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January 13, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1-13-1925

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1'l, S1DA ,JXNITAR 1", 1927


- ... ..s.. .a.r.r. <^4'w 1

lViiiers, Losers Jahnl to D)espoil City;
1 :llid(t' Flee wihGoods 10
Foreign Settlemnents
Shanghai, Jan. 12.-(By A. P.)----Both
victor anti vanquished in yesterday's
coup, by which Chi Hsieh-Yuan, (le-'
posed military governor of this -Kiang-
,4u Province, regai1ned 'ontr'ol of

Wields Iron Fist

News From Other Colleges
Ma(ison. Avis., JIan. 12.-Seven I'Chalpaign, Ili., Jan. 12.- i Gf. (
thousand sample b~ott les of a well- I R ,G'iffithi of lhe depiart nioent c
known b)r,,nd of' hair slick have been lsychology at thle liniversfiy of II
received at the business office of the Ilios Will address:: eof ll; : rg5sesslo
Dail yCardi-Ml1, Wisconsin 51Stdent of Ithe first an ta n I(011I t S'i (}
pubicat ion, for distrvibut in among ;('lha reb \worker:; at Ili the uiv er
the men on the camipus allies C11"Tht p Kl t Iclf' }=r.Ierit
- -- L~~~j'Hife pon tf i:e eigasLfoft0
Austin, Tc'xas, .Tain. I2.---One sen- dent;.''
alirxa1 sin:reltreseintat ives from ? he -- -

C governmental research, explaining the fh In a nJan.23, at 10 a. Mn.
forganization of State administration IY 111 1 LBu L1 overnor f>a3is act not dcded
_____________ ral elmoyit. noon 1or his suc
Namer eso',Gvenrcci 1' iPulcn,
Name CommitteeI-
z L I il1fIL e had ppired a b: ri._acldr.lo:':1
41 iLF C D ive 4)' e (l ('liee t re(tl]iring ' ,ect ive'C, 1but
h sa t-er iffered f1,Ii 3adiing
---rLe gu D iv y-fi wethler he should attend?.
Hea ring 'e.F-Jn r 21Bt
'~The coti-tal committee in charge of j (Governor and 41SoniiiUnder Th'Ple ac~iion i, ]r,. 'd on cevid ence of
h-'tIe VCoin's League campaign drive $1000 ) Bond witnlesses wvho lis.tenIed in ov'er atle-
] as be annIiounced as follows. DorisI


w+Ii a gi T, "'S, thai rnan- Margaret
.Vi: ~i It Nici~s?27, and D~orothy

Shanghai, unitedl today in an oirgvyCor
locting. }tC rf> k
The soldiery, both of General (Thi,
whose attack was a defiance directodJ
at the provisional government in Pek-
in, andl of the defending forces led by'
I he Pekin appointee, C'hang Yung Min,
ein wildl through Nant no, thle nativeI
city, wlich adjoins on the south the
French settlement here. Native mer-
chants and house-holders in that re-i
* iotoaweefrantically removing«
t heir possessions into the protect ed
foreign quarter, in defense of which
the volunteer corps, comprising ,mostL p
of the foreigners of Shanghai, had been Wy3
cleouE--°The volunteer corps, aided by Chin - Ca iA 'un C c l Fun tt~o lI rr" a - is
,se merchants and members of Ithe now - ne "mailed lfist'" of Spain. Hoe is
Chinese fire fighting brigade, was this ,t(lniniiist eting liht'iil do;es of his cure
aft-ernoon making futile efforts to c~opeCfor' revolt- the fittiring r'u ad anId life

'i'exNas lc i la 4 tire will lye st udent; att.
t- i nive' :=,(yCitofe.*Jadiiring the,
coming '-eMesder. All hut. one of these
sIt'ldet-51tares veg -J eyed inathe Law
Lafayette, fmd . .an. 12.- Three
hun11dr ed a>ttuettt.s atTh1i de university
w hnessed a mnvel lgrid-g raph repro-
Sductioni of IElC'ie reUiPurdute-4iwa
basketball tcontest. 'Thle n ewIhoa rd,I
which 15 011e of tllr('('ofl its Mind in the
country, showed t liegn:. play by
play, includin '. dribbling . and B oo in to ,Inl. .ii.12g.or m

K,. \\(itcn, Ualnewy(U tih
tVteu sit y of 1 At!Itlnon +a, r -"b Ws ac ISm
arri-ved th .il he11,xas !it'rnu('"A-,F t the
in play I0(loducit'llat the I ofIsi ~
KY~a. T 'IL Wet-d and FR. B.t,;lnl-,
1h 11 p(T' O l P I itO 1 -12:- a ..a i -

P 1 41 A, -N W II I


Thi'e:- wiil e a very intep.rtant
metiii o all students who are
i°l ;=arIng to hand1 in Books for
tie Af 1t2 Mcigan Union opera
t nr;:ro tv afternoon a , 4 o'clock
Iii ~iiu:.thar.It t8ismi-
perativ-e that all t:r itcrs be there,.


... _ .

TOOK BANKER'S M11ONEY? last Vi~iiday t1 o ClhEosaton dulring
t , ii s i eId otiman )paid the
Topea, an.,Jan ]2.(ByA. governor's soil $ 1,2501 upon lthe dcliv-
TpkanJn1 -(yA . cry of a pardon. 11cllm 1ilhad t, en at
IGov. Jonathan M. Davis, of Kalsas, - liben-ty on pazrole tw~o y ars a;ndl wouldt
Ipersonally ap~peared in court hi-re this: have regainedl fll cit iLt hpau~a
Imorning to answer to warrants sworn 'tically on April 1. le \vascon~ivictedi
out lby County Attorney 'fink.hslua!nof forgery and paroled by Guy. : fenry
1Veale, charging himt and his :ion, Rwus- , A ien,
sell, with accepting a bribe of $1,250
in payment for a pardon. ~
The bond of each defendan .'. it fC.
'at $1,00and ahcr, -- -. '-'
f G o o i r yp
f Lar.s What everyL-ody pr y:, albut our
ixtrliec'ue meat san2dwxUies. Ifyo
h.-. t n't tried one yet--do it n~ow!
440 South State itreLt. 'loiNI4S.


t.he NA Init Adls'

dledicatio~n iito('5woe
for. thelie ew men's
Indliana university.

a,..i, ,.,, .,,..rt,.

hold r111 (W y a i i :l it e IIt-' 0 >yisiI it ' A , :


New Yorkl, .Jan. 12.--Columnbia ulti--
\'eri'aitY t udllnt.a,1-eadl t Xwivee",as llu y
cilen p Let 1(11l I,.to/suesasaly (It her4
kind ofpmulica~tionf, ac:cording to al
recent asurveyv tonducted hero.


with the unrestrained soldiery.
Several rands or soldiers which pen-
etrated within the boundaries of the
French settlement, which was nearest:
the scene of the looting, were disarm-
ecd without difficulty and many of tlhena
already put under arrest.
All the Chinese districts immediate-
ly surroundhing the foreign quarter
were at the mercy of the soldiers of
both the attacking and defending
forces, but authorities of the foveign
quarter today exnressed their confi-
dence that their defense units would
le able to handle any emergency and
that; no fear need be felt for the safety
of any foreigners in Shanghai.


ilnI iiIoiji ts i .
'_- Credo

Yesterday's attack was aimed par-
ticularhly to parevent the return to pow-
o: r of Tu Yunk-Hsiang, former tucehun
5 - of Chekiang province, who was ro-
ported proceeding from Nan king towv-
ardl Shanghai with Fenigtien Manelmur-
imn troops.
The soldiers of Clhi and Sun Chuanl-
Fang made a surprise attack yvester--
(lay morning. By night; they \ere in
ecomplet~e control of thme regien 7stir-
rocundcing the foreign sett lenient s.
Fighting in the I ongwha (1istrict. hod
fm sbsided, leaving Suln in nndliqput ed
possession of Lungwha and the ar-(en1
SAl there. Chang Yang-Min, the defense
commissioner ampointedl by Pekin, has
,t akeni refuge with his subordlinat~e com-
m anders in the foreign settlements.
Cha11ng's troops mad1e alln nnuccesst'ul
Local Pastor
-Attacks Women
Smioking Rules
: ((Cont innled iromnIPage One.)
Interes't in llt i,(,0'i o ll of UIamok-
in g aalniig tni ver-sit y woili 1105 usbeen
.:ru iOise(' t-1il'in1I lie De e toil.Iun ivelsifly'
111nliui Citiro'ie;. i ss NinaIDot y, nesi-
denit o(th4le I Tai veisit y Womeon's,'Ahl a-
1 ti aasotiat IOll in I et roil , tiec-IredI
1I a:,(lf .as a.t,; n;l oJposi'd to mxomn en
S "Oneioh' the first, moves iliril should
f he made i~'towar'd 1 a',utioln of thle
k hooblin' she said'. "is to ,stop' en-
Sversit y nutlorities have offered. Snilok-
ing:;4tcldto4C)lower thle social :st~oll ing
oh an1y woman, amind olke heri appear
' 011101011' oft cn in the eyes of her coinl-
pan ~iiln . 1t is aL destroyer of soacr-eI
I ('oh ii in Stl~ndish , vice-president
(}Ithe tUniiversity o(ftlviichiigan c(lubl
h J Iet roit , ttokl a more liberaPil atranmd,
{p!m'esi11g a belief thuat. "rilea in lakle
Ih 0 M;iinoiet i'or c(olubAting the
"'t'iey Illily lpa'sirles by 4th-inthouls--
and,'"emt in nell Mr. Standishl, I"belt
tI (y willI inovel.bo able to s;top a wo-
1 l~llfoze. r5iin g. if she wants;to.'"
7= Dufkendack Wil
e Lect-ure Oin At om1s
Prof. 0. S. Duffenulack of the PhlI -
aics department: will speak before 1152
I 'hysica coll iq alum at 4:15 o' oltoon.
-~this aftetrnoon in room 1941 of the New
P hysics huillding. The subjec't for (hs-
cussion01 will be "Tonlae 1ople I""("5 ()It
ElxcitedI Antoms."
ALL Fll.A~Ulr~FF1 EuS
C Group p icturies for thle Mi clii-

is a; iig t odity tand J4'pated wihell.
(""' ii'u iiy' pe('iilitt (i Ue'"tion ug'l;
itself, T1he IDaily 'ill attiemptd to
19isc}STthz Ci iilIS att-il le y j)Eb-
I ial.- itin'Ihe coiimmei s of five College
i'4'll'seillaA iies lpick~ied atraidoii).
T1od. 4's Q t itku-n: Io you tilpl)1oVe
of the ni-E ellim: systeml of frateirnity
i-tush lug21at ?vt ihitn
11,11ere :died: iFrateirnity holeses
pickedl a t i-Uiln~i.
! n'- ux-irs T. Blackburn Whyol -
ley ,'25.-" t aml i Ol-litiglily con viinced
ti 10 . t~~t,iitl -(Sea'«:e ('n i'iaing, or sour.:
f{;i'il.l ai, ig 11'fSlllilE'cn linlc in iil1
to llaaL thir so1l, lol, w.ou.ldt he' 1o(st
belieticistt, nottonly'to the iiewvmen,
mt; to to 4he t'rater'nit its as well.''
Robert. V. V. liico, '2511,--"Thle cx-
pelliency of,41(thet'rietrushintg sys-
I iu 11i~Otcis' 1(1 ii )4 (cl. it. seems to lm.
L y wdiieng to thin eist ing system,, oh
r,'fli theIInest 1that. accompanies rush-
in-- is d i;t,-l led -"i;1 the first: . I otor'
thrn-e w-i ofth le c llvglt olxarand
Irautoi-ini t:;rt~lt ion a t ktendto their°
E gin taiit'11!)ersiiy al-I ivit ins, whereas,
it }'11513121 Avert, tot) take place toter',
Ih:- ilicer tktilitv Cofithis ftatroe Cvent.
woul Oiip1' ?venit: tt 11 ugdown) to) the
Yeatrs wort, "
Iv..1tic 4-h ring, '25,--, "iPhe 0 l)C5sen
Iyicm is' un1fair4to ]hot.]) rush nes and
fuera itins especially 4tle ruishiees,
l-t'C';llsethey hh 'e nit)oppor'tu nity to
IittO>.w(1re ('hi inin ted wit] fra [cmi ties
1a1 a i', holc. The evils of 4lisa system
nuig] U ]w alleviat ed by (delaying pledlg-
ix oriN it eightI week. In t his timle lie
fr'at erinit ies;-oul d assiuren Ili emsel yes
ht li te ruie was tof such a -har-
,I :tteru astot:iti thle house and bring
at "outlet or liii canal co-operation.''

('dumnbu, (;ii Oio, .fan. 12. -'Twventy-
(-;t-ve~i s~lt dti a t (Ohilo State lli 'ei i
ally arme sai~d Int le :-ai fei-i utgrot a
('pieenili( oIt'liver(-i d(ishS' which i,
i pr;om! t I 'j (-tisc by eatilug tailnted
C'anfl-idce, Ikas, .Jail. 1.IIt
!arc till' c ahl letter';-,of Iteic'nw relax'
.:.,.tion me tliitV insallcel at: ilar-am-d
univfml itsv.'Thie ~atfi i as um al-eadIN
beet n lwa. (Ion the t 1~' Aic:coast.
Chitago., . Jan 12.- Rles ,for
r'ushin g have0 been publishbed by thle
tnt raft-nt et-nity counc il amlI:(lie Un ivem'-
shfy 01' Chicago ii ordercm'toirelit ee1111'
sitiatloili tatexists tllcie.
Cli ea go, Ill., Jan. 12.-Prof. AlbertI
A. Mbicheclson of the lhylis d (epar't -
mient of thle University of Chicago i--
cent ly gave a lec-turn exposing many
svee(ts wh Iich lie ha:sdi scoverecd aboutii
1';-ltwae at.(h-tllestm'a hall in ('h1ie--
' go._
11. W. :\ ct olib, '2.;,--''Til' pi's.t'5I
system'ii -w ('iisa tC) 1betile logical one .
not. so mfuch eil l~e'ase it has any spe-
have mor1e1 glaring defects. With helie
poCwerl' iow cexer'cised iby time Int ei'ra -;
ernity counc:il, no0 plan of' (telerredl
rushing 0could1ibe Ceitforcedtl.''
'Phounas Pislk-, '25,-"PII er cenll ", I
am it-hlined to 'elieve that rushIingJ
lefete-d iut il the secon1d semesi er
wouild be the i dea] niet hod, but I do
nrt think that such a inn lhcal step -it.
(lie p~resent time wxouldl be Worthwhile'
or sa'lisf'actol'y. It seenms to mie thatl 1
a plan wher'eby rushiiig would not lie--
gin until the Satur'day of the fiirst.
weetk of Schol 1 (not04 registration
week) with a- (er--nite pledige date 1)0-
for'e wxhihl no pledging can take place, j
set for thim-e weeks later-such a sys-{
emit as this I think would oveircome
the( wea kness of the priesent system."-
Read the Want Adsj

Jl ; k!rlfAc~ rd
1i) ' Cunard College rlpecials inaug-
turate U n 1924 were so successful thait
the_ ,:r c offer,2d again to students and
E IJROPE t eaclv'; s om- nest sum~mer. Several Cun-
ni d ,3iprs are scheduled for the use of
And Return m ncn and women students and graduates.
Privrate staterooms for two, three and
>t four rpersons; cornmodious lounge; smok-
ir mooin; library; large, airy dining-
.4 uo ii, with excellent menus; promenade
-07 -- .i, xv'tII steamer chairs; swimming
~ow zoccrts; dances; deck games.

Felix Decides. to
Gotol uropeI
Watch for the
New (Turnao~

Pl'an Ayow -
to;ii :'(t i t rip n rexct i n: °r. (it up your party.
01.:= et - i, 7 V:. r I0C iiL r:1 uope and return -
:1 d-itll "tf'u5Ct-z tKi.For "226 there is a
tf~%XL; ~ including voyage over
srcd bak,y ivtt , : riirr.and ight ;c#seeing in Europe.
IvI(A- ; extensoive t:>-a='s u o l' ini weks and longer at
cotrcocadiigl Xw -t.
See l c l coY3: " n re-ertative now
t t. ' E lx forth lfV(,;d, A111)Arbor, ilieli

25 Broadway, New York City 4)a Local Agents
il ir; M 0 aEEE .

: :


.., . .s .- i
n.+. i







C"..'eat Stag Ol st



'liv ' 'lia'ee Aea-a
Taylr, Prsons


ie lintely. Febmary lirst is thin
bi'al (ate for' haViig 1them i in.
IU anka for' chapter innbat-siii

i -ollare e h(iaig sentl ouit 011(1
51101111h] e i'(t1 ii sonmi'iafi)i item'
the bogling C oft;I11enemlxt :dellle --

M'ud Splaished Laug~hs --,
Sennett SEN sMUD" -,0

k }Mack Sen nett pr'esents
1Ha r'ry La neonin 4





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