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January 13, 1925 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1-13-1925

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Secary Work ;ends L~etter to
ritily-Three Leaders of

Faces Execution

Collegiates Do Not Set Pace
In Styles, Clothiers Assert


Differing rpinions
street clothiers, Ann
dict ators~, greetedl the
Chicago Clothing Men
ficial who saidl that til
lege man set the styl]

froma I h Sf u', el All agreedl that contrary to the gen-
Arbor's ifashiion 1 coral opinion t hat prevails outside of
statemnent of th1 e alls
covnto eOI3eflcollegfe wh~ich ictures all 5 stuientsa,
li American ('01- 'dr'essing in an out1lanidish mlanner, the
!es for the youngir aver'age college student was better andl
more 'onservatively dressed than most

One clothier expressed the op~in ion i''
that college styles rarely ever beeanwiA

Washingtoni, Jan 12.-(By A. P.)- general among the working^ls n o
Prsdn.oldes e osra ' sub stantiated his statement by (le(lar- any
tion hoard} yesterdlay launched a co-'" ing that clothing jobbers had two lines strai
operative inquiry intended to curb or styles, one of then, containing el _ i inl vc
wastage when its chairman, Secretary amnples of the "slick" clothing popil- or nr
Hubert Work, addressed letters to 33S lai' with the younger members of the to ps
leadrs f te ol idusry sitng 4iei ~working class, and the other the more7 Al
for "frank statements of facts and' conservative style worn by college (fro,,
opinions" for use in evolving a definite men. Ion
governmental policy to conserve Another merchant des~arcd that t~ie hav{
estepanisese oen feeonly force stronger than the college in 'iron
Thestp s dsine t opn feesetting fashions was the theater, trod
exchange of views from practical oil
men from which the board expects
authoritative data on the present ex- IIT ..U 1 1 ,
tent and expense of petroleum produc-,.j
tion, and recommendations as to what ~,
methods might be employed to cope -- -chu ch Worl
with the problems of overproduction -
anld waste. Stefan Riadich, leader of the Croatian During the national conference of* Iiio
"It Is the purpose of this board," IPeasants Marty, faces a charge of high church workers in, university cote-IW
saiid the letter, "to conduct this in- treason and subsequent execution as a mnunities held at the Chicago Beach !ion!
quiry so far as possible as a co-opera- result of his radical activities in Jugo- hotel in Chicago, Jan.7-9, at which ; sur~
tive study, to which representative oil Slavia. lHe is imprisoned at Belgradle. eight Ann Arbor church wokers were B:1'
men must be, the largest contributors. _______ __- 1eet vr nvriyadcleejo
'h opportunity is here for the men tw rbe a i(usd o~t Pp
who know the facts to come forward r'ffIltw rbe a lsusd onpp
and suggest safe lines of remdia e [[ LbEIE 'ha '27, presented a paper on polro
action. w lVIJ[ [1[ B wV Whtthe St udent. Th'}inks of th i ent.eu
'..o gnrl guidance in form a ll Church Worker." lHe reported t},e oP
'Iono suggestions we would be 5
glad to have your views on subjects ;! fl"1111.1 O II wic were distributed among; stud - !ier.,,
as given below. i. eaUU ctsi Ann Arbor by Chdi(es, canil]PSw asv 1t
"J. G 2nerally, in 'what directio'ns opinion monthly. )
do you ecnsider that waste i2n pro- Tan Beta PVi To C'onfer Memb~ership Other men from this city were Tin] sib-i~
(uction could be reduced and stabi-11 In liiiatfran January C. ('offmran and liomer Grafton of liii' :l
ilzation effected? Twentieth f StuOgent Chiristian associatio~n, Rev. that
"2. What is your estimate of over- Herbert Jumip of the Congre:gay onul b Iet v
productioni, if any, at this time? i HOLDS DOCTOR 'SDEGREE church, Rev. A. W. Stalker and1 Dorna d ' t
"3. With the. present-day develop- I Timerman ox tlre Methtoit chur
rreht of technique for finding oil and i Lewis Fteiniann, '16( of the lPresh>1(!'- .that
for producing oil, at a, rate never be- Mr. Alex Dow, president of the De- ian church, Iltowardl R. ('hapinam, ari:1 "LA it
fore attaied, htow can brakes be put troit Edison company, will be initiate'di John Eliiott, '26;, who represents-f'! tir o tfhee
on the 'bringing-in' of new pools and to honorary rues bershilp in the Ijii-j You'-' .l' eople;' society oft P;'~ebw U
unneeded poductioi~?versity chapter of Tlau Beta P1, na- teIa hin- iy
"4. Hw iminen do ou rgardticonal honorary engineering society , I~iiiIi4X)
any serious difficulty in inepting thin on Jan. 20 in the Engineering library. co s 1 (rnet',s aid., "Th e (conk.el 'iv aca
country's oil requiremients? After the initiation a dinner will be ! nha"iZe }Aci(;ntific apirp'oachiito .r the
"6. Under present conditions, is oil !held in the Michigan Union. A large
being produced and used as fuel that i nmbr#f aclt.s ela bthDo
could be and should be replaced by i ume o acut s ela bt e I C 1 f

nd thle fashions popular here arel
,e standard and unshifting than
others, they maintained. Loose, !
ighit cut; English clothes have been
gee in Anni Arbor for fifteen years!
noi'e and', presient indications seemi
oi to Itheir (continueld popularity.y
11 of the :resent styles have conic
i England by way of Yale, Prince-
and1 other big; eastern schools and
-e gained acceptance here anywhere
i] a month to a year after h~eir in-
nect ion in America.
'A ttend
lers Conference

Pictures Of Mesopotamian
ExpeditionNow On.Dispa
PkiU stken by CGeorge .Swi.ancE i<l iof about 8i7i A.D.
IiSE. vi iit cto 1'r-1}ph or,03i Or n 5 s' gtL ~v,' ib itS city gate,
f Uni versit y (expedit ion to M:oe m has * been± is: r'kedout,; others Nwill be,
is havelbe-en sele('ted from ti gr(31i) 0' i' novcelill thle co~urse of the work
51) eent ly shown in Chiicago.,at [0 1w100 ext eXI$'liti101 which is to
eonvcition of the American arab cc i ' .,herie in i' 'hruary.
logical ins:1titte, and have beeni pla cd ;1 'i(1 111 Os()iithiouMain surrounding
in irahialn's winidow 033 St ate street1 . A tiochi, of (xca-at ioflsin progress,
{ The e'xpedition3, which w'as Con3Ailetd aild o'fItle sih rise of ground whtich
by Prof. Francis R. Kelsey, of the m theks i ace of the30 01( town have
1Latin (1epa3rtmnent, ima (lao xen v~ti ins 110011i) pia cod on di. play.
0o3 thle site of anicient Ant ioch 0of Pi-I- --------
sidia and discover'ed ruins dat igt fro1m lais, . 12. - A servanlt was
f he first: of the fourth century. The slIight ly iinred by a fire wNhichi broke
photogra pbs will be ined11(1(1(101a col-: (lit, iii It'('servanfts5' (quiartor31s of Am-
lection of nearply 900 madte oliva riolus $lassa 11' Myro'iI'.r I l('rrick's resid-
expeditions foi' the liniveopsit v by XT-.!ec.
Present excavations cover only thle i----
religious center of the town with ilOwf IRVI ' AR !0LTS, 0. Co
squares of Tiberius and Augustus. thbe G ctr ( ,1 AND RF6I1,sTED f
temple built during the first centu~ry, fl.,:~n~it,fI4 flw4Lsnnnd~ia



sities. The conditional gift to the I ul-
iversity of Chicago is in line withi the
policy thta the board has been follow-

I WJilIUJU 1uiaI WII1uj~ IT
,47_N. University Ave. Phone 21552

oin inl university coinmunities.
'ith tOils in view, several commis-;1 . ooan ,citizen (of IBffailo,
5were appointed to make religious N .adassata o e-eea
veys inl various university cen~ters."o h ~ltdSaiew n fth
'of. J. A. Artman of the fn iver'si y oMe 11101 i-Sintly os, wasoned of r i
Ii icago gave one of lie principal ;Q 101 1(nieIIl roi oellt
10"S 0o' the (coil0fl(nc. IIIhis re-' ho wst 1xii I he (C'olidgeocainelit ten-
t he st a led that, lie thoutght 80 per dered t~lln toto h 1p lle Va i'i'e, 'I.l whos
Iof foim i2Ei ill anly el ter g (class ashlipoly mgi s I le a I I (ii of'lygne-
the larger un iverscities was ink,.,-'Ml iiy w t leaprva t h
d ini Ihe clitirch'. Religilon as dif- ______________________________
iielat(d from tlO1Ite church, lie said,
ian 'it trir y A itferei t h l~ ; !.- _Lfivtersity )
att v illot~ti e:(cept 1013ever y iii ~-
?,oni. H owever, Prof'. A i-Ian fteds' j
t there is toll III U('.1 ofifiaconflIict. i1",
wief!n i ei'io .i d w 51(1 ciO owviingTwil o s
1S ie cinfilict s between severail
ti1 Ole ndreligionists. liC ie 'iuca :o, Ill., .Jan. 12.-If' he7leln-j
th nvriystudent Is interest- er4 y Cicg ..--dsi rw
i a new, freosh religion whiclh joil1l .'
ilog wi h s~ cf ce.in g $4 ,000,00() for ('ldo v lm t :it prir--
s~tof y wit scie ce . ipo ses, th e C oiel r l I c !,:l o ll boa adi
o ;id]; dn I!ug;h es of Miami un i ve0 ;will con U iblute ;f ( i)(t iimore tor thle
SP~e letO(' li cn fi e('aanite purpose according to an an-
1cs<clhi. poicyof ,Inil~innnouncemeiit receit Ily rtniide here by
Ii ty 115 of el 'Ot 1 21 vie!,Vsto ,ard ; -hebord 0 eGeneral Education
hi 1~e tehad
boardl was founded bIy John D). ce
Roke eller for the purpose of' promiotinig the.
returln tunnels measure 7 by 4 cause of eduncation in the t'iiiteol
b'lgruetaligular in shape. State's.
Since Uts 1foundat ion in '1902, thbe
___________________________ hoard has made condlitional1 gifIt s 10
pi'ivately en dowe'd colleg;es 1( 11-
e-a d the W~~at M vel'sit ics forendidm nets atogrgat ing
(LU I! C ~d.1I Smlions ola11jis. Since 1919, it has

Dan cing
Wednesday Night
8:00 - 10:00
ballulias Usnal on Every 'W ednlesday, Friay and
Saturday '1iilts


"6. Under the present methods of lsresent. uui.ua~lmuU
producing oil, what is your estimate Mr. Dow, a well-known electricalf.
in volume of the waste of oil and gas'? ma"n""de nhsfelrcie
"7. Do you regard changes in tech- s the degree of Doctor of Engineeritng inTi EL I[{
nical methods in .the production an] 1924 fron the U.niversity.
consumption of oil as promising relief Eligibility in Taul Beta Pi is based ;-
in reducing the present high percent- on a high grade of scholarship, with a O'Sd I 8i(n Apl~araf s ictyla i
age waster or do you recommend man's personal characteristics playing Foer 'l'o( Years liwi'Toira
changes in laws governing possessory a large part in his selection. Of )FhIlaiitc ,
rights in oil and gas as necessary to Col. G. W. Goethals, of Panama fame,! ---
avoid the present scramble for oil?" was elected to the society several IL~L TEST _ y +LLOR.S
years ago.

E' xt;


('OutliuitcAii a ~y$50,001,000to1(3a p-
1)'i 1 ~l ',(3((1l 1o n 111vr

Wilfred Tells
Prope r Light't
For Studying
(Continued front Page-o Oe)
The color schema of the union ap-
peals to Mr. Wilfred. Ile points out
'that the walls are soft in tone, set oT f
here and there 'with touches of bright
colors which offer relief to the eye.
Only the floor tiling meets with 11is
As a prescription for, study lightini-
'11r. Wilfred recommnends the i'ollow-
ing: One 100 w att m aster (C-2) bulblwi hi A lI~lch t I I+ -

Tlhe Clavilux projects the Colors o I 'okli.be r smd03th
to a white screen throuigh a battery of i
eight lamps. Three of these lamps I l 'ilihdiii, ic;iI L :'1in-'5-
are used to throw the primary color6 ig alIlii i l-ne -'d':
on the screen, and not linfrequentlyl :in sExp:'1 iisa .a ion in vol VI na W?:\v1;1

l It s;v'e-_--pJ~ui No!f ICx j c
209 S. MAI N S I.


the ulayer employe,
to produce a perf
ground for the melt
loo builds ut). Thb
vary-as Mr. Wilfi'
diencec watches, it.
j i-ow and take fu
tbey find thentelt
whelnted by the r.
are looking at son
never seen before.
of the tourtht dimn:
the uninitiated.;

?s all three at once
ffectly white baclk-
odv of color Whichj

vulociie"'. 'Iie l1111of1( tns booelin i r
cuss (of ('ollt 111(1ion ifol.Itwo yon ' sP ii

oe color surge;Pacid wcr'kup untl I "V1, has Ib-1,1'a',tnn i!J rl-
ecd says, as the au-lably dela op ci (ue to lack of s e th co rs! e -u n l Ni h ti e .Fiii )a of:
Irmi, and suddenly tj1os:eCat gove2I'nnt lylng LS~Ie ldo', i
yes almost over- onle o'fItle t'ew in t1: cmintry. -Siilod
olization" that they workwanship, akin toi I liat of violin
mething they have mli21;.isr:Aund in mch ofit is
That is the effect Am .1 i'ii ion.
1snC;1 mLotive upo4- 'n A 2001 Lor pwoelf' le c) ) tii',
with direct Achivye 1to the'prT'v1o,' i- Mll


Srmazrt (lothies

Val< ue- first Clothes
Hligh Grade Fir'nishings

a ~i w ii i~, an------ be 11 ed I i testing a i'lane l ade:;c.( i.-.sraa"av+
one 0 wat tugstn bul) wich as Sofia, Jan. 12. -The reported engage- Anl auils~iy rx:'or 01 'S2 hoxsopei'as r
beetnradippred n tyr he lo r.o wnbulbs ment ot' ~King Boris to the Princess wil develop wind xlocitiei;aof from orRsu h;e 1 ti'eg
"ara ame. Th tw bhlll leana, daughter o ue i of 80,to l0 V iles 1)01'1hour. + .inter ) )fi
should be placed in a tray or Indirect Qmuahsbenofcilyeenaiaeofl80the10")itl is inpernnhoahreUs
lighting globe and go arranged as to _Ruma__a,__hasbeen__officially____________ - Theoaiuna e'geliaeter fu ,alite
throw their light on the ceiling of the i!vr afierfeetd aniexo a l tIe s
room. When work in colors is being ;Read jjdne the ambrVaghtshoAdse sut hae. It ha., a length or'80 ooet. 'Ilie ESCO XVELXVET SKIN
done,~~~~~~~S1'! th mV ih hud10su _____________________________ ______
off, and when no reading or other ________
work in black and white is employing,,-___ - ~- ~ ~ ' tSohsIlasadPoet
the eyes, the white light should b tBoleIel adPoet
extinguished.I 35c Bottles
Asa.ret orth eesMr ilfe Program Specialties
As , es for theeysM.Wlrd^ sr
finds this novel device useful. A roll ~
of cardboard bound with bright c' or I-I
ored strips of ribbon bordered In black } I
Is Placed across the room front the IE!.BERBACH & SON CO.
oblserver'. As a relaxing influence, the slmIo
eves are allowed to travel un and Iil 200-204 E. LIBi'FRT Y ST.
down the lines of color, resting foira r ~ any
short time on each ribbon. A few mro lalored to Your Fny
m an t sa o t h is e x e r c is e , M r . W i lf r e d o IO . r , I ' , . 3 . z 3 " / s v J : J
s.. will leave one with the feeling(-" ratB~s p
V:of having Just; awakened from a r'e
freashing sleep. j if ( aloe's Sport ShosVpn21"A
Eulraope, Oriewl; tc.. ____ _AIO
To get the, httr esrvlations, Ir Wll be rey ~
n®C Kstha yo arall yor o~s ~iei Thazt the food viu1ch yCui a-e
BOOK' TEAMSi[LY:,ao~t".ai I Qee MS.eatng is of the best quality and
E. G. :E$IINE. HTon S< *. Lz. i3J: ~\ 5cooked tnder the inost l ay-
E.G E BLER, 601E. Hgeoeisi., 4"dfn , It '.CIs ua ora;ble conditions, rna kC3 ycu
W6 WI'tit ALL lKINDSoff t s 1.t/ ' ":! j e t 8"'
In the Ann Aibor lie !'tziin
. .... .,.. .h r youi'll hIfind an establishment
Flowzers All otwhitchlwill fulfil the dLIove Yc- s
AlllOccc, ons quernents ---- and YOU swill
_______________________________ i. I mut be atiSfiEdC.
Ivory ISAMPLES Ajrbo
fo h tJ ~ pPermanently onl Dispay ait -



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