TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAtria ri a THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAUE FIVZ Professional wrestling Taught In Easy, 30-Minute Lesson C ollege Game Danny Smick's Bad rakes 1 To 2 Knee To Keep Him Years Teaching From Seattle Trip' the Sugar Bowl Stock Slumps As Horned Frogs Stop Santa Clara RvRlV -ii AT7 1o ltn ' ~tni- distinguished for corectnes Bsy !Y HEATH of 1iLng, attle its way to a 3-2 In the last regularly scheduled victory over the same Louisiana State.i major game of the current hectic pig- The hard-passing Texas quarterbackc skin campaign, the University of was hampered in his tossing effortsc Santa Clara followed what seems to by the wet weather but managed tov be the prevailing rule for contend- have a finger in all the five pointsv ers in the post-season "bowl" games scored during the game.- and had a 9-0 defeat by the Horned In this second tilt Louisiana State Frogs of Texas Christian University will enter the Bowl odds-on favorite chalked up against their otherwise to capture the classic from the Bron- undefeated and untied record. cos of Santa Clara. The Broncos are scheduled to play Under the able tutelage of Coach the champions of the Southeastern Bernie Moore, L.S.U. boasts one of Conference, Louisiana State Univer- the strongest forward walls in Dixie- sity in the second renewal of the land, featuring the services of Gay- Sugar Bowl game at New Orleans nell Tinsley, twice All-American end. on New Years Day. The Bayou Tig- Their backfied led by Bill Crass, an ers have their record marred only Okmulgee Indian, has already made by a 0-0 deadlock at the hands of Bayou fans forget Ab Mickal, last the University of Texas in their first season's star fullback. game of the season. Although an underdog, Santa Unable to cope with the Rose Bowl Clara, under the All-American lead- in fan attendance, the newly insti- ership of Quarterback "Flash" Fal-1 tuted classic of the Sunny South had aschi, will be no pushover for even threatened to overshadow the famed the mighty Tigers. The Broncs also game at Pasadena in national inter- have a great line, and Coach L. T. est and, in effect, on the national Shaw has welded a splendid backfield toc tball standings. The defeat of into a good line to make a formidable Santa Clara now puts the affair at grid machine, as their one-defeat New Orleans definitely in the second record shows. fiddle position to the Rose Bowl tilt between the University of Washing-t ton and the University of Pittsburgh. Last year 35,000 rain-soaked Southern fans watched Texas Chris- C hristm as ian, with Sam Baugh, "The King --, - -- - - -iG if t s N.C.A.A. Meeting S Set For New York - that are SMART NEW YORK, Dec. 14.-()-The* annual convention of the National Perfumes Collegiate Athletic Association will be held in New York this year on De-" ember 27-29. CompactsA After an informal discussion on the " management of intercollegiate sports Dec. 27, and a round of committee Toilet Water meetings the following day, the main" 2onvention will open under Presi- dent John L. Griffiith, Dec. 29. Gazo Seus The subject. "Are Our Intercolle- giate Athletics to Remain Amateur?" will be discussed by Presidents James La Cross L. McOnaughty of Wesleyan Uni- Manicure Sets versity, T. J. Davies of Colorado Col- 4 lege, and Ralph C. Hutchison of " the main convention meeting. Yardley Sets -- - -- - - STROH'S Cutex Sets PABST BLUE kIBBON " FRIAR'S ALE Gilbert's Candy i At A# Dealers .t GlbrtsCad J. J. O'KANE, Dist Dial 3500 Clck Ppes Scarfs $1.00 - $1.50, wool or silk. Gloves $1.35 to $3.00, wool or Chars leather.1 Hats.. $2.95 to $4.00 Ciar Shirts $1.29 to $2.50 Tobaccos tSox . . . 25c - 35c - 50c SPajamas . . . $1.45 to $4.50 " Pure Wool Flannel Robes $6.45 Blanket and Silk Robes $3.95 $5 - $5.95 Leather Jackets $5.95 to $11.50 Walk a Few Steps and Save DollarsA SKUO 6H N'S 727 North Unitversity 205 E. Liberty Phone 8020 Phone 9797 Open Evenings till Christmas r LAST-MINUTE W 4d-e For HIM- For HER- Ice Skates Ski Suits Squash Rackets Ice Skates Badminton Sets Scarf Sets Toboggans Skis and Poles SM-BLANKETS BANNERS PENNANTS Naiuie Jesse Owens Outstanding Athlete NEW YORK. Dec. 14.--')-Jesse Owens' habit of setting the pace makes it no surprise that the Tan Thunderbolt was voted the outstand-; ing athlete, amateur or professional,' of 1936 in the sixth annual poll con- I ducted by the Associate Press. It was surprising, however, that Owens, winner of four Olympic gold medalsf and undisputed world sprint and Lr Clothes W a e isO r Wagner'slugn soepcueb Gifts of Style and Comfort $ .5r t- $1.rd A bi oftehgln hener Wane' lunigob icueb Ay btof athe hgnti ~dshwoentein an all-wool flannel. $6.50 to $15.00 of Ouality andl 'I)isf ictior This is the 1937 version of what used to be termed a smoking jacket . . . Wagner's short cocktail coat made in plain wool flannel with a touch of color in the ribbon trim on the cuffs and pockets . . . also in silk or velvet. $6.50 to $13.95 broad jump (hampion, almost rebele~d the~ vot e received by his nearest rival, Carl Hubbell, New York Giants' pitching ace and winder of the poll in 1935. H. E. PHILP T ailor Rel 11ing, Reirrnig & Altering Ladies ver ;5wits and Coats 5'':. up Mein S;I.. over Ca, v's Drug Store Silk robes furnish luxury along with their comfort-giving qual- ities . . . smart ones are made of brocaded fabrics with facings of satni or crepe, while printed silk foulards or synthetic crepe vie for favor . . . priced beau- tifully at DOINGS of the DRAKES - by Swiss Cleaners PARSON IS IT RIGHT CERTAINLY PERHAPS YOU WOULD TO PROFIT BY THE (KE TO RETURN THE SAKEO- $10 I PAID YOU YUMAKEN MISAK wh o s OR MARRYeN YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE when you send your fine dresses xa I We pre that is 1.0 of stvia Q10.00 to $19.50 It just seems that any robe is not complete without slippers to match . . . These days Wag- ner's, without forgetting the comfort requirements, present slippers with a smartness all thjnir,. w Bright wake-up patterns on the cuffs, sash, and pocket trim Wagner's currently smart flannel robe-as one of a type that is finding popular favor this season. I