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February 13, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-13

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D1I1IE EIKDANE G iDiscovers y . P jIMIMITV CXRI11IPPan Hellenic Will yV_ I woman's Editor i)
UIIL U UIiLLong Lost City ""~"'UIVU Hold Semi-Monthly{ Regains Health)
All men and wvomen who are inltr- Mrs. ItalJpl Doud, director of the he regular mothly tweeting o of h ~iy h a ensrosy11
idictn antyeopuicnorth 'Toledo comtunity house, will 1Pan-l lellenic was held at the ThetaI Junir lay retearss il he held ill with pneumonia draui^, to past'o
esthdeen directingrany tyiegof rungth;at pin
It recreations will have an opportunity. speak at 2 :30 o'clock Sunday at lieNl-li Alpha house Tuesday afternoon. as followcs In Barbur aynnasiuni ' he oe isrean aidstrent tin a
to obtain material for their work at ! e Nebery residence on Americani-1A rsmeigitwsdcddt ods rhouses A, B, and BB at ~t odrcie etra.S
-the Yolk dance institute which will' tonwr'ishs onry hs ilmeetings every two weeks instead of Y toodiccvdyseday, n
be held for fve days beginning Toes-I be the first of several talks which are every four weeks. ocok hrss3ailSa 'lc, Ms oa sepce ~ euen
-sday; Feb. 24, in lBarbour gymnasium. . to be given under the auspices oi' the A program conunittee was suggest-+chorus 2 at 7:1, chorus 4 at 8 o'clock; her sudies studn ublicatn wtork in 01'
,.The course will consist of 10 les- $ community service commnittee of the ed to arrange the procedure of the ' tomorrow choruts 1 at 9:30, chorus F the course of a wheek. Al
sons of oe hour ech, to b given a Y. W. C. A., of which Reva Allen, '25, next meetings for the purpose of or- t1:0 hrss2 n t1
anx 'lc ahdy ikt is the chairman. gnized discussion on topics of m- HAlVE YOU SU[BSVRtJB1EI? V1;'U"
b n lokec a. ikt tcit nees ot1e ooiiso'clock.______________________
will be placed on sale Monday in the< Some years ago Mrs. Doud, a Rus- nelt iers to he ooii,
office of Barbour gymnasium. Th'e. ~ ,an by birth, was exiledl for life tojwhich at the present time are con- B1y appointment, members of the;,I1111t111t11111111~~1n~I1111
price is $2.50 for the whole course; Sibeia for teaching the peasants but corned with revising rushing rules. junior play caast may receive special
50 cents will be charged for single ;shte escapedl after three ears. Since I It was also voted upon to place a assistance from .Miss oomiis between A'X I11e
admissions. 9d then she has been interested in the, question box in the office of the Dean!1 and 3 o'clock ainy afternoon at the E 1U VC Vi ~ -L
Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, chairman question o what the for ei ners ive of WAomen to answer any problems !Chli Omnega house. [H111 IA Ud tort
aneraizro'heAeianFl, us, rather than what e give them. which ight be troubling the various I-1
it is expected that her talk will treat j sororities on matters of policy or Senior women should ,have their-
Dane ocet, il cmefrm ew ~,.*soe hae f hi sbjet.Th lUIhi dscplne -mearemrents' taken amdplace their = YOU 'ave heard her on if
Yoksit ticndcttistousedMs orders for caps and gows at once ! you can hear her n person tonig]
Burchenal is the author of a number .sinie.--Drngterinpcin fte n-i ter o""crti fhaig~
of books anti articles on folk dancini { - uigterisecino..h n-i hy r ob eti fhvn
and for several years has been devot- r r*. . + ['I ~ ~ ,. ve sity building and grounds yeler-j thetan in time for the Junior Girls'2 You can hear her as often
ing a large share of her time to the ;. 4 s Niece Of'a" l uyail~crioon the House University'ilay. M1leasuremets are being taken': Records, a faithful re-poductiol
study of peasant life in Europe, and Humiorist Studies I<ojmittee and Senate committee of; now on the second floor of Mack's.;2
peas t folk dances. t r :' j Z.1 the Michigan legislature spent some All measurements must be taken by ! _ No.5,9 rIb
Th2atra..ihwilb.gvnby _ _:__I__Pre-Law___ Work H re 1time observing the activities in the Feb. 21. =Sire 10 i i er od"Bylie PuI
Ph aeil hc ilbegvnb _'I-_ Ee flc=In 'o
Mis uchia wllbesutalefo N atie(Julie 23-year-cld Katherine Lardner '2, niece of the I WAtenlatteandplarbouey roven-n There will be at important meeting= ctf 0Carinmen--IaJ,:iiira (L
the ute of recireation leaders in A h atrpaete rvde-- N
---schools, churches, playgrounds and gFetl irl, is given credit tor dis- prominent humorist, Ring Lardner, is !tlusiastic spectators at sophomore-sen- of the Girls' Mandolin club at 4 o'clockCSze1 In French
scaoraiaincovering the lost city of Malia, inI the second relative of a geat writer for~ competitive practice in basketball. toy i Nwerrybal. =1 v0 In IrtalianBr
Crete. She made her investigations j to be discovered on the ihgan an-!- .
alone, and located the site of the city; pus this ear. The first wasU Ca lots, a . 1 (Cradl1e Song
Ilosjitai School Iwihfluihdy (O3ea' g. ''_te uwo. is Lrde' Ize 10 C.roon, (Croon, I uer
whc luihd400yasao uwool, 2aD, laughtr of Times sio L ('on)
Re r is e c~psfathe, also, Isitersted in literary 2 y0. PG0iI iEJ
Reruni ts Teachers Adopt Regulationt pur suits, having written itnumbc of WO-PIECE baketC , Sze10T~rzit (atish)ii
Fo Std n od AthletZ i ostumes hort stories which have appeared in l71 tim focs f iz 0 ' ob(.)
vnvriywmndsrn ar ioss magazines. fane ad\ o. 48 fl Giromieti (y 5we1114
Uiestwoe deiigexpert- iMiss -ardnei, onlthe contrary, is I Weave, fanladWool crepe Sie 11
once in practice-teaching are given Mars Helen Campbell, representing not primparily interested in tie pro- ! rwpatcal nw2$.0 1 ilanella lin Italian
ampale oportunity at the hospital +ire inpatial all the - No
scolforci~l~ n ikcide the .l. l.. hudson Co. of Detroit, was fession of 1leters, hutt r thr in law. 12 clos amets th5 i6 r
loaefntm li'( lo ftesuhin the city'5e sterday fitting the new After 1aving had oe ixpe rienc , in i wiizeg10 l Snc;uy Loves Io
lcdeateoftherdUnivrsifty h ouptalh euaincsueswihliOeso-lawyer', office ito Niles, Michigan, her' sring Wil Welcome enthusi- =- FLL
depaphysicalfeducationestudentsshivel. ome, she is now taking lir-law work atically. $1l5 ,to $2.- N( 'm iaLonzuii'Fo' You
According to Mrs Ralph Curtiss, re-;I with the ntention of graduating f'rom 2'ie"0 ~ M ad u Ar
cording secretary of the University rrdIre~l. SECOND FLOOR 2
ciceo ig agtrfo 0 T he outfit-, a black jumper suit over th, law~ school and making her life SEODFORI 1i
a white blouse, has proved saisfact- prfsinnthtied-
140 students have assisted in the work 0'2 o. i5 -
ofoersia col uigteps 1y in other colleges because it per- / jg5 YL /I / 3 A1 _ Jastnn~eDoor
Weetr eot kp ytesp r its freedom of movement without ector of the p iysical C(uatioil de- $159I- aLhj,;:eu~
visor of the school show that a num- sacificing a trim appearance, the (i- artment stated. 124O0,T-55MIN1
be fgirls have given three to six i ~ e 1 Sitetst Stor 1I';Eer
hours a week to this work since the -2 szo SeetSor
beginning of the school year. In ad- N 1a $II=143adoum utt y Tu
dition to the regular teachers a large N .o _As PtIst~rl-l
8 numlber of occasionmal assistants have;ftt tui i i" t'KtIBellt'Conte) -Italia
": been listed. , o'Si4f 27tdlc loye
Two classrooms, provided with nec- " £Syizeu 10eBo
cessary equipmnent, are devoted to the 7 T D iaeDets(ul
use of tie school from 1 to 3 oclock L o W2-
i each day. Children whose education NOHEONSDINNERS? f tip Dry 'those Temrs
wvould! otherwise be neglected are here . - r $.00S1e.l, er'l
taught geography, Histor'y, rhetoric, ! ' ^
spelling and civics while they are re hi esxoiAircan.'iiB I
cuperating. The pupils are' divided D hS H. BR
into primary, intermediate and junior tiUIC HO S
F high epartmnents. I 2 M SC O SE"
jChildrenm physically handicaped are - iItIlIIIhI;IIIttl.iIh.I~IfI /
' grouped 'around a tale, attending to____________________________________________
the instructiont of their teacher. By 10 S.ManCal 59
cooperating these children are taughtAj SuetMngm tRe d he XatA s
to overcome their physical defects. AmrcnSuetMaaeet -l t 4C r
One little girl with a broken leg serves t
as hands for a youngster whose club - t
feet and hrands are braced. By ha- -
in lg a. piece aof paper held for himt, the I ~
Sdetermrined lad is able to write with a I ___________________________
_- pencil held between his teeth. =
Teachers are also provided at the +
-bedsides for those children unable to!- Is
reach the classrooms. A great deal
of effort is being made to encourage
-the work of occupational therapy. In- ,-
--valids are kept busy with raffia and
weaving in order to divert their minds
° from their ailmemnts.jt
S ~Eachlpupil has his favorite teacher1
and looks forward to the hour she
i will come. Often one woman is in
charge of the same pupil for miany
t weeks, and in a number of cases the
children have become so attached to
their teacher that they ask to be allow-
,i ed to stay longer at the school.Y
For mnany weeks preceeding the
('hristnms season, wommemn from the Y. j
AV\ C. A. maintained a Chtristmnas work- j- *
shop, where they made scrap books
°! and picture panels and dressed 120
dlolls for the school. A number ofj
students assisted in the decorating off.

can Entertains
League Committee
Dean Je.an Hamnilton entertained the
dergra(lia t Campaign Committee
the Woman's League 'building, forty
number, at luncheon yesterday at
arbour gymnasium. Miars. Shirley W.
ith sooke as chairmamn of the Alum-
o Counc~il. Plans for further work
this commnittee in relation to the
u immue were (developedl.
11111111~1111111111E1111111111 1 ll 111 III
rtist will sing in I
am tonight
ie Radio a short time ago,
tas you like on her Victor2
n of her art.
ndsly Dreamuing Linley-Hall r.
otie Is like a Wood RIrM),
idisi (Iprinkiing Sog)
Donizetti _
Hlcen P. Knox-Alex lhisky
mneat' de ,!loonz (ith !Hale -
'y Ia'4. Thou Forsaken 1e")
Mczuoriaiii) Hebrew ('Cello
art) In Italian (Piano ace.) <
Cabriele Sibella2
Carrie Jacobs-Bond M
Hattie Starr
('Cello obbligato).
Fuhrmuannm-Hathaway 2
an Love Song)2
IL. Clough-Leighter
of Lovv (Glanvile-Wood 2
'F'ol,'Thle . Al. Stts
Ofi 1 fior (Duet of the Flowers)
with Ada ..
-n ii l di vedreino (Some Iay
in Aida
H. E, Rogers-H-. Akst M
#bhy) Chales i Iluerter
Del Riego
Plauce Iowles-Wilson
&.E SON_
110 Soultl Main St.
F -r

I Christmas trees. Many of the tree I
ornam ents a d its w re d na elb
Ia d gfs weed ntd b faternities, sororities, dormitories
Mm s. (trtiss tatdte that in holthe spring
iothoihage ofathetschoolae anx- A S L T
Lice teachers, vouter to take the FI AyBO UT ~-
chidren out for walks. jT ' D N CE'Fra pnig3t
Magazines, such as the National CL AR N Frml .LIl1 o O C
( Ceo raphic Popular Mechanics, --
American Boy, St. Nicholas an(d the 41$ 5 r ck S
i YotsCopnoaringetd-O rRemaining Collection $ 5S
You athschoolny nratbd-Ou
miondwatlhe che o.f Any ctial-N~
'Service department is notified. ~Of Sea sonablejCleewmnwihtermnYed
Y^' t Irobe will welcome the opening of a $25
Mrs. Adele MacMasters, once a mar- CO T frocks for sports, afternoon and evenin.
quise of France, is now selling pen- I&
(,,is in St. Paul, Minn., owing to athspulrrieTenwsttys
oers of misfortunes. ! modes were chosen in New York for thi
Fo esFrPresented for Immediate Sale -J, $25 Dresses and $6
E~r egarles of ormr Prcesto Be Worn by N
51 Evey Occasion fReadesoFrmrPis
I - Satuirday afternoon 'from 3 to & o'clock nio
,. .the dress section, second floor, wearing fr
{ Shoppe together with Hats fromi the new, I
f¢ + Phone 115 IfI. i1$fi Section featuring $6.0 hats.
COUSINS & HALL I" _ (Second Floor)

for a versatile ward-
iDress Section where
gwill be featured at t
sand most attractive
is Shoppe.
.50 Hiats
idels will promenade in
"ocks chosemn from this
popular priced Mlillinery
II 1.

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