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December 15, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-15

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TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1936


FAtria ri a



Professional wrestling Taught In Easy, 30-Minute



ollege Game Danny Smick's Bad
rakes 1 To 2 Knee To Keep Him
Years Teaching From Seattle Trip'


Sugar Bowl Stock Slumps As
Horned Frogs Stop Santa Clara
RvRlV -ii AT7 1o ltn ' ~tni- <o t '_


v_____It was definitely learned last night
that Danny Smick, sophomore center,
Money-Men Seen Putting will not make the Seattle trip with
On Nothing More Than the basketball squad this week as a
result of the knee injury which he
Big Show For Public incurred during the football season.
Smick will enter the University
Keen Shows lUp Pros H ospital today for an examination
be operated upon or placed in a cast.
Exception To Cro- ;j In either event, he will be lost to the
Exe rooked squad for at least five weeks, pos-
Racket Is An Occasional sibly longer.
' '~T 1

(Daily Sports Editor
TODAY'S Press Angle is providedI
by Ray Goodman, who publicizes
Cappy Cappon and his basketball
team for The Daily.

Snooting iviatcn
College wrestling has a black sheep
in its family. Through no fault of
its own this sport has been definitely
retarded in progress due to the ad-
verse influence of a supposedly close-
ly related and companion sport.
These two sports in question are, in
reality, as different as two phases
of the same branch of sport could
possibly be. Their surname is the
same . . . they are both called wres-
tling . . . but here the similarity ends.
Coach Cliff Keen, Varsity wrestling
coach, and a veteran competitor and
observer of the mat game put the
matter aptly when he said: "The big
difference is that pro wrestling is notl
wrestling at all. It is nothing more
than a big show designed purely to
satisfy the public. By experience in
getting reactions from the crowd,the
pro figure out little stunts and acts
to please them.
Keen Shows Pro Tactics
We watched Coach Keen put on
an exhibition with one of his can--
didates showing some of the tactics
described above. From our vantage
point it was obvious that the sub-
ject was not being hurt, but to the
spectator 10 yards away, a massacre
would have seemed imminent. Keenj
stated that in 30 minutes he could
teach his men the "pro manner" and,
put on the damnedest show you can
imagine. To teach them to wrestle
takes from one to two years.

Fraternity Mat
Finals Tonight
At I-M Building
The first day of the annual Inter-
Fraternity wrestling meet was held
yesterday evening at the Intramural
Building. The finals are scheduled
for tonight at 7 p.m. at the Sports
In the 125-pound division Whit-
more defeated Burdick. The winner
is scheduled to meet "Gus" Sonne-
born of Theta Chi. Ranney of
Theta Chi meets Chapman of Psi
Upsilon for the championship of the
135-pounders. These two boys will
split the points between them as no
other contenders entered.
At 145 pounds, Weir of Theta Xi
scored a fall over Kruglak of Sigma
Alpha Mu, while Comins of Alpha
Kappa Lambda treated his opponent
a similar fashion, throwing Mac-
Leod of Lambda Chi Alpha.
Blake won by defeat over Green
when the latter was injured. Jacob-
son threw Stein in the other 155-
pound bout.
Platt, representing Chi Psi, de-
feated Schmidt of Lambda Chi Alpha
by time, and will meet Elsworth of
Theta Xi in the final round of the

WITH the coming of Christmas va-
cation and the usual tours of
Mid-West and western basketball
teams to and through climes different
from their own, there also comes the
inevitable discussion of the variances
of the game in the various sections of
the country.
The National Association of
Basketball Coaches recognized
for a number of years the threat
that varying provincial interpre-
tations of the rules holds for the
cage game and has tried vainly to
settle the question. But so far it
has been a hopeless task. The
East refuses to change its ideas
and the rest of the country has
the weight of numbers and the
rule book to back up its conten-
The question is simply a matter of
emphasizing the defense or offense.
The New York sector favors the
former in opposition to the rest of
the country which follows a strict in-


result f
about t
and ju
as an e:
In th
the of

Except for an occasional 'shooting o-pounders. and un:
match' there has not been an abso- No contestants entered the 175- more to
lutely straight match in the pro pound class. Jack Brennan, erst- tion, or
racket. Holds are camouflaged, and while football player representing terpreta
the various 'drama' that the specta- Phi Gamma Delta, defeated Bennet The E
tor is treated ' to is not only pre- of Alpha Kappa Lambda. Smith of insistso
arranged but rehearsed." Chi Psi will meet him tomorrow breaksA
in the unlimited division finals.
Perhaps a more lucid de scriptionia team, u
would be ini order. For those fortu- - --_ as Mich
nate few that are familiar with the Nassau Open's $800 this sec
wrong side of the wrestling angle a 'o * i 1has ahe
typical boutproceeds thus.TO Willie MacFarlane aster
In TheDressing Room NASSAU, Bahamas, Dee. 14.-VP)- Th
Act I, in the dressing room b-f ore Angular Willie MacFarlane tended player
the match; personnae, the two man- strictly to his game of golf today and by pr
agers. Manager A is quibbling with was rewarded by winning the Nassau "Movi
manager B over the fact that in Open's top prize of $800. Horton shown
Pawtucket on Tuesday his man took Smith, of Chicago, finished in a sec- hoves
a fall in 5.11, when everything was ond place tie with another Windy City mittis
set for 22:05. Manager B explains pro, Harry Cooper, at 269. They Tabli
that his man had an urgent engage- divided $800, combined second and Tnb
ment after the match and that he third place money. aThen
will personally see that such an un- a tender
fortunate incident does not happen ority of
again. The dispute is settled when "Get your dough at the office," croaks for the
Manager A is promised that his man 'he ref. Another farce is over. fense.
will be allowed to win when they I Certainly the above is not the case blocking
reach Elyria on Thursday and the in all pro bouts. But those close ulated b
two part on very good terms. to the mat game unhesitatingly avow Dr. C
Act II, in the ring: personnae, Of- that only the ignorance, inherent the def
fulitch the Terrible, Chief Little Bull, brutality, or just plain sucker tend- thetdefe
and a referee. The bell has just ency of the American public makes E a
sounded. Oh ithy approaches thit pretty close to a real picture. Well,
and opens prozeedings by spitting in Jim Londos, Strangler Lewis, and Ed this tira
Bulls face. The Chief retaliates by Don George, are really proficient in just tw
diving headlong at Off, misses of the simon-pure sport. George, a pro- enought
course and goes through the ropes. tege of Keen's, made a half of a of the
Close to Real Picture million dollars in the pro racket. fuses to
Now it is the Chief's turn. First Hams like Man Mountain Dean, a try and
he gets the terrible one against the rub of lard weighing some 350 odd Bas
ropes and with a firm thumb ap- pounds exemplify the shady side of and t
parently gouges his opponent's eye the racket. Keen said that he wouldI fense
while the latter writhes in uncon- pit Earl Thomas at 135 pounds erage
trollable pain. Getting tired of this, against Dean and put his money on than1
the Chief begins to apply a facial the former. Ali Baba, Chief Little not a
massage on Cff, alternating between Wolf, Ivan Rasputin and a host ofI game
a.fist and an elbow, much in the same others can be added to the list along but i
manner as Joe Louis would warm up with Dean. point
on a punching bag. No Need For Dramatics place(
Offulitch goes in a tantrum. He Every hold and move in amateur give i
beats- the Chief's head, kicks him, wrestling is designed to secure an ad- posest
bites him, while the tired looking little vantage and lead to an ultimate ob- little1
referee warns him with a painting ject, namely a fall. It is similar to basket
finger . , . "naughty, naughty, boys, football in that every play is not a
be gentlemen." The Chief fights back touchdown maneuver, but a set up
but is tired and would rather play play to feel out the opponent and
poker anyhow. Off, too is a trifle lead to eventual scoring tactics.,E
worn, fronm his gesticulating and fa-1 The biggest requisite of a college
cial exertion, and as the frenzied wrestler is a high degree of coord- ! D
spectators cheer with uncontrollable nation, quick physical reaction, bal-
glee, (and the sport writers yawn,) ance, precision of execution, and a lot fo
Off kicks up the Chief over his head, of guts. No sport pays higher divi-
whirls him round and round (and dends on physical stamina and com-
when he will stop nobody knows) petitive spirit. One does not have
slams him to that mat, and bingo! to be a dramatist either.

tion of the rule book. As a
or years losing teams in in-
onal contests have "beefed"
he difference in interpretation,
stifiably used that difference
xcuse for defeat.
e last bulletin of the Coach
tion Dr. H. C. Carlson of,
gh University, president of
rganization, discusses thisI
of administration, dealing
ally with the failure of the
s to do their work efficiently
iformly, but going back once
the question of interpreta-
rather as he says, "misin-
East, centering in New York,
on giving the defense all the
with the result that a western
sing a system of screen plays,
higan or any other team in
tion or the Pacific coast does,
ard time when playing under
e rule book states that "the
r is entitled to any position
iority." Dr. Carlson says,
ies taken in the East have
a so-called illegal offensive
while the defense is com-
ng what are almost unpard-
e sins in the West."
he continues, "All of us have
ncy to be provincial . . . Pri-
position can be noted as well
offense as it is for the de-
There is as much illegal
by the defense as is manip-
y the offense."'
arlson continues to point out
at in the narrow views of the
,d to plead for aeconciliation.
according to the dictates of
ht editor we have to confine1
de to 11 inches which leaves
o inches to go. But it is
to emphasize the stubborness
ew York contingent that re-
give in the rest of the coun-
the official rule book.
ketball with its screen plays
more or less equalized de-
and offense gives the av-;
team a far better brealL
the New York view. It's
bsolutely necessary to the
to retain the screen play,
t is necessary to reach aj
of agreement and it is the
of the New York coaches to
n. The vast majority op-
them and they can lose but
by conceding and making
tball truly a national game.
very Year More Men
Are Receiving
Christmas Gifts
$7 7 o
sent gentlemen 'sfor mal
>distinguished for corectnes

Bsy !Y HEATH of 1iLng, attle its way to a 3-2
In the last regularly scheduled victory over the same Louisiana State.i
major game of the current hectic pig- The hard-passing Texas quarterbackc
skin campaign, the University of was hampered in his tossing effortsc
Santa Clara followed what seems to by the wet weather but managed tov
be the prevailing rule for contend- have a finger in all the five pointsv
ers in the post-season "bowl" games scored during the game.-
and had a 9-0 defeat by the Horned In this second tilt Louisiana State
Frogs of Texas Christian University will enter the Bowl odds-on favorite
chalked up against their otherwise to capture the classic from the Bron-
undefeated and untied record. cos of Santa Clara.
The Broncos are scheduled to play Under the able tutelage of Coach
the champions of the Southeastern Bernie Moore, L.S.U. boasts one of
Conference, Louisiana State Univer- the strongest forward walls in Dixie-
sity in the second renewal of the land, featuring the services of Gay-
Sugar Bowl game at New Orleans nell Tinsley, twice All-American end.
on New Years Day. The Bayou Tig- Their backfied led by Bill Crass, an
ers have their record marred only Okmulgee Indian, has already made
by a 0-0 deadlock at the hands of Bayou fans forget Ab Mickal, last
the University of Texas in their first season's star fullback.
game of the season. Although an underdog, Santa
Unable to cope with the Rose Bowl Clara, under the All-American lead-
in fan attendance, the newly insti- ership of Quarterback "Flash" Fal-1
tuted classic of the Sunny South had aschi, will be no pushover for even
threatened to overshadow the famed the mighty Tigers. The Broncs also
game at Pasadena in national inter- have a great line, and Coach L. T.
est and, in effect, on the national Shaw has welded a splendid backfield
toc tball standings. The defeat of into a good line to make a formidable
Santa Clara now puts the affair at grid machine, as their one-defeat
New Orleans definitely in the second record shows.
fiddle position to the Rose Bowl tilt
between the University of Washing-t
ton and the University of Pittsburgh.
Last year 35,000 rain-soaked
Southern fans watched Texas Chris- C hristm as
ian, with Sam Baugh, "The King
- -- - - -iG if t s
N.C.A.A. Meeting S
Set For New York - that are SMART
NEW YORK, Dec. 14.-()-The*
annual convention of the National Perfumes
Collegiate Athletic Association will be
held in New York this year on De-"
ember 27-29. CompactsA
After an informal discussion on the "
management of intercollegiate sports
Dec. 27, and a round of committee Toilet Water
meetings the following day, the main"
2onvention will open under Presi-
dent John L. Griffiith, Dec. 29. Gazo Seus
The subject. "Are Our Intercolle-
giate Athletics to Remain Amateur?"
will be discussed by Presidents James La Cross
L. McOnaughty of Wesleyan Uni- Manicure Sets
versity, T. J. Davies of Colorado Col- 4
lege, and Ralph C. Hutchison of "
the main convention meeting. Yardley Sets
-- - -- - -
STROH'S Cutex Sets
FRIAR'S ALE Gilbert's Candy
i At A# Dealers .t GlbrtsCad
J. J. O'KANE, Dist Dial 3500 Clck
Scarfs $1.00 - $1.50, wool or
Gloves $1.35 to $3.00, wool or Chars
Hats.. $2.95 to $4.00 Ciar
Shirts $1.29 to $2.50 Tobaccos
tSox . . . 25c - 35c - 50c
SPajamas . . . $1.45 to $4.50 "
Pure Wool Flannel Robes $6.45
Blanket and Silk Robes $3.95
$5 - $5.95
Leather Jackets $5.95 to $11.50
Walk a Few Steps
and Save DollarsA
SKUO 6H N'S 727 North Unitversity
205 E. Liberty Phone 8020 Phone 9797
Open Evenings till Christmas r
W 4d-e

For HIM- For HER-
Ice Skates Ski Suits
Squash Rackets Ice Skates
Badminton Sets Scarf Sets
Toboggans Skis and Poles

Naiuie Jesse Owens
Outstanding Athlete
NEW YORK. Dec. 14.--')-Jesse
Owens' habit of setting the pace
makes it no surprise that the Tan
Thunderbolt was voted the outstand-;
ing athlete, amateur or professional,'
of 1936 in the sixth annual poll con- I
ducted by the Associate Press. It
was surprising, however, that Owens,
winner of four Olympic gold medalsf
and undisputed world sprint and



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broad jump (hampion, almost
rebele~d the~ vot e received by his
nearest rival, Carl Hubbell, New
York Giants' pitching ace and winder
of the poll in 1935.
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Ladies ver ;5wits and Coats
5'':. up
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Silk robes furnish luxury along
with their comfort-giving qual-
ities . . . smart ones are made of
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of satni or crepe, while printed
silk foulards or synthetic crepe
vie for favor . . . priced beau-
tifully at

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YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE when you send your fine dresses

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It just seems that any robe is
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Bright wake-up patterns on
the cuffs, sash, and pocket
trim Wagner's currently
smart flannel robe-as one
of a type that is finding
popular favor this season.


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