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U Pthe appalling effects of their Ca pu-ipiio
Hlatin g propaganda during the Coo- utlsdevrmonnexptony igadiitaibtnwPs- C p sO iin
during the lUniversii1y year by the Board * in ga iitrtobt oPeContribtitorsa are asked to he brief,
Control f udnPublications ident Hoover through the Federal I confining themselves to less thtan 300
Mebro etr ofrneEioilFarmr Board, is boosting the pricesI wordp it possible. Anonmrous com*
Membr o WeternConerece Eitoialmunications will be disregarded. The
A ssociation. of cotton and wheat above the namres of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitledI normal competitive figure an arti- !quat bttr published should nut be
to the use for republication of all newvs djs- ontficial st ,ng th diora
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited . iilSimllus to a great industry osinin s xpofin the Ddiaria
tn this papert and the local news published mgtrslti}nter oiinofteDiy
llereina. . which _might___result___in__another__
Ann -speculative spree, and with it, the
,Entered at the' posto..ce atAn Arbor, [nvtbeclas ihalisbdf~ tE~
Michigau,. as second class nmatter. Special rate ieitbeclaswthlltsadOREA
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- effects.
wnaster General. T h dtr
'Sktscripiion by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. As long as the Republican party T h dtr
Offices: "Anty Arbor Press Building, May.-salwdt otneispoa- O aeteehsbe aet
nard Street. i loe ocniu t rp- o aeteehsbe aet
pholv's:Editorial,. 495, Business, 114 ganda to stir the public into spec- 'able tendency on the part of the
EDITORIAL STAFFulative sprees there is bound to beprsintemdlwstoad
1collapses of certain parts of the the devotion of much space for crit-
Telephone 4925 financial system of the country,
with its wake of disaster to the I'cisms on the football situation at
MANAGING EDITORI hard-working and sacrificing peo- Michigan. Most of the sufpit
ELI .MRYp1e of the nation. ed is blather of a virulent and de-
About Books
Look oameward, Anigel,
By Thonms Wolfe,
4 Charles Scribner's Sow,;. N. Y. C.
Price $2.50.
"Thomas Wolfe's first novel, Look
Stutdent Convocationi
iO I I IW ' :. .....,. ..... .. .'
ll AL. ditoriun--1 1:00
-R X4 "rt-f "4 .rrrfl r n - .r'r rr
Edir ................eorge C. Tilley 0 --
City Editor ................ fierce Rasenbci g
Ner's " Editor ..... .....George N. Simnons !.
Sports Editor......'dward 1B. Warner, Jr. THE SKIES CLEAR.
Women's Editor........... alrjorie Jhollmerr
Telegraph F'litvr........George Stainer With the announcement' bry Coin-
Music and brania.....William J..G(rmian
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. kirin edy Club of their plans for the pre-
Assistant City Editor...- Robert J. Feldman
sent season. the campus dramatic
brn ight Editorsj squabble takes a turn for the bet-
FrnkF.Cooper Robert L.. Slosh
William.C. (:entry G;ir~ify Williami, Jr ;ter and a sigh of relief nay be
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufmian breathed for a while, at least.
structive type, purporting to come
from "Old Grads." As a Michigan
football team in defeat is some-
thing of- a novelty, the press is play-
ing it up ix} the true sensational
manner affected by the current
dailies of Detroit, Chicago, et cet,
et al-
fHomeward, Angel, is an imagina-
tive interpretation of a sleep anl
penetrating experience. It is -uto-
E'biographical. The purpose of com-
munication is, according to the(
preface given by the author, an at-C
tempt "to give fullness, life and in-
tensity to actions"; and though~
the book is classified as fiction, Mr.
zWolfe argues that "fiction is not
-fact, but fiction is fact selected and
Iundcerstood. fiction is facck arr z,:<ed
land charged with purpose."
t'The narrative deals with family
'struggle and covers a period of the
I) , t ;opt. EULRYTHMICs
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9 2as 9h t, New York
' Volnteer1357
Newv York Listed
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con-mission basis
Telephone 22541
Charles A. Askren
Helen Barc
L odise 1Behyrer
Thomas M. Coo1w
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
Hlelen JDomine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Ruth Geddes
Givievra Ginn
Edmund Glavin
Lingerie Sp'i'j t
William Page
Giustav R. krich
john D. Reindel
Jeannile RPobert~s
Josephi F. Riuwitch
\Villiam FP. Salzarulo
.J^ne 'Ihaye-
n~ argaret Thoimpson
tiharddi.. ''olA n
Harold 0. warreni
IComedy, club is adhring strictly~
to its ,function and a vowed pur-
pose as an horiorar~ organization,
prosducirng three or four outstand-
ing plays each year and soliciting
the services of some of the best
talent that the campus dramatists
'have to offer. The utmost in co-op-
eration has been promised by Play
The alumn! of an institution fall
readily into two groups. As regards;
ourI university, there are the Michi-
gan alumni and those who have
merely graduated from Michigan.
The former have the welfare of
Michigan and 'the team at heart,
they are interested in it whatever,
its record of wins and losses and
Jack~ G.odsmi~th Charles S. WhitC JULt ro uc 1 iS anaLmimes IL ~in c 1Tor-their inherent loyalty make them
17. B. IHempstead, Jr. (S. Iiorel Willel wrinRfCoeyclbsprga
jAmes C. H-endley Lionel C. Willemnadno oey'lbsprga.I an honored member of theUnvr
Richard T. Hurley . i..E Willmigbe As In the past, no conflicts or petty si Fml. Th atrcnie
ussi . evy . Bcracrnarva Vi-ig r aiy Telte ofn
nel H. Mcrevy n ivabraWih~t quarrels over dates of' present,-, their .,se'M a inter est in their alma mater
_tion or the services of actors have ~~ knciiimo h n
B IUSINESS STAFF appeared, this year between thistouspkncicsm fthi-
Tlpne224ognztoandayohr ra-stitution, its activities and its
Tej~phoe; 184orgniztionandanyo:,er ra-teams. They are wont to compare
HU8INESS .MANAGER; mlatic group. the present status of the Universi-
A. . 3RAN R The enlisting of the services of ty with their own halycon under-
BethaCeihtn orth produc- graduate days, and cherish a ps
A KsiStanCMnaER. who has had years of excperience Sion for pointing out a, superiority
ALEXK. CHM~~R ward in the development of a high of dlays bygone that is not infre-
standard sof dramatic productions quently, flight offancy, pure and
Deprten Maagrson the campus. Miss Creighton, simple. A word or two concerning
Advertising..... .b..llstIr Mahi y;'
Advertising.......lKasp~e H.l.' alvers who. has had pears of eperience this typ~e.
Aderisn.... lewn vice . ;orge rd t'on the boards, and has worked with!A
Circulatioln..............J. \'Frnor l) satrsavihadixsf jte dtal emi
accounts .......'.J...............hactorsas icardMsuch-I bowling over all opponents in the
Publications............... Gfrfxe mIlamflo and; Charles Colburn will be a boon approved Michigan style, little can
to the efforts of the organization1 be done. But woe be unto that
Raymond ssistats . cy in .staging a finer production.:en hc lckn nsneo
wihRyodCampbell Lwer ~cypta lcigi eleo
Ja es E.Cartwright Tllorn i A\l sir
Robert Crawford reo,g t'trrsn Equally significant is the an,- the proportionate) embraces kde-
Harry B. Culver C'b,} 3e'sSa f'rd nouncement that the services ofi feat. And -thrice damned be the
Thomas 1V. Davis I.e- Sl~a'momt
Norman Eliezer Robert S~jatn Paul Stevenson, who worked with team which loses more. than once.
Donald Ewing Roer C. Thoranw Comedy clubRie last year on "Granite" Forthwith the hue and cry arises.
~ ams ~ osep VanRip'
barris Johnson Robert wilitsm,"i have been secured for another pro- The Old Grads gird their loins for
Marlev~jtrWiin .u~OS uto -by the raiatomti the fray; rise up in their fancied
year..i might and smite right -and - left,
Laura Codling Alice. Mcrtlly Ottnigdrctr rmohr sparing none, with scathing verbal
Be rnie Glaser Sv ia .ller barragendinentithetteamIpersonnel.
Hirtense Goodinug IMelon E. M ti;sswbite' locales usually, enhance the chan- brae nn h empronl
Anna Goldberg lIKra nor Walhin shaw cahn tfshdlrcr n
!)ocmbea Watekmau ;ces of, producing a finer show;'coachgaffyouchedlencodindh
-Night Editor--FRANK: COOPER and each increases in the quality whth yu"n hei h
.--------- _- --- - - -- ..--._ - o fthe campus dramatic produc- 1 course of time, the team resumes
winning ways, the Old Grad, falls
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1929 Uin is a step toward a more coun- I baC1 happy and content that his
-ci]latory, attitude on the part of part in reversal was no inconsider-
all dramatic organizations on the able one. Never does it occur to
- " -- -campus. Thus we are getting nearer him that the publicity attendant
SP"ECULATIVE SPREES the long hoped-for salving overt his efforts, far from aiding the sit-
In many wounded feelings in the dra-' uation, hurts both the team and
Inocent and hard-working men, matic groups and a new sprto'h col
and women by the thousands have co-operation' can perhaps be borne We are for Michigan, Yost, Kiph~e,
had their slowly and sacrificiallyE with this apparent increase in the =rc"adtewrs
collected earnings, literally wiped quality of direction and produc- "rc"adtewrs
out during the past week by the; tiOn of campus dramatic offerings. Wer frte indeaasn
first 20 years of the country. Con-:
ditions in the earlier years o I
'Gant's and Eliza's m-arriedt ife are '
continually strained by his mania1
for drink and her mania for pro-'
perty ownership. Ch-idren are born,
f'some die and other grew up with--
out care or tenderness. In the
'opening year of th ecentury Eliza
gives birth to Eugene, her last child
and the subject of the story. He be-:
comes sensitive and inward, be- !
cause he is not understood by the
i family. The winnig of an essay
prize sets him on the track of in-I
tellectual curiosity. With the ex-;
ception of book contact, the ex-
neriences of his Odolesence ,.,e
barren, melancholy, and often
painful and ugly. The house isd-
vided into twno rours when he asks
to attend college: he accepts hs,
brother Ben's advice "to hell with
everybody" to go off. Lack of ex-I
nrlienr'a clouds his fir-' college
year. Then Ben, the only person,
who understood him, dies: he re-I-
turns to college and has his mind!
all the mare distorted by his stub-j
born persistency to be outward in-
dividualistic. This develops' into a
very strong egotism, and when Eu-
frene returns home graduated from
the -university can not bring him-
1 celf to live with the family. He
cnvrrels. and the tale ends with his
running* away to attend Harvard.
All this is set against a background
of a little sanitorium town of Alt-j
1mofnt "and of the eitemrent du-
ing he 'recen war. As he synonss
ha nn~ ru4'nut shown little s?ress has
been laid upon the plot. The style
jis loose and rambling with frequent!
commentatons and imaginative!
[Mr. Wolfe has attempted. to ad-1
vance certain of his convictions as
Is particularly shown in the emo-
tive "ghost scene" at the close of
the book where the illusion of the
dead brother encourages the hero's!
doubt of the validity of existence'
to an extreme egotistic point of
view. The author has given per-j
sonal explanation of life in the lestI
speech of the book:
"0 sudden and impalpable faun.
lost in the t~iikets of myself, I willj
hunt you down until you cease to!
haunt ily eyes with hunger. I
hear your footsteps 'in the desert,1
,I saw your shadow in old buried!
cities, 'I heard your laughter run-!
ning down a milion streets, but I
did not find you there. And no leaf
!hangs for me in the forest; I shall'
lift no stone upon the hills; I shall
find no door in any city. But in the'
city of myself, upon the continent
of my soul, I shall find the forgot-{
ten language, the lost world, a door
where I -may enter, and music
strange as any ever sounded I
shall haunt you, ghost. among the
labyrinthine ways until-until"
S This is.-naturalization, unhealthyj
and chaotic. In the last lines of the
book, the hero "turns his eyes up-
on the distant saring ranges."!
There is falacy in this; the authorI
has lifted ua to a state of confus-j
ion, w'ondering( and doubting, and
leaves ,us. thus. This is the fault of
. ,
/ "
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,collapse of prices on the stock mar-
ket. Previous collapses in thie mar- 0
ket have effected only the biag fi- BLAH! TEA31!
nanciers, but'"the recent one, the
biggest in the history of Wall Street Dx~ Roper, Princeton', famous
wad widespread in its devastating, coach, states that the "fight for
effects, ruining the financial con- 'dear old almra mater" type of pep
dition of innulmerable wage-earn- ;talk is obsolete-or at least that
ers and small salary men and wo-- it greatly weakens with age- 'and
men, that are the backbone of the he is endeavoring to make his team
nation. fight by the simple expedient of
With the situation: as apapalling holding them up to ridicule.
as it is the country generally is; His initial step in the psycholo-
groping about for a rationalization, gical experiment which he under-I
of the collapse with hope, of. pre- 'took last week was to write a story
venting 'its reoccurence. The col- for the Daily Princetonian in which
lapse itself is 'due to the existen e; he admitted that the players and
of a ull arket, which, in turn, not the coach were responsible for
ofeasull rr'nurasdse the defeats inflicted by Brown and.
lation, conducted . wcith such vigr Cornell. This was followed by a
that it has been little more than 'speech delivered before an audience
pure gambling., of New York sports writers at a'
luncheon; in it Mr. Roper said that
Behnd he otie fr nreaedthe team alone must assume the
speulaionlis te undm~n :1responsibility of wrinning or losing
reason for the recent collapse. Thce rg' ng oacso
stimulus to speculation has beeni' heshd
the almost unfathomable amoount ule.'
of popagnda.concrnin the Recently, two coachcs have been
of popaand conernng .~erelieved of their contracts for fail-;
sound financial status of the cou-n opouewnigtas u
try and its industries, issued from ing toprd uc w iig tams, but
the White *H-ouse, and the T'rea~s-, marks anent his charges were un-
ury, and Republican carrpajgn
challenged by any one. It would
J)eadquarters. seem, then, that he is on the right
During the Coolidge admnistra- track. However, although Prince-:
tion a host of .sta terenms -were ton last week tied Navy, after hay-
sued to arou:;c popular enthusiasm'. ing 'been beaten in every other
In stock speculation, and as a re- game this..year, yesterday's strug-
sult stocks were- boughit- by the ; le with Chicago ended in a 15-7
masses. - One American c04 tra- defeat for the harassed Princeton-
tion alone has* a half million stock- lans.
holders. With, the economic sys-; ' Mr. Roper is somewhat justified
tem thus overinflated, there couldi in adopting the sneering attitude
be but one reaction, a collapse in towxard pep talks in view of a con-
prices. fe ssion he once inade regarding'
The artificial stimulation of the thewm." Hecsid that when it .......rC'' ~* C V~ampU
A Michigan moan has a God-given
right to demand of the athletes
who represent his university on the
football field, exactly two things -
that the player give his all at all
times, and that he act as becomes
a Michigan man, whatever the
score. What more can mortal man
The Michigan Coach and the
Michigan Football Man have equal
rights to the confidence and loyalty
of the student body and the alum-
ni of the school., Let it not be
found wanting in time of defeat,
for then it is most necessary.
jContrast for a moment the lot
of the Coach and the Player who
is out scrimmaging in storm, rain,
wind, hail, sleet, presently snow-
drifts and whatnot - toiling for
the greater glory of his alma ma-
ter; to the individual who deems
it his solemn and' Christian duty
to defame (from a warm hearth)
4thefmr 4arn, c.h -k-,nnnina ,..doff,#
because it has lost several games.
The suffering in contrast is just
a trifle one sided, is it not?
And the truly grievous part of the naturalism; it is too personal
the whole thing. is--that presently,; and too :eccentric a view to help
when the team knocks off Harvard, in. the. Solution of the problems of
the individuals who are so fervent- existence,
ly devoting; themselves to criticismsI The subject is described as hay-
of the team and the coaches to- ing "a tragic humor in his blood
day will be the first to fill the airi that plunged his downward at
with hosannas, and extol the team times into melancholy and moad-j
and coaching staff. to the skies, ness" aind in another place that hie !
amending their jubilant unseemli- had "conviction at times that the I
ness with the probervial "I told wol wsgthered in ani immense!
you SOS," in profusion and abund-! conspiracy against him." Jean
ance. And so the one who criticizesx Jacques Rousseau was possessed of
today will exp~erience a complfete! this feeling at times. This quota-j
reversal of form tomorrow. tion might easily be taken as de-
And so, after all what does it scriptive of the great French ro- I
matter what '98 thinks of the team, manticist: "The air about him was
or the coaches, so long as we are' filled with mockery and menace,
ieconomic system and its disastrous timne'to go into- his sermon between
effect' on the great mass of wage-; halves he was always afraid to meet
earners, is characteristic of the Re- the.ee ftesnoso h n~