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February 13, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-13

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, -
__ -

passing of worthless checks.
But I didn't mean to do it nd
didn't know it w asag in.;t the o,"'
OP ~ ,i-~ neui~h.f . 'Gf'tMonday .l ~ '.1
Urn~~~ ~ 13" L c plC ay rC deBOV in someidelicate dU~oisLeCIO or,0ye
!youth will cry in liorror " n
-- __- of the l1a - -
Menbers of Western Conference Editorial of some equall somhre and j di
individual. And any way, it m ;
The Associated Press is exclusively En- i well be remarked, the majority of
titledi to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise checks are passed when the student
credited in this paper and the local news pub- deep down in the recesses of his val
lished therein.depdw intercss
organs knows that his bank ace aunt
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, is not all it should be.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- I Every year the local mercha7i s l i-
master ;enerai. I deso o~rshct~ctt,
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, hundreds of dollars b)c11, they give
$4.00. to their customers in Ann Arbe the
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-tthi
nard Street. privilege of cashing chl-;ks. The ltrt
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M ; bus - xample of this is the Knion n-ict-
Hess, 960,m~ ftOi.ite1Ilo ,I11
_ess,_. rc r-. ntly ins4 itutod the more or ls 5
EDITORIAL STAFF pinuitPim-c r snr of ;o sil hwi


Telephiines 2414 and 176"
Editor.......-...--John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor........... Robert G. Rainsay
City Editor............Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore,
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. . S parrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R.J hal
Sports Editor......... William H. Stonemnan
Sunday Editor......... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............. Vernea Moran
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor......Williani J. Walthour
Louise Barley A ilen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosbyr Frederick 11, Shillito
Valentine L. Davizs C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
Manning Houseworth Eugene 11 ,Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann ;tanley C. Crighton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Oblmacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising ................... E. L. Dunne
Advertising....................3J. J. Finn
Advertising..................- A.Marks
Advertising................. H. M. Rockwell
Accounts....................Byron Parker
Circulation.................... R. C. Winter
Publication....................John Conlin
P,. W. Arnold W,. L. mulling
W. F. Arduss K.F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newrann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip DeitzjD Ryan
David For .Rsezeg
Norman Freebling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-NORMAN R, THAL
The United States is not the only
nation which is experiencing consid-
erable trouble in getting an official
and definite statement from France
as to what, how, and when in regardj
to the payment of her war debts. Dis-
patches from London indicate that
Creat Britain does not intend to per-
mit any delay in French action on
Chancellor Winston Churchill's note
concerning the French debt of about
$3,125,000,000 owed to the British.
There are several factors to con-

cteeks 'whlen they ar' r.',:rnood ';m
he banks. It is doubtful if this w Ill
lave much effect. Persons vho pass
had checks wouldn't have any shame
to speak of. It may, however, start
people thinking aleng the right iine:s.
They may come to realh'e the g
of what they do carelesly.
The practice may be regarded as
just another manife tation of the gen-
eral tendency of students-and other
classes of people-to attempt to get
something for nothing. They cheat in
finals, they borrow theses, and try to
make themselves believe they are get-
ting an education. With the habit or
thinking in this vein thoroughly es-
tablished they try to put one over in
the realm of things financial. And
sometimes they get away with it. It
is this latter aspect that causes t
No harm is done providing the gull,
ty individual is apprehended-he 1ha,,
to pay. It is the number of cheeks
that are passed successfully which
eventually may force all commercial
establishments, including the Union.
to refuse this distinct service to the
students. Perhaps a few threatened
prosecutions might help, just to put a.
little fear in the hearts of the trans-
gressors. Until such time, however,
honest students must cooperate by
keeping tab en their accounts; those
with "criminal tendencies" had better
mend their ways before they take to
robbing banks-the great American
indoor sport.
With a full grown ?iec r bootleg;g-
ing industry just discovered on her
southern coast, Great Britain is fats-
ing a huge rum war which will prob-
ably be necessary to stop the influx
of thousands of dollars worth of
!r'nch brandies. wines, and chai-
aigns which are being smuggled into
the country every week by a fleet of
small and speedy run-running launch-
es, very similar to those being used
l along the coast of "te United:Stat-s.
This new situation ought to be the
means of arousing a mWores ympatbetic
,nd coonerative spirit on the part of
the British toward America, wvhre.
for the past six years. prohibition r-f-
Jiials have been struiggling not only

i i .
The other evening we attended the TONIGHT: Sophie Brasla, Con-
'on:-egati'nal student supper at tralto, in Hll auditorium at 3 o'clock.
A hid h Episcopalians were the guests * * *
of honor. We went as an Episcopal- "SITTING PRETTY"
iiiiani i when we canie to pay the,
.pA review, by Thomas P. Henry, Jr.
thirty-ve cents the fella said "This St
s nu"Sitting Pretty, the passng. pleas
.ing musical comedy by the famous
'he inc in reason we went was not, deans of intimate revues, Bolton,
however, that we were an Episopalian Woodehouse and Kern. now playing at
m to bum a meal off the Conges'the Schubert-Detroit theatre, Detroit, -
ht that we wanted to hear the latter is graced by the presence of the great
O isca ss 'Campnus MoreaIs." Wel, we1
ibar 'them. p s r ly over-rated but none-the-less fasci-
. . * *nating Dolly Sisters, Jennie and Ro-
o o c d a a sie. Briefly, they provide an evening's
Somebody accosted us and handed 'entertainment-all, in the present ple-
u-i a little piece of paper with a num- thora of musical shows, that can con-
her on it, and then went away. We fidently be expected.
threw it away, thinking it was a prac- The dancing, aside from certain
tical joke like tipping our ashes in a dainty steps contributed by the Dol-
guy's pocket or something like that. lys-who, for a wonder, are not the
But pretty soon another guy comes whole show by any means-is negligi-
p and says "Have you a number?" ble; the chorus is far above the ac-
No we told him, as we had thrown cepted road-show average and is on
ours away. So he gave us one. the stage all too little; the songs are
"What's it for?" we asked him. "Girl," pretty, tuneful, but remarkably old
he says, and rushes off to give a num- and reminiscent of former hits; while
ber to some other lovesick fellow. the humor, discounting the inevitable
A friendly Episcopalian standing venerable vaudeville puns, is really
nearby says to us "You draw the girl very funny.
that has that number, see, and then Plot, neve prominent in any mu-
you eat with her. It helps out the sical show, is present in "Sitting Pret-
supper a lot if you get a good girl.' ty" mainly to give Frank Mcntpre, fat
Well when he said that I thougtht 1 and funny as ever, an excellent oppor-
might just ease over to Bll and Mert's tunity to bring down the house sev-
and come back for the discussion later eral times during the course of the
-but just then a guy comes up and evening. Rosie and Jenny Dolly, ablyI
says "Here's a number," and rushes assisted by Paul Frawley as the con-
oil. - ventional hero and not so ably by
* * * Fred Santley as the conventional
SO we had two numbers. And pret. crook, are captivating in their stoak-
ty soon they began to call off the girls' ingless way. Even the fact that tha
numbers, and guys began to stream plot which they have to act is a re-
over to the girls and talk to them and vaimped Saturday Evening Post story
carry- things Around for them that mutilated quite beyond description
they called lap-boards. Big sturdy does not alter their charm.
lap-boards they were, too. Beautiful gowns, with all the tire-
Well we were just in a stew, natur- some ostentation of a revue lacking,
ally-at the idea of having to amuse provide a pleasant change from the'
two girls at once, and possibly carry glittering Follies type of entertain-
two of those lap-boards--so we just ment. And there is also a Vincent
sat quietly in a corner while they call- Lopez orchestra, whose cornet) and
ed off first one of our numbers and trombones nicely sour the good music
then the other. We tried to look sort of the production. Above all, we liked
of dour and funless and wistful-- -Rosie's smile-or was it Jennie's?
kind of depressed that nobody had
thought to give us a number, you THE SPANISH PLAY
know. Well, we must have got away I Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch's two-act
with it all right, because pretty soon comedy, "Juan de las Vinas," has been
all the girls were happily fixed ana selected as the annual Spanish play,
'-vw jrined the merry throng of stags and will be given, as far as is known,
(a gay lot they were, you may be the first production in this country
sur -half Congies and half Episco- March 12 in Sarah Caswell Angell
p* hall. Rehearsals have been in preg-
At the end of the meal we all joined ress for some weeks, and the follow-
in a couple of good fast hymns-the ing cast has been chosen:
kind where someone hollers "LAST Juan de las Vinas...............
ViRSE" when you've sung about Douglas Whittemore
three words of the third verse and Don Venancio . . . . . . . . . . Charles Lee
(everybody ends up in an awful jam Leocadia .............. Maude Corey
but in very gcod humor. There were Don Gorgonio ........Marshall Levy
at her religious ceremonies, and then Don Lucio................John Jay
the leader of the Episcopal delegation Un Alcalde ............Wales Signor
was called on for a few words. He Un Caballerizo de Su Majestad..
said h' hoped this would be an an-.....................Henry Kentta
nual afair (at which some unkind Criados.....................
fellow said-in an overtone 'But not any Criadas......Margaret SlavenS, Lucy
oft ner') and that lie believed much Dombooragian, Evelyn Grey
goad could be wrought by such a un- Alguaciles...... . John Bridgman,
ion as the present one. Marshall Sinclair
* * * *A: * M

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sider before the case can be seen in with such forces froi wiihout but e o
the right light. The main cause for with the increasin'g illicit nmei !
disagreement seems to be a differenco. ture of lictuor within the country.
of opinion on the part of the officials Just a few days ag. Governor T'n-
of the two governments as to the effi- chot of Pennsylvania told the i,4n-
cacy of linking the two questions of hers of the general assembly of that
the payment of the debts and French state, in a message asking for the- en-
security. France insists that these actment of a bill fer the regulation f

Read The Daily

"Classified" Columins



two matters are inseparable and that distilleries and breweries, tat Phi is'
it will be impossible to avoid a certain delphia is the principal center in te 'll en came the morals. A boy took A. A. U. w.
amount of bargaining and discussion United States for the manufacture of chaigp of the meeting and said that Jessie Eonstelle, director of the
bearing upon the solution of both of illegal drink from denatured alcohoi, h'd seen a lot of attacks on the Bonstelle Playhouse in Detreit and
them, while Great Britain is equally ';and that Pittsburgh is a center fnr il- Noung people, but mighty few defenses nationally known act ress-manager,
firm in asserting that her foreign ot- legal' beer. At the same timne, op-o- 01 th.n. (This is a manifest lie. I has consented to speak before the Ann
free does not intend to allow any com- nents of the Volstead act in several lhave never seen a single attack on the Arbor branch of the American Asso-
bination of the two. state legislatures are seeking the ro- younger generation, so called. They cia'ion of University Women at their
In cutting the French debt to S0127, peal of state prohibition statutes wu'h have ALL been defenses, and they meeting Saturday afternoon, FebruarN
000,000, exactly one-fifth of the eri,- 'the hope that all criticism of prohibi- have all started off with apoiog tic 21, in the Alpha Phi srority hotuse.
inal figure, Churchill not only has tion may be centered on the national references to the many attacks on our -Miss Bonstellc will lecture on "The
made an enormous concession to measure with the ultimate result that young people etc.) Well this guy said Place of l)ramatics In a College." aI
France but also has incurred the it will be modified or repealed alto- that you wouldn't pay much attention subject she is peculiarly acquainted
wrath of several London newspapers. gether. to such an article if you saw it most i with due to her management of the
one of which has declared in very Turning to the situation on the places, but in the Atlantic Monthly it Northampton Community Playhouse
bitter terms that "Churchill's propos- northern boundary between Canada was a horse of another color. It con- in connection with Vassar Cohleg'-'.
als provide that British tax-payer, and the United States, and in par_ tained a lot of ideas that were new to i The lecture will be open to members
shall forego tax reductions in order filar the recent development in Oz- him, he said. .. . . . and invited guests only.
that France may build up a huge air tario, one finds that the wets of this * * * * * *
fleet, outnumbering Great Britain's." province are attempting to pass Then they .passed around a list of THE GLOUCESTER SCHOOL OF
If this be true, and the paper gives amendments to the Ontario Temper- questions that were to be the basis THE I TTLE THEATRE
proof for the allegation in the state. ance act which will permit the den- for discussion (with the penetrating The Gloucester School of the Little
ment that France has 2,000 airplanes bling of the alcoholic strength of beer article in the Atlantic). Some of Theatre, Gloucester, Massachusetts,
while England's program calls for but 'to 4.4 )er cent. 1I the move is -uc- them were: is again offering two free scholarships
600, the British Chancellor of the Ex- - cessful, prohibition supporters: fear Are college morals better or worse to under-graduates of American
chequer has most assuredly made too ; that Windsor and some of its adjoin- I than high school niorals? schools and colleges for its sixth
great a concession to the French gov, ing municipalities will become the. Is it wise to fall in love while in summer season of eight weeks during!
ernment and adverse French comment "beer gardens of Detroit." Nor is this 1clloge? July and August, 1925. The school
becomes p~reposterous, especially hi- the only point a longfthe Canadian S1.hould we actively dcnobunce pro- has its own experimental thesatre 1
view of the fact that the industrial boundary where it is deinitely noa;nTi.ScuoUS petting or necking, or quiet- where weekly performances are given
conditions are even more critical in that extensive sm'giing activities are c acquiescb to them as conventional and offers courses i: Acting, Stage
Great Britain than in France. being carrietd on in (leftai'U tef the I practices? - Direction, Public Speaking, Panto-
The French are now trying to make Volstead act. Should -wegu-mime, Lighting,-,r n l
a condition of payment of this greatly If there is any yetige of Briih strict moral code, or let it depend on writing.
reduced sum that Great Britain insure con!rol over the Cnadi i government the girl. Among the thirty plays produced
her safety at a cost which might run b'ft. this would be a good nlacs to e In answer to this last one, a girl last season were: "The Book of Job.'
into many millions of dollars in the ercise it. If there is no longer an- assertei that "a gentleman is always "Gammer urton's Needle." "King
case of international trouble. In the such connection between the motlher a gentleman, so if you can define a Lear's Wife" by Gordon Bottomley,1
words of that old, old story, give, country and her North American col- gentleman, there you are!" j "Before Breakfast" by Eugene O'Neil,
France an inch and she not only takes ony, she might at least show the The question that broke up the "The Two Virtues" by Alfred Sutro,
the mile but also threatens to make United States the courtesy of suggest- meeting was "What constitutes an im, "The Haiduc" by Colin Clements, "Thf
away with the whole rope. Absolute ing that Canadian officials ,respect and proper story?" Artist" by Anton Tchekov and "The
insistence on an immediate settlement cooperate with America in this mat- One guy got up and said lie thought Man Who Married a Dumb Wife" by
is the only course open to Great Brit- ter. While wishing British oflicials- the one about the traveling salesman Anatole France.
ain and she is taking it. all sorts of success in their contem- and the farmer's daughter was a fair ( The faculty will include: Mrs. Flor-
plated rum war, it seems quite appro- sample, and then told the story. An- ence Evans of the Boston School of
EMBRYO CRIMINALS priate to add that the United States oither guy thought the one about two Public Speaking; Miss Florence Cun.
There are many students on the would greatly appreciate a little cre salesmen in the Pullman was a little ningham of Jacques Copea's Theatre


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