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January 10, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-10

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,VAG E -SI,t


S .: ALY~




"B" QUINTET TO PLAY Star Hand___ __yer
Reserves Have Chance To Add II AVl
Sixth To String Of Consecutive$~O itef T MET[
Victories 4 S o tB t t
* * ~ ~ ~dJaUA 1 11JA 1i1 1 iU ~ ~U IU'1Ni111i11i11 I I Will. '1llZ LgIJ df11J1U11111111111C e1NU5 5C1t111fl-


Go rts Ton iight


Wih~1~i-~ report twiuce weekly during the sational string of wins was termi-i-J

Jones Will Play ; "phta6'v llr? i'a

.raa~ cuauV 1uva UAa(wintuer months at the Uitlversity ( nawU l iNe ColX [Klast Novmber. I iiiFetureiCotestI At! 7:49.)
and no defeats to protect, the Jun- of Iowa foi- indoor workouts tinder j O4'clock Ton'igh "tat
for Varsity cage squad will oppose the direction of Coach Burt Inzg- I rifts h a usiu
the Michigan State Normal college Gwerson. Practiceawas held for-Lho
basketball five tonight at 7:30 frt ielatTesa igt edb aawiii l iteINAAI E'fS j
o'clock i the fied house. he 44B~ ormer Illinlois foottiebaslleda ngh.player ____
o'lointhebeldnhose.aell "B"alongijred his hanad, floored the
quintetghaspeentaellingealon g lChuck Colins, star Notre wild swinging Quaker City boy handball as a sport whaich Vfirs(
atin aoobhigheforepeedr paceti sinceeoreGethe ookt1
openling of the season and will be otam efoallan p Aeorer f 0 im efreGeastok he came einto prominence as popular
on edge for tonight's encounter,. oheryers nt atth pr The~fJ fight Was Griffith's recreation among~Michigan stuiden s
The strength of the Ypsilanti time head" football coach at the ls I a i'lzesLixli n -ihteeeto fte e n
courtsityteam is not known as yet. anivunedtyof (hat othCl aroia as Dtotil e mets omk n i tah the ereciog ndofthmew vIni-
Coach Rynearson has eight letter- anone thtalrmr eriFe.3itrnulbidngndhevai-
men to build his team. about, head- that lie was :(hrough at the ° bility of excellenit courts for play,
edb'h eea ulihwoi southernu., institution..w e r e oarle Neale, head football andi will receive added impetus as result
thecapaii ethe olvrin ea~rs grondlss nd hathe as e- baseball coach at the University of of tonight's exhibition 1to b' given
thel cp to a l aine T he W re on ege s p ron l s gess a , cth a ct ,asro- V r i i , si c 9 3 as r l a e ,by D eto i pl y s of '<r a m m e t w o p o ed h m l stT in f r t o m re e rs o' f o m is c t a t 'o t at ie ig t a
samemenwhooppsedthen 1st vdin fo tw moe yarsoX fom is ontactso hatheeight dio alcnon. This r oup ot
year, since Moran, Van Fleet and Iservice ini his present capacity, I becomne halaea coach of the t. c eihto asndbls mtcr~hsve t'li red
Muellich were in the Normal line- Ntoa aealcu.Tecnt a ige ace ihrp
up last year in the two clashes. The Ilaugen brothers will renew tract would not have expired until! resentatives fromi the studenit body
12 Men Come H-ere their rivalry for ski jumping 1930. and- also will engage ib) ntulv's
The Normal coach has had his laurels Sunday, when they com- _._..__amxong themselves.
squad steadily at work all week in pete lin the first Chicago district i vl . I lTein ita'lural es, 'i~cii Ilos
preparation for tonight's tilt and meet at Gary, Ind. Lars Haugen, EX IC ARJ I selected eight playes rs, us ii e
will lead a squad of 12 men into holder of the national champion-; BOJNE TO GRAVE play in the recent ,ill-eaaltpus andI
the field house. The men who are ship for the last seven years will ) _____i nterfraternty ha ndbal to una-
listed to make the trip are: Cap- represent St. Paul while his (I zI' ents as a criterion for the sele-
tamn Muellich, William Van Fleet, broter, Adi'e iil arryPhe coorsLion. All matches will olmence
Franklyn Whitney, James Quinn, of the Ogden Dunes club. NtomORKJa. 9.-Silentrda a promptly at 7:30 toight. in the
Allanl Giles, Art Brown, Joe Moran, tm, Madison Square Garden Intramural buildin g.
Lew Brown, l, Shaw, Marvin Mit- Tu'iffy Griffiths, Sioux City stood today a temporary saic- Winer lays Fist
tlestat, Howard Chanter, and Ken- boxer, who climbed from the pagus fr is dead leader Tex iSee.oewznro 'erclt
neth Delong. bantamweight ranks to be a! Rickard, prior to burial this after- teve Joes, wnnerall the ricentl
No starting lineup has been an- light heavyweight contender in i noon, al-icampusr handball tourey a"-i
flucdfor the visitors, but te togashsscesflyi- Crid o thehg pxt rwichoer 50merenered.,iia i
squad will probably be constructed f w er a ucsflyi-ICridit h uesot rw h ubroe]Oiif 1
around Muellich at guard, Moran vadied the heavyweight class. I arenpa yesterday, the famous sports1 the Michigan team and will lply
at center and Vran Fleet at forward.I promoter's body lay in a costly' Al Schaufelburger, national doubles.
These three men were important Making his debut with the j bronze casket all through the nightI cham~pion~ and state singles tile
factors in. Ypsi's offense and do- heavies, Tuffy, who won 55 bouts while two attenidants kept a guard! holder, leader of the visiting col-
fense last year when they played, as a light heavyweight before be- of honor. ingenlt O cort 2. Joe Navai c,
the Michigan "B" team twice and ing stopped by J. J. Braddock, Champions of miany a sport have who fell before Jone in the finls
were defeated in both games by knocked out George Genas of hlad their hour oif triunph orl d- of the all-campus singles last Mon-
close scores, 29 to 27, and 23 to 20. Philadelphia Tuesday night lin trI spair at the hose that Rickard; day, will meet Joe Bathey, Dtroit
Ypsi Looks Good second round of a scheduled 10-1 built; tsturbulent ectmn a ubrtopromr
neeTheB~lyi hle Normnal quintet proved to be; round bout. It was Tuffy's first benisas-al'6t ee e ahyisafre odro h
a stubborn foe throughout both ofI fore has it sheltered the dead in national doubles crown wlinning,
these tilts and with a flock of let- SECONID TORON TO I solemn dignity. this honor in 1923, the sae year'
termen -back, Coach Rynearson will c g/ Under the floodlights which usu-' approaching within a single point
probably have a court team to be i MEET rL# ?ally illuminate the Garden's box- of annexing honors in the niationaal
feared in tonight's encounter.inrigthdedpooelainsgesNplyrisf
Coach Courtright has announced (A return engagement with thie!hisg rangthealotdipretomolyisingl es oi' ottouet.llNoplayer.a
a tentative Michigan lineup as Toronto Y. M. C. A. swimmning team his cse amsoirclwopstnee o bt iteBnonaer
follws:Balarn an Ma~onldto take place February 16 in the iswnprivs atebx sombre with Bte a loln enpod
fowads oual ener Csin Itaiiualbilin oo hsbeen black draperies. At each side were iiti tt n iyhnbl
forard; Duga, cnte; Cshig Itraura buldig pol as huge palms. Behind were massed circles as well as being a feaedi
and Lovell, guards. In the vaca- scheduled, it was annlounced yes- mi ncutyiecnp~iin
tion tilts and the- game with To- .terday by Coachi Matt Man~n. Budeso lra rbts anhy inlcountrywid vcometio.
ledo last Tuesday, the Junior Var- The Wolverine tank team has al-f After relatives and clse friends Baouthe wllmet avj C t1
city continued its impressive shlow-( ready met two non-conference had been given their hour or two cort4
ing., So far in the season, a strong teams, downing Toronto, 36-23 in I alone with the dead yesterday, the 3nCltinucd on Page Sevenr
offense has been combined with a the initil contest of the year, andj doors of the sports palace were
rather effective defense and thze defeating the Cleveland A. C. ag- thrown open to the gnearal Public.
result. has bou.a string of five gregationl 42-18 the fllowing week Iiithree hours, sonic 5,000 men,
victories. The addition of a second meet women and children passed by the=
New Systemi Used with Toronto to the schedule leaves; bier to pay their last respects to
According to an announcement the Varsity five Big Ten dual Ithe dead. In single file that cos--
made during the Christmas holi- meets and one non-Conference mnopolitan cross-selection of New
clays, the two team idea in basket- dual meet before the Big, Ten and , York citizens filed into the Garden,Y U ca'
ball will bae more closely followed National Collegiate competition. slowly passed the half-opened cas- ' I '
than it wa s drn the gridiron'n - -o e kt, andl{ proceeded into the streetswokiyul
Season. The Varsity anid Junior I BIG TEN STANDINGS I again.
Varsity squads ara now coinbfined (--
and thre makeup of each squad will I Won Lost tact. I Itws oem orrytrng Itrah
be dete rine deach weeki, 'j ICICIlAN------ 6 .00 (1 Ithatant;aSt iit IrequiemI)for the
Undelr this sys tern, players whio} I Purdue ........... 2( I .000 (ldead., The best t-
are of "A"' teatu ability but who arcejIowa ............1 it 1 .30() Odriwr g I o hegnrl
not quite 'oid enloughr to play oai Wisconisin . . 1 .500 1 public to b?( admitted again today.
he Varsity lineuzp may get a I Oio state ..... -1 1 .50 h eD. og ae or the short wall
chanc to play hasketball with the! Illinois ..... 1 t .500 pastor of the Madison Ave Baptist _ -. ..-__w
Junior Varsity squad instead of be- ( Indiana I .000 churchI, was chioseii to conduct the
ing inactive. The field house will be Minntesota......0 1 .000 I services. Seats in the galleries were Annt arbor
opened at 7 o'clock and studentj Chicago.....0 1 .000 ; available to the public. A thousand
coupon books will of course be hion- Northwestern . ...0 2 .000 I~ seats on the arena floor were re- 215 So, lai
ored for admission. - -o served for card-holders,

-"e fect ion of a defenise to sto.arvrnC o rsln em w e ls hc aebe
Ioa' set, i(ishooters occupied boaSting e'xcet1}ia stenth mdeby heConrn ce li[ 'oliials in
(Coa _lVch eenker's Varsity cage team the first thriiee weights will open lie aiiiiattiup o ped ",Ip the bouits.
resteray as the Wolverines pro- mat season for tile Wolverineg-a-B Ihs rls i nithie wrestler
ih iti hs ane a dvanttag-e at the
pared for t awhkeye tltsclied plerswhntetosua., c
when he to squds\m)ch ed oftwmites,.a coin will be
jaled for Satuirday night. The Mich-I holds Friday night in thiInfra-,th w, ad neof -the mnnwill
igtan squad will leave tomorrow fo) mural building at 7:30. This match igo"enahnfo four minutes, then
Iowa City to combapt the undefeate. will be, the first for both (Alttits *jtheithe>Lir wilg below for the same
Bl3ack and Gold quintet,.netherteamhasbeenmat'engt oft i e. Inhis way both
At# first Coach Veenkcir sent hi with the usual p~reliminary opp(-o .i match if they ,ire evenly matched,
charges through a drill on ov~enchemi aeneiatnaefote
live plays and. defensive combin nemnts. C~ant Ro hll (off
tions. Tihe players alternated is Fishman Looks Good The otiier rule will eliminate an
assuming the roles of the attackin The lighter weights on the Ma- Il rctice o(f contestants wrig-
.arid defending team. loon sq~uad are ,all taken car: a I ging o() ltime ma i11 when they are in
Aftcr an itermission, duing Ibyaexerince me,,wih.rpta !' In i'Ifoneman hars a pning
whiichi the sqti.d was given a chiap od i h wetlr go off the
a:lk ou. various plays by thne!Fishmnan at 118 poun.,iiwetesli laig tli( mzat the1o man on top is given the
Ioaches, the regulars returned t gist. Winning is another mnan of 'sa inc hldI in the middle of the ring.
the floor d 8ud were given an opp. r o- experience who is exp~ected to for IKeen i Udecided
unity to stop the Iowa offense a. Iwish considerable oppocsitioni for 1the Coa{ cheenl s ttthat it, was
ait onstrated_ by members of ti).poil amn Ih ~e-dv--siludcddwehrhwt n
:1" team, ''i e ariylined lR-ui i 1wou ill d enterCi the oring against
;vmith. Dose and Orwjg at the for = i~onca te Midway squad. wit.Lf Chicago. Bt Wh tmen are improved,
warnds, Chapman at center, ano the exception, of the heavyweig~li_ bt, are inot ye t fully recovered.,Ray
Pruskowski and Captain McCoy aii are still more or less mnalters of -Parker who was scheduled to f-
the guardior sityla i:r;peculation, although several goodon of the heavier weights is also
rI'li~ j tziior arsit, cla in rc 7:ut (of #the alineup because ofa
:iiad nudet' the direction Imn aeshw u ofi+thm. i miner " iju-;ry to his arm. This in-
>tl o,terbaani, consisted o I Weak Midle weght,, 1 ru1'M wi 1not, keep him from corn-
4d III tle ' 11(d Slagle, forwards;I These middle we igt, -s wr ) )I i ho for he etire season, ancli
' ouigall, ceilte;r; Lovell and Ba rley have been taken care of by trne ) Coa~ch Keen hl opes to have him in
>uards. Tile players went thlrug of exceptional wrestling aility, iwiiI'(),-for ti next match.
L ,ow mziotion imitation of Iowa' most of them were declared inelil - (Warre Tovi"1 Wrestle
i.tack, giving the Varsity time tc ible anid new men had to be f ors I i ththeieeti1,ion of the 118
lanuian ize them><selves with it. The~ to take their places, These .ili cxlC1 I128, and 138 pouind classes, the
play was speeded up, with the Var-E rienced men have shown promise Wolverinae iliupis dfntl e
sit r stopping' most of the Hawkey(. but Coach Vorres feels that t. ' chei brig nuries. Kelly wiIeintey e
conlbiinatios. i will need a great deal of work be dlgnd l e 140 pound division;
Forest' Twogood, Iowa's speed fore they can be relied, upon to -will w ile Car'<ptain Bob Warren will hold
forward, as impersonated by D ,nicmets. dw his, old place at 158 pounds.
whittle, came in for his share Heavies Strong 'riish 7ad Steinke will be placed
atteiltiori. 'The fact that defer,- In the heavyweight diviio i ,in the1(!,8 and 178 classes, and
wsa tresed o sch n exentin-Coachm Vorres is well fortified w.t: ° 11 a <, , al( -gi player, will be in-
dicates that the Wolverines a 1 Soniderby, a fine wrestler who is cx- trau 4tedt with the heavyweight as-
expec tinig a strong Hawkeye attack..pce ogv odacuto i~zet
gainst Northwestern and Wiscor pecited toi~e goodariccneo i=,iii-iei --
sin the Michigan defense function phy i the you~si1arst±ee, _______
ed well, holding the opposition t etri heb~~~ ii MAD ISON, Wis., Jan. 10..--T. -
ria ivly ow cors.iinseif during tfle season. l'i(V Wisconsin crew coach, George
z plativclylow sores.visiting Big Ten wrestlers wilt i,i~pizy, more familiarly known in;
The game Saturday will mark the I journey to Fast Lansing to met I1)Jgcircles as ".Mike" arrived
first cage contest with the H-awk:IteSaemte Saturday, eeoiMna oasm i e
since that historic suruggle ini 1927, 1 in sadtiollto beIf tl? the ositio.Th 'rerYlfos
whnteWleie and i New Roles. Used Icoach will1 take immediate steps tc.
disputed' possession of the Con ' etfrbtIemsti '{ saI0 i alresudfrnor
Terence cage crown by defeating etfrbt tast Ssao, ogiiealresudfrido
~Hi'~rn1,1D~~UVif-~~the match. Friday v,111hlititoduce 1york on-i the rowing may, :res. Mlnx-
TnwV I. L, V, .,, n.. . lm nt es o.-~J 4J .Avertim

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