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January 10, 1929 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-10

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1.0 1921



. . ... . . . .......... - ...T H....M.........N.........

. \ 1_ :.L.e.Y 1.117
Ml +ld



St eve Jon~es Will Play
jSchouf el berger Tonight



rTIIIIA ~potwhefollowing mnpes c
I~fI\ 11 or ihtank~ suit pat Rent- 1 iContinucd From Page six)
a 1TINS lPOINI l 1 schier's studio at 3 o'clock Mon-I( Chet York, national !i~nights of
day afternoon for individual 'Columbus champion, will meet
y edsSewr pictures: Captain Spindle, Hub- ;Hrry Seligson in thc third of ex-
roints In Closely Fought ats rmhw pdmih n enrusa hr akr nls
Scoring MaaceMajnThomCooch.1year's Michigan baseball team will
Mat Man~ oac. Ioppose Willis Kamman co-holder
ERORoIS 'IRD jo - of the national doubles crown 8.--s
E Ja. 10-TheSchaufelberger, in the fourth
Ace Bailey continued to hold the1 MADISON, Wis., Ja.10-h match on court 8.
scoring lead in the N a t i o n a 1; University of Wisconsin will playI In the other matches Bell will
Hockey league race for individual an important part in the staging ;meet Gorelick of Michigan onI
honors despite the challenge of of the outdoor sports at the annul. court 10, Rotlicrburg will play
Nels Stewart, ace of the Montreal Winter Frolic to be held a Wusu Berkowitz on court 12, Donohoe
Maroons, who set a season's record next month. The carnival chair- will meet Bcnzky on 14, and Leduc
by chalkingup three goals in one n-ian, Fred Wiechmann, has receiv-wilopsWheeinteigh
game. Adding a goal and an assist edl an acceptance from the Badger match on ouWert i igt
to his total last week, Bailey topped athletic department which assures ___________
the official list, which includes the the 1929 Frolic undivided co-oper-
games of last Sunday night, with ation from Director George Little "B" GAME SUMMARY
17 points. Stewart amassed 13 and the Carnival winter sports
goals which put him out in front' chief, Johnniy Farquhar. Michigan (37) I
ini this department and is second B FT PF TP
with 15 points, Bailey having 10 MADISON, Wis., Jan. 10.-Georoge' Slagle f ...... 2 1 0 5
goals and 7 assists. 'W. Lewis, athletic business man- Whittle, f.......... 2 0 2 4
Detroit'sstellar ingmai a-1ager and former Badger athiet( 1 Dougal, c............. 30 0 Gl
sngu Copr, whoh has p'lyed i has been appointed coach of the Barley, g.......... 2 2 0 G
bagu-brn o oce alse-Wisconsin golf team. This an-, Lovell, g......... 1 0 0 2a
son at wing, added four points to nouncement was made today by Di- Downing, f ......... 2 1 1 5
his total to regain the lead among rector Little. Lewis, who is one of Weinstein, f........ 2 0 2 4
the American group scorers and the best golfers affiliated with the Dolin53ky, f.........0 0 0 Q 0
take third place for the entire Maple Bluff Club here, is now ar- ( Glocheski, c.......... 1 0 1 2
league. He has accounted for 91 ranging a schedule for the spring. Lytle, g....... 1 1 1
goals and five assists for a total off_________Egeeg....
4.Subscribe to The Michigan Daily. - - - --
IHooly Smith of Montreal is onei $4.00 yearly. Totals .. .. .. .. .. .16 5 7 37
point behind the Detroit Coulter ___________________________________
star and occupies third place in
the Canadian scoring and fourth 11!1111i1 11111111111I11111111111I1l1l111111111111
in the entire league. Blair of To- ."
ronto and Morenz of the Les Ca-!
nadiens are tied for fourth in the =_^
Canadian division. Bill Cook and .= L . RA
Frankie Boucher, speedy flankmen L OI3 =D A'S_
of the New York Rangers, followL O
closely on the heels of the Cana- 1- 4- =
dians will 11 points per. Another'=r
Detroiter, George Lewis, has gain-
ed +the fourth position in the Amer-
ican group scoring race.
Lionel Conacher, burly New York E-
American defense mant seemingly -
had an unchallenged hold as lead- ! Ioss:5 r n
ing penalty drawer, having spent Roesand S rin Fowers
81 minutes in. the penalty .box:~
Others who have incurred the
wrath of the officials are Red Dut-
ton of the Montreal Maroons,
Hooley Smith of the same outfit, Including Hy'acinths, Tipis and =
Eddie Shore of Boston, "Puss" ,
Traub 'of the Cougers, and Alex -N csu
McKinnon of Chicago. Narisss
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 10.-The '
Chicago and Indiana cage teams-
represents the second pair of we~ek-w
end oppnents head of"Doc"
en poet ha f"o"Stare:: Grccn~houss : =
Meanwell's Wisconsin basketball!'
squad. on Saturday of this week 609 E. Williams 1400 Traver St.
the short passing Badger will-
journey to the Midway for a tilt-=
with the Maroons, one of the best-
defensive fives in the Big Ten. "Flowers by Wire,"
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily.
$4.00 yearly. -1111!Ill1111il1111111111~111111t111 11~l1111111 1111

pocotte, I.....
Steinberg, f .....,...
Stevens, c.............
!Walker, g .. ....
Rosenberg , g ...
Shull, f . .. . ..




Lasley, f........
TPSmith, f ............0A
fI Carson, f......... 0
5 Totals.......8
4 ! core at end of half:
5123, Toledo 8.ce.

0-.0 0
5 7 211

00 olL S I~ E{
o o!I~L SIIr


^ i oo i ctc^ ^ l( ) tt t- "in

../ADVERTIS ING 1J Ii.r-l" -- iI f, housekeeping
I j r -'i l o four 1111i llippinie stu-
- dlents. $10 a week. Dia~l 6430.
NOTICE :>22 So. 4Ith Ave. 79-89-81
FLETCHER IhALL -- (iC s oly ORRET-Sngeroom for ;secondt
dormitory. Reserve ywir roo w n -, eter ner1Lw' 51
now for the second seme ster. E . Madiison. 79-80-81-82
Shwrbtihtadcl :rin each room. Maid service., FOR RENT---801 Gra nqer. A very
Single $4.50, double $1.00ope nice double fron t room for men;
week. 915 Sybil St. Plhone 4770. private home ; grage . Telephone
799;21125. 77',78,79,80,81,82
CAS PAD-or atemoel FO?.R R~NT-TN DTE)=i~'R-8-RM4.
CASHPAI---Forlat moel sed HOU l UNTIL JUYNE 10TH-; ALLJ
cars-Leroy Nixon. South MainiI MODERIN; 13EAUITIFULLY FUR-
at Packard. Telephone: Otlice NtSU1ED; ANY ROOM NOT
3941. Residence 7971. 79-80-81. NEEDED CAN BE CLOSED WITH
NOTICE-Student Thes is Typing, AG;RETVEYLOW TO RE-
Stenographic w o r k. P it b 1 i c 3PONSIBLE PARTIES. OWNER
Stenographer. Allencl Ihotel. Dil; GOING SOUTH AND DOES NOT
4241. 77,78,79 WISH TO CLOSE UP ROUSE.
P. 0. BO X24. PHONE 57. 78,79
310 So. State. Phone 79271 for two or three girls or a young
T. T. F. c couple. Also large double room
________and one single. Steam heat,
-°---~___- - bath, including shower. 'Available
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair now. 422 E. Wasingqton. Dial 8544.
rates. M. V. HlartsuflL Dil 9387.17,98
WANTED--Three-room apartment,
NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry, furnished, near, campus. Call
204 N. Main St., for laundry ser- 4Lewis, 8429. 78,79,80
vice with real personal attention -_________
like received at home, WANTED-Late modlel automiobile;
will pay cash. Leroy Nixon, at
NOTICE S. Main and Packard. Tele. ;3941
WE BUY USED CLOTHING or 7971.- 78,79,80
II. BENJAMIN WATD- ilsuett hr
2 15 E. Washington Phone 4310 WNE--- ilsuett hr
T. T. S, attract-ive apartment with two
-~ ____girls. Use of piano. Phone 4780
NOTICE-We have a large selec-1I eveningm.ti 78,79,80
tin oof Greeting Cards and Mot- IPIANO TUNING-The Concert Art-
toes. Francisco-Boyce, 719 N. Uni. 1ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776, Vie-

Dusty Rhodes' Free Throw-
or Fame for a Day
dIEY(idnt expect him to make a point. But
lie imi~dc a frcc throw. And that free throw was
the cauise of" thaeir winning the game. The crowd
went wild and more girls wanted to put their arms
,arounid Dusty's neck than he could accommodate.
.And after the game Dusty had a few team-
mnates around to his rooms. lHe served them
"'Canamda Dlrv." It made a big hit-even bigger
than winning the basketball game. More fame!
Th'lis ginger tale has a delightful flavor...
tang to it. . . dryness.. sparkle. It has a
subtlc gingery flavor because it is made from pure
fJamraica gin ger. It contains no capsicum (redl
pepper), and notd bcne it blends wecll with other,
66 99
. '. S.T m .uzut
"f/ic (Yh mp.l-iglie (f Jillgcr ~clr"
1-, d-a impw-Ic-d Irow Caada, and botled in the U. S. A.- by
Canada Dt;iviger .Ale, Incorporo-a/,.253 Wcst 43rd St/rcc/, Mw FoPrk, N. VI
14a Canada~, J. J. AMcLugflisz Lint i/ed. Estabilishcd 1890.
eart Vo -fl '-,,, fool vart
xN1A~t /hl! I ook for the 1,0'
DRY, ' Canada Dry" onf for
bo/ftC cap. Tfrc, yo'l
be dr


LOST-Pair silver rimmed glasses,l
near Washtenaw and E. Univer-;
sity. Finder, please get in touch,
with Milton Block. 2-1682. 79.1
LOST-Thursday night before va -I
ca-tion, silver wrist watch with
initials H. P. C. on back. Call
4917. Reward. 79-80-81.
LOST-White gold rimmed glasses
in black~ steel -case with pink
Uhleman Optical Co. wiper. Re-
ward. Phone 4837. 77,78,79


r 1'.JJAIe UJlJ. t..7J.. morrin, 1 tL
WANTED-Suite or small apart- Nickels Arcade,
inent suitable for three, address I-_________________
replies to "The Mich. Dailly, box! NOTICE-H. W. Clark Shoe Factory,
13. 79-80 corner of South University and
WANTE -A woan t Forest. Let us save you 20 per-
WNE- woa topen or cent on your repair work. Only
pencil, etch or do landsape one shoe factory in town.
drawing. Phone 3831 after 9:00
p. m . 79-80-81.1 RIDING SOTS from $10 up; golf
shoes from $8 up; moccasins in
WANTED-Cook, male, wants work, I ten different leather styles,' -
especially fraternity, hotel, etc. 1. All kinds of shoes made to your
Phone 2-1806 moarnings. Mr. I measure.--H. W, Clark.
Cumby. -77,78,79,80,811
WANTED--Room to rent, by mem-
ber of faculty of University I
School' of Music. Must have priv-
ilege of bringing small upr ight j
piano. Call Mrs. Bacher, lj.ou Subciet h al
10-12. ~~~77,78 ubc bet th Dal
Want Ads Pay

ly nd S Ils Face as Utterl; Ruined RBy BRIGGS

t t_.:1\ .. °. fT~v: Yc)UQR SoL~TILL , WI-itCUG
FRrm a o oQ- - (0061.4 IN A (CAR-PLA
-7 'uCt 3- LA yuJ
K7(P~1 ~ r
-(\ Y
/ L77,
1// /
( _________________

TtFlti YO Q
You FAcE-:1



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