+,. DEDICATED TO JUSTICE bleen kvorkced oil l)efore , and arter table. Now imagine t hat y ou can see investigating the mistakes (A' those5j it fromi every angle at on1cC from the :who pre5ce ded 11h iitie work, he has! I I been able1 to dcve~op the instrumentI top), boo, and1( all tour sides at one It tt lna elcin hr glance. If you Can visualize that, yoU I axe still great things to be accolml- have some idlea of thc fourth dinien.. idished with the Clavil mx, Mr. Wil1- sion as it is used in the color organ.'' fred says, such as comnplete orchestras Thomas Wilfred, the inventor of the1 working in moblile color instead of Clavilux or colon organ with which h sounid. T he color org an forms a newj will give Ann Arbor its first glimpse and distinct art, as indepeniden~t in of a new art at 8 o'clock tonight*i t O) smsc0'lanig 11111 auditorium, has so presented the Color to iMr. Wilfred ;Iffords the almost incomprehensible production; greatest pleasure. i i i I { of his instrument,.lie would call is, "After working on the instruimnt fourth dimension a "time" dim'ension, for so long a time," he say, "I am were there, he adds, a more thorough- alIe to dlerive much visual pWeasi' *, ly accurate wvord for time. from everything I see. Thiere rare I+'vom the spring of 1905 until its blends of color, colors which have' premier four seasons ago Mr. Wilfred various effects un)on my mood, every- has been at work upon his instrument, thing- has its own particular dinOg.'' The idea, he is careful to mnake clear,1 (Continued on Page Two) BAN TIN G, N S LI NILL HOLD IIALL FUNERAL DISCO ERER V'J1LI thur G. Hall who died Saturday [J ;Iih feralnein lns 1 n U 5 rS ES[ n H 2whichl confined himi to his bed IH aftUU iI U ii ernoon at his home oil Oal - land avenue. It will be private. TOR)IONTO SC'I ENTIST TO A PPEAR. and friends are requestedl to AT s O'4'IA)('J IN UNI VERl- omit, flowers. II'rlY II.1LL Services wiil be ini charge of. Rev. H1enry Tatlock, former ree-f SECOND) ON COURSE f tor of St. Andrew's Episcopal - church, and Reov. Henry E. Lew- itepresent. rector of that. Wsigii lgl dFor 31eMeia hI'rts ; j Ichurch. Registrar hall wasj W~on Nob~el P'rize Forr MedlIcIne former vestryman of St.An Ali 2crews church.f - -i The p~allbearers will he lDeanIz 1)i. 1+rEsdc;°icR CG. llaiitiiig of thet-IlI Edward H. Kraus, of the pharm- versify of Toronto, the (discoverer of( acy college, Prof. H arry C. Car- insulin, will lecture on "M~edicaliRe- ;- ver, of the mathematics depart-I search'' at 8 o'clock tonight at U1ni- ment, J. C. Relkhoff, Prof. Louis ''