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November 03, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-03

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SUNDAY, I.40VtUtMt 3,.1929.



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~ I. r auiAl H u 0 Articles that will add charm and;ors and(1de=signs, will be the spe- ! 'iiTHI tl .~By Barbara Wrighti M. Geib, X4, Ohison, Tv. Sibley, and T
rV 1I LVU9fL lHOUIItiSl jIcolor to any woman's room, articles ;c-ialty of1 Uie 1az ar this year. U GI N THIIS LiK LL Opening tilts of the inercass 'F . Sackett should be god to carry S 1
Other articles which will ad__to__ hockey tournamentar scheduled tebi ntebcfed h
!Cnn ~IT hait may gdivleswy tat l the attractiv~eness of a girl's roomEtraeti onoo Fc to begin at 4 o'clock, Tuesday at mainodr of the senior squad in-a Nine
'" I hita, adatilstht Iwill be pain;tcd glass ware, paper;Etrimn n oo fFc Palmer Field house. Finial arrange- cul
ru l LV IIUprove indispensable once possessed, baskets Frenki dolls, and funny ; aly Proves Most Promin~ent !rents were made in the last pra-!,lus D. Berkovitz, F. Bielby, H.
____will all be featured in tho League :1lttl animals. The more personal Social Activity,., ice held Thursday afternoon, at Collins M. Kutchinski, G. Smith,,
first Place in Golf and Archery and Interchurch Bazaar Dec. 6 andl r articles will include handkerchiefs: ____ which time all squads were cho- Nl. Stahl, and L. Schmidt.
Gost nvriyin Barbour gymnasium, according? of all varieties, aprons, and linger-!- Pionminent amongheatvie en by the team managers. Mana- Junior Tleamn is Strong. Cn
GetoUiest- !to Hermine Soukey, '31, chairman i g.h ctvt ers nowgIn cha
A -ggreain.teAtilscmm e.The bazaar is an all-campus af-,, ;Grilbe replaced by captains to be r ta.o h rilscmite ntecmu hswe a h h uirtafo l ni e
The president 'in every league I air to which every woman is e ; ustmary entertaining of the chosen Tuesday before the games.; cations, will show up as the strong- Jno
100 GUESTS PARTICIPATE house, dormiitory, and sorority on petted to contribute. The articles; mlembers of the faculty by sooi- Francis Bleby, '30, has been act- !est unit. This squad is made up of this -v
_____the campus will receive a letter be- are arranged so as to be original; ties and dormitories at dinnes and ing general manager of intercass more old players than any other! Clara
rt- n pekr t fore Wednesday this week with the and attractive, and at the same;, teas given in their honor, hockey since the resignatio analarlston offnvegy :
Passignment of the article which time inexpensive to the donor and Kappa AlphaTheta had as their. Gertrude Smith, '30. Miss Halseytohaigmpenbe'us
l Each 'College Constitute that house is to make for the Ba- the buyer. Each girl is expected to! guests last 'Tuesday evening, Prei- was official coach throughout the t diint ain mrgal us
Luncheon Program. taour The assignments will be made', spend no less than fifty cents onI dent Alexander G. Ruthven, and season, and will have charge of the defensive lie. 1. Wilson, E Whit- to 5 a
____ according to the number of girls in1 the article which she contributes, Mrs. Ruthven, Dean Joseph A. ames next week. The schedule of ; ney, 11. Moore, A. Maslen, E. Koch, 1 545.
Acofn oterslso h the house and, according to the ;anid no more than one dollar. The Bursey and Mrs. Bursley, Deanj the matches to be played off Tues- iI. Eamon, H. Domine, and H. hed1
article whpreferredce insercase any pre-; retail price will be reasonable ac- Wlu unhes Prof. Arthur L. {daY has not been decided upon, but Moore are all recruits from last. The
Play Day whichavtookeplaceeyetan I ,odngy Cross, and Prof. Louis Strauss each team will participate in a year's sophomore team, the run- i dy tth ayFil,
tedywrevnydividedo be- f!house. Such preferences may be, The five churches which con-, h residents of Adelia Cheever; game at either 4 o'clock or 5 o'clock Iners-up of the victorious seniors. 9acu
twe teforcolge hihpa-Imade to Hermine Soulkup, by call- tribute to the bazaar will havei House entertained Prof.. Edwin C.. Fifteen Players Chosen. The entire squad inclu des in adl- two y
twecntpeted. Of legstheihspx- events t in1 bnfreherneatyb6517 fobeforeartWednesday.GodaboothsMr.foodatheir- articlesyerswhicheenGoddarditiand. oMew., GoDobard EWed- elnE
wihteUiestofMc i Scarfs for personal use and for ;will include fruit cakes for the! nesday at an October birthday din- onec!ls qa by the mn-! Hutch, E. Kropp, M. Lamb, F. Seys, are tr
whichther Unplaers irtyplaMciasn~ room decorations, made in all co-? Christmas season.i ner. gers; the positions have not been t cnieE hteadH he a,
eneedpayr, istpac ass- definitely assigned, as this choice Wilson.
cured in three, glf, archery, and i - Dr. Frederick G. ovy, and Mrs. i ett h
one of ,the two hockey games play-! SPIRIT OF HALLOWE'EN OBSER'VED Novy, Judge Victor H-I Lane, Dean capsnir tea asb a te The personnel of the sphomore Jun d
ed. ~~J. A. Bursey and Mrs. 4ifrsley, and wThe sniortemiwasnbyofarthe 0iaiare EBates Fyard D cvryi
ed. 1 -----~I Prof. Jesse F. Reeves and Mrs. ;eksta hebgnnnBf h r dsell, D. Ellsworth, D. Felske, E. i r i
hTnisIonrs xent to the Bat- IN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES DURING WEE K1eeo h season, principally on account of an GrI -,, A.GamBHayJan
te Creek College of Physical Edu- _____ . Reeves wr guests o honor at teiefcetbcfed n ako adeA rhm .Hay . n
ction, which defeated the entrant Hallowe'en has furnished the in-' The members of the Alpha DetCllgaeSpli oueTus ay er reporting forprcieo Levy. . Louden, F. Millar, M. oar-~ be ji
calgent, D. PopadDRukeeer
Sfrom Michigan State Normnal Col- s~iration for many of the fun- Pi held a Hallowe'en spread at the evening at a formal dinner.1 work uip new material. However,, FehmandTea. Rune.cmever
lege, G-2, 6-,and the Universityof tions given at dormitories and' witching hour of midnight, Thurs- Helen Newberry residents were many more recruits have showed d rsmnTa sNw omno
~Mihian laer -5 6-, -4,inthesooriie duin th pst ee. dy.hosteses to Mr. Frederick B. Jordan up during the past few weeks; the The freshman claslhas had little d o
y Michign planedoubles- , 4 nthe Cortlorful uigdecorations empasizingk. Pylls eyods '2,and Mrs. Jordan and many other entire squad has been strengthened opportunity to work qut new plays, p tY
ingles matches. Idobetey; hszig PylsRnod,'2 Calainno,! faculty members last Tuesday at a and ood passing combinations concentrating on familiarizing the Jwgh
again defeated the University of1 the spirit of the holiday, formed' was pledged to Alpha Chi Omega; formal dinner. . have been evolved. Indiations plcoers most of whom are new tomai
aMichigan, 6-4, 6-2. The remraining atatv settings. last week.
. tennis atcweN rellwfonbyMichi novel masqeivenloetenari-hAlphaoamma Deta gavea-Hal-ier were guests of Alpha Epsilon! threat to the strong junior aggre- cple of hockey. Those who made
gapSatrNrml rofMchga nr asgienatMatplCokedgese prt frohn'rpldgs tnaotoonT'msdyhveirsdayn th casevenh reD.Abri, s i
State, "6-2, 6-Q, by Michigan State Trhursday evening. Stunts were Thursdiay.gjgainthclssqdarD.AeeJ
0 fom he nivrsty f Mchian gienftewarsytosewhoI_ Pi eta Phi Give Dinner. ; D. Bloom, M. Cassidy, H. Grabow - Bentey "R. Bircseye, D. Boger, J. has b
9-, 6 -63, and the doubles by~ could remember the last names inPLA Thursday night, Pi Beta Phi hon. ski, and D. Marshick are the most Botsord, A. Cummings, D. Dun- Scout
Mihg-7,teNralfoi Mch6-4cnesrcetyhedattei5L N PROGRESS ored the faculty at a formial dinner, promising forward line material, lap. J. Fecheimer, L. Hiendricts, R. G 4l S
igan Stte dormitory. Prizes were also given 1 : O ' 2 CABARET I Among the guests present were Mr. Lnton, E. Parson, G. Schroeder Mtiy
t the.2 n the 30 foot', for the most unusual costumes,. , and Mrs. Frederick B. Jordan, M~iss! CALENDAR str.M.WrbgndRUn-hiy
Gf Bohte2 n onlaOi kneo ~~I I A ce Richards and Mrns., Alfred MnaNvme worth.I Girl
rounds in archery were wonm by the, 1 ato____ROUWhte. Skn:er:of e saMundic Seion of the-F----
University f Michigan, and Mch -' York City, was a guest ofhnra!Wie :01-Msc eto fteFc
iga.n': State Normal college came the dormitory last week-end. Final eliminations for a part in. In honor of Professor. Peter M. iuty Women's Club, at the .
InSecond both -timnes. Battle Creek! The Mrs. Esther Marsh, Crami the entertainment of the Sopho- Jack an Miss Ethel McCormick,; home of Mrs: Nathan l ,:,- I Ixt1Iiii izaieat
college came third the first round.,' was honored at a luncheon given imore Cabaret wil be hield from 4j Alpha. Delta P1 entertan i at dil-1 nald, 108 Austin.,
'and fourth the second, while Mich- at Alurxae house on Friday. That t3 6 o'clock Monday afternoon att ner'Thursday evenng 4:00--House Cormmittee of the lamnntWv
igan State. was-fourth first round1 night a-Hallowe'en dalsce for the ±Barbour gymnasium. The follow- Sigma Kappa entertained with a League building, Board of; eiasnt av
randi third the second time. residents Was chaperoned by Prof.; ing sophomore women are asked to fi rnai diner for Prof ' tu E ircor1oo.I iger Wave 'and Shampoo
Mchiran took frst place in the ilgh Feeler and Mrs. Keeler and, return for a final tryout: Winifred WFood. and. Mrs. Wood :amd: Missy 600----Pan-Helleic , anquet. in I Marcel and lShampoo
golf tournament, which was play- Miss Edith Barnard. FR, ot, Louise Leonard, Marjory Dorothy Colby also held last Thurs-! League ballroom,.n :ncue.........
eatBarton Hills Country Club in Helen. Newberry enjoyed a gayjElsworth, Dorothy Elsworth, Lynne* day nightI :00-Senior Society dinner,inaicr
the morning,., with Michigan State' masquerade dinner Thursday eve-! A dams, Martha Swihart, Edwina Prof. Waldo Abbot and Mrs. Ab-! private dining room..
ciigscn ig.Jenney, Helen Hawxhurst, CecileI bot, Pros. Gerhardt, Reamer, and 7: 45-Drama Section of the Fac- Open l v~niiigs Cll 2147
The morning lic :ey games were A°olw'nsiitprae t oter, Erie Weber, Catherine Beltobo and their wives werere-,}YWAhtc
"wonby he Uivesit of ichgarthe dancing party given, last nighti Bruxley, Marcia Maslen, Dora Polk,I ent at an informal faculty: dinner mnsAhei ulig
,n t atl C at Adelia Cheever residence. Prof. Bernice Glaser, Betty 'McKee, Ce- at the 'Alpha Phi house, cn Tus .~~-
juniors, ad heBatl reek Nor Louis Karpinski and Mrs. Karpin-' cilia Engels, Ruth Babbitt, Alice {day. evening. .
, ro MicignState Nb
teamwere tileVLUchaperones,,I Uhlman, Morayne Podesta, Eleanor' ,On thursday evening -Dr.. 1-ery -
ima!-Sthaes-0,respectiely.and tihe- Hard-times outfits, cornstalks, Walkinshaw, Charlotte Butler d F. dams and Mrs. Adains,7D. XW.
afenMcigan State, -,rspciely niors and pumpkins, formed an appro- Marjory Upson, Betty Carpenter'1JC Rufus and Mrs. Rufus. and Miss
defeated the Michigan. State Nor- Pilate setting for a Hallowe'en Prances Rayburn, Lucille LoughICrockier were the guests of Kanpa
- ml ophmoes4-1 wil th Ui-dance, Friday evening :at the Alpha Phyllis Ornstein, Lois Sandie IDelta at an informal diner. N e
Po mll.sopomoes -1 wiile he ri lerN ew Shipm ent o
' Pst f ihgnfesmnta hi house.. Ruth French,- and Ruth Macn- Drf. Preston E. James olio Mrs. II A
, aesltdefeatedianbyrth eteaeem Kappa Delta announces the tosh. Dorohys were the dinner' guests of
""tm.Ipledging of Emily Bates~, '32, of! According toDoth,
A~i~e'fom heUnverit o ABall Masque was gvna h committee, plans for the Sopho- Alpha i Delta entertained in-
.Michigan women, :there were 100; Phi SigmaSigma houise, Tuesday ini more_ Cabaret are materializing formily at dinner Wednesday sev- IOE' (S
:guests from the remaining three honor of the pledges. rapidly. i eral members of the faculty. cleeEc olg a er---
,~ nt ed at thte luncheon by a stu- _-_
"dent speaker, while Dr. Ma rgaret ____________________:U:3U
Sell, representing the University of'~ You will find all the new colors in1 chiffon
i°M ichiga I tp-artrent of Physics "*l*~
Eduction spke aso.The spek "; C-1 -with the top edge picot.' Also French he
oz rs ,were introduced by Dorothy
' Touff', '30, who acted as toastm'is.-' ..-o ore full fsind
t~'i : Louise Cody, '30, spoke first, ;.:
!snd in her, capacity as chairman j
of the A. C. A. C. W..-which is me,'-~
in g here in April, extending an invi-; A -
ta t on to the guests to attend the--
conference. "The Spirit of Play" i
9,wast We subject which Shirley Mix--
tn; resident of the Michigan State:- -Tu sup ntico oed fwhtaro
"W. A. A, spoke on, while MadelinerThsnwsim tisc poeof haa ot
:, tefiler, of BSttle Creek, fc~ec1 hosiery mill calls "irreguars."~ But it will be a
her, speaking on'pot Ognz- .
.~ tion" Fance Ch~qter, resdent 'impossible for you to detect a single flaw.
*k of the W. A. A. at Ypsilanti, was
(last;. with the topic, Spirit of Ati-: ~~<... . . . ..$
iet c Participation.".,
'z' v2 ~

Dancing. Classes for junior
mten Will be Held Befor'e
Tryouts for Play.
ses in dancing for Junior wo-
who expect to try out for thi
r Girl's Play start Tuesday ff
week under the direction of
Parkinson, '31, in Barbour
asum. Classes are held o"i
lny and Thursday from 4:15
'clock and from 5 o'clock tdc
Nine practice periods wll 0a
before, the tryouts start.
practice of conducting such
s has been used for the last
ears and ha,,; proved very
i;1 both for the women w4.
'yng out for the play and fgf
4rncing director.
ior dues wll be collected ev;-
y this week at a table In Un.-
Y gail between the hours 6tI 9
L' and 1i and 3. Dues 'nu j
Id and a receipt presented by
junior woman when soe
sto tryout, but all others who
t take part th the play mu~t
,hesc dues also. Those whio
to enter the dancing casss
also register at the table i
=rsity Hall.
"s Jean Borchers of Chiagp
een chosen as the typical Girl
by the,. Chicago Council 'Of
couts'. Beginning in Octobr
year her picture will appear on
cout poster:3.
".. $1.00 .
625- U. Liberty Street .'
ar Shopw
silk to top)
els and"

'the sun-chases :. \
the rain V Withi fascinating brilliance MM ,~~

. "4 r
_ . ".
_ ,
4, ' t t
v - r Y.

' _

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t s
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... :.,
jz. .3 v ! 33.'x"'. ' ..
+ t { 7
Q x
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+YEs-i- makes a rainbow. But
if the day is warmn it also makesi
a, heavy coati uncomfortable.
" lthat is j'ust the'reason 'for the
niew Fiish -Vrand Topper., It
-i3 light-weight, easy to carry;
iaay to "fold and ''pack in a
traveling bag or the. pocket of
a car.
If ,you like a loniger coat
you'll fnd "it in the popular
" Varsity" mrodel.
ILKok for the tradie-mark andl
make sure you're getting a
genuine 'Tower's Fish Brand





1 1123


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