NIYAY E VAR, 0251~
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Bfooks andWrts
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--------- _ ------ of its second century of b)usiness by golf, andl an hundred other more or i
I s , prining a brochure of its history. It less argent things, so he has devised
Di~~ rpj ~ iL This and That is interesting to notice that this houseo okn nitre.H
on ~~oe~~y iuie ~we~~is~i~ Home - Robinson Crusoe, numibers Professor hstkna mlfiei h ote
t__________ _______ _______ __ F. N. Scott among its editors.; and furnished it with two chairs,,onel
-. _______ - -''~ ' - . . for himself and one for his secretary.
IT - -SS - on rmsMRACA BySln aero.HAR .n~ieo .s for publication' QO TO o t wrk f~ There is never room to sit on 'the--
ilobert' x10 1 . y '---'r-e ' A'lA deskB.,c sor.i~tp the QOTTINnortir. ors f n es sise canot enst s oten
R be arlou. lilcago. 1924.t$2.0J. oI)OuJdriy, Paal~,' and Co,,Y,1.30 early in February a novel hight. Wild' eminent almost alumnus of this 11fl1 coraged to stay^ long:. To further I
S:F6' thuose who are In 'the lhabit ofdi .In'vital, the r'ecoi~d of :iii artist'.s; Marpiage by 13. H. ILehr ,an~. assistaint I versity. ; baffle these visitors who have oting [
lkhepir g"scr ap-Books in whicli they t' Hsfen, kid nmre engrossing °to do..than -watchl
paste examples of nwsaprverse,,ci odilmntshsait ~m'irfso fEnls t h nyriy Other maids have brighter eyes; Irn wak, ho- ceraftily -',elected a
"bi 'u ,,lf fomth peti ~rME agerlof has, always ontaiciou~ily re of<galifornia. It is said (by the pule- ,Other girls, are julst as wise; hfi.Sru.i ,eln fo h i uilding, which'happens" 'o share its
ihe ' will undouibtedly have a famlb.'taimxed- a certain deighrful naivet;e, a licty manager), to pesent a picture of ubr"ih-te'n ex or i
l~ Iiatrr appeal. The 'poet (a designationr certain shyt credulity; above all, the, undergraduate, andlfacultylie with- Other mids have lvier hair; name is' nt on the- bulletin boards so
of courtesy) is the "Don Juan" of the Othalityof onder. She has been so: out idealization of muickrakcing. Oter omen are as fair.i snesartonevewwoes
columns, who like "The King of the .* w ,'eo janitors, elevator boys and scrub-
Black Isles," "Laura Blackburn," muhtecuthn hld .lyn in1 Mn y maidens poets praise' woen before discovering on which
"Dorothy Dow," and others of thet a marvelous world. THE GREEN HAT by 'Michael Ar- Hv to o it as l'rh sscue.Tih as
iHvitoyofitwasfloheiscue.Tihsas suoiic ascaininopr-len has got to the stage in this cou-
peoniclascainino pr- "Marbacka" is5 an atobiography, r hr aseileitoiutb is the only way he can get his work,
srente(1 to us under his rightful name Strictly speaking, it is the story only ;r hr pcaleiinms eBUTI done in time to play golf.
which is of no particular significance, of the writer's childhood. Youar got out. It will be called the Iris I At the moment that this poem '
"auerhst"ienwpae.vre March Edition and will sell for fifty Goes to press, kid, I don't know ' e.
"IlueGot"i esae esleft to wonder what hpee hni "P AtheS t 'e ~ "ZLIDE",th lady Boswellwne
soeof which verges upon poetry, she grew UP,wheth e n se marhen cents less thanth former edition. -F.PA.i"S MuhVle"tewne
som whthe sh marie * *(Doubleday, ame)i to marry-Madame do, Charriere, the
and other of which comet very close and went away, whether at any time, "WHAT REALLY impelled me to * i early friend and Eeria of Benjamin
to not being verse at all. Of the form-! she ever made a sojourn in the cut- write the book," say Mr. Valentino, LWDW ntems rmnn osat-stesbeto igah
bir, wCringdeerWabteritahanciu sdtwrdoSilibeent ell atW~illiams of his forthcoming work, colynist on the Ipolice lblotter clipp')p-ywGeoffrey Scott, to be issued thist
bi, hih esrvs eterthn o eter. Her childhood's the thing. From 'The Red Mass, "was the extraordinary ed from Doubleday's exclusive news, pring by Charles Scribners Sons.1
lirinted in the sanrue volume with that childhood her books have come,f resemblance between the state of f-. notes to Literary Editors: This fascinating woman, possessed ofI
"Motor."! "Garden Song" is pleasant, I Every now and then, throughout the fairs in Bolshevik 'Russia today an~lId onMrusi oteuie~' ra euy hin n netar
end~~~~~~~~ iitlatsaz evnalitebokyou pounce upon' a character. France in the'days 'f fthe Revolution."' son;, The (days are far too short to mnanly acute intellect, was houh
startling. aCnvesrsionle"phas excel- ,Why, this" is Csta iind here's the wo- oy, page ?4r. Sabatini.' chaprone Archie and -Xhital ofI tho greter 1part of her life the centerI
lint form andit lightly philosophical mnan who owned tre mines. I1r ' y*.,
thoughit is neatly presented. I('(bessed mnemory, Ciatain Fitzurse and: of a briliant, literary group in Switz-{
youhfuwhss asaheeadtoheofcn-.'hTEseGLSHhouehoounlndnAunt IPrdence leckleberr y at their; crlaxi. Perhaps the most amusingl
Soehtaedo hs hudsatquality. It has beconmerercly; (of which' the New York Longmans natutinal gathering under the sign lpart oif the book s concerndwt
plat e "God's Cattle." This compos- 1itermttent. 'Grieen and company is the American o h atr nteNwY'kTi oeel r atdvr ncit
lion is remindful of a mood of Robert These are disappointing factor;, but branch) recently celebrated the close 1u1bes 'ies writing a lilaiy, plaing marry 'Madame d Cariere
Frost', but it is by no means in imrita- i they. do not completely , vershadow ' I
tinoiteA'rs"a'ssye the charm of fthe book. Selrna I, .aer-I joyous surrender.,to spells and witches tj
howevr, it isthe kind of thing'which lf ~ h aeaeAeia ~e,'n
lr.w Frost does well with in "New atfleaste'aeaeeians ialr and mod Marbackra" has I~~6 N
'hm-:re"and Mr. Grimes does i catet ln esctoroaeoaen' fmore even thanfthat. It, as an ex-
very well with it in Illinois. In this'1catet put normncaIqiie elt ffmlylftesm
connlection I recall a discussion rela-I lcteofaodSwishmsed,(-'
tive to the likelihood of Mr. Frost's Juan" can be much better preserved and the breath of the Swedish con-
doing work of the type which distin- thn nN sraD.00. iWsi.
gissles him if he were set down for -NT.DW
i cotiue stay in a Michigan en-'
viiLtnment. "ods Cattle", appears to AN" a.- -_ _-.__ " NSIEiEEIU 9==ii 3am U hEill~
ite t ; a reasonable basis for assump- r I
t~m 'U 11' __ _ -
t'11 that 1he could. I *filflD E1 m - N.
i~plementing the work of the writ - 1111 nnN Co
or. and with the avowed intention of PA
lt' rpresting it, "House Ghosts" dis- 0 -O -= __-- -j-
plays several full page plates in black : " ul - 1___________________
i-f' v: bite by James Cady Ewell. The hill
, tliat's wrkC appears to be, however, 11'111
mior-,' decorative than interpretive orI Scran o D"w -( n P tsonIn _.t
ills ti-ative. H -e is given to decorativet AY,;;.~ erio VF
1. uhd rs in the form-al' conceptidn ' A'"cit.,'e o 01 °p11 a
c, liih~rather take away from the f- ;~g I
Moncess of his work. Nevertheless MII .I ,I (L 1ixrousiy Comfortable
the drawings add to the general ap-Nal;.i
pe~irance of -the volume, ahd aid some-; JV4~' AfN* * *" j)"J
1W.-~,.1.1Iwhat to fill out its slenderness. aN
Vincent Starrett has written an in- 'II ,N
No. Po ' cah ontas M's i is this kidney-haped daven-
troduc<tion the only apparent reason oifU UC3--- -i
for wvhich is contained in its closingNN - - port. -vI'O srpeoac
paragr~iaph. As Mr. Starrettis aome L' ' an L mp *h:. ,5 ohar1 eesecs-'' '
-ething of a figure in the literary circlesCI" " " " *NWmo
cook~ Cpny Ilnis -hesges '"'~~. lonls liu b rcaee damask.
tion that an introduction by h m wv r * IJI ' i" .. .Exposed fae's
vouldl call attention to the book is not Ni" West Viroi sIand en uc y oal i
Wan ....n..u,.fky carvcd .solid mahogany.-
v. tbout reason.MN--A, -
Mrr. Ballouw(deserves to be congrat- , p'
mnot because it is so reatly sup- $179.00
nine, I Side chair to match !
ei ior to any other volume of its size' u;"
and type, but because he has given us MIN_____ _____- aa
sr ruch better example of the book- IlaIV AI AIIN IJ LL R.
binders' and publishers' craft than .Nrm 'i t
w.e usually expect from Chicago q+I NA N .aal 112 East LibertySt
houses. "House Ghosts" is well as- pill Coal Sr C.o AgA
sembled, very well printed, and pleas-' 11
i'ugly bound. In it the work of "Don -a a
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choice of a Career,
From the Yale News
Someone, probably an insurance
agent, was quoted recently as saying
that from the mass of one hundred
college graduates one individual only
rose to the Polo and butler class, peril-
ously near the top of the financial lad-
der. Five others became comfortably
off and found themselves after twe'nty
years at the small yacht and chauffeur
stage. The other ninety-four presum-
ably, congregate in the great section of
the American people who drive their
own Buicks to the golf club. In other
words, dreaming about being a rich
man is one thing, and making the grade
is "~something else again."
Yet the ninety-four presumably work
just as hard as the sumptuous six. Their
business is the axis on which a small
and uninteresting world revolves. They
have become devotees of the dollar
and when that fickle deity deserts, have
nowhere else to turn. Jammed in a
dull, straight rut of business they can
nev~er -leaVe the road and furpn he 'fence
into finer fields of life. This, thene, is
the portion of ninety-four' men out of
every hundred now. on ,the_ campus.
The answer to the problem lies in
the proper choice of a career.
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Between now and Comimencement we
shall1 have --Somiething to offer' on the
subject of "Careers." Watch for the space.
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~By the