PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY . BODY WILL TRY TO ,CURB OILWASTAGE Secary Work ;ends L~etter to ritily-Three Leaders of Industry SEEK DEFTINITE POLICY Faces Execution Collegiates Do Not Set Pace In Styles, Clothiers Assert Defeated Differing rpinions street clothiers, Ann dict ators~, greetedl the Chicago Clothing Men ficial who saidl that til lege man set the styl] froma I h Sf u', el All agreedl that contrary to the gen- Arbor's ifashiion 1 coral opinion t hat prevails outside of statemnent of th1 e alls covnto eOI3eflcollegfe wh~ich ictures all 5 stuientsa, li American ('01- 'dr'essing in an out1lanidish mlanner, the !es for the youngir aver'age college student was better andl more 'onservatively dressed than most One clothier expressed the op~in ion i'' that college styles rarely ever beeanwiA Washingtoni, Jan 12.-(By A. P.)- general among the working^ls n o Prsdn.oldes e osra ' sub stantiated his statement by (le(lar- any tion hoard} yesterdlay launched a co-'" ing that clothing jobbers had two lines strai operative inquiry intended to curb or styles, one of then, containing el _ i inl vc wastage when its chairman, Secretary amnples of the "slick" clothing popil- or nr Hubert Work, addressed letters to 33S lai' with the younger members of the to ps leadrs f te ol idusry sitng 4iei ~working class, and the other the more7 Al for "frank statements of facts and' conservative style worn by college (fro,, opinions" for use in evolving a definite men. Ion governmental policy to conserve Another merchant des~arcd that t~ie hav{ estepanisese oen feeonly force stronger than the college in 'iron Thestp s dsine t opn feesetting fashions was the theater, trod exchange of views from practical oil men from which the board expects authoritative data on the present ex- IIT ..U 1 1 , tent and expense of petroleum produc-,.j tion, and recommendations as to what ~, methods might be employed to cope -- -chu ch Worl with the problems of overproduction - anld waste. Stefan Riadich, leader of the Croatian During the national conference of* Iiio "It Is the purpose of this board," IPeasants Marty, faces a charge of high church workers in, university cote-IW saiid the letter, "to conduct this in- treason and subsequent execution as a mnunities held at the Chicago Beach !ion! quiry so far as possible as a co-opera- result of his radical activities in Jugo- hotel in Chicago, Jan.7-9, at which ; sur~ tive study, to which representative oil Slavia. lHe is imprisoned at Belgradle. eight Ann Arbor church wokers were B:1' men must be, the largest contributors. _______ __- 1eet vr nvriyadcleejo 'h opportunity is here for the men tw rbe a i(usd o~t Pp who know the facts to come forward r'ffIltw rbe a lsusd onpp and suggest safe lines of remdia e [[ LbEIE 'ha '27, presented a paper on polro action. w lVIJ[ [1[ B wV Whtthe St udent. Th'}inks of th i '..o gnrl guidance in form a ll Church Worker." lHe reported t},e oP 'Iono suggestions we would be 5 glad to have your views on subjects ;! fl"1111.1 O II wic were distributed among; stud - !ier.,, as given below. i. eaUU ctsi Ann Arbor by Chdi(es, canil]PSw asv 1t "J. G 2nerally, in 'what directio'ns opinion monthly. ) do you ecnsider that waste i2n pro- Tan Beta PVi To C'onfer Memb~ership Other men from this city were Tin] sib-i~ (uction could be reduced and stabi-11 In liiiatfran January C. ('offmran and liomer Grafton of liii' :l ilzation effected? Twentieth f StuOgent Chiristian associatio~n, Rev. that "2. What is your estimate of over- Herbert Jumip of the Congre:gay onul b Iet v productioni, if any, at this time? i HOLDS DOCTOR 'SDEGREE church, Rev. A. W. Stalker and1 Dorna d ' t "3. With the. present-day develop- I Timerman ox tlre Methtoit chur rreht of technique for finding oil and i Lewis Fteiniann, '16( of the lPresh>1(!'- .that for producing oil, at a, rate never be- Mr. Alex Dow, president of the De- ian church, Iltowardl R. ('hapinam, ari:1 "LA it fore attaied, htow can brakes be put troit Edison company, will be initiate'di John Eliiott, '26;, who represents-f'! tir o tfhee on the 'bringing-in' of new pools and to honorary rues bershilp in the Ijii-j You'-' .l' eople;' society oft P;'~ebw U unneeded poductioi~?versity chapter of Tlau Beta P1, na- teIa hin- iy "4. Hw iminen do ou rgardticonal honorary engineering society , I~iiiIi4X) any serious difficulty in inepting thin on Jan. 20 in the Engineering library. co s 1 (rnet',s aid., "Th e (conk.el 'iv aca country's oil requiremients? After the initiation a dinner will be ! nha"iZe }Aci(;ntific apirp'oachiito .r the "6. Under present conditions, is oil !held in the Michigan Union. A large being produced and used as fuel that i nmbr#f aclt.s ela bthDo could be and should be replaced by i ume o acut s ela bt e I C 1 f nd thle fashions popular here arel ,e standard and unshifting than others, they maintained. Loose, ! ighit cut; English clothes have been gee in Anni Arbor for fifteen years! noi'e and', presient indications seemi oi to Itheir (continueld popularity.y 11 of the :resent styles have conic i England by way of Yale, Prince- and1 other big; eastern schools and -e gained acceptance here anywhere i] a month to a year after h~eir in- nect ion in America. 'A ttend lers Conference Pictures Of Mesopotamian ExpeditionNow On.Dispa PkiU stken by CGeorge .Swi.ancE i