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sCIE"m 9
Def at
Vrsity Reserve GridI
Team Schedules Seven
Games foar Next Year
Dale Seymour, 'Campbell, Ben. I Coach Courtright's Varsity re-,
sonr, Wolfe Form W inning serve football team will play sevenI'
Rela Cobintio, * games next season against four
Western Conference opponents, two :r
State Normal colleges, and the newjw 4
COACH XFARRELL POINTS 1 General Motor.,;Tech1 of Flint. Twos
TO MEET WITH-CHICAGO morning games are the features of
_-...... the schedule as announced, both
3;7 Entries Named by. Veteran the Indiana and Wisconsin "B"y
< ' SlSo squads appearing on Ferry Field
eno, pomrsIon days when a home Varsity gameUepcePwr
UepcePo ris slated for the afternoon.
The schedule follows the general' g
M'ichigan's medlay relay, team pl1In of that last season. with the1
defeated the blue clad Ypsilanti reserves appearing with the Var -1
squad. yesterday afternoon in the ity in the first double header. It
fteld. house whien Wolfe. brilliant will be the first time that a Mihi-
,.gan team has played i game with?
sophomore milr, rcgained a long the new Tech at Flint however. 4:
lost lead to break the tape ten The schedule is as follows:
yards ahead of -Arnold. The time Ocoe -tMcia"B
for'the four men was 7:43:2. OcoeLi--ihga B t Cen-;
tral State Teachers Colleg.
Dale Seymor jumped into the Ot 1-nin '"hr .M
lead in the quarter 'mile to lead Ot 1--Oi tt ee
Beck . by about five yards, and !Oct. 1-Oihian11ate "B" here,
C'ampbell, running the 220 for Nov. 8-General Motors Tetsi
Coach - Farrell kept the advantage.hre
Ho.wever in; the half mile Bensonl Nov. 15 Michigan "BI3 ,at West- G aa awec ik lf) ndte nwCnsoco Ihai
allowed Arnett to cut him off onl e tt e c es C le e h ~ idnn h ~ -avr ok it T eliv r ot
one of the turns and could not re- I"" ht~dsondrn h ist avr oku.Telavr otNov. 22-Wiscorisin "B here. Wieie
'gain the lead. 'Ini the anchor po-_________ contains a wealth of vteran material this year.
sition however Wolfe trailed hisCo eeG idSas___________________________________
opponent for six laps, but forged of eG i trI
ahead on the seventh and fromMaeG A
their in was never headed. Fail to -aeGrd
Should be Severe Loss. 1,____
Chicago whzen the Maroons invade b
the, Fiecld House for the first indoor . al.. players in college, but from
meet of the season this Saturday 'the list of players on 'the rosters of Despite the weird exhibition Michigan's offensive machin
were givenz a severe blow when it big league ball clubs at the present which Coach Eddie Lowery's Var - Coach Lowrey had dvisd the sys
was, announced that Austin, thei time it would appear that the pig-, city stickhanidlers turned ou; Mvon- tern of alternating the pair of 'fir
best two-miler on the Mich'gan l day night in their am cwi~ith Mgt h- isting forwards, joseph and Ny~
sd would b'e unable to comnpete . edo hvieo g',anState Wolverine gruesxvith his serppysaew
7 e-,roe smllboe n hs oo*Iability in the diamond--pastime to ign ,menLi ii-Coiirtis a( ct 2nerr
Heol brokeraosmallnbneainrhis foot lss ar e looking' forward 1to en,
during -a practice run, and the in- hl hi w nmjrlau invasion of the Gopher forces Fri-
jury will not be' healed in time to -clubs, day and Saturday nights wit aie Unde te presntL si4,~ta m
allow him! to go to the mark. Only a relatively few football grc of confidence. iha e_ Coris has moved to regular
Austin tied the Field House rec-I players of any note are now the berth along with Nygrd wvhilc
ord in the two mile recently with a I property of the sixteen teams of, Only one game has been a newcomer, Sippiila, has been
9:45 and was looked upon as a the American and National league,! pryed from the Mlichig'n named to team with Shlan-
sure wind~er in this event in spite of the fact that many have Iclm this year on the col, 'drr iplai i e p
colnpar casnce hade faileddto show
Ineligibility May Hit Team, tried out for big league berths with-' srm ice. This-came as a re- the classneeddadsoc
Coach Farrell has entered 37 men in the last few seasons. sut 'of mighty Ma~quette's e'f-: ilpobbyb oc
in the Chicago meet, while the Ma- At the present time the greatest} forts to even things in the two t aluo i euast e
rooIm have, signift:e"' that. 24 ath- college football star. now perform-1 game series here in Emil rbor t aluo i euast e
ldtes will compete against them.° ing in the regalia of a major league 1 after tasting defeat the pre- atin e r paciatyeh.t
The Michigan entries for the Chi-j ball club is Bruce Caldwell'; an All-i viouis evenin_.tr rue
cago meet' include,' Captain Poor- American halfback ,from .Yale, who'! Bill Langen at eentr has estab
man, Pott~er, Dahlenrh Tolan, Camp- was considered the best back in the ( The loss of Gabe Joseph throigh li hci himself as one., o ' the sweet
bell, Chapama, Davie, Smythe,) country only a couple of seasonsI graduation will pr:ove a Severe ('St skaters that hias ever donne(
Mfurry, .Wolfe, ,D'Anno,, Lowmaster, back.. Caldwell, in his first season handicap to thle lasting power of - (utnc n~j
Ftuestel, Crawford, ixie Seymour,! as a member of the Cleveland In- li1lE####!ff __lis llIi##'ii#'#ttl# #ltil#ir1rll11,t##
Dalton Seymour, Russell, Cook,I dians, failed to develop into the hit-#~l
Glading, Mosser, Fitzgibbons, Ken- Iter that it was predicted hie would
riedy, Allen, Wood, Benson, Chase, become by "Smoky Joe" Wood, for- .=
McLaughlin, Colny, Mueller, Whit- mom major league star who now_
sit, Felker, Veach, Evans, Noyes coaches Yale.
Brooks, Pottle, Dougal, and Shet- Sent to New H-aven last season =1]D R E S S~~IN G j
ter°. --- (C________ lonT h g 7)
4:TYPE W ITN G f r S r"I
/ REFT ING CARD~S for all ;e~idiuItyar ~iordi heesnw
., 1 new w ttfs.Very light woolen ,t.ind Silks
r lead(1it~arier4for'Mlitigaiui Stujdf tqs ie 1913$ I i y'iad of plain ,colors wid pj trzs"ta
tii.ke's lo~lgi t i a te.sl p ltoa
J~chve i ofrnot~yoi Cat nO
bu aalied~tita t.Olo Tes oasaCW/ ainlI f STe
.n u~t~ ietioigadal.etaf~dIl'igiad ~be b~dt(
th'ohrtig ha ot aemdlsadp v V- pplrwt ;ls
a u t dc aentbe aci al o steida iet oei n
fc1d(1 It ill, ict yfo to sandtheseae t avselec stinwle awei have, asmlte
bed f iyou °b y you towsui thesseinut s'~s
Swmngi W1 R thlere, lil
T ooey NfMinnesosta,,ere.___
Coombc and J ttie -W L tw4 Simmng-. AtrU. MetDe-Combinationt of 'Weiss, Truskow-
Places Ott. Wo1teritte etal ;i hee.ksi, and rwig Works Well
VirtySgad,1. ing -irat-dianta, theire, on Offffense.
.,... ~t ockey=--Miurnesotar, hre.
JE~i ' T OJ S t3S F 1 S Tack-Ohicago, h~ere. EIcif' TEAM PLFAYERS ,ADDED
Comniing- I ionvbid toa withrliee Fencing-Illinois, here. What the Wolverine varsity bas-
of; its grist, four - gamesv Michigan.'s __________________ keteers will do against the Indiana
Junior "Varsity b~isketbalLteam fin ___ ___ __ cagers, who prover rather easy for
iithcd its.seasonr wrath1-a rof l-O ' eda t h ns _Michigan eariier in the seaso,'
five,. victories,;.and,, fie deseats .to " could not be gleaned fromrrn the list-
eoarn Titselfa~ l& triy f.te Win Over-:Gopher, Jless srimmage between the reg-
y a~. ~Thefuia~ vetoy ofthose ~lrs and the reserves last night
Lon was :re iseretd on i:Februaay,. ,: ; unet The regulars had so little diffi-
when the "B=". teim cagers tooWlshe, 17C i culty in keeping the ball in their
moeasuro- of the Codl)ac A. Cw. of _I(own possession that the affair was
Detrmot, by a 261.48Count: 11Jiii VauW t- ltriiiuted~ Thir-d1 more or less of a drill i , ofrnsive
Liack, of teacn-inpiay;;sconed l1to be lace Hodorsu Wv 'ley ripig 3tccsfrhe.
the- most, dilf rnlt' factor~: that- the- I) iU tacicsfor hem
Juci Vrst cgoiomtduki Under theses conditions the mg-
Junio6,r- astity:pscg er rt .medrng_ flar five composed of Captain
1''sao, h ~siit n.gN-m~th woi~- vi ,s-51o i'll A1Of itsChpaWis IrkokO-
oreial floor work a°t no tiTe being lIfzsii r ~ r tdc1iast:M'Shiiy, when it hp nWs Tskwi O-
jast what it shotad'have 'bE n:At c mtz Y 4ld~ non fwig anld anils were "not given'
tune th tem semed t~iti" is ,much of a hace to exte dthem-
tims te tam e~encd tofi~ it Itlhr>-ns intrestinmg ganies this selves and as a subsequent result
,.,shooting eye, but at-thse. imes ti -in;amevtan p-the play lacked the snap and fire
:rthe defense usually let dowz, so pezttan&'e < thc-oWlldcas have of close contest.
that the team was pressed hard noenal obe~.tejil htJu~et eevd
befre t culdean te vctoy. has hqid. them for the last threel The regulars far outclassed the
Two of the Michigan players weeks. Rfic], Bergher n and Lock-1 reserves but- just how good they
stoo ou aboe te av~geforhart were lthe outstanding players can be expected to go against, Big
j cether san' JstiworkCoorbepat in a~ very well timted passing game Ten competition is still a question.
' thetradJutcat gurpe-ta caed the Purple to victory The combination of Truskowski,
1 ng consistentl~y good games despite the close defenive work Owg n es lse ihm
wilb tknbteVrit enof Loose, and H3undy. usual brilliancy at times dring the
ie fr te reainer, f is gaes. Illinois vaulted into third place scrimmage yesterday but only rare-
Sfrtermidroitgae.inthC Big Ten standing when they l y ane ftet Zcn.y did this trio~ sweep all the way
ssTedremainder of'thenteamndsay, gave Ohio State the seventh defeat through for a. clean basket on the
sstedo olJntLnsa,~l gt. games. The score at the first attempt. Ms ftesoig
Pendell, and Weinstein, forwards,.. lfws 2to8infvosfth otokpacfndr the set ais
hafand Tyler, Lytle, Falls, and Torrell, Bii was'1but orin avof t he tokpacunecte-ake mis
guards. Bceys t'slioty aferthes- wild scamble for ti in shots
Vecnkej Takes Two. ond,. half opened, the Tllini opened - whichwere not~ registered .as af ten
The opeggTames--fth season up~ with a fast attack that soon.a hysoldhv en
saw- the Kaaazoo quintet invade put the game oni the shelf before( Shooting Inaccurate.
Yost Field. house and be-sent down. the Bucks could stop them. The Although the regulars had little
I to defeat .when. Torrell, Wolverine, final score after, a desperate- at- difficulty in working the ball i-
center, went, on. a scring spree tempt to tie on the part of Ohio side the fouls line for short shgs
during the closing minutes of play. resulted in a 26 to 15S win for the most of these trys were ineffective,
Tegame was marked by closeinars none of the players finding the.
tooroughoroworkhoop- with consistent regularity.
Lh o g 'u .A ant s c ee s st e r' O IEConference rules which- prohibit' OTI E{serves offered yesterday the regu-
Junior Vriy teams frogn enga'-I lars looked fast and flashy in spite
ingi ayaiitieduigghe Freshman Physical Gds of their ability to sink their trys
I in in ny ativiies urin the All Frsirean-clsses and ath- fo-iedgas
I Christmas holidays made it netes- frfedgas
n ary to substitute a team ofVr ei qaswl ei rcie Cobe and Justice have recently
' ity reserves in place of the reg-; Thursday, Fe cbrury 20., been promoted from the "B" squad
tai "B" team lineup for the,- game j)4Dr . A. lV~Y which concluded its schedule,:be-
(Continued on Page 7y) 1 fore the eamnatio period.
.Evry garment.wet 'to.,the
I Varsity Laind- s latindere:I with -
owersip, and is Pturni n d for
Cofdition, typical of. Varsity
21 0. A
v -