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January 13, 1925 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXV. No. 81



T'1'±SDAY, JANUARY 13~, 1925



M. -. ..__._ ..._ .____


Cain 'Ilake R~eserv ations For Breakfast
'Whlen Getting ~'V ekt S ' r1I(rowv
andi 'I'iirsdaty1

Wilfred, Clavilux .Inventor, Describesr
Organ's Use of Fourth 'Dimension;
Appears In Hill Auditorium Tonight!
'"Try to visutalize a( cube on t hat has>bleen kvorkced oil l)efore , and arter
table. Now imagine t hat y ou can see investigating the mistakes (A' those5j
it fromi every angle at on1cC from the :who pre5ce ded 11h iitie work, he has!
I I been able1 to dcve~op the instrumentI
top), boo, and1( all tour sides at one It tt lna elcin hr
glance. If you Can visualize that, yoU I axe still great things to be accolml-
have some idlea of thc fourth dinien.. idished with the Clavil mx, Mr. Wil1-
sion as it is used in the color organ.'' fred says, such as comnplete orchestras
Thomas Wilfred, the inventor of the1 working in moblile color instead of
Clavilux or colon organ with which h sounid. T he color org an forms a newj
will give Ann Arbor its first glimpse and distinct art, as indepeniden~t in
of a new art at 8 o'clock tonight*i t O) smsc0'lanig
11111 auditorium, has so presented the Color to iMr. Wilfred ;Iffords the
almost incomprehensible production; greatest pleasure.


of his instrument,.lie would call is, "After working on the instruimnt
fourth dimension a "time" dim'ension, for so long a time," he say, "I am
were there, he adds, a more thorough- alIe to dlerive much visual pWeasi' *,
ly accurate wvord for time. from everything I see. Thiere rare
I+'vom the spring of 1905 until its blends of color, colors which have'
premier four seasons ago Mr. Wilfred various effects un)on my mood, every-
has been at work upon his instrument, thing- has its own particular dinOg.''
The idea, he is careful to mnake clear,1 (Continued on Page Two)

DISCO ERER V'J1LI thur G. Hall who died Saturday
[J ;Iih feralnein lns 1 n U 5 rS ES[ n H 2whichl confined himi to his bed
IH aftUU iI U ii ernoon at his home oil Oal -
land avenue. It will be private.
TOR)IONTO SC'I ENTIST TO A PPEAR. and friends are requestedl to
AT s O'4'IA)('J IN UNI VERl- omit, flowers.
II'rlY II.1LL Services wiil be ini charge of.
Rev. H1enry Tatlock, former ree-f
SECOND) ON COURSE f tor of St. Andrew's Episcopal
- church, and Reov. Henry E. Lew-
itepresent. rector of that.
Wsigii lgl dFor 31eMeia hI'rts ; j Ichurch. Registrar hall wasj
W~on Nob~el P'rize Forr MedlIcIne former vestryman of St.An
Ali 2crews church.f
- -i The p~allbearers will he lDeanIz
1)i. 1+rEsdc;°icR CG. llaiitiiig of thet-IlI Edward H. Kraus, of the pharm-
versify of Toronto, the (discoverer of( acy college, Prof. H arry C. Car-
insulin, will lecture on "M~edicaliRe- ;- ver, of the mathematics depart-I
search'' at 8 o'clock tonight at U1ni- ment, J. C. Relkhoff, Prof. Louis
''<rsity hail. :i~e ap~pears here as the P. Hall, of the dental college,j
second lecturer onl the course of Alpha 1 '. P. Jocelyn, andl Prof. J. B. Ed-
Omega. Alpha, national honorary ! monson, of the education school.
medical fraternity, which is bringing
famnous (doctors fromn various center,,____________________________
of medicine to Ann Arbor
The (discovery of iwliulllinlby lDr.
Ranting, won for him the Nobel prize 19 9T R S g s
for medical research in I.923. While
ried out oxp~erimental work onl (oge' ill
a u attem pt to dliscov er the active p rin- O i l f t e I l n s o .a g ih s , o
the pi ncreas.
In his work he ligated the pan- L :' " Fi12at1 tF1S s '111s 6,11.111
creatic ducet and produced atrophy of j eo lam e-h i
all of the Ilancr'eaitic tissues excepti Aim'(-'1'31it
thme islanuds. The pancreas was t henC
mnade. 'This extract cont,,ined insulin,j DEFENDS MARTIN
removed and an alohaolic extracl._______
andl with it I lant lg-Nwas able to ton''Major lFredlerick Martin wa the
tr'ot artifh'it i y-p[rcduoceld diabetes inj
~logs.ly'stavailable field officer in the Army
As a res ult, of this famnous £I i.covery ailr service and was eminently fitted to
I km lt ing v,a at. onlce pr1ocl aimnedlthle lead the word flight'' said Lieut. liar-
ouitst anldi g 11i(:a 1 lscientist of the old R. lIarris chidf of flying section
d"-y. l1e is 5 till worlizg 0on imethiods
for p lou('i u IP;(is' I I1Uinulnat less Mvc( ook field(, Ohio, speaking last
c~ost at t ie pharnvicaology dIel);itnment 1 iight in N4_tura Science audlltorluln
ofI the University of, Toronto. E Umider the anusicces of the Acmo club.


Starting this morning and continuing through tomorrow and Thursday,
more than 500 mien wil' take part in a drive for funds with which to finish
the Union swimming pool. Te'cn representatives from practically every
fraternity on the campus wihll take part in the (drive and every male stu-
dent on the campus will be asked to purchase a book of switmming tickets.
If the pool is to be completed it is necessary that a little more thain
$5,000 be raised within the next three days. The total amount needed for

the pool is5 $1 6,000 but the Alumni a

association of the University has guar-
anteed to contribute double the


Fraternities, ci uib and in dependents
planning to lave booths at tile J-H-op

aautarrange for them on Wednesday. 1
Janary21, which has been set aside AIinisters E~xpressOpno s
as "B3ooth day" by the Hop comut- Op ni ns
tee. Members of the both comi-Robins I t oS 'kn L w
t e w l a e re e v t o s W t iis(aefro mi 2 to 5 o'clock, at the Union. An
authorizedl representative of each
group must be prepared to pay thle Relative to the nunh-disputed ques- culturec, amd Iealt Ii r'athr tha of';
$40 equredin lum su, an totion of the iUiversity woman's right muorals."
sign the, set o1' regulations governing t o ieAnAro mnstr10)( Rev It. K'J.Syles, astor of tho First
booths.I various opinions. Rev. S. S. Roins Baptist chiurch, considring the suib-
Whe'n all the applications have been j of the Unitarian church, took a fir ject firom tie practial point of view i
received, they w~ill be lplaced ill a. hatI stand against repressive measures in Ilrather than tho oral or ethical, ;
and drawn by mnemnbers of theo coal- the issue. stated that "tIhe woman who sokes
wittee, and each group assignedo to a; "Womiani,' declar'edlDr Robins, '"hasI loses the 1 'esect of the best a a."
certain booth. Groups will be notified th same inalienable right, as manl in irmu opposition to any oklii by
of this number as soon thereafter as deciding the question of whether or I women andl to anly leniency with wo-
pile. not she shall smoke. I do not think ' mon smokers was expressed by Rv.?t
:Independents will meet next Friday! that it is inl any way a question for I . A. Braunr, of St. aum's Lutheran
afternoon at the Union, in ordler to) or- repressive measures, foir repressiv'e church, who does not aliprove at all of
ganize into groups to) occupy booths,} measures ini such anl issue can not ;the practiece amon1g the 0posie so-1,
and toi elect representatives to make ( ring deirable results and are even either as a habit. or as iin irreglar:a
the necessary arranigements. No mlore apt to defeat their owl] aims. Smok- 1odiversion.
than fourteen couples ando no less thanl n ingo by womnel is a matter of taste, i (Continued on) Page Three ) ;I
ten will b1e allowed 1)er booth.
At the time tickets are given to)
tumor hIolding accepted a pplication , aODITIM
tomorrow and Thursday afternoons at i01 S , A E I A ~ ja ut e
the Union reservxations nmay he made, M N Ur e .n e
for tables at the roakfast to) be given I +11 -E
l1y tle J-'J op commnittee, iin con l1C- SII 'Coug
tion with tile Union, from 2to 3 :30 d
and novel forms of entertainment are (Seilt I'eDiy
lieitg lplanned for this feature of the' lmr luammtge (lainis Wl e .~ Sica oTeDiy
Ter ;S. 'Washington, ). C, .lab. 12. Yive
week-end.,u i$ ,~1.$)B eii ~~l.ilutnembOSo el:ci l
A statement lby the 1101)committee, of Arrmmgnent ptimijnentesie of' i lhiga uited to
mnade p~ublic last night declares that d cay in a t elegrami to CaiaIrman F 1 or-
eac grupl~oS~sii~ bothl~tstOTHER NATIIONS AGR EE ah, of the S nat eriois eglyamel~ns
have a chaperone, whose ticket is in-!--conlihlittOO, urgingtat the commit-
eluded in the $40 paid for the booth.
The statemlent also announces that :1 Pars, Jan. 12.-(13y A. IP.)-The itee's dicussiol of the World court'a
"any organization having a house par- British and Anerican delegations at on Wednesday result in report ing Mm-,
ty and wishing chaperones othler than the conference of the Allied finance eicnIrtinaon11il'Cirt0.
ths esn eurd utrc ive to) ha rding- ii u'hes terms to t1hoi-;
thoe prsos rquio~, lllit rceie inisters have reached a final anr ate fo)r' a vote before 'Mach 4.
permission from the J-Hop committee I eint accordl relative to) the ray- Sinsoftetlgrm ilde
before their request will be granted 1 Sfnr oftl eega
by the Dean's office." ivent to tile United States of the cost I enry 1A. 1Rite, dean of the Lt w,
Regulations governinlg the 1101) nandr of tihe army of occupationl and warI school; Fdwin 1).IDickinson, !protcs-
attendant house parties were adopted ' damage claims. This was cilcially so of iterational law; Jesse1 S.
at the last' meting of tie committee. I anuce oiil.Ieeves, he tild o the poli tical sc i eice,
Theseurulsdfornthgwhi i department ; h('lne11.V an Tyne, head
yay lihty ro tse lf, wihIThe agreemenlt is subject to itifi- of the history dealatinent, and Ed::-
var~lruesghty fomthosie laty,
follow: cation by the conference, but in as -mund E. Day, dean of te School o
1. Dancing must cease at 3 o'clock, munch as France, Italy and B'elgium lutsiiiss Adnh lliti'ton.
and lights must b)e out in thae gymn- enteredl the negotiations already The messagre emnphaticl l (ldl
nasiumn at 3:30. )egdt ullr teAuiiai EIthe participa1)tionIIo01te I1. ited stats
,2. There shall be no spectators.;I I the ou(~irt aidl decla red t hat to)
the onlhy persons admitted to the hall p loint, anld the divergencies existed I postpoo ()action li l r the nex t Conf-
shall be those bearing tickets issuedol only between the British and Amer- I grss defers for at least a year Aml-
by tihe Hop conlllihittee. ica 1, mratiicationi is regarded( as a erican 111011 erslm p ii thif) only exis-
3. No corsages shlall be permlitted forgone conclusion. lg orgatizat ion for app)lying iter-
to be worn at the Hop. The United States under the termsnisational law to thre sett lenen t of in -{
. There shlall be no decoration of of the agreement, will receive about 1oernatiomaI lIites and1 deals a heavy
~ndividlual, booths, except by the 1101) $25,000,000) yearly and1( tie tota of her 1b1ow to the cause of world -peace.
ornmnittee. (Each group shall, how- cainms, amiloutinlg appr'oximlately
ever, furnish its own booth.) claims amlounting applroximlately to;
5. Taxicab rates shall b)e arranged- the Uniteol States will occup)y a periodol W m n sL a u
b~y the Hop committee, and over- of 25 yearsns Le gu
charges reported to)tile samle. Tile suni remlaininggcdue for tie coal. en7D iv')or
6. Control of tile lighting shall 1)e of tie American occupation is fixed at0X CfS lJ iv J 'o
indth hands of the Hop committee between $250,000,000 andl $260,000,000,'i il n b r
adnot delegated to the orchestra while the amlount of war danageL ife m ev
leaders. claimls the conference has agieed will.- I-
7. The floor committee shall be re- be based on tile findings of tie mixed The camipaignl for life mlembeship j
sponsible for the conduct of tileclan-1 claims commission. This has been fx- ' in the Women's Lague will open1 to-
cers and subject to tile orders of any! ed tentatively at $350,000,000. day with a thorough canvas of all so - '
Chaperone._____________. onlty houses and. dormitories. 1Booth;
8. The Hop committee shall ireIre- ' are stationeol ii n i versity hal anid in
sponsible for tile proper conduct Prof. Carl V. 'Weler, of the path-? the Library for time co veil ee of',
while in the gymnasium of all thosei ological department fl tile Medical lin tl~ganized orseone, and will oenI
attending the Hop. Offenders sihall school, lectured last night at tile Mich-I from 8 to 12 o'clock and 1 to 4 o'-
be ejected from the hall and their igan Agricultural college at Lansing co)ck every (ay and cnining
names rep~orted to the Student council on "Prevention of.Nenereal Diseases" I throuigh FIriay.
advisory commnittee withini twenty-four - -- Membersiip is $50) o' all womin.Im
hours. school payabe ifi instllmiets of $10)
9. Smoking inm the gymnasium, ex-I or more. The comim1ittee(1 urges tht.
cept in such places as may be permit- 'iewmnsbciel(Wi re o
ted b~y special ruling of the proper jgie omen, sbscienowinto)r10 ralmna
University authorities, amnd the useH;ey, Look cip gmfr[id o h nvr
p5CSOlorshll be go'tieedfiect-ofFR EE sity of Michigan Lague hbuildig
intoicans, hall1)0consderol Iib'Constance Clark, '26 general chair-
proper conduct. oIlaksl man statedl that 9) per cent of the
10. Violations of the regulations Not
governing thle Hop, traceable to any (Iquota is already in view.'
group), but not to individuals, shall i We are going to) give away
r n e th en i e g o p l a l to p n tw pa s s t th "M j " e c C S O O T S T a ty. w eek. Tw o days a w eek -M r. 11 o c u lIsall a e th ul -J soJol s w ll p c t r n
ing after once entering. JI A__- Cwles, willpickat I flflflflflin A T MT 11lII lI I

I --- - ,I amut ise ~ d amongthe stdents
SCHIOOL AS USUAL provided the whole amnont necessary
_ is reached.
D~espite r'umors rife on1 the 'Books of twenty-five u~wini tickets
1campus yesterday afternoon and ! will he6 sold by the imen working on
Ievening thlat classes would beI the camlpaign, the books selling' for
dlismissed tis afternoon because I $5.00 each. Tihe tickets in the book
of the funeral of Registrar Am'- are t~rinsferrable, which mleanls that
Stin'er . Hall, the University sec;- several students may join in liurchats-
Ibons willl convene as usual.,rrle I ing one book anol this provision also
IRegistrar's office will be closed (!eiiables students, who, as in the case
at nloon for the remainder 0)f. !of seniors gradluating in June, wvill be
the day. I unable to use the entire boo(k, to sell
____________________________their tickets at any time., The regular,
price for swimmning wvilil)0 25 cents
but, by secuiring a book.< of tickets,
tety-five swim~s imay be ob~tained at
CHURC~ d' C M BIN the rate of 20 cents each.,
1)0o) drives during the past several
years is b~einlg usedl by the Union to
1 Fhe lDeio umo atioms Organize To s a t d a d t pr en n o ( hen, al
Scewre BudgtletS 'oiligth entire tank. is tiled, the lockers
t,.(}have been installedl, two brass ladders
have b~een placed at the ends of the
tank tand other womrk has been dlone,
IN CHARGE OF S.C.A. It is still necessary to install tme
-l'eatinlg, treating and filtering pllants
Biudgets4 totrlinug $4,.400 local and h before the tank will be readhy for use.
foreign work for tile year 1025 carried if.th amount still lacking is m'aised
withlin tile next thlree days, the coil-
non b~y the stud ant organizations will tractors guarantee to have thme entire
1)e raised in the comblhined chmurch pool ready for swimming lby the first
drive which oh)ll5 today andl will be1 of March.
¢ocue hroa night. Five Ann'-I At a-meeting held yesterda y in the
Arbor ch1urches have decided to carry tsenl alo ieUin l h
1110e1 who will participate in the drive
on teir nnua drve a t~hs tm iet for final instructions anti to ro-
under tile general dlirectionl of tile ceive their (lueota of tic~kets. At the
Student Cis-'tian asisociationi with I meietin~g Coach George Little spoke to
each cich;limaniaging its own olive I the mnen, saying "We) must have a pool
to comnpete withl other schl~s in the
indlependently. B 1ig Ten. However, tile students in
The Presbyterian Congregational, general are the ones who will be
Methlodist, Evangelical, andl Lutheran miost benefited by the p)001 and the
churches are the five churchles joining Varsity swvilmmers will priobmably only
onl the con~tineod drive this week. Thie use t.11 tank for an hour each day."

IDur ingIihis st ay ini Ar.niiA rbor', Dr.
I tamtiig Nwill h)eenotedari ned at time
hom11e of' Dri.lDa vidi 11J. 'owie of thle'
pedriat ics depa cr', lttof01tileicltl
school who will also give a lumnche.on
todlay ill his 1honor1. Alphai 'Omega
Alhba is to enmter'tamin at a dinner
at. th be'nion tonlight. at which D eani'
Hugh (:'abot ofl the mledical 5sc1hool will
fo .1 i y w l o ( -hst h U i e-ity on bhm al f of thie school and thIe ,
Society. Drh. I11 ltin1.g i:7 a mielnliler' 0)
th;e Toronto chapter of the society
Thie leot urme tonig".t is 01pe01 to) only
those who h x'e cour'se tickets, the O
51)i)1y of whlich is exhausted. j

ILicutenant I larm'is' remnarks were inl
mreLu ta t ion of clharges of ill Coil)1)1)0401ce
f'.) lowing Major Mart ins' unfortunate
c, a hdinear Chignik, Alaska, early in
thGe Wor'ld flight, and termlinating his
acet yel-rticipation inl the rounol-the-
Iglobe jour'ney.
'.Ioe xvorldh flight, wihichl Lieutenant
11Iam na Called Hteculmfitijon of
-heavier-than-alr-craft developmlent,
Iwas ouitlinmed bly a compllete ulovinrgj
pictur'e history, following the flyers
through the 30,0)00 mile journiey a~rounld
thme earth. Moving pictures taking on
b loardl the 1. S. S. Richmond showe-,d
tfhe rescue of Lieut Leigh Wade ando
his mlechanlician following a brmewk-
down at sea oft'time coast of (:reeni-
IAccording to annioucinlent madoe
Ilast night, tile students of the aero-



bU UIV IIl ull R I U n I U libil I nautical department will enter' a rae- 31Presbyter'ianis plan to raise $1,600 Albert B. Adamls, '271., i, in chrargez
I ing planme illtime air races of 1926. Tile which is t.,e largest budget being (If the drive assis;ted b y Johin Cow,
rf cr wll b oftheligh la poeredraied.'25. 'Gordon Rtice, '25, Pal ilruske, '2t,
I )ean ,Johmn K. Effinger o:' the liter- type and will beftiesightelowndowbuil rais'Ue. hnrd olr s h akRobert Wilson, '25, Harold lale, '25,
-any college eturnedl yesterdlay fionmtt o themselves bytime CalsSecr'5adIa Fn
the stuenuts of til eL ifii'tnt. lHow- b 1setitIChresSene,'2fndErlFn
Chicago wvi lre lie has been attending 'le; msso w)'k( fleth We sa e'0 2.Oly1, u f 2faen-
z rd Coffin, of the Hudson Motor Cam' h iso oko h elynmrl,'0 ny1 u f5 rtri
aIalie lvit nnufal ~cnenin c Oci~ tI complany, and Ralpih II. Upson, of the Guild of the Methodist church will r'e- ties Oil the campus have failed to send
which helod its meetings in that city j Aircraft D~evelopmenlt corporation, ofi ceive $1,000 of this TIhe reist of the repeentatlitves to take part in the
froni~~~~~~~~~ ThrdyutlDtrhx.1etroit, have offered to assist thie stud-; total raiseol1will be u1sed o oclc:rpin
froru ThursiAy silver loving cullorhascbeencaoffer d
Dean NEffingo'r is the cie irnlan of time emts in raising the money necessary" work.Asivrlincaphsbeofre
comuittee o1n academxic freo'doi a inol for thlie project. Th le Congregat ional Studeut f'ellow- bry the Athlletic association to tile frat-
aca dciii c tcnmmne. ' - -~ --- shim is raisins; $S50 for foreign and ecu rlitv 'a. ising; thes 111w.31 money by sell-
__________ -I V ~"h '' S es oca I work. 1Rev. Nlariomn IHall, Ameoif-' iniOlmebooks amid also a1brcronzetable~t
I Coac Stagg See can Board mmissonai'y to) Japlan, will l e Will bt.i placed ll the p)00)1itself with.
Texan ill~ Studyi! given $3050 for tihe purchase of a 1110- 11he) Iname1 of time five high fraternities
tion ou e picture i~ie for the proeiiia01rilIcdt on it. 'The score of eachr
~ ]Vlcthodof showing [ltmits to thme Japanese, a frat.enflty will be pubished every da y
Coah lozoA.Stag f heUti-work for which lie is famled over, Jap- Il ~Diy.
1 im''st Williami Wink 1cm', lii mi'ai rv'rsity of ('hicago wvas a visitor in Ann ;att. The Lutheorans will raise $250 E
of the Vnlivrsit y 0o' Texas, arrivedo ill Arbor Sunday. 'lhe well known Chic-; which will be used jointly to scmd ' ep- ff lllll-m mn
Amnn Arb~or yesterday to visit the lmil-i ago coach spent time day investigat- ;HP POUTO resentatives (If their student groups .-o r Of'~ iu
v'ersity anld study thme library im ethods ing thne Yost fieldl House for tile pun'- to the Geneva conferenlce in Jumne, for u e e e Iht e a ss a c f ]o e o e u i g i f r ai n w i h wol s r i e w r n I d a n o
Willim W. Bishiop, Universit y librar- may he of tile aid in theol eectionl of! coirmmunity work in Anti Arbor. Tile OP[R ivSEE TR PRMPC
ian, 1he wili inspec1t the stacks, me- .tile athletic plant whlichl is soon to be stdnoc.t ~fteEvighcl
claald oteuimttstff egiltosconstructed at Chicago. church Iplans to iiecur'e$200 for foreign Iive (tIle rtss-rue
and therinatter ofiportance in Coach Stagg was ac;comipanleo l 1 Iamid c- 1 work.. i iwo.tepoet rue
libiary work. lils s0o1 Alonzo A. Jr. Tie1r1)1f01e1aioschrhe9oin the Chinese students on tihe
Thedries f he arius hu c aillurs agaist certainpatofim
are under the auspices of the Stud- Uno- Oea psy ar soflir lleth
ent Chrcistiani association onlly to the geea aaeIfteUina-
Little Disagrees W iith Van Looii i point of using the saume dates for their slcttos ahchrhi h atni e t odlay agsvea r o ctUionwhan
Points To W'ar Records of Football ;hslcttons.cteiachuh rivtepat will be made in thepodcioewe
has ondcte itsannal riveat t i gie hemretho week-end of the
H-eroes As Pi'oof Of H9igh Calibre'sln ;tewiclitsesfo islf il -o. h changes will follow the
purpose of the combiined drive start- Ih~o h beton 'ie gis
s n hsIonmg st)cnetae it by tihe Chinese students, one of
Coacht Geor'ge A. Little fails to tinecau of (Minnesota all serveod with , ilfffrs ftievaiusclucle withdrew from the university
thlat three dlays will cover the soici-
agice v.'ithIithme statemienits pulisihedl distinc~tion in.,tile recent War. Marti-j tatiomns hithlerto taking several weeks. in protest.
inSna ',,; if HnmikFatnan was in six offensive actions and __________
1oo0,11. eit ha' andl listoriami, ill which receivedl several citations, among thlemteCoxd ure o d d rse
the hat ter'bitter'ly ass (sIe large imeCoxd -ere i tiiii nrru
versity stadiums arlot college athlletes "Firont the roster of Miciiiga~in's foot- d VU VL l.LV Ed cational Club
whonm le dubbedl as "r'ather a m~iahbe ball players such wmen as M ajor W il-bu ho ee sy s c n ra e w ie ol l an E m d , L e t. M uy D lzCOIS O Ng ,
hthplslseodmaewieCl-Col. Curtis hReoden, Germany Schulz, I I I U ]fVIIJJI j it C(lifford Woody, director (Ifgrad-.
ham' slaves.''(Coach iattle denied yes- iel(ut. James Craig, andl Lieut. Tad H T C nate work in tile School (If lducatiomm,
terdlay time statemenuts miade by Mr. '-I addresseodtime Men's Eduicanltional cliub
Van Loon anod upheldl the college ath ; ( of the nnationwsricswtlhefre. Eleven nien who imhave comipletedl time °io at its meeting at 7:J15 o'clock latt
jlete. -Ie statedl that "1I nterely meer ; ,doutoeaMr.urVann teoUn'srstat- I igh~ it ile oUnionl on "Somle Oppor-1Wt eadt r a on t
Mr~. Vaim Loonl to thle recordls inthiO..C.wlreevcomsonasiuiisfr the IriedMa nEua
ofl e fWrt tack on great stadiums I would like to 0. .wl eev Olmlsi~Sa tmiisfrteTano ali oua
ofie fthe U. S. W, epartmient to call his attention to the fact thlat itI second-Lieutenants in tlr Officer's; tion." Dr. Woodly considered chliefly
shwtl norcnsso i tc~-Ihas been the aim of the athletic doe- RsreCop'-.S.AmopFb . ositions open ill re~searchi and ad-
ations againlst tile college athle~te. If I lai'tulelts of manly universities in the Most of them will become officers in ; ninsti'ative work thlrough recent de-
lie will per'use the records he wilihe~l- 1pst fwyast)(svll ytmo the Coast Artillery branlch as the first velp nients miidctmllllie~~s
coven thlat college football stars who rtiei optto o i tdit training to be given in the University ________________________
enltered thme army mlade officers of thie (If thleir' respective institution s. In- vsitlsumt.CIuisinwllb I
highlest calibre; they were nlot buck trn~n nl nt,lie iare' ,'rninr to nly,1ai given to the followinlg: M. J. Bamber, 3 TICKET APPLICATIONS

i j
r +
' ,
t 1

[Our"Mewther Man

dom1 a nanme from tne Studients'
Directory, that namve will be0
placed inl the Classified Col-
unmns. If you are tile lucky onie
bring the paper to the Press
Building and Miss Allen will

Univers1 ity 101.-egmi students, undler
the ausplices of the extenlsiiloniepart-1
Iment of the Student Christian associ-
ation, will make up the prlograin (If



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