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February 13, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-13

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F,'?II)., FEBRU;TTAR,'Y 1 ', 192 5

..........A.... . ...........L......Y ..........


tlt 9 'pa w s s '+z- "
ate.- ., n ...r tbsr.r faesC~ -. ,


in thfall pr actice of the Varsity ten-

Farrell Prepares
Squad For Relays
\'i ltI~1ho Illinois relays at Chiai-
piil but t wo weeks off. (mch Far-
Telli is putting his neon through stren-


Plan Prelih ,

andl the boxinlg sinro.v
ihae ring gamec ataken i t
_saw] 1,r11k Cou r( t qad 'roa f'l th 81 ich iganx.
Stfl it i8R+ireaa1i for D~ue to the lar'ge numb]Z~?

.Teti Meet With1i x4071sI1l the Year1 yesterdlay afternoon a


C.', !.... A - ' 1

Koto i ~injI -~ lS trii~ Iii iglil ( iI11tIS -\V ()k 221jfl pr)el'ar10ti for th le
it Wat- IJlius ifor Viel try Oier esc enii.

PL ND ILAhCIC.( i lit y of all the men have not been a sern'es ul relay trials held at the --r
P L N D I L T CrC G e c e i v e d , b tt C a p t . C r a n e , V o s e a n d C R A N A G E I S E L I G I B L E Y o t fi e ld h o u s e a n d t h o u g h i t h e y ta r e '.R E A S O N M A Y S T A R T G e n r l e u a s o a t s a o ' n t h n t i l o h att h yt~a h a n a d i q a f v " r qa , a e e e i i o p a.Pu e 1 , I aeas 1 1 tba igo lted
route, areua the season aefore lat:Mcia" ast rsln crhsCeltion.. The final workout will be "Sipr vahr,-eths asiy1
sity tankmen will leave Ann Arbor for irgui ls, ill leave this afternoon for Iohwa City hsa bQFe( hueo atrahaslt a 11 s ad t brecug h anot~her st i,
1 is also elegile to play again this year, eitoiwFldio ;onSura,1>n
Unicago on the :1:40 train this morn- ;thus filling an imp ortant cog in the where lie Wolverines will meet the February 1 and it is at that tune 1that wrkout esi eidavt at ci noon in hita
Ing, arriving there at 3i:30 this after-! Maize and Blue lineup. If George Ilawkeyes Saturday night in the fourth' CouhtFarl-ell will definitely de(ide ; a ich for oxrnoe to ftk h h )1o{
noon. Immediately after arriving aI O'Connel, who holds a high ranking' Conference meet of the year. the personell of the suad th at Nviljcrt'I ger 18'li aUo
shr okutwl ehedinh hi-aong the naltonal collegiate players, Afe hoigcosdral mpoe ake thle t rip to Chapaign. t- suP\lt s~f~~evOt(i1
caoAthletic Association's pool. At is allowed to lplay, Michigan will ai- iAfer hingoPurderamee igan'se-;I'he (events I oniriow inclu(e a four tr 1uaivb s ,: h~eld<t for Saii r
5:30 the swimmers will again entrain, most be sure of the conference singles !aetiut udemetMcia' ile relaN-, in which each man will Indiiam ane, :ctttliCfrSli l
leaving for Madison at that hour. Thvey( title, and the playing of this young chances are somewhat brighter than j run a mile, a two. mile relay, each man da.-C
will arrive in Madtison early tonight, man would make Michigan a very they were at the opening of the season., cove ing a half, and a mile event ;tmeo s comrbinatios have been -
an~ anthe wokot wll e hld hesttrong cont endler for the Conference; Captain Karbel, who was unable to ; ,here each man will travel a quarter, tried byv t le caelh durinthiV tle 1pa
first thring tomorrow morning in the 'nistlewhc itasotcp wrestle aginst Purdue Monday night, Two teamrs have been icked it each throee(lys o trill wit h little success.
Wisconsin pool. sttiretl since lWa lter' Westbro(ok gladuI twill 1make1Wthe trisp trIowa. the Wol- ;of iahes. races by men }whom Coach 'Red Cher ry, D ik Ioyle. and Id ic
No leniency was shown any of the! ated. venue ia ptain has been unable to F=arrell has selected to lead the relay ('hamber's arie certain to play in ii ,t0
men in yesterday afternoon's practice,' At present the tennis court in the show the form thatlie did la.st season! teams. Ricks will lead the quartet urdta y'; gamie against Indianabuat; the,
thug temonigsesin a rthrgym does niot have any sidle lines, on acc'ount of injuries received early composed of lung, Shecnefieldl, Mason other two positions are still epty.
lt.eAlinwhictheye saeetheirdi to th-payers are contenting them- Iin the season. Iandl himself. ornerger. fBriggs and i luzel. <aregular who showved t dhli -
tancesin hih tey re ntredto-seleswith driving, vollying and inj The mat teamu is tweak in two iskenderian led by Callahan will orni- ante8a.tilhe stairt o h esn u
morgrow in addition to some spegelsgettn use to the ball. j eghs the 145~-pond class and the ie thle other team in thle four mile h a ensfeiga eie
races and one endlurance swim. Sied- I-- gthawih class. (ranage,, relay. The two ,-ile teams will bec slum p lately, will prohltaily be rella -I
man was given an extensive workout ____________________________Coac*h Barker's hope in the 145 pound1 heaed hy Reinke and Freyberg, two ed by Rex Reason at; thle center posi-
in the plunge and will (1 006 feet finr class, showed tip wel Iin the Ohio veterans of last year's championship tion while Line, Knenze, atd Ras-
tomorrow's contest with ease but this , meet, easily winning his match on ai two rnile relay. Reinke's t(aui(on- nick are all beng iven considerat ioni
time is slow and he probably will have tecision, butt is lost to the team this j sist s f ilart, Ft ceboxi andi Walsh . ;for jobs in the starting lineup Satin-
to be content to place.I' semester through ineligibility. PrestonI Ciebran, Pfluke and Llwkrt compillete'(ay.
tlruhter1' Papenguth and Starrett also went 'i"' the present all-campus champion Iin j the combination captained by Frey-; In yesterday aft ernoon's drill Htas-
tI oug th prceurethe wil fl-the 175r pound class was ineligible last erg. In the one mile event. Ilerrn- nick payed good ball anti it may e!
low at the meet, performiing all of the Sixteen fraternities qualified in the semnester, but is available this termn, stein, Miller,,, Gibbs and Bishop form! that ho will le chosen above thle oth-
required and optional (ives in good(1 first round1 of the F~oul Throwingj and will substitute for Langguth in a squadl led by the former andI Fein- (is. Reason, pl)aying against theVa-
form and to the Coach's satisfaction. Tournament. The secondl round willi the light-heavyweight (division. Pres-? singer will hbe at the top of a quartetsi -kept the first fiv' humping aillI
However, every (iver is at a decided be rtun off Monday night, February' ton his showed goodlformi in the.,.prat-c(omplosed of Koplin, ~leiser andl of the time and showved Varsity calibre
(isadvantage on a foreign board, and 116th. The 1-ouses qualifying are: ices, and is expected to add consider- Spedding. ne more.I
so Wisconsin's premier (iver oughtj Sigma _Alpha Mu, lambda ('I Alpha, able strength to the squad. - Line. who (isplayed a lot of ai-
easily to place ahead of the Michigan' Phi Sigma Delt a, Phi Lambda Kappa, Kailes, who wrestled in the 135 t Don't delay-Pay your Sul scnption it v \ednesday night, aainh got intol
airtists. Either Papengutlh or Starrett Tan Delta Phi, 'Theta Chi, Phi Sigmna' pouind (lass against Purdue, w;iliot today, a slumph yesterday.
may be countedI on for secondl, how-, K pa, Sigma Ni, Theta Xi, Phi Mul ably wrestle in the 145 pound (division I
ever. (Alpha, Alpha Rho Clhi, Kappa Nui Phi while Simpson will substitute in the
Milievtrno atyea r's 'lii imPilEsln DlaApalightweight class.
squadwho 'has been out withtinjuries, Epsilon, rAlpha. Ka ppaL pa icar hohswnoeadls
won out over Mayer in a tight race two matches so far this season, will 4
to determine who would accompany( Nine men out of the fifty-seven who draw the assignment in the 153 pound
the squad as Whittinghiarm's partner. !have thrown have qualified in the Al- class. Goldstein, who showed tul well
Mielziner won by a scant six inches. Campus Foul Throwing Tiotrnamnent. in all the meets this season, will be
Mayer dlid not seem to have much at iFifteen shots out of twenty-five is nyc- I Coatch rBrker's hope in the toll weight.a
the first of the year, but his consistent I cssary to qualify. The tournamentl Golstein has won two mnatches and!
lard work has improved his swimming will be continued all next week for lost one, losing in an overtime mat chii
to a point where he will certainly those who wish to enter, Those wish- ;to Roshon, the Buckeye heavyweight.
threaten Whittingham and Mielziner ,Ing to compete may do so by callingj__
for their positions on the team he- Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Delta AlphaI Wisconsin university's ti ael c C to !N
fore another meet, clock every afternoon. i the students, this year is in the fornhi E4
Stiff opposition is expected in all -- of a Winter Carnival, which will bel y
thme races as 'Wisconsin has not been IIlU81lA N (IO UPS held on Lakce Mandota tomorrow. The,
defeated this, season. and Ilerseberger j Tnesday. Feb. 17th, 8:30 o'clock-- feature of the Carnival will be the I I
(Gntincd o. (ae Seen} inter-fraternity skating relay.
recordls in the 100 yardl free style andl -
150 yardl backstr'oke respectively. ._
Captain Kerr, Samson, Diunakin, 81
Johnson and Gow have been trainingI!l
hard and are at the peak of their abil- M
ity, s(i that fast times and close xraces In J
will be frequent. 1Halstead is also,
progressing encouragingly in the ack- ;i J/ O JIpS e'I n ert n
Kilpatrick and Tobin, each wih
weg-ing well over 200 pouinds, reported to I I 1.41
Coach Mann yesterday in the plunge! 41E,
event. Both have floating and breathI ;
holding ability so that with a little bed-
practice on the takeoff (ive either may i Prtect your igj gy ' thlLCC e may be gorld n 'LA onlSt. \Valt i htnet D
graclulate into thte Varsity class. 9 r Iules~c1j:vu--" i~ ~ Ilw~v!'
Neither will l1e used against Wiscon- E kk
sin because of lack of experience but tuxe fOS ro n Naught can conpa)3e w1ith Lent a3 a Uk ea ol yUU7
both ought to see service against III- a ffection and esteenm for the recpint.
diana at the opening of the 110wiio h ' d dr.
Union pool on February 2. IS etyutGf o11rD=abu t !or ta"
enUW e a'yne }'Roses or any other of the fresh, ehhifuiftiI Llo hr;
Genuine Waynewhich w have and whichl you ku_ ow shel'll be tlic
FIS ER TO CU c a b gs lwiic Your Order. 1630. '
To Only Li shest of
Wlork IWA\'GI1E.j&CoMlp AI Fi'( A
"JABY"IN GOOD SHAPE! O7Jr Ten cWi&.neee 14c &f"1A
Coach Ray Fishier put his pitchers
and catchers through. another light
workout yesterday. The coach con- m
tius odil i cage ncoto, _______________drill____________ _____his____________har,~ 't,-.-

rainung Coa ch, Stillivjisai
ru the boxing show in
mannter thus spiatlig thanl
aelrly. A iweek lieore M
ate' of the show, the ( o
Aing to hold an ehintinaz
nexit . All boxears (_I thle
Ire in training wil7br lb
f( or the Itll'1P' ' (ii,
?to will box ini the s~t-a
ftwill be futile for aliy
an the best: of coundit ion
hen iiillf~t?I ncotit esi 11(511m
;t;'d iit~x cn"'onol tiC 21it

Annual Boxing Tournament
nit egularl, I r ai '1. eman prominent in state
toth (list ant, h' a far will be on hand to ref-
oin ne(w Ic t ii',(Silest s. His Judgments on
thu. winnrs will be final. Those tri-
er of mein in uancht in the elimination contests
splannuing to will redoi'.lties at the show.
ia dlifferont )n i lie elimination tourney,
he has for- Coc SliaNewill be able to look
larch 17, the vrlxge number of boxers than
achl is plan- 1,-voihiohrwise see, and the coach
sign tottinia- ":ecsi will heighten interest in
watii10vti~ u eo
C01110 n- i h=,.1 ,.iIi dart, Simyser and Walker
tteertiiiig v Il-st little to fear in the tourna-
W iMv(1.ch a be~iing Ihe best, in their respec-
:riedt't not:Cvoi j'-E-ioiis oin the campus.
S I t.( 1,tte' 1 lie
iso, ,t the' Don't delay--Pay your Subscription
. i o a ti l ii totlay.

ild fVrl-y cncd
anddeyeandWSat sdayngt
Music By
Bill Walleins and His Cranger Eight

Exelusiv'. styles and hi h duality moderately priZced



and that only, and he insists that his
eitchers use only half speed when
throwing to the catchers.
Fisher's aces, Benson and Jablonow-I
ski, are much farther advanced than
any of the other twirlers, and it is
'withi increasing difficulty that the
coach keeps them from using all their
speed. Yesterday in particular "Jab-
:ly" was in fine spirits and more than
anxious to open up, but he was not
a.llowed to do so. He is a much bet-
ter pitcher than last year, in that both
his control and poise are mnuch urn-
,proved. Among the new recruits,
Fisher still continues to absorbl most
of. the coaches attention.
*Saturday, in order to prepare for
the remainder of time squad, which re-
prsthe first of the week, the coach
i.4 going to make his fir'st cut in the
squad. There ate a number of hur- I
lers working out at present who would
never have any of their offerings hit.
Even though there is a shortage of1
catcehers a few will have to be droll-j
pod lSaturday, because they have not

. .. ,w..v....e.... . .... .,,.v~ . _., . A. l

.--°7 DUNGAN]

T r o oOLhis w e e k f o r y o u r a p p rv al
The assortment acomsst of a wonder-s'
fixd. collectzio" of fImp orte d anmd o-'
mestic lFabrics. Priced


P 3
a ,
H1 F.
r 'j
i ,'
; #

SpringHalf -hose
RECENTLY arrived a
wide variety of soft
woolen and lisle half-hose.
Stripes, checks and jacquer-
outstandinig style. The fir,-
efig ur pes.tiue hi
One to fd olr
I '" Irv \

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