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February 19, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-19

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Published every, morning except Monday
during the TUniversity year by the Board in
Control of Student ..Publications,
Member. of Western Conference Editorial



The-Associated ;Press i exclusively entitled
to ,the use for= republication of all news dis-
patches redited to it or not otherwise credited
in n this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postofice at Ann Abor,
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O7flces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
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Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
' Telephone 4925
:editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley
City Editor............ Pierce lRsnbeg
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Women's Editor.......Marjorie Follie;
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Night Editors-Editorial Board Member
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
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Department Managers
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'Norris Johnson Hobert Williamson
Charles '-Kline William li. Worboy
Dorothiy Bloomgardner 4ice McC lly
Iaura Codling Svia Miler
Agnes Davis }-(eln E. Musselwhite
Bernice 'Glaser . Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hrtense "G oding 4D)otea Water~nan.
The death of Edgar iekemeyer
in the glider crash lashr Saturday
afternoon has rudely awakened us
' flromi our dream that gliding is a
perfectly safe way to navigate the
.air. Many will now be inclined to
view gliding with suspicion and
1possibly to think that human life
is too precious to risk for the sport-
ing thrills and elementary flying
experience that; gliding offers. We
should not, however, allow tie sud-
denness and nearness of the shock
'caused by a studet's death to warp
our perspective. Gliding, despite
this most recent black eye, is now,
and as time passes will more and
more prove itself an invaluable ad-
junt to Ameica's aeronautical de-
velopment. As the long-sought
missing link between the student
and powered flying, it must not be
sacrificed to public ignorance of its
importance or public mistrust of its
essential safety.
It would be folly, however, to dis-

regard the lessons' to be learned
from Siekemeyer's death. The first
is that the internal discipline of
the Glider section must be
strengthened so that no member
will attempt maneuvers in the air
which he does not thoroughly and
exactly understand. The same
group must go to the flying field
each time with the same instruc-
tor so that no one's piloting ability
will be overestirmated before he is
given a ship to fly. The second les-
son to be learned is that primary
training gliders as built in this
country are not so inherently sta-
ble in the., air as their German
counterparts. Trheir stability has
been sacrificed for maneuverability
which is apt to prove dangerous in
the hands of beginners.
We believe that these lessons will
be sufficiently taken to heart by
the student members, of the Glider'
sectioni to make faculty supervision
of their activities unnecessary. .It
would be a mistake to sacrifice the
independence, self -reliance, and
initiative upon which they ha.ve
built up the most important and l
progressive glider club in the Unit-

CapusOpnon Music And TDraa Q1TDRL
Contributors are askled to ic bbii'I.,
confining themslves to l: haihn *vo0
w~ords of poss.ible. Anonymus c'nu-
unicatiotis will be disrega1rd,:.L io, 1 THIIS Al"TERNOON : At 4:15. in
names of communicants will, lumoever,:- lfill.Auditorium Palmer Christian o
C be regarded as confidential, . aon c
quest. Letters published should nout be in organ recital. NT
construed as expressing thc editorial
opinion of the Daily. TONIGHT: At the Lydia Men-} The "Oratorical association gave
CONIDR HE NEAS dclssolii Theatre, beginning at! tickets away to hear Robert L. Rip-
8:0,Tho ryes great mto ley speaks last night.
Fromthepoit ofvie ofthepicture, The Passion of Joan of
Fromthe.poin ofviewof te ;Are.
Rhizopoda, the editorial "A Race The automobileiban has been
of Aebas is eartbreaing At Mimes Theatre, a presenta-
of mebs" s hartbrekin.tio" of The Outsider by Dorothy; perm<anently lifted.
Amebas weaklings? Page Enta- Brander.
meba histolytica! Living unnot- Ann Arbor householders always
iced, unsung, in the deep dark re- THE OUTSIDER +"ftehmnfod.tbh lea~zn ;the snow and ice from their
cesses ftehmnfo ue esdw1s
has been known to bring whole 'A Review by William J. Gorman. s
armies to their knees. Stability? isjsiidaItik ni~ O ne h
Why the very foundation rocks of ; Women may nwetrtk
old University Hall barmue re_ quirimg into motives for choice of niionbythe front door.
timony to the stuff of which the plays. After promising or threat- I
shelled amebas were made! H-ave ing Galsworthy for two years,± Calvin Coolidge has signed up as I
to tell Amebas not to imbibe alco- Mimes revives a slight theatricaDilreot.
hol? 'Why the suddenness withaDilreot.
which they manifest the negativepee hc owed its Broadway run i. m
heotropic response in the prs to the impelling presence of Lionel Grol n h iate
ence of the exhilarating liquid is Atwill and Katharine Cornell, the lehave conmbined to form a neCw
positively uncanny! The only kind last notably indifferent to the qual- publication.
of amebas that soak up the hard ity of her. vehicles. The Outsider1
liquor are the dead ones, and how is a thesis play which has it that
can hey elpit wen lattnedright thinking plus a certain rack Deferred rushing has been per -
out under a coverslp machine is efficacious in curing nianently tabled,
Then as for sex, why even a first bone trouble though the practitionerI
year zoology student knows that as has' not his M.D.- A loud, bombastic Trhe stock market has reachtedl
far as an ameba is concerned there bone setter, outside the profession, the highlest peak ever known.
simply aint any such animal! Sur- but vaguely identified with God at
vival of the fittest? Man alive!.times, lays bare his heart before: I
Amebas inhabited this earth long the crippled girl on whose cure his
before the last high-flying Ptero- future depends. Apart from the iI
dactyl looked down on his clumsy therapeutics in the first clumsy
feathered brathpr and cautioned act, the piece develops in the lastf/
him to be a good little biirdie lest act real dramatic value-but the / pJ
he perish from the face of the thin,, essentially empty type that so
earth. ineeds and demands professional !
Shades of Dientameba fragilis, intensity to' sustain it. 0
why should a race of homos on the Working under the handicap of 00
toboggan slide to degeneracy be a bad play Mimes has, for the most o
likened to a race of amebas! part, a pretty hard time of it. ®a14
Amebas inhabit the depths of the David Hempstead, aside from his 0
sea, the water we drink, the food somewhat unfortunate struggler to
we eat and the soil on which we catch an acceptable foreign accent,1 Gathmerinig the slickels.
tread. They subsist on food re-I turns in a good performance, nice-!I
jetted by others and occupy cubby ly studied and executed inl a clear''
holes that a landlady wouldn't consistent interpretation. Miss ! The president of thme Student
think of renting to a Freshman.: Day's work in the Katharine Cor- council has admitted that per-
Cold, heat, drought, deferred rush- hell' part was hardly as, successful. haps the counil is not so hmot,
ing and the Auto Ban means nothing She was legitinmately anxious to; ;
to them. Sans systems, sans or- achieve nuances in intonationl and presidenit Rutliven heas adopted
gans, sans tissues, they carry on gesture 12uneemyaUniversaty students
providing food for the Copepods mess nmade' most of her scenes l
and inspiration for the microscope merely adequate. In a less exact-
manufacturers. Belittle the race ing part, Miss Day, who has a nice P Irofessiors are overpaid.
of amebas and you belittle the most voice,: should prove a pronmisinig ad-,,
faithful among thlem, Enatamneba dition to the feminine group of Err.suetgatahgfo
{gngevalis, the oine that clings af- campus Thespians. Mihga s urnte ahghsl
fectionately to our gingeval memi- fad direction kept 'tile produc-;Mciaisgrnteahihal
branes when others forsake us-, Iion from being really satisfactory jre oiin
yea when even our closest friends ' though. Miss Walkinshaw was al-i
hesitate' to tell us- that we have-- Lowed to do a screen-farce maid, a ! 411 t LL o
H~alitosis! - otI noyn sort of relief be- SA l9

raswrw s


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P. K.
The arguments oftenest! used in
justification of missionai'ies' phi-
'lathrpicwork in India are fourl
in number. First to give India a
'religion, second to civilize, third to
reform the social evils, and lastly
to unite India for her independ-
ence. The above four reasons sound
well but let us examine thenm close-
India is a land of great religion.
Many centuries before the Chris-
tian Era, Hinduism spread over vir-
tually the whole of India, When
India has a religion mnuch older,
well founded and as good as the
western religion~, why does India
need a new religionl?
The second argumnlt is Chris-
tianity for the civilization of India.
When British first, entered India
as traders, they found a civilization
that was high. Thomas Munro, a
governor of Madras, in a statement
before the House of Comnlons, stat-
ed they possessed "a good system
of agriculture unrivaled manufac-
turing skill, schools establishedc in
every village, hospitality and cha r-
ity among each other-all signs
which denote a civilized people.
. , ." This statement shows India
progressed in the civilization in its
finest form without Christianity.
Then why does India need Chris-
tianitya now for civilization?
Christianity to reform the social
evils in India. Reforms were
made, soically and religiously by
the great teachers of the country
before -the British peeped into the
affairs of India. The great Em-
peror Asoka, who ruled from B. C.
272-232, organized a great digging?
of wells in India, and the planting
of trees for shade, and founded
and appointed officers for the su-
pervision of charitable works, If
India was able to mnake reforms i;

I'cause comic in aniy but the intend- r
ed sense. And George Tremble was?
Iunipar donably miscast, A certain
his jaw oil his collar meant enmo-
tional upset. The result was inevi- ,Thleclean wishes Adlphaiu
tably laughter from all in the audi- . *
ence. This cannot be put too 'rteEighmteenith amenidmuent.
3trongly for the failure of the di- lhas been repealed.
rector to predict this reaction inl
rehearsal resulted in the comic*
Distortion of whole scenes in which No more students will be expelledt
IMr. H-empstead and Miss Day were from the University because of
doing high-grade work. poor grades or for any other r~a-,
Geodge Prielis failed to make the son.
most of pathetic scene in thle first **
act which is the act's only reason Play Productioni, Comedy
for existing. The group of doctors Club, amid Mimes ihave comec to
were adequate though quite uncer-I an agreement.
f ~ainl as to their stage movements
anmd gouping.2 a-



Michigan. aily


YOU ---

The progress of this Quartet, cit.-
, d on its. debuts in New York as "a
potential addition to New York's
musical life," has been steady, cer-
tain and cumulative until with re-
markable . unanimity the leading
^ritics of. the country have attest-
ed to their attainment of that un-
canny unity of utterance which is
the peak of quartet-playing,

IClasses will be dismissed every
other week to allow students to
catch up on lost sleety and to rest j_
up for the work ahead.
Thie adnministration has con--
eluded thlat fraternities are a
fine, uplifting° influence on theI
Thle Washtenaw rribunie is sup 2
perior in every department, to the
New York Times.
Final exanmimnations have been1
discontinued. r
Angell hall will be torn down to2
make rpom for a gasoline station.~
I'Cloeks in all campus build-
ings. and in tlie stores around -
the camupus always agrnee.
Spring is here. 'there will be no
more snow or cold weather until
next January.
Deans do not act as night= -
wateimen for(lhe* university.
The S. C. A. is run by a bunchI
of hard drinkers,
II Thme. AnA1 rbor inerciay-iats I
Slose- riromicy bccause of their1 low I -j

Six times each

week it will bring you news of' sports,

social events,

meeigs,' ;University

announcements, f eatures-everyti ing connected. with
the University of Michigan,
Member of the Associ'ated Press



For three years prior to it debut
this Quartet enjoyed the privilege
of constant association devoted to
daily rehearsals, giving them an
opportunity to perfect; their en-
semble and to develop a cert~ain in-

without Christianity whyi does she dividuality' as a body. It devotes
want it now for reforms?' itself' assiduously and exclusively
Lastly Christianity to unite India to chamber music and bids fair toI
for', her independence. Notwith- replace the recently diorganized
standing all the diversities India Flonzalcy as America's best chamn-
has, India is profoundly one. The ber group. The program that itj
historical maps of India shoow oOffers in the concert Friday night
again and again the natural unity under the auspices of the Chamber

Subscription price, $2.50 for the rest of the school

year--call at

Press Building, or Dial 21214 and give
your name and address

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