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Initerniationial Delegates o Order
F' I:o :Beet at 3ihigan ioIn
r January 14.
SThe 20th annual convention of the
Washtenaw County Branch of the In-,
~ternational Order of King's Daughters
;;and sons will be held at the Michigan
OW Ulnion, Wednesday, January 14. M~rs.
'1Albert R. Crittenden will preside.
~The morning session will open at
9':30 o'clock at which time reports of
: Ube county officers and of the presi-
1 dents of circles will be given. The
,,veport of the nominating committee,
,,,~.the one on hospital work and the
*committee on the work at the 01l1
Ladies H-ome will be given.
All members of the King's Daught-
ers circles of the city and county are-
invited to attend the meeting and the
luncheon to be held at the Michigan
Union at 12:30 o'clock, January 14.
Reservations for the luncheon may hej
made prior to Tuesday noon, Jan 1
by telephoning Ms. J. J. Kelly, 240.
(or Mrs. W. D. McLean, 2563-W.
The feature of the afternoon session
v: hick begins at 1::30 o'clock will be an
adldress by Mrs. George H. Prior of
Je wett City, Conn., international presi-
dent of the International Order of1
King's Daughters and Sons.
The guests of honor in addition to
Mrs. Prior will include the following
state'officers: State president, Mrs. D.
Ii. Hunt of St. Johns; first vice-presi-I
'r iKet, Mrs. William Lahring of Gains;
second vice-president, Mrs. F. R.
Smithi of Somerset; recording secre-{
nary,, Mrs.' J. C. Stewart of Owosso;
porresponding secretary, Mrs C. Sewey
*fil in;treasurer, Mrs. Charles 1lor- .
<toi of Flint, custodianm of hospital .
rupplies, Mrs. Earl Stewart, Ann
SArbor ; memblers of thre state executive
n board, 'Mrs. Arthur Brown of Ann
Arbor, Mrs. Charles Bishop o Flint
"iMrs. Hlarvey Holmes of Ypsilanti and
i~ Mrs. C. Guy Van Doren of Detroit.
.msThe following county presidents who
are members of the state executive
Lboard also will be guests of the coil
Svention and of the county ward: pcs[
4dent of Macomb county, Mrs. Thomas
-'Forman of Mt. Clemens, Mrs. N. C.
, Webster, Genisee County, Mrs. . T.
°Miller, Shiawasee county, Mrs. J. W.
~.Stron~g, Wayne county and Mrs. A.
1t. Crittenden, Washtenaw county.
The officers of the state boardl andl
Sthe national officers will be guests
of the, county officers and will reach
SAnn Arbor, Jan. 13. A dinner will
Sbe given in their honor the evening of
the same day.
Mrs. Hugh E. Keeler is social chair-
'man for the convention, Mrs. J. I,.
~Emswiler is chairman of the program
committee and Mrs. William Blair is
chairman of the auditing committe.
Chief Of Women's''DACNCLS Plan "Kid's Party"
Police Addre.sses IU For Honor House
Lo al Soiey1 FO 1xNA SEP lemlber s of the Honor Council willG
MissEleaor :lutzl, cief f 1give a party from 4 to 6 o'clock to-1
Mis Elano lltze, ciefo~ he Original (lancing will be required inorrow in Sarah Caswell Angell hall,
woa' plc eprmnto e rin connection with the examination 'for m-embers of the Honor houses.:
addressed the inembeis of the Wo- which will begie inalfsh nTeprywlltk tefom fa
man's club Tuesday afternoon at Lane'-vnialfrsmnTeptywltkeheomofa1
hall Th meeingwasin carg ofand sophomore clogging classes this "kid's party." The committees are
hall Th meeingwasin carg os semester, accordling to Miss Ethel Mc- as follows: general chairman, Eliza-1
Mrs. Maria Peel, of the corrections Cormick, director of the physical ed- Ibetei Botsford, '25. entertainment, Ruth;
a)n(I charaties (lepartmaent. A resoln- ucation dlepartment for women. M~oore, '28. refreshment, Margaret,
tion against smoking by women of The examination will consist of :lBrandt, '26, p~ulicity, Alice AMuier, '25,
Waheaw cuty secaldte(ances taught during the semesterj and haouse. MArtgaret Hardy, '28. 1
younger women, was adopted by the original clogging, n otr x
membems. ' eeofted am inatio. The original dancing may,~
br~ abr Dwy ft e d be(one in groups of two, three or.
department:, will he in charge of the fu.Ms m oms h sti
meeeting Tuesday, Jan. 13, at w~hich Iycar (directing the Junior Girls' play,
limea tw-act ply, " Dayandwill be present at the examinations
i Niglim ," will be ipresentedl. and pass comment upon the work be-
ing (lone.
Nurses Hold Cap___ _
Night Services~
Play Rehearsals
To Begin Monday
Junior w omen who have been called'
back for second tryouts for the Junior!
Girl's play, are urged to report be-i
tw een 4 and 5:30 o'clock, todlay or
tomorrow, since the Saturday morn2
ing session will be dlevotedl chiefly.
to the reconsideration of those parts
for which there is the keenest compe-
Actuall rehiears :s for the play will
begin Mlonday.;
SGreen Tree
Luncheon, 12-1:30
"eroon Tea, 3-:30-5:00
Dinner, 5 :30-7:09
, Parties by Arrang"ement
:and Salted Nut, for Sale
-ders Taken for Cakes
I T'S none too early to select
the gown you'll want for
wear to the J-iHop. Here are
stunning creations of all the
loveliest weaves. Every pastel
shade. Distinctive. Smart. I..
$25 to $85.
,. ,
Fres~hman nurses uinoflicially re-I
ceivedl t hei: caps and became Sopho-
more nurses at a Ca p Night servicel
held at 8 o'clock last night at theI
Nurses' dormitory. Miss Alice Lake,,
Regular interclass hashethbill wa~c--
director of Nursing in the University tices will be held this week as fo!-1
hospital, gave a speech of -welcomes lows: Today, freshmen at 4 o'--
followedl by short talks from Miss, clock, seniors at 4:40, Juniors at 5 :20;
!Susie Watson, educational director in l Friday, sophomores at 3:20, freshmenI
the dlepartment of Nursing, and Miss I at 3 :50.
Pansy Shambaugh, '25, president of k
the senior class. Thlis service is al There will he an important meet -
traditional one. Plans are being muade ing of all women tryouts for the'
to welcome those who (desire it into; M1ichiganensianl at 3:30 o'clock rrhllrs
membhership) in the nurses' Y. VV. C. '(l ay in the Press building on May-
A. at a Candlelight service to be held nard street. Particularly those wo-'
the last of the week. - men who signed uip earlier in the yearm
- - are urgedl to attendl.
The Faculty Women's clubi will give;
a dance from 8 to 11:30 o'clock to Senior society will hold a special
night in the gymnasitum of the IUni- meeting to discuss plans for the fancy
varsit y high school for members of cre~ss ball at 7 :30 o'clock tonight in
the diuly)and t hei - escorts. No admifis- Betsy B3arbomur playroom.
s'in f'eo will lbo ni'le. CGine 1lliick'
.rchesM,t awill furnish the Imusic., Subscribe for 'lihe Michigan Daily
s F
.... rr.r,.l
Read The Daily
Co 1I lnS
Bomrow --Stbscri be
Io i da'.
. .
.. .
. -
Well Tailored
Waiters' Coats
These waiters' coats of an excellent white
duck, ywell made, trim and well fitting, are
worth the low price-$2.25.
(Mack's Main Floor)
'iFlis now possible' to have your clothes.
washed in water that is THOROUGHLY
SOFT. The recent addition- to White Swan
equipment of a Permnuter 'Water Softener with a
capacitV of 80,000 gallons a. day' brings this
' ',
its members at a banquet to be held
at 6 o'clock tonight in the MichiganI
Union dining room. The entirej.
chapter roles of all the sorority houses
on the campus are expected to be pre-
sent at the affair.
Charlotte Blagdon, '25, president ofj
the Women's League, and Margaret
Dixon, '25, vice-president, will address
the women and explain to them the{
purpose of the organization. E'dna
K~adow, '25, is general chairman of the
Pekin, Jan. 7.-A mandate has been
issued abolishing the office of inspec-
tor-general of the Army and instruct-
ing General IFeng Yut-Hsiang to re-
mnain in commnandl of the northwest
frontier (defenses, a post he has prev-
iously ignoiedl. A secondl mandate ap-
points, General Stung Chi-Yuan actin;
6oinmnandlant of F+eng's faifous iron-
sides division..
Managua, Jan. 7.-The new Nicara-.
.uan cabinet was sworn in as follows:
Interior, Dr. Jun Jose Martinez; for-!
o'ign, Dr. Salvator Cavrillo; finance,
Dr. Albino Roman Reyes; instruction,
D r. I ;aonardo Arguello ; public works,
Dr. Juan Fr'ancisco Gutierrez. Presi-;
denit Solcrzano will be minlister o1 war
tnd commtander-in-chtief.
,,, x;;k
r -+ <.
Al Inds
This is the verdict of countless students. And
you will feel the same way, once you have en-
joyed the miany advantages of the Reniington
Portable 'T'ypewriter.
It will save your til-ie. It xviii irake all writ-
ing tasks easier, It will help you tj do lbetter
work, and that means better marks. It \\, III give
,ou a training that will be useful in all your
after life,
Buy a portable typewriter at once, and be sure
it's a Remington Portable-the students' favor-
ite-the recognized leader in sales and popularity.
Price, complete with case, $60. E..asy pay-
ments, if desired.
C~IA in L seethel e inabn ortble
dgeesSuperlative in quali1ty,
the world-famous