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December 15, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-12-15

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TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1936


tar6 Member 1937
associaIed Coie6id e Press
Distributors of
Co6iae Diest
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
heMember of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
nAot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Publiation Departmental Boards
,Publication Department: Elsie A.rPierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes,;Ture
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
,Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman
Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaler, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
,Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
'Business Department
Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu-
Chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton
Ketcham. Robert Lodge, RalphaShelton, Bill New-
na, Leonard 'Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles
Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford rBetty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
ack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; 'Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Reminder No. 5.
THE COST to the University library
of replacements and repairs of
books defaced by students with the scribbling
itch is unfortunately very large. Side remarks,
notations, observations of a humorous nature
,and ref acement of illustrations are frequently
found even in the more rare books in the library
It is hoped that thoughtlessness rather than
malice is responsible, and that the publication of
this notice may serve to reduce this destruc-
Injustice. ..
THE PROBLEM of minorities, al-
ways a pressing one, is with us in
the University in the form of those unfortunate
beings who are left-nanded.
It is bad enough, Sust to be left-handed. But
when our left-handed students are forced to
writeon seats built especially for right-handed
persons, something should be done about it.
This evil is not a new one. If we but knew the
anguish that generations of left-handed persons
have suffered because they have had to sit in
these seats. Even when the seat next to them is
yacant, it is difficult to stretch across the inter-
.vening space to write on the arm rest. But
where there are no vacant seats-a situation
that often arises-the poor southpaw is in a
quandary indeed.

It is with hot indignation that we write about
this, feeling like the man who wrote the letter
,to the editor and asked: "My God, can't some-
thing be done about this?"
Jass Reviews
To the Editor:
The new issue of Gargoyle made its appear-
ance on campus today and much can be said
for it. However, "The Record" of said humor-rag
makes the hearts of true "jazz" men sound off
like Clyde McCoy's valve-bugle tootin'-
In the first place, that article was written in

the Goodman Era-one notable example of this
is the present band of Gus Arnheim.
In reviewing the waxes of "Veloz and Yolanda
Dancing Music" (Oh, you kid and 23 skidoes)
the Garg music Ed. refers to the "nimble fingers"
of Jerry Shelton as putting the record across
-that sounds like a scat-bo from a jig band
reviewing the Boston Symphony.
The "gripe" of this epistle is the fact that
Gargoyle lets a guy write that stuff about the
bands of the coutry who just hasn't got that
language down yet. Am advising said writer
to buy a "Down Beat" and study the sounding-
off in it.
Oh yeh, one more thing-two years ago, the
page on dance bands had pictures, biographies,
etc., of the leading maestros and was written by a
true jazz-musician who understood the real stuff
along those lines and why can't the same hold
true now"
-Jim Mudge, '38P.
Facts For Reflection
To the Editor:
"Thus the whole movement of modern industry
is 'characterized by the continuous transforma-
tion of part of the working population into un-
employed, or into halftimers."-Capital p. 699.
Everyman's Library Edition. Written in 1868.
"The President of General Motors Corporation
said yesterday that when the nation reaches re-
covery 'toward which it seems definitely headed'
there will be 'jobs for everybody' despite mechan-
ization 'that has thrown many out of employ-
ment.' "-A.A Daily News, June 2, 1936.
Th- National Youth Administration now esti'
mates that at least 5,000,000 young men and
women between 16 and 25 will be looking for jobs
this summer. Many of these young people will be
placed in jobs at once. The prospects for young
graduates are the best in 5 years, the government
agency finds,-Editorial A.A. Daily News, June 2,
Over the past six months, in the face of gen-
erally improved business conditions, the numbei
of WPA employees in Washtenaw County has re-
mained virtually unchanged.-A. A. Daily News,
Dec. 8, 1936.
No less an authority than Dr. William Habe
has gone on record to the effect that 50 per cent
of the persons on WPA payrolls would nevei
again be able to hold jobs in private competi-
tive industry.-A.A. Daily News, Dec. 7, 1936.
Since we have seen that the height of the
rate of profit is inversely proportional to the
development of capitalistic production, it follows
that the high or low rate of interest in a
certain country is to the same extent inversely
proportional to the degree of industrial develop-
ment, at least so far as differences in the rate
of interest actually expresses differences in the
rates of profit.-Capital p. 423, Vol. 3, Chas H.
Kerr Edition.
The $2,050,754,400 total offering was the larg-
est in peacetime history and carried record low
interest rates.-A.A. Daily News, June 2, 1936.
Over-subscribed four-fold in the first day of
offering, the treasury's issue of 700,000,000 in
bonds, part of a 1,486,651,000 December financing
plan, was closed today.
The interest rate of 2% per cent on the 13-17
year bonds was one of the lowest in history.-A.A.
Daily News Dec. 8, 1936.
Liberal Clergymen
To the Editor:
In a very thoughtful and thought-provoking
editorial in last Tuesday's Daily there were cer-
tain phrases which seemed too sweeping for the
historical conscience to endure; indeed on think-
ing it over, I found about as many exceptions to
the facile generalizations about the reactionary
political attitude of the church as instances. "In
the long history of the Catholic Church it is un-
necessary to point out its almost unfailing alle-
giance to authoritarian governments, from the
Holy Roman Empire to the reign of Louis XVI."
Passing over the possibly too technical point
that the Holy Roman Empire outlasted the reign
of Louis XVI, I wondered what all the ghosts of
the dead Emperors and Popes who had fought
each other so fiercely for hundreds of years in
the struggle of Ghibelline with Guelph would
have said abcut that statement. "In modern

times that same church has made itself the ally
of Czarism and Fascism." Hardly of Czarism,
unless one confronts the Roman Catholic Church
with the totally different Greek Orthodox
Church; Fascism, perhaps, though with reserva-
tions. On the other hand the German churches
have been the only effective enemies of Naxiism
in all Germany.
Again, the Protestant churches are charged
with "most violent opposition to extension of
suffrage and education, and to trades union-
ism." Such, for example as the resolutions of
the Federal Council of Churches? The actions
of the national boards and conferences of the
chief denominations, particular the Methodist
and the Congregational? The Interchurch World
Movement? Is your editorial writer unaware that
many books and articles have been written at-
tacking the chief Protestant divines as "reds" on
account of such resolutions? Has he studied the
relation of Charles Kingsley and the "Christian
Socialists" to the beginning of the trades union
and cooperative movements in Great Britain?
Deprive all the peace movements and organiza-
tions of their members from among the clergy
and how many gaps would appear in leadership?
If the League of Nations were up for a vote
tomorrow, would it receive a bigger proportion
of votes among the clergy or the laity? Or sup-
pose the issue were the World Court, reduction
of armaments, limitation of war profits, prohibi-
tion of child labor, old age pensions, recognition
of trades unions, almost any sort of social wel-
fare legislation"-how would the vote of the Pro-
testant clergy compare with that of other occu-
pational groups?
Again, "organized religion has flourished best

^n--By Bonth Williamsg--
HOLY SMOKES what a workout. Ever since
Bill Reed hauled me cut of bed in the middle
of the night, there's been nothingbut tags, Good-
fellows, and small change. Indulgent people.
scrimping people, tight fisted growlers, and cyn-
ical jokesters.
"Buy a Goodfellow edition, hey get that
extra special Michigan Daily Goodfellow
editien. Everybody does their part to help
out those Ann Arbor kiddies, let's make this
a scroogeless Christmas. Hey everybody
wears the Goodfellow tag.
The smash, crash and the University, truck is
going somewhere in a hell of a hurry with a cargo
of sellers for downtown, or more tags for the En-
gine Arch, or reinforcements at the University
Even at the Pretzel Bell, which Chuck Ken-
nedy attacked there were more tags and more
Goodfellows, all over the streets downtown, in
the dime stores and the banks "Everybody can
afford a dime to help those kids."
Over on the law quad Jewell Wuerfel badger-
ing unwilling barristers into contributing, and
in contrast a constant rain of quarters at the
Engine Arch on South U. continual flow of
change into the office as one cash box after an-
other is brought out and filled and the total
steadily mounts.
"Hey more papers to Bill Bates at the north-
west corner of the Diagonal, and send tags to the
Union, and stop at 916 Oakland and pick up an
old tux," and with another groan of gears the
University truck rolls off on its Goodfellowing.
At noon a truck load of gals pile into the back
and are paraded across the Diagonal to stir
up interest and keep the fire alive. More girls
were poured into the Main Street area late in
the afternoon when the tired shoppers were hard-
est to nail. "Hey who wants to be a Goodfellow?
Who wants to wear the red Goodfellow tag, hey
everybody's got that urge to help a bunch of kids,
hey let's everybody get that Michigan Daily."
"Another load for the Hospital, pick up money
at the Union, stop at the Phi Sigma Rho House,
take George Marzonie downtown. Where the hell
is Neal's car?"
Slshhh, and that University truck slides around
another corner and grumbles as the gears slide
into high. What a day, what a work-out, and
yet it's all a lot of fun, and it's probably a more
worthwhile thing than most of us do all the
rest of the year.
BENEATH IT ALL: Harriet Stearns contrib-
uted to two Goodfellow drives yesterday. On
her way out from Detroit she was stopped by a
state trooper and allowed to proceed only afte;
she had contributed to his Goodfellow fund ...
the minister of the Zion Lutheran church
called up The Daily twice last night in consid-
erable of a dither and complained that a re-
porter had come unbidden and uninvited to
the Young Peoples' Meetings He insisted that
the story of the meeting beeither read to him
for his approval or else not printed. Conse-
quently the Church page of the morning paper
carried no account of the doings of that Luther-
an Young People's gro'up and a bewildered re-
porter said he'd never go to church again in his
life . . . Steve Bronson, athletic trainer, is spon-
soring a round trip ride to Florida in his new
Packard for ten bucks. Johnny Park is the char-
tered rider . . .
DICK BRAWERMAN, freshman lawyer, in a
moment of utter abandon, but in perfect
sobriety, picked up his damsel, one Dorothy Ar-
nold by name, with whom he was taking in the
Soph Cabaret, and raced up the steps of the
League stair, yowling with the sheer exuberance
of Dn Hutton
Great was his wrath when he ran smack
into somebody coming downstairs and almost
dropped his precious burden from aloft. About
to demand an apology, Dick suddenly sucked in
his breath, dropped Dorothy, stammered a couple

of mumbles, and then beat a hasty retreat. As
he rushed on up the stair, Dean Joseph A. Bur-
sley looked back quizzically over his shoulder and
then proceeded on his way.
from the time of the barbarian invasjons till the
Renaissance? Were the New England Puritans
who created compulsory education and the public
school in America Godless men? Do the progres-
sive movements in such countries as China and
Turkey owe nothing to the missionary colleges?
Compare Christianity with respect to democ-
racy and liberalism with any pre-Christian or
non-Christian nation. Was not absolute mon-
archy the almost universal rule in non-Christian
Asia till Western (which is simply another way
of saying "Christian") influences began to
spread? Did not even the "democracies" of the
ancient world rest on a base of slavery? Where
in the world, outside the Jewish and Christian
traditions, will you find such sentimental con-
cern for the rights of the individual or for the
welfare of the oppressed, or limitations on the
power of the ruler? It is true that some indi-
viduals have lost the Christian theology and still
retain the Christian humanitarianism. But it is
also true that other individuals (witness the
"Nordic pagan" movement in Germany for in-
stance) have thrown over Christian theology in
order to be rid of humanitarian scruples. I fear
that if we dethrone God it will not be to en-
throne that rather vague abstraction 'Humanity"
but rather that old enemy of Christianity "Divus
-Preston Slosson.
A skunk which had made its home in a drain

Program Notes
The sixth in the current series_
of Choral Union concerts was pre-
sented in Hill Auditorium last eve-
ning by Josef Hofmann, pianist. TheIc
program included a Chopin group a a
Theme with Variations in F minor by L
H a y d n, Schumann's "Fasching-b
schwank," the Rondo a Capriccioso, t
Op. 129, which Beethoven fully en-
entitled "The Fury over the losing of
a penny, giving vent to in music,"''
and a group of shorter modern works.!
Despite the fact that Dr. Hof- I
mann's duties as Director of the Cur-c
tis Institute of Music (Philadelphia)r
must consume a large portion of his
time, his profound artistry as a con-
cert pianist seemed just as much in
evidence last night as it must have'
been in earlier days when he devotedt
his full time to concert appearances.
Although his command of piano
technique is vast and more than se-
cure, it is not in mere digital dex-
terity-such as was called for par-
ticularly in the Liszt "Campanella"
-that Dr. Hofmann excels. From
the opening notes of the Haydn
Theme and Variations to the final
encore, his playing was marked byt
an extreme clarity in the delineation
o4 the various parts, in prasing, and1
in rhythmic accentuation. Such lu-
cidness was particularly evident in
the Haydn and Chopin numbers, in
which the parts are more "thinly"
written, but was no less welcome in
the Schumann and in the modern
works, wherein less precise treat-r
ment would often have resulted in
Following upon the heels of the,
beautifully sedate and restrained FI
minor Variations of Haydn was the'
sprightly and whimsically humorous
piece of Beethoven, which could be
played to advantage far more often
than it is. The work was published
posthumously, and little seems to be
known concerning its inspiraton or
composition, but from the style we
judge it one of the composer's later
In the Schumann "Fasching-
schwank," Op. 26, which filled the
place of a sonata on the program,
the artist's style retained its clarity
but assumed a less restrained and
more orchestral aspect. One of the
minor masterpieces of the evening
was the way in which Dr. Hofmann
made the transition from the ener-
getic mood of the opening Allegro to
1 the more contemplative one of the
succeeding Romance by sustaining
the Allegro's final chord with the
pedal, softening the tone gradually
until he was ready to lead into the
opening notes of the Romance-thus
forestalling the annoying and un-
necessary applause which would prob-
ably have interrupted the perform-
ance, as well as procuring an artis-
tically satisfying "bridge" for the
gap between the movements.
The artist's interpretation of his
numerous Chopin numbers was re-
fined without being over-delicate,
and warmly lyrical without any touch
of cloying sentimentalism. The mod-
ern pieces, among which was his own
delightful Berceuse, were also im-
maculately executed. For encores he
played the "Minute" Waltz and F
sharp major Nocturne of Chopin, the
Spinning Song of Mendelssohn, and
Rachmaninoff's omnipresent C sharp
minor Prelude-the latter to the great
and vociferous glee of the audience.
-William J. Lichtenwanger.
Co ntempo ry
A Review

temporary keeps up its usual high
standard. It illustrates one puzzling
phenomenon of university life, name-
ly that in all universities four-fifths
of the students are conservative and
that the literature produced by the
students comes, in all universities,
from the one-fifth that is liberal. It
might be worth while for the editors
of Contemporary to endeavor to tap
conservative opinion and to find one
conservative student who is not in-
Mr. Shoreham contributes a vig-
orous article on the need for dormi-
tories at Michigan. He is, indeed, so
vigorous that at times he is out of
breath. But he is able, sincere and
convincing and he gets in some good
body blows. Mr. Macklin continues
Mr. Stubbes's anatomy of abuses in
the Literary School. Mr. Macklinj
is quite justified in calling for more
coordination, but he must also recog-
nize that "uniformity" and "pattern"
have their dangers. He is much
nearer to the truth when he insists
that we must lay stress in our teach-
ing upon a high standard of mental
discipline and upon training the stu-
dent to "cope intelligently and ma-
turely with the serious problems of
lif e."
The short stories in the issue all
follow the same plan. They take an
apparently trivial incident which is
made to throw a sharp, ironic light
on life. They are efficiently done and
they are full enough of meaning to
be interesting. The writers of short
stories for the Contemporary would
improve their work if they could avoid
the use of the word "hell." In con-

(Continued from Page 3)

Gamma Epsilon and topics to be dis-
cussed are: Evidence favoring the
acceptance of Ozarkian and Canad-
ian as period terms, by R. E. Rada-
baugh; Evidence against the accep-
tance of Ozarkian and Canadian as
period terms, by W. C. Bell.
Physics Colloquium: Dr. Beutler
will speak on "Chemical Lumines-
cence in Gas Reactions," Room 1041
of the East Physics Building at 4:15
p.m. today.
Faculty,School of Education: The
December meeting of the faculty,
postponed from Dec. 7, will be held
today at 12 noon, at the Michigan
University Broadcasting: 2 p.m.
The University Museums as an Edu-
cational Center. Miss Crystal Thomp-
League Library Books must be re-
turned to the library today. No books
will be issued over the vacation
The Adelphi House of Representa-
tives meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
the Adelphi Room, 4023 Angell Hall.
Freshman Luncheon Clubs: A joint
meeting of the Tuesday and Thurs-
day Luncheon Clubs will be held at
the Union this evening at 6:15 p.m.
An entertaining program is being
provided and every luncheon club
member is urged to attend with any
guests he may wish to bring.
Iota Sigma Pi: A meeting will be
held tonight at 8 p.m., at the resi-
dence of Dr. Margaret Sumwalt, 216
S. Ingalls St. Dr. Sumwalt will speak
on "Morphine."
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Regular meeting
is to be held at the Michigan Union
today at 7:30 p.m. Room to be post-
ed. Uniforms required.
Iota Alpha will hold its regular
monthly meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 3205 E. Engineering Bldg.
Dr. Ralph Bennett will be the speak-
ef of the evening on the topic, "Color
Photography." Every member is
urged to be present.
The beginning and intermediate
dancing classes which ordinarily
meet at the Michigan League on
Tuesday evenings will not meet this
week. Classes will be held as usual
on Tuesday evenings following the
Christmas vacation.
Polonia Circle: There will be a
meeting of Polonia Circle at 8 p.m.
tonight at the League. All Polish stu-
dents are invited.
Choral Union Members: Please re-
port at Hill Auditorium at 7 p.m.,
tonight, for a rehearsal of Christmas
music to be sung at the Community
Sing with the Carillon on Wednes-
day evening.
Stanley Chorus: All members will
please meet at the foot of the left
hand stairs in Hill Auditorium,
promptly at 7 p.m.. tonight.
All Students, Faculty, Administra-
tive Officers and their families: You
are urged to come to Hill Auditorium
this evening at 7:15 p.m. for a re-
hearsal of the Christmas carols to
be sung with the carillon Wednesday
evening. Slides with the music to
be sung will be shown.
Freshmen Glee Club: Report to
Hill Auditorium at 7:15 p.m. today
for rehearsal of Christmas carols.
Varsity Glee Club and Reserves:
Report to Hill Auditorium at 7:15
p.m. today for rehearsal of Christ-
mas carols.
The Deutscher Verein will hold its

Christmas party this evening.
at 8 p.m. 'in the Michigan
League. The program will consist
of games and the singing of German
Christmas songs. Refreshments will
be served. Everyone is requested te
bring a 10-cent gift for the grab-bag,
All members are urged to be present
Others who are interested are wel-
come to come.
Yeoman of the Guards: There will
be a complete rehearsal of the en-
tire first act tonight at 8 p.m. All
members of the cast must be present
All men who have been coming tc
chorus tryouts will please report at
A.S.M.E. Roast: All ticket seller,,
for the A.S.M.E. Roast are requester
to report to the desk in West En-
gineering Building sometime thi:
morning, to turn in all ticket mone3
for tickets sold, and to give an ap-
proximate idea of expected sales. WE
must have this information by noon

Church of Christ (Disciples):
The Disciples' Guild will have the
annual caroling party, this evening
at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St.
Transportation will be provided for
the caroling tour. The group will
return to the Guild House at 9:30
p.m. for refreshments. Students go-
ing on the tour should be present at
8 p.m.
Christian Science Organization
meets tonight at the chapel of the
Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
vited to attend.
Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading Section
will meet today at 2:15 in the Alum-
nae Room of the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames: Mrs. Carl Rufus
is going to talk on the topic "Side-
lights on the Orient" at the general
meeting of the Michigan Dames on
tonight at 8:15 p.m. All
wives of students and internes are
cordially invited to attend. Members
are asked to bring small gifts for the
hospital children.
Hillel Players: Three one-act plays
are to be given at the regular meet-
ing tonight at 8 p.m. at the Hillel
Foundation. Please be prompt.
There will be an extremely import-
ant business meeting after the pre-
sentation. 'Members are urged to be
Coming Events
Research Club will meet in Room
2528 East Medical Building on Wed-
nesday, Dec. 16, at 8 p.m. The fol-
lowing papers will bempresented:
"The Crisis in the Foundations of
Mathematics" by Prof. R. L. Wilder;
"Govei'nment of Sulu Archipelago"
by Prof. J. R. Hayden. The Council
will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 12 o'clock
in the Russian Tea. Room of the
Michigan League. Prof. Elmer Mit-
chell, director of Intramural Sports,
who went to Berlin last summer, will
speak informally on "The Olympic
A.I.Ch.E.: All Chemical and Metal-
lurgical Engineers are invited to the
meeting which is to be held Wed-
nesday, Dec. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in Room
1042 East Engineering Bldg. Prof.
G. G. Brown will relate some of his
experiences in England last summer,
including observations of old Roman
engineering projects as well as recent
engineering developments. The sec-
ond short quiz will be served in the
chapter room after the meeting.
Economics Club: "Distinctive Fea-
tures of Swedish Monetary Theory"
will be discussed by Dr. Tord Palen-
der (Stockhold) on Wednesday, Dec.
16, at 7:30 p.m. in the League. Mem-
bers of the staffs in Economics and
Business Administration and grad-
uate students in these departments
are cordially invited to attend.
The Sociedad Hispanica will have
a social gathering on Wednesday eve-
ning at 8 p.m. at the home of Prof.
Julio del Toro, 1120 Hill St. An
interesting progiam has been ar-
ranged. All members are urged to
Intramural Archery Classes are be-
ing held from 1-3 p.m. every Wed-
nesday and Friday at the I.-M. Bldg.
All men who are interested in ar-
chery come and bring your own ar-
Intramural numerals will be
awarded to the four who show up
best throughout the year.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of dh
-University. Copy received at the office of the Awlistant toQw Presi$
until 3:30. 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

The Lutheran Student Club will
have a caroling party on Thursday
evening. Students will meet at Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 8 p.m. Each
student is asked to bring one small
gift for a Christmas party to follow
the caroling. Students will be the
guests of Rev. and Mrs. Yoder after
the singing. All students are wel-
A.A.U.W. Major and Junior
Groups: The Junior Group of the
A.A.U.W. will entertain the mem-
bers of the major group at supper
on Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 6:15 p.m.
in the Michigan League. Dean Wil-
ber R. Humphreys will tell about his
travels in Europe. Reservations may
be made at the Michigane Leagu
(Phone 23251) until Tuesday night.
Michigan Dames: Book Group will
meet Wednesday, Dec. 16, at the
Michigan League from 7:30 to 8 p.m.
The Art Study Group of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet on
Thursday of this week, Dec. 17, at 2
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Paul H.
Jeserich, 5131 Park Road. Take
Jackson Road as far as Mercywood
Sanitarium, turn left on Park Road
which is opposite to the Sanitarium,

plays. The Contemporary is so good
that it deserves the support of all the

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