'PAGE P JOUF THE M HICIANJD-AILT OTMMA-7 1% " a u.. aa aw a y.a t.:ar~a a. a. a-' a"s.. a " sUiU4JJ. } aT NUVE'N7 til. I ;) '11(1 U Pthe appalling effects of their Ca pu-ipiio Hlatin g propaganda during the Coo- utlsdevrmonnexptony igadiitaibtnwPs- C p sO iin during the lUniversii1y year by the Board * in ga iitrtobt oPeContribtitorsa are asked to he brief, Control f udnPublications ident Hoover through the Federal I confining themselves to less thtan 300 Mebro etr ofrneEioilFarmr Board, is boosting the pricesI wordp it possible. Anonmrous com* Membr o WeternConerece Eitoialmunications will be disregarded. The A ssociation. of cotton and wheat above the namres of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- The Associated Press is exclusively entitledI normal competitive figure an arti- !quat bttr published should nut be to the use for republication of all newvs djs- ontficial st ,ng th diora patches credited to it or not otherwise credited . iilSimllus to a great industry osinin s xpofin the Ddiaria tn this papert and the local news published mgtrslti}nter oiinofteDiy llereina. . which _might___result___in__another__ Ann -speculative spree, and with it, the ,Entered at the' posto..ce atAn Arbor, [nvtbeclas ihalisbdf~ tE~ Michigau,. as second class nmatter. Special rate ieitbeclaswthlltsadOREA of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- effects. wnaster General. T h dtr 'Sktscripiion by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. As long as the Republican party T h dtr Offices: "Anty Arbor Press Building, May.-salwdt otneispoa- O aeteehsbe aet nard Street. i loe ocniu t rp- o aeteehsbe aet pholv's:Editorial,. 495, Business, 114 ganda to stir the public into spec- 'able tendency on the part of the EDITORIAL STAFFulative sprees there is bound to beprsintemdlwstoad 1collapses of certain parts of the the devotion of much space for crit- Telephone 4925 financial system of the country, with its wake of disaster to the I'cisms on the football situation at MANAGING EDITORI hard-working and sacrificing peo- Michigan. Most of the sufpit ELI .MRYp1e of the nation. ed is blather of a virulent and de- About Books FAMILY STRUGGLE-- AND DEEP FXPERIF~EP Look oameward, Anigel, By Thonms Wolfe, 4 Charles Scribner's Sow,;. N. Y. C. Price $2.50. "Thomas Wolfe's first novel, Look i' Attend Stutdent Convocationi . iO I I IW ' :. .....,. ..... .. .' t I ll AL. ditoriun--1 1:00 -R X4 "rt-f "4 .rrrfl r n - .r'r rr z Edir ................eorge C. Tilley 0 -- City Editor ................ fierce Rasenbci g Ner's " Editor ..... .....George N. Simnons !. Sports Editor......'dward 1B. Warner, Jr. THE SKIES CLEAR. Women's Editor........... alrjorie Jhollmerr Telegraph F'litvr........George Stainer With the announcement' bry Coin- Music and brania.....William J..G(rmian Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. kirin edy Club of their plans for the pre- Assistant City Editor...- Robert J. Feldman sent season. the campus dramatic brn ight Editorsj squabble takes a turn for the bet- FrnkF.Cooper Robert L.. Slosh William.C. (:entry G;ir~ify Williami, Jr ;ter and a sigh of relief nay be Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds Charles R. Kaufmian breathed for a while, at least. structive type, purporting to come from "Old Grads." As a Michigan football team in defeat is some- thing of- a novelty, the press is play- ing it up ix} the true sensational manner affected by the current dailies of Detroit, Chicago, et cet, et al- fHomeward, Angel, is an imagina- tive interpretation of a sleep anl penetrating experience. It is -uto- E'biographical. The purpose of com- munication is, according to the( preface given by the author, an at-C tempt "to give fullness, life and in- tensity to actions"; and though~ the book is classified as fiction, Mr. zWolfe argues that "fiction is not -fact, but fiction is fact selected and Iundcerstood. fiction is facck arr z,: