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April 21, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-21

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. (tiit3 ! e ' n sn



f4'.PilvEyb 'a, 12 3E V". II _t'ia .

IN I N'yO G D ST N E RIC E tto)1only occ'asionially for' h8AI or't(c Jir 1lw E~
WILL 'FINISH IN &KANSCAS cT A1)!T,' hO b rubbed down l vztli a spciaz l oil.___
L~f1YA'1~ )Ri~A'S'- i'hey bring their own simplle food cif.
______________- ~~~~meal and water cahezks with theniz wher- IOI( 111ItS11 1'~i
(Spccial to Tu cDaily) the pro;,ress of the regular program l'ever they Itravel, ('UmltU;, iI'Q-'hilnt, l 118 eit~twl -a
LAWRENCE, Kans., April 20--Spec- of evenzts of the Kansias Itelnlys. 11isUtnil " ats ii5 1811;lw1)8 '8111)1(1ed
tators at the Fifth A; inual Kansas Re-[ '1'l: Lii'i- ,1.el I r5 1l0 (onlfi frths
lays at Menoria.IStadtium, U niver'sity 'Vte en , ext ern Uite'd States, IAccording to -reports the footba ) ~I{. fu wnsfr> tes
znat ('lieS areo l , it8(1 01 1 8 llet in
of Kansas here April 2; ixviii see anl on spcia ivitattioncif Dr. Fi. C. 1Al-!games of the 448 leading colleges In boardi V rn ~ uait'
added attraction to theelherforiluallces 1lou ,5 uus (ireritor of athlleties, who the Unitcd States were ati tendd I b;st(t1H8 t~ f~rI' all-
track and field wete lrutrack mnFG Wa ;zh it 't5Q1by their 8)Z m tile lore than 25,080,000 personS. c ~~z can 1 18 (1A., I.8 ii I(' )
of the outstanding fliuddle xvC'stO~zz'l1 sn fv,I Sattn 4lio to() I0 nTe Px.,' ac-ad- cllee--xi -----,e i~acof- ---- Ifo <L }yr- il
get ir on mn e lui a n e e t1run ners i\18rzzt he Iti

ihe freshman event.
Al -campus swimming will b he el
April 25 anmd 28 at the Unimon pol. 'I a
fellowin events will lhe held: 50, 140
a d 2 0 y r fr e s y e 0 adyard bacI(k stroke ; 50 and 100 yard j
breast si mohe and fancy (livilig.

yy.l ~A D V ErTTl R " TS N G AT 3 P





known as thme Tarahunlara AMexican 1 ;.e 'it'ra huai'a n i1 t';i' t.'Ls "fot)t~
ndans from the miountain wilds near l 1,11' :,'1)4t hose lit 1P,10 l1«l1atta a c
Clhiuahua, Mexico. 1h1(1r1'.1 t 14 o C cr'; O1)s of LienI1 81(
These little ironi men and womn Iwomuel n'01rahecd to run long i ace
are said to be the most wonderful en-! over i ,uls coun try. IAs far hark as
durance runner-, in the world, run- ;t ry records thoe'lTarahumnai a In- a
Icing as much as 0 hours at a time Ai. s lhave been enduria;,ce. runners
in their native mountains. However, wi' [adG 1run:,,(itf aywhcrle I'oiii
ltethey are svery eshy aqiod will foften emflee; onylrunning oahi iy h4as c(m 1.140 h r g
upon approach of strangers in their I Uecessit y for runninkg long distancesI
native cave country. I for food as the. food supp;ly in thicir
Three men runners will jog the' mountalins(district is swarce.
route of 47 miles from Kansas City,j To var'y the iiionotolly of their lonlg
Mo., to the Kansas stadliumn, while; runs they have developed a game'
three wvomen runners will run the ;whierein they kick along .a liitieI
twenty-six or seven miles from To-! wooden ball about the size of a base-eathcpilofKnsoteiblnckgtisalupwhter
University Stadium. i nishes of both' bare feet acid never touching it with'
endurance runs 'il, be made during their hands. 4n their long runs they

irted-A Good. Pastry Cooly.

"i'aisipTickets on All Lines
At. Regular Rates
31i its $1 to 1BR urISIT PORTS
FR W;1JANC'E $90, WI' S162;;
lii WI5l l0 InRT$150; GERNTANV'
lat17. 8her ('lasses and Countries]
IIII' ,to '.icllteranean, including'
I '. I ndon ,S%%oit 7.ead, 1taly 'and Ger-.
Junet l 30,flto Srlpiembcr 1, $450 up:'
at (;ipe Crues $34>;up in cabin, much
to zis c-in. Same cruise from
C ?! ion ;I St days, costs $95.
r (ts. ll xpTense 'personally con-j
Nup.\1 H(''epCeises afloat and
7 uays, i; 61 tdays, $490; motor
r l't dy aniiup.tiPersonally cioil
l( u to A laska daoring Jfune, July:
1 -,tr a~t ( or rhos. (Cook & Son,
t ,, 1 raentui Belgique, )a
e, ''dt~s' Travel ( lob, Student'
I P'inii.Allen, Arts ('rait,
awl (1rt oilio~'er ' ours.
a o c ;gnPost (oO\'ention 'Tours.
.(.11i.rs L ave a eotii 1
:oa (ii.ra;iQ:.oft atparty ofi
e' u' 4 ''d \itl~orizedl
Ar~y L1 ir VIy'. here
!I+77S. AniXAro, 1icli.
All ' rrvelt'rs' Checks
:'dAcecden i sirauce

If you arc a telephone subscr iber call J ilmr.'
the AVTk'r ial 21z14, and your want ad1
Will becitgd
The ;,! %lIi iau i).lv reserves Ctc iiat to
classify all wi asuder aturcpij beadiio-
ings aiid to revise or withhold oabjectonable
Tis Column clones at 3 1. M. date preced-
ing ptillication. Notice of any error must be
given in time for the second insertion.
lTen cent(s per rea.dinig line (ork tle basis of
five avet a;,e wvords to the hure) olr one jr two~
ilSeri ois.
Ninueveints per rt-ading Biefor thre cC omonre
iris.Cashi classificds receiver] at thle I ilv otbce
in T1he Pre ss iiuildhng oan Mayrzo 'd St et.
S Special 1.tantlardizcd rates givenot applica-

itESA Nlgeneral, and alter-
ig. Phone 22194. Esther lsele,
'101 South Division. 142-14'-144l
W'orks. Rugs *zi .up uotd, Vi n
6G13. rdaily- t
curd to 1103 k. Washiliggron. ilw
61365 eveningsi $21? tA $)
lTimnes and plays lire sa banjor or
rt~l(V..sottl1(s lik~e a guitar. Ea sy to
play. Special p~ride this wee k.
University 1Music House

LOS - -edlum sze loose-leaf note.
14)0, 1Ut itt - Ail urt h. Call
1'.li o, photto 5 5) . 142-1.)-144
LW) T-Pa i of rglu: fsein1case4 0n
111lease phone Ial r9333. 142
\Xj~r EM--garage,'noar W leuaiv
Ap,,ut'hnenfs, East Willa minsreet,
for the summer. Box 174, I1aily.

'1 1, mlwwwwwm






To you University H~en I amn prond to announce
the establishment of my pder anent headquarters

at Earl Cragg Shop

.. w

119 So uth Pl1an

WANT PD-Barbei', part t ime. Call
22147. 142-143-144
WVANTED-Students who like good
hot BAiR IECUES to know we de-
liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M.
BXNRBECUE INN, Dial 4481.,
XVANTID l-We cau mp llloy a 1numb1er'
of fresh4megn, sophomor01es cand jun-
ior's this summeilr who need funds
for next yea<r's terms. Salar'y aad
tulitionl. Co sainsunicat e at once with
'Ted llillie r. Dial 4818.
1,11-1.42-143-144-145 -146
WANTED STUD)ENTS to know that
Sam hays from $5) to k25 fr old
suits anti overcoatst.
121 F. A.NN DIAL 4306

TYP'EWRITINOV and imeograph.
lug promptly and neatly done
by experienced operators at mod-
erate rates. Thesis and college
work 'a specialty for 19 years. 0.
D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
Typwriter and StatiANOrSoe.t
The14 banjo value of the year. Finest
workmanship, flashy appearance with
aF very brilliant tone and unusual
volunmn. 14-inch oversized resonator.
Special :price, including case, ,$34.
Easy terms. .Tf.
Urniversity imsrc House
NOTICEi--lla ts cleaned and blocked.
All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and
repaired. Satisfactionu jrnaranteed.
ANN ARBUOR SHOP,. 625 JE. Liberty.
c-Tues.-Thu re.-Sat.
NOTICE-Stoddard Hlair Shop. Try
one of our permanent waves, which
give a depth and softness to the
hair. 707 N._TUniversity.
HEALTH Begins when you phone
8428. C. M. Gibson, ,Cirimopractor, 36
Wuerth Arcade. tales-touiirs-Bat -t
FOR convenience, speed and satistac-
tion, visit rfrojujow~shis Barber
Shop. toes-thur-~sat
Our rapid turnover insures ,a fresh
stock and you secure th~e best qual-
ity .at a moderate price. 0. D. MOIR-
ILILL, 17 'Nickels Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. t



The 'Authority on Men's Wear


Introducing an Unusual Shoving of Smartly Tailored

FOR RENT-Modern fi ve-rook, house,
11/ blocks from campus. 1342 Vol-
landSt.Dial215 after 5:00 P. M.
landSt. 18151421
FOR RENT-Wa shtenaw Apartments'
Furnished' apartment for remnt inj
June. Dial 22219. 142-143-144
FOR RENT. - Four - room furnished
e downstairs apartment, May 1. 503
E. Jefferson. 142-143
,FOR RENT-Room with board, for
two girls. Call Miss Eisele, 401
South Division. . 142-143

NOTICE-The new Royal Portables
are now on display at Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful
Smachine. You will be inter~ested.
Call and see them.
NOTICE--For information concerning
the advantages one receives from,
belonging to the Literary Guild of
America, Inc., "dial George Ran-
dall, 2-1737, or write 551 Church St.

College Models, Carrying ,MJy Personal
Guarantee of $Satisfaction.

\ '5

This showing of the new Earl Cragg styles for Spring should
interest every Well Dressed Man on the campus. I have tailored



the type of garment that will appeal to you.

You will quickly

recognize -the air of college smartness found in. my new three-button
sack coats so popular with young men.

I have brought the newest in shades, fabrics and patterns.



have designed models especially for you. Come in!

Examine these

new suits; admire their style and fit, inspect the tailoring and marvel
at their value. My personal pledge of guaranteed satisfaction- goes
with' every suit. Two-trouser suits at $40.


The Authority on Men's Wear.

\ rj/(tlit.
Q" 1.-
Q _ .
= 1
rl ,
'; .- \
. _ -_r--
, _ y
,\ .

FOR SALE-Ford touring, $35. Buick
Six touring, $40. Dodge roadster,
$50. All in good running condition.
548 South State. Glover or .Bullock.
Phone 6417. 142-143
All makes of typewriters for sale or
rent. Excellent machines at rea-
sonable prices, for rent. Prompt
repairing by experienced workmen.
Courteous service. Aulta Brand
Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State Street.1
sun-tues-thur -tf
FOR SALE-Ford '25 roadster special.
Low, smart appearance, good paint,
accssoy.Low price. See it.
Fredericks, 607 South State.
Dodge Touring, 1925. Snappy car in
very good condition that looks like
Ford Coupe, 1925. Full line of extras
and excellent mechanical condition.

:; ,
' ;



Our entire stock of used cars has
been put into first class running con-
dition and the prices asked are' In
many cases much lower than the
value given. A car for every purse
and every car worth the money. Come
in, pick out your car and drive it
home. We have roadsters, touring,

R. 11. AMBER
514 East Washington
open Evenings and Sunday

FOR SALE-New Harvard ClassicsI
for less than half price. Box 173.
FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. $40.
SCall 3283. tf




Tf.I coupes, Tudors, four doors, $35 to






Ear -rag 'tppes" fatur-th sam smat tend f fahio
as the suits offer. The popular long topcoat will be found in as fine
an array of new shades and fabrics as you've ever seen, priced at $35.

FOR SALE~-Chevrolet 1923 touring.
$40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon
or evening and ask for McKee or
FOR SALE-Ford roadster 1924; .
five tires, starter, demountable,
good condition. 1617 Washtenaw,
Phone 9117. Boyer or Farquhar.
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, Bold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL,
!17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
'er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-
ona Typewriters, Inc. tf
Slingerland May Bell instruments
at 25 per cent discount. Just three,
1;0 close out at this price.
University M~usic House

Talk to Mr. Gauss.

Phone 4229.

The very one you want Is here.



310-320 E. Huron St.
Been looking for individual book
plates? 100 for $2.00; 200 for $2.50;
300 for $3.00; 500 for $3.75. Dial
2-1737 or write 551 Church St. for
an appointment with George Ran-
rla1 1,111A 1 1A ,9~f

I' U


_ _ _




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