,VAG E -SI,t ~TF'MTCHIGAN S .: ALY~ TITL tiRSDA,1 JANUAQTh1'Y 10, 1N~ JUNIOR V ARS__ITY TEAM WILL MEAT YPSILANTI TO AMhk NIGHT "B" QUINTET TO PLAY Star Hand___ __yer STATE NOMLHRj NUA Reserves Have Chance To Add II AVl Sixth To String Of Consecutive$~O itef T MET[ Victories 4 S o tB t t * * ~ ~ ~dJaUA 1 11JA 1i1 1 iU ~ ~U IU'1Ni111i11i11 I I Will. '1llZ LgIJ df11J1U11111111111C e1NU5 5C1t111fl- OnLocal Go rts Ton iight W~INNERS iTROITERS Wih~1~i-~ report twiuce weekly during the sational string of wins was termi-i-J Jones Will Play ; "phta6'v llr? i'a .raa~ cuauV 1uva UAa(wintuer months at the Uitlversity ( nawU l iNe ColX [Klast Novmber. I iiiFetureiCotestI At! 7:49.) and no defeats to protect, the Jun- of Iowa foi- indoor workouts tinder j O4'clock Ton'igh "tat for Varsity cage squad will oppose the direction of Coach Burt Inzg- I rifts h a usiu the Michigan State Normal college Gwerson. Practiceawas held for-Lho basketball five tonight at 7:30 frt ielatTesa igt edb aawiii l iteINAAI E'fS j o'clock i the fied house. he 44B~ ormer Illinlois foottiebaslleda ngh.player ____ o'lointhebeldnhose.aell "B"alongijred his hanad, floored the quintetghaspeentaellingealon g lChuck Colins, star Notre wild swinging Quaker City boy handball as a sport whaich Vfirs( atin aoobhigheforepeedr paceti sinceeoreGethe ookt1 openling of the season and will be otam efoallan p Aeorer f 0 im efreGeastok he came einto prominence as popular on edge for tonight's encounter,. oheryers nt atth pr The~fJ fight Was Griffith's recreation among~Michigan stuiden s The strength of the Ypsilanti time head" football coach at the ls I a i'lzesLixli n -ihteeeto fte e n courtsityteam is not known as yet. anivunedtyof (hat othCl aroia as Dtotil e mets omk n i tah the ereciog ndofthmew vIni- Coach Rynearson has eight letter- anone thtalrmr eriFe.3itrnulbidngndhevai- men to build his team. about, head- that lie was :(hrough at the ° bility of excellenit courts for play, edb'h eea ulihwoi southernu., institution..w e r e oarle Neale, head football andi will receive added impetus as result thecapaii ethe olvrin ea~rs grondlss nd hathe as e- baseball coach at the University of of tonight's exhibition 1to b' given thel cp to a l aine T he W re on ege s p ron l s gess a , cth a ct ,asro- V r i i , si c 9 3 as r l a e ,by D eto i pl y s of 'Lir wilg below for the same Bl3ack and Gold quintet,.netherteamhasbeenmat'engt oft i e. Inhis way both At# first Coach Veenkcir sent hi with the usual p~reliminary opp(-o .i match if they ,ire evenly matched, charges through a drill on ov~enchemi aeneiatnaefote live plays and. defensive combin nemnts. C~ant Ro hll (off tions. Tihe players alternated is Fishman Looks Good The otiier rule will eliminate an assuming the roles of the attackin The lighter weights on the Ma- Il rctice o(f contestants wrig- .arid defending team. loon sq~uad are ,all taken car: a I ging o() ltime ma i11 when they are in Aftcr an itermission, duing Ibyaexerince me,,wih.rpta !' In i'Ifoneman hars a pning whiichi the sqti.d was given a chiap od i h wetlr go off the a:lk ou. various plays by thne!Fishmnan at 118 poun.,iiwetesli laig tli( mzat the1o man on top is given the Ioaches, the regulars returned t gist. Winning is another mnan of 'sa inc hldI in the middle of the ring. the floor d 8ud were given an opp. r o- experience who is exp~ected to for IKeen i Udecided unity to stop the Iowa offense a. Iwish considerable oppocsitioni for 1the Coa{ cheenl s ttthat it, was ait onstrated_ by members of ti).poil amn Ih ~e-dv--siludcddwehrhwt n :1" team, ''i e ariylined lR-ui i 1wou ill d enterCi the oring against ;vmith. Dose and Orwjg at the for = i~onca te Midway squad. wit.Lf Chicago. Bt Wh tmen are improved, warnds, Chapman at center, ano the exception, of the heavyweig~li_ bt, are inot ye t fully recovered.,Ray Pruskowski and Captain McCoy aii are still more or less mnalters of -Parker who was scheduled to f- the guardior sityla i:r;peculation, although several goodon of the heavier weights is also rI'li~ j tziior arsit, cla in rc 7:ut (of #the alineup because ofa :iiad nudet' the direction Imn aeshw u ofi+thm. i miner " iju-;ry to his arm. This in- >tl o,terbaani, consisted o I Weak Midle weght,, 1 ru1'M wi 1not, keep him from corn- 4d III tle ' 11(d Slagle, forwards;I These middle we igt, -s wr ) )I i ho for he etire season, ancli ' ouigall, ceilte;r; Lovell and Ba rley have been taken care of by trne ) Coa~ch Keen hl opes to have him in >uards. Tile players went thlrug of exceptional wrestling aility, iwiiI'(),-for ti next match. L ,ow mziotion imitation of Iowa' most of them were declared inelil - (Warre Tovi"1 Wrestle i.tack, giving the Varsity time tc ible anid new men had to be f ors I i ththeieeti1,ion of the 118 lanuian ize them>