souvenirs.
Director Pierce, being a person us-
ually prepared for anything rose
gracefully above the situation, but a
little later she made the mistake of
coming on stage during a battle in
the third act and nearly brought her
directing career to a speedy close by
forgetting to call off an attack of
sand bags scheduled to occur at that
moment. Such is the life of a Chil-
dren's Theatre director. +
A very unassuming and quiet in-
dividual, Miss Kim said that she does
not feel any amusement or strange-
ness toward American life. American
culture is so different from Korean
that no part of it has caused her any
particular surprise. "The most strik-
ing difference," she said "is the com-
paratively great amount of freedom
which women students in particular
and all students in general have in
this country."
Ewha College was founded in 1886
by the foreign missions board of the
American Methodist Church. Thel
only college for women in Korea, it
offers curriculums in literature, music,!
home economics and kindergarten-
primary training. The students, num -
bering about 300, come from all parts
of Koreaand Manchuko.
Describes College Life
Miss Kim described the life of the
women at Ewha College, stressing the
appreciation and seriousness with.
which they regard their chance for a
higher education. Although they are
allowed to wander at will around the
college grounds and the town, every
woman must be in the dormitory by
7 p.m. daily.
Social functions are few anddating
is not as common as in American
Universities according to Miss Kim.
Although there is a college for men
within 10 minutes walk of Ewha Col-
lege, dates are made mostly for lec-
tures, meetings, and occasional par-
ties. Tennis and ping pong matches
with mixed teams performing are a
favorite amusement.
Miss Kim mentioned that one of
her biggest pleasures here was to be
Dean Alice C. Lloyd and Mrs. Byrl
F. Bacher were entertained last night
at an informal dinner held at Phi
Sigma Sigma. Sally Leavitt, '37, so-
cial chairman, was in charge.
Preuss Speaks R uth Uren Is Wed
About Foreign In League Chapel
The marriage of Ruth Valentine
Wa r Dealings Uren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam J. Uren of Ann Arbor, to Law-
The position of the United States rence C. Pace, son of Mr. and Mrs.
in the matter of the Spanish civi William B. Pace of Saginaw, was
inr the matterfnthen Spanishtci performed Thursday in the chapel of
war and the functions of interna- the Michigan League.
tional law in the conflict were dis- M . and Mrs. Pace are spending a
cussed by Prof. Lawrence Preuss of week in Chicago after which they
the political science department in will make their home in Detroit. Both
a talk given yesterday at the grad- attended the Michigan State Normal
uate luncheon in the Russian Tea College and the University of Mich-
Room of the League. igan.
The precedent established by the
United States in regard to pastcivil
wars in Latin America has largely
been followed by foreign powers in FURS made up and re-
the present crisis, Professor Preuss modelled, repaired, relined,
said. The Havana Conference of cleaned, glazed, stored.
1928 provided that foreign powers Prices reasonable.
may ship armaments to legal govern-
ments but not to insurgents unless&
they are prepared -to recognize a
state of belligerency. In the present
crisis, governments are forbidden to E. 1. Greenbaum
ship arms to either side, Professor 448 Spring Street
Preuss added.
Three legal results of insurgency Phone 9625
were explained by Professor Preuss.
Italy, Germany and the countries
of Central America have recognized
the Spanish insurgents as the official
government too soon in his opinion,
since there is still a possibility that
the loyalists may reestablish a strong r a
central government, he said.
307 South State Street Phone 8384
(Machine Shorthand)
Hamilton Business College
William at State Street Phone 7831
Tryouts for parts in the produc-
tion of "Feather in His Cap," the
1937 Junior Girls' Play, will continue
today. All junior women whose last
names begin with M-Z should report
at the League between 3 and 5:30
p.m. Anyone interested in trying
out and who was not able to be in-
terviewed yesterday is also asked to
report today.
There will be parts available for
everyone who tries out for the pro-
duction. Junior women now working
on committees for the play are also
urged to try out for actual parts in
the production.
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Student Supplies
0. D. Morrill
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some of the replies. Forty-
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bors now cook electrically-
When you buy a new stove, make
sure that it is ELECTRIC
and enjoy advantages that no
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Fill-in dresses, really .. .
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mation-. . and, of course,
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We've made it possible for you tc
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tailored. . . . be British . . . or
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type that does the most f or yo
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ality is tops?
your public's.
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while and so inexpensive.
The sizes are 12 to 20.
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Swagger Suits
Dressmaker Suits
Soft Furred Suits
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