AYJrtbRUARY 19. 1030 .' 1 ,H E M-I C H I AN DAILY AV w ys1'~'I.C~Yt1 F r~v 1G4 I ... 1 1 TI11..1 M aIa.a.ITCa N Da.+LYa OPWAM . ,ZFA A l IL LEAVE FOR AN UN HIIW ]MEN NUAL C CIVIC OPERA PRESENTS VARIED AND EXCELLENT REPERTOIRE IN DETROIT rfln AllllSflI f NGlITRI WAS FIRST OF J N OR GRL'PL Y Miss Grace E. Richards Heads I {. University Section of A Association. SMEET AT ATLANTIC CITY ,Gene al ;Theme of Conference IsAdjustment -f College Women. Eight prominent women connct- ed with the University ar leavingI . this week to attend the 17th annu- ial conferencec of thc National Asso- cieaton of Deans of Women meet-, .ng at Atlantic City. Miss Grace # Richards, adviser o women, is chairman of the university section f -of 'the1 association and is respon- sible for the meeting of her group.1 *Meetings of university, college, nr mal school, and high school groups' are h* is..A exj Mis AlceLloyd, adviser to w- ; 'men, Is leaving today to attend the nieetin. Others"Ty 6Michigan are Miss Inez Hozorth, director of Mo- sher-Jordan Hall, Miss Mary Lytle, director' of Betsy °Barbour, Mrs. Florene Tousey, director of Helen Newberry Residence, Miss Margaret Bmith director of Martha Cook Building, Miss Edith Barnard, di- .rector ~ of .Alumnae . House, Miss Grace' Mason of the' bureau of University research, and Mrs. Ju- rlus . Schotterbek, consultant for dormitory construction. 1The theme of the conference is adjustment i n its various phases. The university section will pay spe- ial atteftion t mntal hygiene o college women. Prominent speakers for, this section are Mrs. Julianna Hlaskell, Columbia university, Dr. Lloyd J. Thompson of Yale, and Mrs,." ""raf ton .Abbott, clinical pscpoist of the Judgc Baker -Foundation, Boston Thyrsa W. Amro, dean of women at the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh is president of the association. Other speakers *of, distinction arc Dr. Ralph W. -Sockmnan, New York, and English Bagby, University of North Caro- 'lira: C On vdsent.,Children Enjoy Valentine Party 4 About sity children of the con-; ''vlescents ward of the University Shospital gathered in the play-room for a Valentine's day party. Acting a.~f the suggestion of the children, l. who were all under thirteen years; l~of age, Miss Colerohe Krassovsky, i of thte social service department of the hospital, had the playroom 1 Igaily decorated ith valentine ; i Garoup' game were arranged for Sthe children, aid there was also a ° Illshingwell in. which they fished srfor hearts., A competitive bazaar was an unusual feature of the 'DJparty. Articles made by the chil- Sdren of the other hospital were sjold for the price of one safety-pin.l .The Ladies': Aid society of the u~inLuhrnchurch, which fin-E hanced- the party, served the. re- ;sfreshments. There were Valen- '.t#lie cookies, cracker-jacks, icc- Zerean, and candy. Each child had fat least one Valentine, made by the "yUnger patients. - Another party was held at one of 16the cottages for more than 25 oif id.,the social hygiene c ildren COLLEGE SBEAUTY SHOP ~ SPECIAL' t 0J.00 4 = Shampoo and Finger Wave 15 or - a Shampoo and Marcel 7 $91.00 - Phone 22813 tllIiillllllllli111111l11~liii 1111111111111 P11111 Mary Garden. Detroit will hear Massenet's !'Le temiezzi or Benlli's great dramatic' Jongleur de Notre Dame" for the first time when Mary Garden ap- poem is one of the most beautiful pears tonight in the role of Jean of- modern -operas. the juggler. This will be the thrd: Donizetti's farce, "Don Pasquale" presentation of- the series being "Iil be given Saturday night by an given by the Chicago Civic Opraf expert company of comedians in- company in'the Masonic temple euling Tito Schipa and Mrgher- With, Miss -Garden in the cast aec ita Savi. Verdi's "Rigotto": will Theodore RSitch, Formichi, Baro- close the season Sundy afternoon imo and Robert -Ringing. Charlesat3occk Lawr Trwiacnt, ildfo hr- The ballet appears inaal evening ','a Tavita'biledfo Tlurs Iperformances. It is headed by two day nighit, brings three Detroit f a-I American dancers who were soloists vorites in the t outstanding roles. for the last season, Ruth Pryor and The are Mine. Mauzio as. Voletta,I Edward Caton. Chares Hacket as Alfrcdo and ___ - Richard Bonelli as George Ger--____ ___________ mond. On Friday evening' "Tann-1 Thee will be a meeting at haeuser" will, be :given with Rosa 4:15 Friday, in- the Alumnae Raisa as Elizabeth. mro for all thoseointerested tn Miss Gardeni will be heard for. a working in the library of the second time on 'Saturday afternoon ,. League building. The type Of as Flora in the' "Love of Tliree work expected will beY explain- D ings.". With hl, r are Rene Maiswn ed alncnes signed up for tle as Avto,' Cesaree 'Foriichi as Man-' hours every. day .between P in fredo And' Virgllo -Lauzri. in his l"the moning and 9 n the even- classic interpretation of the blind 1 ing. king. This setting by, Italo 'Mond--___s_________ A few good bargins yet to be had w ~this month.w1 w. - THE M ARYL SHAW SHOP 1306 South University Alterations and Plain Selviug C.J Sal.R $35 satin ,bolero , tcrtaihihng Mis, Conway at dinner claimed equal honors with I ndiirday Igh 0t at the League buiild- Atnerlcan canteenz, slung ove~r San- Ing.: cI ch's shoulder. SAmusing ineidents, arising W omen' Will be Givent through Sanicho's inablity. to com-i prehend the meaning of .Amnerican LvssonS ns tSwi m in g slang, revealed the peculiarities of' a campus vocabulary. Sancho be,1 Organized swimming classes fog; lieedthat. "the Mortobrb s wonmen arse to be hegld In, the Michz- Iwere members of the br1c%4-ayers'j g hinpo nTusaad union, and marveled 'at the girls Thursday nights, beginning next over in Barbour gymnasium hay-{ week. - MRi.ss $zaunlnger will be in ing to "swim ina a vwell, attacheda to' charge, and any. woman, whether 'a fishipole." enrolled . in. the. University or not, Profcssors Portrayled. mnay attend,.. Admission cards may Villains of the~ piece wvere -?or-_ be obtainled from Miss McCormick, trayed as being various professors room 15, Barbour Gyimnasiurn. of the University, among whom . Classes for beginners-women or were Professors Cross, . Dow,. and . children-will be held at 7:30 Van Tyne. A "J" Hop boy with a i o'clock, and adlvancedl classc\s in- bulldog was includedl in this group eludeing life-saving and diving, will which opposed the rights' of co- 'be hold. from 8. to 8:3Q o'clock. Any eds. A high spot in t~production I ote who so ldsres mnay be in a occurred when these suppod:vil- class, but ,all those who (10 not -wish lains joined. with Quixote, _Sanchao. to enroll .in classes may swim at and the Dean of.Woien in iniltit- the samie timue,.without thde-nvecs- ing the Phi. Beta kappa girls. sity .of enrolling. III I :; K .o~ ;r % A Dann cc EVERY WIA D-A AN D SAT. b I