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February 15, 1925 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-15

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'!'ACE 3uJiC


i 1 ,a 1.. ,L. ] .: 1 W. ,1


Wandervogel---Saviors of Germany?
Some Facts Regarding the German Youth Movement To Which
Nation's Leaders Look for Future.

Iy laul V. I1uscull
"The downfall of western civiliza-
tion can be prevented only by the birth
in the rising generation of new spiri-
2 iial and vital forces." Thus writes
t r. F. W. Foerster, one of the lea,,d-
ing critics and sponsors of the Wan-
devogel-members of the German
Youth Movement.
Every time the continuity of civiliz-
ed progress is in jeopardy it is the
youth of the world who are called
upon to bolster it up. If they choose
to evade the responsibility allotted

one of the higher walks of life,,
throughout Germany. In other con-
tinental nations kindred organizationsI
have gained ground conmpatable to
that of the German unit. They are
peoplin Ig Europe with their followersf
and establishing a tremendous fore
(for good
With this great Uipetus the Ger-
miany of 1925 is not, as many wonlid
believe, a nation' of blood-sucking hbu-
lies who wouldl conquer and subject
the worldl if they could but get a

with a powerful hand, they have ef-
fected a great change in the studentI
attitude toward drinking and drunken-
ness in the great German university
towns. In o doing, they have accom-!
plished something which even the
nowerful force of law has been unable
t to do in the United States. The in-
considerate attitude adopted by theiri
troops toward women during the war,
and which was carried back from
foreign territories into the German
homes themselves has been largely
mitigated through the influence of the
younger generation. Recalling the
picture; which depicted the German
character asserting itself in the invad-
ed territories, it is horrifying to
imagine the condition Germany would
he in today if such a code had been
allowed to continue. With the ex-
tensive movement on the part of the!
young people of the country, however,
to reclaim the ground lost in two or
three generations of moral and intel-
lectual decadence, the trend is chang-

In the first issue of the Fea-
ture Section in the fall of 1924
a radio page was run, consist-
ing chiefly of a summary of ra-
("o programs for the coming
week. The page was discon- I
tinned owing to the slight sup-1
port which it received on the
Recent requests from several
radio fans on the campus has
brought the question of the
popularity of such a page to the
fore again. In an effort to give
the campus such material as the
majority of students wish, The .
Daily is asking those who de-
sire a radio page in the Feature
Section to fill in and send to the(
Sunday Editor at the Press.
Building the coupon printed be-;
I would like to see a radio I
page started in the Feature I
E Section of The Daily. In ad- 1
dition to programs, I should like !
to see the following suggestions l
employed in filling the page:
Class .. -. -.-
I- - - -

Congregatlonti Church
Services at the Congregational
church will be held at 19:45 o'clock
a state. In Germany we find the "ris-
ing generation" already emerged from
this languid condition which caused
a great people to sink into the back-.
ground. Now assuming the role of
educator it steps to the fore and is;
directing the progrees of a nation, in-
spired as it were, by a new spirit of
brotherhood. The powerful force
which the Wandervogel wields in
shaping Germany has set her on the
path which will lead to a rebirth of
the real national pride that for many
years maintained its culture as an en-
viable one. The new pride, like the
old one that it revives, will step out
into the world at large and, unless im-
peded by the conceit of other nations,
will set western civilization in new
I I_ _

this morning when Mr. Jump will Trinity Methodist Church and Direc-
tpreach on the subject, "Can We Res- tor of the Wesley foundation at U--
cue The Man In The Cave?" At 5:30 bana, Illinois, has been asked to speak
o'clock students will meet in the to the combined student's Bible Class-
church parlors to go to the Baptist es. An interesting program has been
church for supper and the Union planned for the meeting of the Wes-
meeting. Following the meeting, leyan Guild, which will be followed
students will attend the University by open house in Wesley hall where
service in Hill auditorium. At 3 light refreshments will be served. Dr.
o'clock Barrie's "Little Minister" fea- Baker will be the speaker at the Uni-
turing Betty Compson will be shown versity services in Hill auditorium.
at the motion picture service. The,
regular weekly open house and social Unitarian Church
hour will be held Wednesday from 4
to 6 o'clock. The morning worship wuill . hed
at 10:45 o'clock. The title of tr 5:
mon will be "Tasks of the Chuch"
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church ; and the service has been de gn t-7
Holy Communion at 8 o'clock will a young peoples service. Dr. Pres n
be followed by Church school. The Slosson, Miss Nancy iah, and Ev :
morning sermon will be delivered by ett Folson will be in ,:arg-. The
Reverend S. S. Marquis of St. Jo- evening Fireside gathering v ii bo
seph's Church, Detroit. The adult held as usual.
confirmation class will be held at 3 -
o'clock in Harris hall. Reverend Mar-j First Presbyterihr fr-eh
quis will speak again at the Student ;The for the norn
service. 'y ill be "Is Sincerity r Cof C .Tsr tn a
Tes T.''ruth?" Siud- nt tiiscu 'ou
First Methodist Episcopal Church , ;lt i held at noon. The Ycru
"Doubting Our Doubts" will be the 1 ;h-' s meeting, following th. s.
pastor's subject for the morning ser- hour, will be lead by Tom i;s, '
mon. Dr. James C. Baker, pastor of (tcntinued on Page Fifteeu)


to them it is their nrivilege to gI grast on its resources. True there
down to ruin amidst a carnival of are ho wol use Gucma cou-
dpleasures and self-satisfaction, It i; : a who wouldl pursue such a. cou'rse
plesurs ad slf-atifacion Ita.bay n-rich there are in plenty even in
no new duty which falls unon the t he . ued Ses. he inflen e of
rising generation" of Dr. Foerster's h ulnite fvr States. The influence of
statement, but under the existing cir- .a.ultite of virile suportersati
mitigted eeling of worldi
cumtstances its- recurrence at 0,1Smaa r h aioa eln fwrd
time is of great import.ecr c tt doination, which although severely
im isof great iwort.yI sha i en by the loss of the war, didl
With the great world war only in. not ttnd to disappear at once. Nor
the recent past, tim world ])oilit a '! is Gerimamy a nation subrneoged in
accusing finger at the Prussian war- Gmn ain umfe n
accusing ge athe rusgiano masth 1 reactions of pacifists and inter-
lord whose avarice drragged the mos~tnationalists. It would seem almost'
firmly established of nations from impcsible fur the stern and scorn-
their regular pursuit of social and in- ful generation which disseminatedI
tellectual achievements to the des- doctrines of "Deutchland Uber Allies"
truction of the battle-fields. With the to deteriorate to such a state; but
war now over, all will concede that it without the restraining influence of a
has given civilization a far greater clear thinking element, such a result'
set-back than any other series of wouli not have been impossible from
events, no matter how broad an ex the chaos which followed on the heelsI
panse of years it occupied. In this of defeat. The existing national pride
precarious position, what is the worlIl of the country today consists in a
to do? This is the query that Ger- reverence for the tradition assembled
man youth has asked itself, and in in its literature, art, civic progress,
response to the higher idealism that and the development of the social
adways ran counter to the imperialis- ideal.
x tic and militaristic forces under the;
Empire they answered with the or- The rebirth of Germany lies in a
genuine striving for the essence of
ganization of the German Youthi tenuit. st f"a to nat oe'
Movement. Iife. It.is not a "back to nature"
movement, but consists in hiinging
Originating in a small group of the problems aid situations of the
university students as early as 190)4,!present into accord with the natural
the idea of the present movement was conditions and oualifications of a real
conceived to counteract the increas- l as opposed to a sham, existence. Al-
ing tendency toward dleterioration 'i ough their tramking expeditions.
t which reached its climax in A ugust which contrary to the common notion
of 1914. In their ardent desire to arh t eh o ea ti t mep ro sn
establish a spiritual renaissance inl are ot he o ieand , mimhtleadrthe1
V eranof thelmovement firmly 01)-passing observer to consider Wander-
stages the ULTR entafismlylp- vogel as disciples of Thoreau they are
posed the KULTUR ideal so well per-; far' from being such. Tpheir extended
sonified in William T1, and met with ramblings ,re not prompted by a
no little discomfiture under the rigid -dterminatio to appreciate natural
.diministration of the law. Theyformis ad beauty, but byrat(desireto
sught refuge from the domineering reak away from the restricting bonds
nationalism of Bismark and his more which are a part of the very lifenof
' ambitious successors in the ideals of those conmunities as yet unchanged t
y the early 19th century intellects of by this feeling of dissatisfaction whichi
r;< Germany, and revolting against the the Wandervogel feel toward the na-
d(estructive philosophies of atheists, tional deterioration of Germay. It ist
Smaterialists, and cynics, turned} to the not the mxagnificent landscape :Pr lbirdt
inspirations afforded by Goethe, ferd- life of the W noods that constituta their
er, and Rlegel. cnver-ation on such jaunts, but 1
From the first it was a spontaneous rather discussions of the social, in-
upheavalofenreian idaitc telcaal n comc
aal oenergetic and idealistic ehiectual, anl economIc problem'
0 youth, demonstrated by an inevitable with which they must cope intelli-
breaking through of ethical and re- 1 gently if the approaching catastrophe
ligious impulses. Developing from an is to be averted.
.y~ insignificant local group twenty years That they are moving in the right:
ago, the Wandervogel are two million direction is apparent from their
f in number, including leaders in every achievements. Combatting immorality


+u:>:e a -

At the outset the activities of the
Wandervogel were branded as com-
munistic and, classified by many tritics
as "one more sneciesi of socialistic
doctrine". With the perspective thata
is afforded in looking back over the
decade which has elapsed since the
organization began to gather real
momentum it. is auparent that there
are no such tnedencies, either hidden,
i or on the surface. Where the radical
elements have proposed international-
ism or pacifism through some other
channel, the leaders of Germany's
youth movement have preached the
doetrine of "understanding" between
the nations of the world. In attempt-
ing to do this, they have dispatched
representatives of their organization
to other countries that they might
gain a first hand knowledge of the
basic ideals, not only moral, but co-
notuic and social, and return home
fully capable of presenting them to
their compatriots in an understanding
way. And while political factions at-
tempt to manipulate the internal af-
fairs of the nation, the Wandervogel
are installing a new code of .ethics
into the political aspect of the repub-
lie, most apparent in the progress and
cooperation which Berlin officials
have effected in their more recent re-
lations with other countries. To feel
that the Dawes plan would have been
received by the masses of this de-
pressed country with anything less
than a great demonstration of opposi-
tion without the aid of stabilizing
factors, of which the Youth Move-
inea I is an imnortant unit, is to as-


sume that no matter what the Allies
had proposed,. Germany would have
? nodded in unanimous resignation to it
evitable consequence of defeat.
The activities of certain movements
in this country which consider them-
selves closely allied in purpose to the
Wandervogel and other continental
"youth movements" afford an interestr
ing example of the manner in which
different groups. may follow a single
motive and produce definitely opposed,
effects. The single instance of the
Student Volunteer Movement, which
like the German organization is very
far reaching, is sufficient to prove the
point. Here the snontaniety and full-
ness of enthusiasm which warmly
comimend the Wapdervogel to those
who, although not actually members
of that organization, fuel themselves
definitely a part of the movement, is
absent. Based on self-conscious mo-
tives and assuming a feeling respon-
sibility for the future of the world,
members of the Student Volunteer
Move-r'enlt constituto themselves as a
missionary body to preach the neces-
fity of walking; "'in the wav of the
Lord." Their sphere of activity falls,
ahoxt when it comes to advancing
methods fc': encouraging ther fol-
lowers to walk this nath.
Intellectual inertia is preached
against by the pedagogue, but it takes
the insight of an educator to find the C
means of extricating youth from such

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