THE' MICHRIXAN -DAILY NIYAY E VAR, 0251~ *, + * f * Bfooks andWrts !Y* r* r + r f+ 4F0 .! GAt- t dOROMUA WTW U I iE_.1 --------- _ ------ of its second century of b)usiness by golf, andl an hundred other more or i I s , prining a brochure of its history. It less argent things, so he has devised Di~~ rpj ~ iL This and That is interesting to notice that this houseo okn nitre.H on ~~oe~~y iuie ~we~~is~i~ Home - Robinson Crusoe, numibers Professor hstkna mlfiei h ote t__________ _______ _______ __ F. N. Scott among its editors.; and furnished it with two chairs,,onel -. _______ - -''~ ' - . . for himself and one for his secretary. IT - -SS - on rmsMRACA BySln aero.HAR .n~ieo .s for publication' QO TO o t wrk f~ There is never room to sit on 'the-- ilobert' x10 1 . y '---'r-e ' A'lA deskB.,c sor.i~tp the QOTTINnortir. ors f n es sise canot enst s oten R be arlou. lilcago. 1924.t$2.0J. oI)OuJdriy, Paal~,' and Co,,Y,1.30 early in February a novel hight. Wild' eminent almost alumnus of this 11fl1 coraged to stay^ long:. To further I S:F6' thuose who are In 'the lhabit ofdi .In'vital, the r'ecoi~d of :iii artist'.s; Marpiage by 13. H. ILehr ,an~. assistaint I versity. ; baffle these visitors who have oting [ lkhepir g"scr ap-Books in whicli they t' Hsfen, kid nmre engrossing °to do..than -watchl paste examples of nwsaprverse,,ci odilmntshsait ~m'irfso fEnls t h nyriy Other maids have brighter eyes; Irn wak, ho- ceraftily -',elected a "bi 'u ,,lf fomth peti ~rME agerlof has, always ontaiciou~ily re ofrg nizations use Mufflin Alkohol regu- ..arly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. a, I .' ;j - It The Loe Surviovor - , ; , _ L w. 5.: ,, .. W Between now and Comimencement we shall1 have --Somiething to offer' on the subject of "Careers." Watch for the space. with the Famous Signature. The 46 Special t $5.Oi Special at $3.75 ate fashi+ care and attention to deta Sheaffer the pen of perf~e( 0and the Student's i~ r vuirw+ 1 tb c.m w -. :- . I, I al tat has made the Alt Shoaat o - "iwith the har d" e Creators of the Lifetime Pen$ciliv ~ A iniAft M4ffi Chemnical Corporation -PHIhAflEIPHIA,, PA. Its Agents:' 1-iROLD F. Rj-.cHIE & Co., Inc. 171 Madisoxi 'A-, New 'York Toronto SYdne) Wellington MIFoa I Ism WWA&® ;i S t - 1 :_ } i f t 3 9 MIFFLIN ALKOHOL ~By the 1t Admwqw