}'usic and Drama
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seColeridge and Pirandello Admixed The New Bonstelle Playhouse Joas
e s T e t bAscnan ,ry Paul Stephenson of the community. The task of train- By ClarIce Tapson burn-these are only a few of th e
er Henderson. creatures. There is often great beauty i ing such a group to pull mightily, for To most people the only personage famous who frankly declare' the time
More important all of hi orks are strangeness. nstance, on imaginary hausers can- of any import connected with De- ebt to Jessie Bonstelle for the train The
a series of six articles on contempor- definately of the theatreeffCtive in The Ypsilanti Players in the fourth not be described: it is one of those m ohs ing they received with heGrace.,ed
trot is oeHenry Ford, who hsbeen gte eevdwt e.Gaecel
ary personalities in the modern world their full force only on the stage for production of 'the season, opening to- acute experiences that can only beyFGeorge was not asleep when she said a res
theatre. Among other subjects there which they were Written. Z "The 'morrow evening for a run of eight appreciated by those intimately ac- dlargely responsible for aking the Gor as t heavens but Bonnie a
will be an interview by Paul Stephen--eHaiduc, for example, ChIvh was pro- performances, are presenting an arap- quainted with the actual labor of pro- city a manufacturing center. But, in mGd mae the ans Nut Be ld
spelfler Hahiduineci lm made the stars" And Norman BelI old7
son, assistant director of the Ypsil..duced this summer at loucester, tation of Coleridge's "The Ancient luction. Dtith o e prso aom anim, Geddes, the scenic artist of the stage, Ave
anti Players, with Edward Gordon Massachusetts, seemed disjointed, Mariner" preceded by Pirandello's Finally. to stamp the formal, half- oaidentlhon so hr thing tells of receiving his firstencouragll.over
rather chaotic as you read it, yet "The Man With the Flower in His ritualistic quality of the play, they in the theatrical world. Jessie Bon-ment from Jessie Bonstelle.!TheI
* in actual performance, this apparent Mouth"-two very beautiful, strange have secured the James Light masks stelle is one of the big names in the Bonnie's crowning glory, howeve, and H
Colin Campbell Clements to-day is diffuseness, the chatter, the color, the and diferent dramas. Both are frank- used in the /New York production: American theater today. came on last New Year's night, when be co
popularly unknown, and, a dramatist, movement of the opening scene in the ly experimental, but it is in such ex beautiful, beautifully weird concep- an actress she is to-notch. Itthe Bonstelle Playhouse opened itspossi
he has not yet had a full-length play j Roumanian market place becomes a periments that an organization like! tions executed with remarkable skill is highly probable that, tad she de- I doors to the public. There wasn't a could
produced on Broadway-the final Ir- striking prelude, a sort of orchestral The Ypsilanti Players should realize and care. These masks not only help noted her whole time and energy t soul in the audienbe that night who cripti
tiation for a recognized playright. overture for the breathless tragedy its fullest purpose and its most ob- the actor to represent a person other ctn sh e lhe hed a didn't share in the triumph of Jessie be su
Ytfamaweeeefitdbtm-wihflosviso otiuin atngsecudhv edaplace
Yet if a man were ever fitted by tem- which follows. vious contribution, than himself, but help him to sustain parallel with that of Mrs.hise. She l Bonstelle when she spoke the first of th
perament and cosmopolitan experi- Mr. Clements has now in manu- The Playhouse is admirably suited and intensify the essential dramatic resembles Mrs. Fiske somewhat, but words from the stage of the play. The
ences, Mr. Clements is one of the out- script a still different type of play, a to these innovations; its intimate at- mood-in a real sense, they are froz jshe lacks the boisterousness and has house bearing her name and provided thatc
standing authors conventionally des-i delightful Victorian fantasy that is mosphere, its unique decorations an en personalities. a more mellow charm than the women for her own uses. The great achieve- is on
e t uence vitally the Amen- sentimental only to become gently gay colors create a. mood quite differ-! To compliment "The Ancient Marl- who has, for some entirely hidden that she had alw g above all others. the
can stage satiric. It is called "The Boy Through ent from the more formal one of the ner" it was necessary to select a short reason, been dubbed the first lady of that she had always desired, was hers. 100
Personally, if one could imagine a1 tha Window," and is to be added to commercial theatre. Above all, its companion piece that would at once the American stage. Her voice,, from But after all it is Detroit .that is stead
manner of a modern Pan-faun's ears the repertory of the Gloucester Play- audiences, trained to and expecting contrast and create the general at- long years of training, can meet every to be congratulated on the new house, and t
and all--he is as nearly a physical ers this summer. The story tells of a the unusual, the novel, are more than mosphere of the major portion of the requirement, and there is a natural- No one who has attended the theatres cove
reincarnation of one as you could, stiff, syper-respectable English clergy.Filling to meet such experiments with bill. The play chosen is Pirandello's ness about her acting that is not of Detroit can fail to decry their in- a dr
hope to meet. The comparison, of man and his half-rebellious family, a sympathetic attitude. strange, ultra-modern psychological often equalled. These are in addition sufficiencies. There is the New De. we a:
course, is ridiculous, but rather apt held quiescent by the rigid conven- Back-stage, too, they are fully study, "The Man With the Flower in to a magnetic personality that has troit (there's irony even in the title) about
for all of that: his nut-brown curly tions of 1890; into this household equipped to supply the technical back- His Mouth." This flower is Death, brought her literally thousands of ad- almost literally stuck In between a of vio
hair, light blue eyes, slight figure, comes a boy-through the 'window- ground for this type of play. The and the play shows its haunting ef- mirers and friends in Detroit alone. couple of banana stands, where, un- by N
and an odd pump-like laugh all com- naked but for some necessary leaves, stage itself is some twenty-four feet feet on the stricken man. Written in But Jessie Bonstelle did not elect to less you sit in the rubber row, the cellen
hine to his infinite embarassment in and shockingly pagan. His, startling deep, fully the length of the average Pi'andelo's characteristic disjointed, be Mrs. Fiske's peer, and thereby music of the street-cars gliding by so g
pr~egsloial outsiesdrownsoutstheeviesaof heherebe
a picture of just such a tin-pan God. unmorality turns the other 'haracters proesiaa stage, and the back wall symbolic mode, it stands for the most hangs the tale. She chose instead to outside drowns out the voices of the even
At present he lives in Boston, the very into a hopeless state- of perplexity is shaped into a plaster dome, one of skillful, abnormal technique of thego into the managing and producin performers. And the little, cramped-rboxes
Einglish part of Boston, and in a suite that is just beginning tounravel it- the odd dozen in the entire country. modern drama. end of the show game, and in that uip, uncomfortable Garrick that must I The
of secluded rooms writes furiously in- self to a happy ending as the boy By means of this dome, they are able The phenomena, of course, of two field she has made a real name for soon fall to pieces from sheer age. room,
to plays, long and short, the experi- goes back to his woods and the final to create remarkable effects of dis- such apparently contrasting art forms herself. Her stock companies are I The Shubert-Detroit isn't quite so mayr
ences, romances he has lived through. curtain falls. tance as well as skies tinted in all the is that with peculiar deftness they fam us over the whole country, anI bad-----so most of the musical come- tionN
Already he has two volumes to his It is this strange combination of nroverbial shades of the rainbow. The run a circle and meet in fusion-the Detroit has been particularly fortun- dies stop there, Of course there is
c'edit, "Plays for a Folding Theatre" absurd sentiment and insistent irony lighting equipment itself is unusual- lyric pathos of one with the patho- ate in being the seat of one of them. __
and. "Plays For Pagans," both pub- that makes all of his works extraor- ly adequate, every lamp being attach- Iilogic irony of the other. The experi- For fifteen consecutive summers
lished by Appleton and Company, dinary and promising. He is still ex- ed individually and in groups to a ment is unusual, even a trifle dan- the Bnstelle Stock Company drew a
while two more collections are to be I perimenting-there is yet another Irheostat. Finally through some ten gerous, but there is a novelty about oed ose totk Carrack thewat
released in the spring. play, an unnamed tragedy, that shows years of existence they have collect- it that, in rehearsal at least, often erwded house at the Garrick theater
Mr. Clements was born in the West the weird, twisted memories of a mad- ed sets of curtains and flats adapt- grips and excites those of us working eek niter a cno The wholesome food
around 1894, which makes him about man in some seventeen scenes-and able with certain additions to practi- for its success; an occasional ghnips played at the Shubert-Mchigan, the
twenty-nine, although he likes to he is apo far froom a certain, finished cally all scenic requirements. of possibilities that are new and ex- transformation of the idhCadillacw te way We serve
push his age beyond thirty to cover master of his craft. But there is an But 'with the tools so amply sup- hileratng. House that has now been removed
himself with maturity in the eyes or artistic balance in his ideas that can plied the production of such a notable There is often great beauty in And even- then, although that show most
his critics. He graduated from the be successively sordid and idealistic, ,Poem as "The Ancient Mariner" is strangeness.........house was conceded to have 'a jinx up-
University of Washington, which he romantic, melodramatic, and realistic; hardly half done, -for now come the on it, the crowds came. -'
heartily hates, and after several years an abundant talent that brings us face Problems in (.tion, interpretation, I-T
as an actor' with Stuart Walker in to face with ourselves and our inner- grouping, and direction. While a ve- 'WITH A GREAT flourish of trumps The reason is not far to seek. The
New York sailed for the Near East. most emotions revealed in all their i kon of this work, was presented last Houghton, Mifflin again announce for Bonstelle stock, companies are not Daily and 14eekl
For three years thereafter he travel-i grandeur, futility. or crassness. It is year by the Provincetown Players o( present publication Amy Lowell's ordinary stock companies. Miss Bon-
ed through Asia Minor and the Balk- from such clay that enduring material New York, the Ypsilanti Players are monumental "John Keats." This sdle seems to have the knack of
ans, encountering the full measure of will inevitably be formed. striving for still a different perform work for false starts has been in a recognizing acting ability and personi
chaotic adventure of a land In bitter Robert Hilyer, the American poet, Ince as well as using an original class with Dreiser's new novel which ality. This Is particularly'.obviousN G
turmoil. He lived with actual sieks- has sympathetically summed up Mr. tdaptation. Boni and Liveright have been an.. when you look at the array of alumni
trolHelvdwtaculsik-hasumdu MmIaptto. 'nouncing for a year- now in the foremost ranks of Amen- State at MOn.
parched, shrivelled, noble men-ob- Clements virtues in a single para, Into this production they are intro- nuncingfrayear. n acthe Katern o Aini-
,t'ined a series of remarkable audi- graph of his preface -to "Plya for ducing long scenes of pantomine, an ' fred Lenihan, James 'Renpe, Ralphi
ences with Queen Marie of Roumania, Pagans". e-l------ a'laborate color background, music I Morgan, Ann Ilarding, JamesCo- I
and to climax his romances was be- "The most important of Mr. Clem- and unison speaking in the style of I
sieged by vagrant Bedouins with such ents' talents," he says, "is a double the Greek chorus. Much of the move- W e Do "Good"
literal seriousness that fifty out of- vision, half observation, half Imag-; ment is also directed in the terms of i
the six hundred occupants of the fortj inative, which perceives in one flash plastic sculpture: and here alone is a Electrical
came out alive when the French gov- the mask and personality beneath, the discouraging difficulty. To achieveE
ernment finally rescued them. color of a strange city and the fatn- this effect of perfect rhythmic re-
Such new and shining material, iliar humanity of its inhabitants. The sponse the actors should be thorough- Repairing
naturally, appears in his work, es- reactions of a writer to his material ly, trained in Daleroze Eurythmics.
pecially his palys of the Orient and are always interesting, for they de- [While on the contrary the present SERVICE
the Balkans. in "The Seige" most of termine his character as an artist, 'plyers are literally the doctors, law- SATISFACTIO
all, in "Four Who Were Blind" and a and, eventually, when the time for a yers, merchants-even garage men-N
brilliant melodrama of the Carpathion critical summary arrives. set him inI picked from the highways and byways
mountains. 'The Haiduc." These his proper school. In the present
pieces fairly vibrate with the vigorous case they care particularly signiti- one individual, who, in turn trans- ErBr hers
glamous of the East-because they cant; one discovers an unusually sen- ':uuted, becomes a symbol for univer- ErnstBrot
are the East. Without losing any of; sitive observation which, if unaccom- sal traits only to be expressed by an
the surface glitter which is the es- panied by a- larger power, would place I artist with a spiritual sympathy as Electric Shop
sence of all romance, he has avoided the dramatist in the misnamed reahis- a sFourth.,ve.
the mistake of painting his charac- tic school. But his plays are not hoI well as keen eyes. 104 N. Fourth Ave.
ters as exotic as his landscape. His j tographs either of environment or of I * * * I hne28
bazaars and harems are gaudy, fas- character. The carefully delineated Next: Norman Bel-Geddes, by Val-
cinating pictures, but they are peopled picture becomes a background for eIntine Davies.
stra Hall, but it is a concert
devoted almost entirely (and
s as it should be) to music. Al
i said on, his visit to Detroit a
ago that he would never appear
again except at Orchestra Hall.
'Big Boy" played two weeks at
Shpbert-Detroit this Christmas-
point is as you may have gath-
that Detroit was in (lire need of
pectable theater. And now it
qne. Jessie Bonstelle took the
Temriple Beth-El on Woodward
ue near Stimson and had it made
into a really beautiful theater.
building had great possibilities,
Toward Crane, the architect, is to
mlimented on developing those
bilities to the limit. Columns
be devoted to a detailed des-
on of the playhouse, but it must
fflicient here to enumerate some
e outstanding novelties.
stage is very large, larger than
of any theater in Detroit. There
ly one balcony and no boxes,
whole auditorium seating about
people. The orchestra pit, in-
of being between the front row
he stage, is stationed in an al-
at one side, the other side having
ape to correspond. And while
re here, a word should be said
this orchestra, a trio compose I
lin, 'cello, and piano, conductet,
icholas Craragusi, a really ex-
It musician. The orchestra is
ood that the audience doesn't
rattle the paper in the candy-
during intermission.
re is a dancing room, a tea
and a room where the audience
meet the actors, all in connec-
with the auditorium. The mez-
Continued on Page Sixteen)
we serve and
will please the
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