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February 19, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-19

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AYJrtbRUARY 19. 1030

.' 1 ,H E M-I C H I AN


AV w ys1'~'I.C~Yt1 F r~v 1G4 I ... 1 1 TI11..1 M aIa.a.ITCa N Da.+LYa


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Miss Grace E. Richards Heads I
{. University Section of
A Association.
,Gene al ;Theme of Conference
IsAdjustment -f
College Women.
Eight prominent women connct-
ed with the University ar leavingI
. this week to attend the 17th annu-
ial conferencec of thc National Asso-
cieaton of Deans of Women meet-,
.ng at Atlantic City. Miss Grace
# Richards, adviser o women, is
chairman of the university section f
-of 'the1 association and is respon-
sible for the meeting of her group.1
*Meetings of university, college, nr
mal school, and high school groups'
are h* is..A exj
Mis AlceLloyd, adviser to w- ;
'men, Is leaving today to attend the
nieetin. Others"Ty 6Michigan are
Miss Inez Hozorth, director of Mo-
sher-Jordan Hall, Miss Mary Lytle,
director' of Betsy °Barbour, Mrs.
Florene Tousey, director of Helen
Newberry Residence, Miss Margaret
Bmith director of Martha Cook
Building, Miss Edith Barnard, di-
.rector ~ of .Alumnae . House, Miss
Grace' Mason of the' bureau of
University research, and Mrs. Ju-
rlus . Schotterbek, consultant
for dormitory construction.
1The theme of the conference is
adjustment i n its various phases.
The university section will pay spe-
ial atteftion t mntal hygiene o
college women. Prominent speakers
for, this section are Mrs. Julianna
Hlaskell, Columbia university, Dr.
Lloyd J. Thompson of Yale, and
Mrs,." ""raf ton .Abbott, clinical
pscpoist of the Judgc Baker
-Foundation, Boston Thyrsa W.
Amro, dean of women at the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh is president
of the association. Other speakers
*of, distinction arc Dr. Ralph W.
-Sockmnan, New York, and English
Bagby, University of North Caro-
C On vdsent.,Children
Enjoy Valentine Party
4 About sity children of the con-;
''vlescents ward of the University
Shospital gathered in the play-room
for a Valentine's day party. Acting
a.~f the suggestion of the children,
l. who were all under thirteen years;
l~of age, Miss Colerohe Krassovsky,
i of thte social service department of
the hospital, had the playroom
1 Igaily decorated ith valentine ;
i Garoup' game were arranged for
Sthe children, aid there was also a
° Illshingwell in. which they fished
srfor hearts., A competitive bazaar
was an unusual feature of the
'DJparty. Articles made by the chil-
Sdren of the other hospital were
sjold for the price of one safety-pin.l
.The Ladies': Aid society of the
u~inLuhrnchurch, which fin-E
hanced- the party, served the. re-
;sfreshments. There were Valen-
'.t#lie cookies, cracker-jacks, icc-
Zerean, and candy. Each child had
fat least one Valentine, made by the
"yUnger patients.
- Another party was held at one of
16the cottages for more than 25 oif
id.,the social hygiene c ildren

t 0J.00
4 = Shampoo and Finger Wave
15 or -
a Shampoo and Marcel
7 $91.00 -
Phone 22813
tllIiillllllllli111111l11~liii 1111111111111 P11111

Mary Garden.
Detroit will hear Massenet's !'Le temiezzi or Benlli's great dramatic'
Jongleur de Notre Dame" for the
first time when Mary Garden ap- poem is one of the most beautiful
pears tonight in the role of Jean of- modern -operas.
the juggler. This will be the thrd: Donizetti's farce, "Don Pasquale"
presentation of- the series being "Iil be given Saturday night by an
given by the Chicago Civic Opraf expert company of comedians in-
company in'the Masonic temple euling Tito Schipa and Mrgher-
With, Miss -Garden in the cast aec ita Savi. Verdi's "Rigotto": will
Theodore RSitch, Formichi, Baro- close the season Sundy afternoon
imo and Robert -Ringing. Charlesat3occk
Lawr Trwiacnt, ildfo hr- The ballet appears inaal evening
','a Tavita'biledfo Tlurs Iperformances. It is headed by two
day nighit, brings three Detroit f a-I American dancers who were soloists
vorites in the t outstanding roles. for the last season, Ruth Pryor and
The are Mine. Mauzio as. Voletta,I Edward Caton.
Chares Hacket as Alfrcdo and ___ -
Richard Bonelli as George Ger--____ ___________
mond. On Friday evening' "Tann-1 Thee will be a meeting at
haeuser" will, be :given with Rosa 4:15 Friday, in- the Alumnae
Raisa as Elizabeth. mro for all thoseointerested tn
Miss Gardeni will be heard for. a working in the library of the
second time on 'Saturday afternoon ,. League building. The type Of
as Flora in the' "Love of Tliree work expected will beY explain-
D ings.". With hl, r are Rene Maiswn ed alncnes signed up for tle
as Avto,' Cesaree 'Foriichi as Man-' hours every. day .between P in
fredo And' Virgllo -Lauzri. in his l"the moning and 9 n the even-
classic interpretation of the blind 1 ing.
king. This setting by, Italo 'Mond--___s_________
A few good bargins yet to be had
w ~this month.w1
w. -
1306 South University
Alterations and Plain Selviug
<fCi tA~il~ , $2 539 5G o i
No, feminine wardrobe is conviletc.: without a plenti
ful assortment of gloves and this sale gives an opportunityu
U to every one to purchase a fresh suply.
There arc wrist length slipons, adjustabe rist hands
etnding in bow arrangemnents, bth sketched here, and many
_ other styles all of washable c!)eskn. Sizs 6-71/2.
vi cw

liii"''When the women members of the 1
class of 1907 gathered in Sarah
IWomden Interested in Dancing Caswell Angell hall to viewm the!
Askedto Atendplay which had been prepared for
their entertainment by the class
Meeting. of 1908, they initiated a tradition
which was to become firmly estab-
TO MEET IN TWO GROUPS, lished among Michigan womens1
SIn -order that work may be start- "Don Quixote, the Co-ed Knight," i
-d on the annual recital, all wo ren a farce in three acts, was the title (
who are interested in Orchesis, of this first of the long series of
women's dancing society, are askedr successful Junior Girls' Plays
to come to the meetig' which is Written by four women who adI
being held tonight in the loungwe been appointed for the task at the
of the Field house. The meet-, suggestion of Dean' Myra Jordan,'
ing will be divided into two pirns.I it opened the way for future pro-
the first of which will corne at 7:30 dutions in lprhapas just; the mian-
o'clock and .the second at 8:30: nr that Den Jordan heref1
o'clock. Any one mnay cinme to might have wished when she ug- j
either or both divisions. gested the possibility of such an tin-!
The first hour of the' evening1 deitaking.
will be spent on natural dancing Play Adapted fromn Spanish
and all old members of Orcisis Mrs. Aubrey Teald, then Eleanor
are especially urged' to attend this Demmon, was one of the four to
half of the meeting. Solo anld cou- work on the script of the play
pip dance:; (of the various countries1 which was an adaptation from the
of the world will be taken up from; Spanish. Other members of the
8:30 to 9:30. Clogging will also be! committee were Barbara ,MMAvay.
offered to those who ire initerestedi,t Marjorie Fenton, and Isabella
and those- who wish to clog arec Watt, all of the class of '08.
asked to W-ear hard soled shtoes. ! The' lay was notana open pro-
--(auction, as it is today," Mrs. Teald'
l remarked, when asked in what way
Notices the first differed from the ones
There will be a meeting of all1 which are given today. "Only
women who arc interested in senior women were permitted to at-
fencing at 4 o'clock Thursday in tend it." Mrs. Tealdi explaned
Barbour gymnasium. Plans for ;also that, although the, play con-_
the intramural tournament will tained song presentations, it was
be discussed at-this time. not a musical comedy in the sense
' Two pianos are now available !that it is today.
In the League building to stu-! Presented for Seniors.
dents wishing to use them. One. A review of the comedy, printed
has been moved Irom the pit of j i The Daily at the time, states
the Lydia Mendelssolmn theater1 tha t the production "was received
'to tie Garden' r and the b y a -deeply 'appreciative audience
other is in the Alumnae room. of senior girls at Sarah Caswell
Pegasus will hold a meeting at! Angel hall." A brief synopsis of
7:30 tomorrow night in the I the plot, in which. the wrongs of
League- building. All members the co-ed. are. at ast. righted
and others who are interested through the efforts 'of the Spanish
in, joining the riding club are hero, was presentted. as follows:I
asked to be present at this ;ine. 'Don Quixote and his faithful fol-
Ilower, Sancho Panza, straying from
Or.Special PermanentLJWavet$5.0.4-
- ~Wltn CJMonths' Service
=Also 25°l'0 tbf e+-, l work clone cvery Monday and
= Ttlesd: y exept Pemniets
1110 . "U".. Phone 7561
11 F
w a
I~j In subl e shimmering

s'hades.,, for Springtime
For thv fi# tttm -pyu An get the ewcl ~in,
a nd Hav,1 Tor. the evenin~g coiors are Ir'is, Lotus,
) Circe, and Cyrmbeeime.
ii dividu tleg k [x' r 1'1n1 as Well as foo~t sizes.S
MA1 - relStock~gig s'.Atatis W1 i-6l Y.Vow C)P0 1 C 1 F r every{1
t3 oye'Cf Wo~men
THE GCOtOON PETITE-if you sare flte rhrL '~3t -66flAJ wt age leg nieasri
I ~rnen Q; the tN i.n of avr-r~sge bright with slim legs; or the growing'gt.-
THE GRDONPiur\JCESS-& if )- #_s±av_sn ~of *4taq.-befight Lt leg
It rj t& etncnt$; +t'ho rt v ra wi plmp, legs, or tbe yoMg girl va~
V skits ra rei~ref(
THE GOODON REGAL-.if you atr, the tall wormn wvh a' frig le ma.~e,
I tomnts; t or6 omn nof ave'ragsblgh
f++ l,.?he - S sof r ,r t?'- tit er to11

home to do battle for the fair sex,

ing-dish xparty in the library, and archieological expedition, will givc
finally becomes mnaster .of cerexi-
ics at the Phi Beta Kappa Initia-] a 'Uiversity lct ure here F ridaly,
tion." February 21, in the Natural Scioncc
Costumes are Elaborateo. ~Auditoriuni. Miss Conway was
Accounts of the costumnes wornz brought here .un:d r the < asice s ;of
by: the Main characters reveal anI the American, Assoc iatioa of U n i-
amusing, inconsistency, citron- Versity Women.
logically speaking., Doni Quixote The "kirst. Exca vat ions at Petra"
was arrayed in dazzling armor,-j is -the subject of the lecture, which
^onsisting mainly of boiler ,and et- . to" be illustrated with slides. Miss
tle tops. His companion,: a some- Conway, a Cambridge graduate,.
what portly fellow, wore a ,costume lwas 'the' only archieologist who ac-
which. was a cross. between, thaft o companlied the expedition.
the cowboy and that of 'the Spin-: emrbers of A. Al . U ..x rc en-
ish knight. A red> satin ,bolero , tcrtaihihng Mis, Conway at dinner
claimed equal honors with I ndiirday Igh 0t at the League buiild-
Atnerlcan canteenz, slung ove~r San- Ing.:
cI ch's shoulder.
SAmusing ineidents, arising W omen' Will be Givent
through Sanicho's inablity. to com-i
prehend the meaning of .Amnerican LvssonS ns tSwi m in g
slang, revealed the peculiarities of'
a campus vocabulary. Sancho be,1 Organized swimming classes fog;
lieedthat. "the Mortobrb s wonmen arse to be hegld In, the Michz-
Iwere members of the br1c%4-ayers'j g hinpo nTusaad
union, and marveled 'at the girls Thursday nights, beginning next
over in Barbour gymnasium hay-{ week. - MRi.ss $zaunlnger will be in
ing to "swim ina a vwell, attacheda to' charge, and any. woman, whether
'a fishipole." enrolled . in. the. University or not,
Profcssors Portrayled. mnay attend,.. Admission cards may
Villains of the~ piece wvere -?or-_ be obtainled from Miss McCormick,
trayed as being various professors room 15, Barbour Gyimnasiurn.
of the University, among whom . Classes for beginners-women or
were Professors Cross, . Dow,. and . children-will be held at 7:30
Van Tyne. A "J" Hop boy with a i o'clock, and adlvancedl classc\s in-
bulldog was includedl in this group eludeing life-saving and diving, will
which opposed the rights' of co- 'be hold. from 8. to 8:3Q o'clock. Any
eds. A high spot in t~production I ote who so ldsres mnay be in a
occurred when these suppod:vil- class, but ,all those who (10 not -wish
lains joined. with Quixote, _Sanchao. to enroll .in classes may swim at
and the Dean of.Woien in iniltit- the samie timue,.without thde-nvecs-
ing the Phi. Beta kappa girls. sity .of enrolling.



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