PAC ESEV1V EN . (tiit3 ! e ' n sn 'TI-IF _MTI TC.A DfAILY I f4'.PilvEyb 'a, 12 3E V". II _t'ia . IN I N'yO G D ST N E RIC E tto)1only occ'asionially for' h8AI or't(c Jir 1lw E~ WILL 'FINISH IN &KANSCAS cT A1)!T,' hO b rubbed down l vztli a spciaz l oil.___ L~f1YA'1~ )Ri~A'S'- i'hey bring their own simplle food cif. ______________- ~~~~meal and water cahezks with theniz wher- IOI( 111ItS11 1'~i (Spccial to Tu cDaily) the pro;,ress of the regular program l'ever they Itravel, ('UmltU;, iI'Q-'hilnt, l 118 eit~twl -a LAWRENCE, Kans., April 20--Spec- of evenzts of the Kansias Itelnlys. 11isUtnil " ats ii5 1811;lw1)8 '8111)1(1ed tators at the Fifth A; inual Kansas Re-[ '1'l: Lii'i- ,1.el I r5 1l0 (onlfi frths lays at Menoria.IStadtium, U niver'sity 'Vte en , ext ern Uite'd States, IAccording to -reports the footba ) ~I{. fu wnsfr> tes znat ('lieS areo l , it8(1 01 1 8 llet in of Kansas here April 2; ixviii see anl on spcia ivitattioncif Dr. Fi. C. 1Al-!games of the 448 leading colleges In boardi V rn ~ uait' added attraction to theelherforiluallces 1lou ,5 uus (ireritor of athlleties, who the Unitcd States were ati tendd I b;st(t1H8 t~ f~rI' all- track and field wete lrutrack mnFG Wa ;zh it 't5Q1by their 8)Z m tile lore than 25,080,000 personS. c ~~z can 1 18 (1A., I.8 ii I(' ) of the outstanding fliuddle xvC'stO~zz'l1 sn fv,I Sattn 4lio to() I0 nTe Px.,' ac-ad- cllee--xi -----,e i~acof- ---- Ifo ;up in cabin, much to zis c-in. Same cruise from C ?! ion ;I St days, costs $95. r (ts. ll xpTense 'personally con-j Nup.\1 H(''epCeises afloat and 7 uays, i; 61 tdays, $490; motor r l't dy aniiup.tiPersonally cioil l( u to A laska daoring Jfune, July: 1 -,tr a~t ( or rhos. (Cook & Son, t ,, 1 raentui Belgique, )a e, ''dt~s' Travel ( lob, Student' I P'inii.Allen, Arts ('rait, awl (1rt oilio~'er ' ours. a o c ;gnPost (oO\'ention 'Tours. .( L ave a eotii 1 :oa (ii.ra;iQ:.oft atparty ofi e' u' 4 ''d \itl~orizedl Ar~y L1 ir VIy'. here !I+77S. AniXAro, 1icli. All ' rrvelt'rs' Checks :'dAcecden i sirauce If you arc a telephone subscr iber call J ilmr.' the AVTk'r ial 21z14, and your want ad1 Will becitgd The ;,! %lIi iau i).lv reserves Ctc iiat to classify all wi asuder aturcpij beadiio- ings aiid to revise or withhold oabjectonable copy. Tis Column clones at 3 1. M. date preced- ing ptillication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES lTen cent(s per rea.dinig line (ork tle basis of five avet a;,e wvords to the hure) olr one jr two~ ilSeri ois. Ninueveints per rt-ading Biefor thre cC omonre iris.Cashi classificds receiver] at thle I ilv otbce in T1he Pre ss iiuildhng oan Mayrzo 'd St et. j CONTRACT RATS S Special 1.tantlardizcd rates givenot applica- ~i(nfI NOTICE itESA Nlgeneral, and alter- ig. Phone 22194. Esther lsele, '101 South Division. 142-14'-144l ANN ARBlORI CA RPEtT Creaning W'orks. Rugs *zi .up uotd, Vi n 6G13. rdaily- t curd to 1103 k. Washiliggron. ilw 61365 eveningsi $21? tA $) lTimnes and plays lire sa banjor or rt~l(V..sottl1(s lik~e a guitar. Ea sy to play. Special p~ride this wee k. University 1Music House if LOS - -edlum sze loose-leaf note. 14)0, 1Ut itt - Ail urt h. Call 1'.li o, photto 5 5) . 142-1.)-144 LW) T-Pa i of rglu: fsein1case4 0n 111lease phone Ial r9333. 142 \Xj~r EM--garage,'noar W leuaiv Ap,,ut'hnenfs, East Willa minsreet, for the summer. Box 174, I1aily. 142-1431 '1 1, mlwwwwwm k~ Um m *Mvmom .zr M To you University H~en I amn prond to announce the establishment of my pder anent headquarters at Earl Cragg Shop .. w 119 So uth Pl1an WANT PD-Barbei', part t ime. Call 22147. 142-143-144 WVANTED-Students who like good hot BAiR IECUES to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. BXNRBECUE INN, Dial 4481., c-'Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. XVANTID l-We cau mp llloy a 1numb1er' of fresh4megn, sophomor01es cand jun- ior's this summeilr who need funds for next yea