FRlIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1925 THEL MICHIGAN DAJ.L\ r~ s.e a r _____________________ ~fl I U t I P) 11 NLVAVAM'Wk% MUAvA \/--,\j S E!Y 2S 0 D1I1IE EIKDANE G iDiscovers y . P jIMIMITV CXRI11IPPan Hellenic Will yV_ I woman's Editor i) UIIL U UIiLLong Lost City ""~"'UIVU Hold Semi-Monthly{ Regains Health) INSTITOTE PIIOGDA P UAN S LECTURESRE S D[ Meig Hrat, OTICES 5 ~iiieio All men and wvomen who are inltr- Mrs. ItalJpl Doud, director of the he regular mothly tweeting o of h ~iy h a ensrosy11 idictn antyeopuicnorth 'Toledo comtunity house, will 1Pan-l lellenic was held at the ThetaI Junir lay retearss il he held ill with pneumonia draui^, to past'o esthdeen directingrany tyiegof rungth;at pin It recreations will have an opportunity. speak at 2 :30 o'clock Sunday at lieNl-li Alpha house Tuesday afternoon. as followcs In Barbur aynnasiuni ' he oe isrean aidstrent tin a to obtain material for their work at ! e Nebery residence on Americani-1A rsmeigitwsdcddt ods rhouses A, B, and BB at ~t odrcie etra.S -the Yolk dance institute which will' tonwr'ishs onry hs ilmeetings every two weeks instead of Y toodiccvdyseday, n be held for fve days beginning Toes-I be the first of several talks which are every four weeks. ocok hrss3ailSa 'lc, Ms oa sepce ~ euen -sday; Feb. 24, in lBarbour gymnasium. . to be given under the auspices oi' the A program conunittee was suggest-+chorus 2 at 7:1, chorus 4 at 8 o'clock; her sudies studn ublicatn wtork in 01' ,.The course will consist of 10 les- $ community service commnittee of the ed to arrange the procedure of the ' tomorrow choruts 1 at 9:30, chorus F the course of a wheek. Al sons of oe hour ech, to b given a Y. W. C. A., of which Reva Allen, '25, next meetings for the purpose of or- t1:0 hrss2 n t1 anx 'lc ahdy ikt is the chairman. gnized discussion on topics of m- HAlVE YOU SU[BSVRtJB1EI? V1;'U" b n lokec a. ikt tcit nees ot1e ooiiso'clock.______________________ will be placed on sale Monday in the< Some years ago Mrs. Doud, a Rus- nelt iers to he ooii, office of Barbour gymnasium. Th'e. ~ ,an by birth, was exiledl for life tojwhich at the present time are con- B1y appointment, members of the;,I1111t111t11111111~~1n~I1111 price is $2.50 for the whole course; Sibeia for teaching the peasants but corned with revising rushing rules. junior play caast may receive special 50 cents will be charged for single ;shte escapedl after three ears. Since I It was also voted upon to place a assistance from .Miss oomiis between A'X I11e admissions. 9d then she has been interested in the, question box in the office of the Dean!1 and 3 o'clock ainy afternoon at the E 1U VC Vi ~ -L Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, chairman question o what the for ei ners ive of WAomen to answer any problems !Chli Omnega house. [H111 IA Ud tort aneraizro'heAeianFl, us, rather than what e give them. which ight be troubling the various I-1 it is expected that her talk will treat j sororities on matters of policy or Senior women should ,have their- Dane ocet, il cmefrm ew ~,.*soe hae f hi sbjet.Th lUIhi dscplne -mearemrents' taken amdplace their = YOU 'ave heard her on if Yoksit ticndcttistousedMs orders for caps and gows at once ! you can hear her n person tonig] Burchenal is the author of a number .sinie.--Drngterinpcin fte n-i ter o""crti fhaig~ of books anti articles on folk dancini { - uigterisecino..h n-i hy r ob eti fhvn and for several years has been devot- r r*. . + ['I ~ ~ ,. ve sity building and grounds yeler-j thetan in time for the Junior Girls'2 You can hear her as often ing a large share of her time to the ;. 4 s Niece Of'a" l uyail~crioon the House University'ilay. M1leasuremets are being taken': Records, a faithful re-poductiol study of peasant life in Europe, and Humiorist Studies I