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January 08, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1-8-1925

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L 2bi 1h d every morning except Monday
duQ i ig the Uuieiity year by the Board in
(vrnti ol of Student Publications.
Mm rsof Western Conference Editorial
Tu e 'A ocTiated Press is exclusively en-t
titcd to the, use for republication of all news
disitchsc. credited to it or not otherwise
crcd;1edl in this paper and the local news pub-
hikhed the ein.
I'tcrcd at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
l " higan, as second class matter. Special rate
of jwt (! granted by Third Assistant Post-
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,I
()lc:Armn Arbor Press Building, May-
rd ,iStreet.
1'hones : Editorial, 2414 and 176M; busi-

of defraying the expense of salary ad- everything in his power to encourage
vances, the cost of which it is esti- the farmers and to bring about bet-j
mated would run somewhere between; ter conditions among them,.lHe con- M U ,S I C
60 and 70 millions a year. The class tinues to strike the right note whenAN
of mail most affected, the great vol- he sees in the development of the co- AN
ume of newspapers and magazines operative movement one of the most IDR A. MIA
sent through second class, is said to feasible solutions for the many prob- ,
have been causing anl annual dieficit lems which are now facing the foodj
of $74,000,000. producers of the country. WHAT EE.NMNE''T II ACGCOWAN SAY
Very naturally a volume of protest More significant than the mere (.o-! 'The eighth art, the art of mobil
frorm the journalistic interests has operation itself is the fact that the color, came to New York last nighta
been evinced in the preliminary cony- succes s of the movement will dlepend ;anu arresting andl extraordinary fe;
mYittee hearings of the bill. Thle press; largely upon the efforts of the farmers Itore. 'Phomnas Wilfred's invention, tI
realizes its mighty bower and is c vi- rather than the legislators. As thej Clavilux and its strange and beautifi
dently prepared to fight any provision President points. out, further laws or product have been much discuss(
of any bill which seems likely to im-; more organizations comning out of' anti much described, bunt for a dry ami
pose on it a financial Du-rden, wvhatever I them will have little. ultimate effect ; exact definition I have never sec
may be the justiiicatican. The fact thatt on the existing condltions unless the anyone do better than Wilfred hilr
this class of rnal ?:ga brough;,t on a' farmers give their energies .vhole- self, who says,: The(Clavilux is a ne
large deficit should be rufcin ea- heartedly to the brining about of bet- instrument by means of' which sule
son for raising the rate:-; e, n thbough ter conditions. As in all similarI comphosition;s of oving color ar
it were not hound up with th-e matter movements the real impetus for the. form are played in rhythm to tU
of postal salaries. Thie large jjibiica- movement must come from below. viio i~ usl.as ia;usic is layed~t for tI
tions should have no obljctiofl. If Nor should the opponents of co- ear.'
necessary they canl raise the sru'scrip- operations or those who might be "Thiis is an a t for itself, an art
tion rates as a me.: in; of covoring the skeptical as to the ability of the p.ure color ; it holds its; audience
increased cost of Mailiu ..l~o ne spe-' American farmer to work with his iti e rare;t;! m~nmcmt!: of silence that
cial provision noigt be made concera- neighbors because of his intense inr--1 lavrn huow n in a, playhous..
ing newspapers with a sin all circula-; dividualism be heeded to any great "The (,iaipres;sio=_ you carry awl
tion upon whom the increased rate1 degree. To illustrate what the power from the ('lax ilux is; that Wilfr=ed
ighlt work a real hiardship. The i of cooperationr can bring about, Mr.1Iarppro inating the pit of abstract dI
rates on third class r mail, including Coolidge cited the case of the United ign whifch the radlicals or the eas
iht reat mass of useless adverti !ing States Steel corporation and its phe- hoave tried uncorfarinly to attain. I
c,. m1a,-sight be raised to almost nomenal development. More analagot~s !is bringing visual beauty to us fri
. x c: zn ithout strenuous objec' to the cooperative movement amiong and absolute as, the ~e of gre
tioi itr oul ' tr,- public. It woultd serve the farmers has been the rise and de- 1coimposers wrought fronm the beau

-i l 4I°.n .e"'.rt ".dr ". J".P. °~"l. '~./. I,/" "./ . " °A.I". ", 0".!",/". .. "". #.J'.0",/""1./"./ "".spr/°4I ./"./", ". v "mt+' ""

A Happy

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Both Stores

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33 - - . ®.s.s--.....ar ..r s s er rasa-----.r- a,--- 3- s .

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Tclep loues 2414~ and 176-11
lEditor.. ..... ".....John G. Garlinghouse
1Newvs ditor ...........:.Robert G, Ramsay
tity EFci or.... ......"Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. Y. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. 1.hal
Sports Editor.........William I1. Stoneman
Stunday Editor... ...... Robert S. Mansfield
W\omecn's Editor.t............ Vernea Moran
MIusic and D~rama...Robert B. Henderson
T'e~e_ -,,h ditor.. Williaiv J. \Vslthoiir
' Aistran'



ty~g nno w nnidl~ assuime.knowing the bfl

a <x 5 ';i :.i t ,i" thifls burden on ,

115 ~gh :~mt.of

crc t,

i. a; ekes
w' I-

1'lU , tfY.lY

}ti31i. ,.. [',.

BU~N :~~ rf i-'L~tK::,u '~amer o id of ,Aucing
Telepit)tm?T(ltl;s~i 1 C Wit in'o1i cC n handl n-
_.__ Ct~r ;: .a 'i' 3s Of inail. T h2 present

velopment of organized labor during U
the past century. Here in the indus--
tr'al field the workers in the agri--i
cultural fild may see the possibilities ; V
of organization and the benefits which,
it is almost certain to bring,
Farmers in other lands have made
a success of cooperation, and workers t
in other fields in America hay-e profit- i
ably organized. There is every reason«
for the encouragement of cooperation ;t
among1.0 the Amercan farmers as:,,a 1
means of potential betterment of tlir

Advertising ... ........ L. JDvifliP
Advertising.. .. . .......... .. J . Finnj
Advertising................. .IH. A. Marks1
Advertising ................H. At. lRockwel
Accounts .. ............. ...... Byron Parker
Circulation.................... R. C. -Winter
Publication................ ..John 'Conlin
P. W. Arnold W L. Mullins
W,.1' Ardussi K. F~. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmann
F. Den z Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz 1 D. Ryan1
David Fox N_. Rosenzweig
Norman F reehling Margaret Sandbyrg
E. IHamaker 1'"F. .Schjoenfeld
ohson S, H. Sinclair
L. 11. Kramerr F. 'Taylor -
Louis W. Kramer+
Night Editor-F. K. SPARROW, JR.!;
The offer cf the alumni association
to raise two dollars for every dollar
rainsed on the campus toward the'fund
to complete the swimming pool of the
1 'nion is a challenge which the" stu-
dernt body must accept. Campaigns,
ofl various sorts among tihe alumni
have been productive of little in the
patst for, a very 'good reason-the
a lumrni have felt that the students
were most vitally interested and
should be called on for some contribu-.
tion. An attempt along this line, the
4,000 club, was also a failure.
The plan of the Alumni association
calls for a cooperative effort with the.
alunmni bearing the larger burden.
Surely som~e means will be found "of
raising the equivalent of one dollar
per male student which would be re-I
quired as our contribution.

(onr:; s given an cppomtuni.y to
tS , a constructi-ve piece o01~sa
tion, to prov'e that its past works
have only been miistakes, not mnali-
cious blundering.

Justice' to the greatest number' of CAMPUS OPINIONI
I A nnvmcnus communications will be
people wdon out in the halls of the disregarded. The names of comniuni
United States Supreme Court when the ,ants will, however, be regarded as
city of Chicago lost the sanitary dis- confidential upon request.£
trict suit, which, had .she been Vie- r iS.IO
torious, would have allowed her to fiO ICi ,Il
continue to, jeopardize harbor navi-- To the Editor:
gation on the Great Lakes and pre- It is very much to be regrettetd
vent the successful culmination of the that the report of Mr. A ngelt's in .e7-
attempt to bring about the much-to-1 tigation of student conditions has not;
be-desired St. Lawrence waterway to-I aroused more discussion both in your
'the sea.; columns and on the campus. Perhalp:s
The issue was omne in Nvhich Chicago that is another evidence of the failings
deserved little consideration in view ihe points out. But while I am willingj
'of the fact that for almost twenty to subscribe to most Hof the statemrents
years tihe sanitary district ha) been contained in Tile Daily's summary or
deliberately, s tealing more than twice t his report there is a point of eni-
th3e amount of water alloted toi y pbasis on which I differ. . G
law from Lake liichigan. The result, I do not wish to{ intimate that I am
has been, accor-ding) to th( re'ports Of! holding a 'brief for campus activit'e
various ehnginor-., detrimzental low'-.1 and Ithe present'- lour esteem for
ering of the level of th~e water in the academic achievement, for that ;is not
G reat Lakes accompanied by narviga-m osition, and I am only too glad to
I tin a may o th inandwelcome any remedial mnovemennt. But,
1 harbors. Coupled with this hlas beeui; from what I could gather of the report
the recent investigations by both Ca-; there seemed to be an enmphlasis placed
nadian and United States officials on "pure learning" as such apart and
jwhich have showvn that the prmoposed unrelaeted to life itself. Mr, Angell's
St. Lawrence waterway would be im- own phrase "burning desire for
possible as long as Chicago was at- knowledge" may throw some light on
lowed to 'continue her insidlious prac- what I mean. Such an emphlasi s I am
tice.. Without. doubt, many thanks for led to believe from my own four years
the victory over the santary district, observation and contact on the cam-
are due to the result.,, of these sum-I pus is quite typical of most of the
vey s. faculty.
Not as an attempt to wreak pitiless however, is such an emphasis jus-
vengeance on the sanitary district, tifiable? To me it seems not. Knows--
! but rather as a move t-o see that thea edge as I see it is ai tool for~ the jn-

O lndIUl n O e W lU U U , auv -,"A strange, beautiful and fascinat- actress andl the part. Clare Eames
ing thine;-thie Coloer Or-gan of Mr. seemed to get more out of the meager
l l'lfredc."> part of "Proserpine" than Shaw wrote
***into it. She, seems to be one of theF
few peop~le who can under play com-I
Frni F Lam-rInore s ituEmin aI edy and make it funnier than it ever
Fracs;La riaoe ; lperilf;atcould be, broadly dlone. Marchbanks
th.mal W? -1 frv ,*,12 ''. was exceedingly well played by Rich- I
21 1 C) ii ot.,ard Bird, a young 1Englishinan, and
' Pam° sites.'"t'The uUiI~r mmcl withl a ccer- apparently a new find. Pedro De
thin It'(:c'5 ill New r Yoe.:, and f rm ; Cordova's Rev. James Iorell stood out-
all roports s Inl manata delightful,. even against such a performance as
\iis ~arrrnrr~ l; a-i i (hi anI MssCornell gave. The rest of the
vivacious,, filled \V J111 alle hint o(f itls (' ast showed no flaws.
n risfli5 that ii r;a;te thin:' (-Iit h's "Ind ;Bttt what impressed most was the
c-ha rm her au 'ae Of alltheim; t-' perfection of the team work and the
i'seso he yune s-hohc"(illmeeting, done by Dudley Digges, 1--
Irieak n~ "ertx ., t , tc~~ne -~l himself a proi'nlent actor. The sumnl
°ithl f-n at; a ~ccp !""l "'my ol total of all their efforts produced as,
else. A a to a nine; of 1her evil flp ,r stimulating a plerformance as NewI
is5 iS '-:;iFll1 1 ( nily a Ki - Iki and a I York can offer today.'
Lenore F('i c-___ _____
~., ~ - IRVIN '"ARO1QTS, 0. S C,
f.".:: Chiropodist Orthopedist
107 N. University Ave. Phone 2652
/ ft _ _ ? Aa , n .... .
I Leave Ann Arbor, Chlambewr
of Comimerce, 7 :30 a . inl., I13 a.
, IS., -1 . ICI., 5 :3i} p. im. week
-'>dK-t(lys. Sundays, leav-e Ann
...-- ArbJor'7:30) it. ii., 1 p. In.9 41 .
' :" ':: ti, :.. :.:::". i., 7:3 0) p. nm. Ph one 46 fr

_______ Wad. Mat. 50o to $ 1.50!
Sat. Mat. 500cto $200 1
Ins Czosnmo Hamilton's Brkfllant
New Comedy
Pay for your Subscription today.

CtRy it, ro&u^Y

LI '\'iII1''i SOBIt0)1IlES
I'n~iy for tHat Party.
For Faig21a&'zents (;a i 2.,A
Pat Iron ize DailY Ad vertisers.--.Adv.



Reversing its administration-buck- ( decision which has bee-n given is car- j dividual to use in order to be .of time
ing tactics, the Senate Tuesday; sus- ried out to thle very letter or further{ greatest social value. Just as long; as
tained the Coolidge veto of the postal if necessary, statements now emanat-, knowledge for knowledge's sa:ie will
pay increase bill by the narrow mar- ing from the Chicago officials to the meet this test it is worth the effort.
gin of one vote. The vote came after effect that a great increase in disease And it would seem to me that In many
weeks of -wrangling and discussion, will probably result. from the reduc- cases students have unrealizingly
and indicated that the sharp split in tion of the water now being drawn for recognized this principle III their
the Republican ranks over the meas- sewage disposal purposes, s hould be1 campus life. If they know that their
ure remains, there being hardly discounted. Thor.e and otter howls; lives will be spent mingling with their
enoughl supporters of the President to the effect. that it will take twenty fellow .men, why should they not take
in the present Senate to' assure the years to perfect an adlequate. sewage I their four years in- college to perfect
passage of the administration postal disposal system to take the puice of; their} "art of living?"
in^rease bill which is nr- n tn present one ought to evoke little Of course, it is very easy to see how
(' d'm - such an emphasis has arisen and con-
Is ' ab:~. ' K is any truth! in the many I tinues to exist. The wonder to me is
d 0 me - '5:0''a -~ V' S:Sgf- '' ~~I'h are arising from itime i that it is not more pronounced.' Men
P 1e > 0(1 , ~ e'-se' it should he d scow- , who become professors would doubt-
f,, r';=a~, -- ~.- '--nit n-Tieials and stp less have a leaning this way or else
1t t. X 1,,1~- V -~<r .- Q"a of (is- they would not enter the college field
- ti ~~-,I:.- ml In'en IS~,L;'--'--ism littlhe E' ase^ '<"aarm, I as a life work. And then continued
ihs1 r -.a 1ii'W i11s'1Im)1I 'I t 0li->',;- tes-bcld I learning and application tend to smake
t _ (i<alVhek~ d cor i ; :.7'+nd 1 G.ost the craving for pure knowledge mrnme
te. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~rz t > e mm ;:, ienlv ~ e.ie;-hih tin ; distinct. Also I can account for it in
-..+>-: rvdt - , - 'a'a et', inst-.-'' - in of a Mr. Angell's case, although I believe
fi:' 't " p' ac '~-an'- 1I ~' 'tsewage risposal thus ;him to be the best qualifiect man on
ccli'iv n. dii' Ii o hY ;- - 'pionI and relief to the I the faculty to undertake sucha a in--
t;,. ci.~'-~~ ' ' ~'s which have been paying vestigation because of his recent con-
: E,~ ' - a d~rrai : for the benefit to the sanitary I tact with student life, his own activi-
g . t te government ins ,Et ;district for so many years. ties as an undergraduate, and his
ti-- 'coin public service should so! -- specific training. Still it can not be
grossly underpay men and women 1AlI iMERS TO THELFItl1iZ overlooked that he was reared fn a
-\vho give their life to postal work. The sincere commendation of thej home of outstanding academic cmi-
Pvresident Coolidge's original action Farmer's Cooperativ-e Marketing as- I nence, and this valuation o,- pmr'-'
on the matter, his courageous vetoI sociation and its activities givenl by J, knowledge has no doubt been with
just before the close of the last ses- President Coolidge to the National him from childhood.
sion of Congress, came as no greatI council of that organization in a re-; Perhaps the present lack of esteeml
surprise to the nation since it was ( cent speech is deserving of some coin-' on the part- of students for academlic
directly in line with the administra- ment in view of the fact that any move pursuits can be partially lai(1 to this
tion's carefully executed program of to better the condition oif the far-mers j attitude on the part of the faculty.
economy in all things. The President of the country is but a move to better Ccould they point out the application
fully realized the need for wage in- every branmch (of society. The truth' of the knowledge they try to impart,
creases, but he was equally insistent has never been luore evident than dur- I am thoroughly convinced that thereo
that any new regulation should have i ing the Past fexw years when the na- would be a more heartenimg respon.,se.
a provision whlich would take care of tion ex ericim'-ed a dlecided slump in I do not mean that all of our subjcts;


SWife' at tle-' hl1;1best -l )et I'(it xwith U1A1-.
amnd Alni- ,('ohm: -:m is vil et truly differ-
cflt. Ixle of come'dy, hl Tfully as in-
t.esstinf,. IIt:;k a pecuiliatr E glish
-to-y (if Peca i,^t mannirers; aml is tihe 1
oultstandling lhit oltoie curren t 1,0uol
.cason. All he ie hw 'i°M'k 'ltics
xx';-m-c *'itmuisl;' ox t' ,i., c:Ipc (.jlJ
I m~i-im YrP1. Ct'ilm.
More ssign0ihii iiiat Iitan eit her of these
was tihe opening of thIto 1101 nt-nt
Bon-,thel'la 1x'hoise last xvet'k withnits
plicy of"a Itwo-weefl''s repertory.
Tbhis I IICO1cm- ft ed xvwith iv xerv mlodern
ha vo ry, espees lIv bae'k.-stage, fr
fur ishes a ife m'al ialcitument 'to A [iss I
Bonstellic vho t.{oday.'stands as the
head of onm,' of the finest,,;,robabla,
tihe finest, st oc'h comapany int, me coun-
try. Ife'r dir-ctlorshmip haspr-oduaced
mor-e recemit Br-oadway starus than any
other-=-Katherinme (Corniell- Kennueth '
Mac Kennma, Anne' Harding, Prnank
'Morgan, to 1151ll iillt t . lw- i rd lhr
high stamuda a;! (of c-enistettlx' ( e el- i
lenit Oiavs hia:; meritedi her time sinl-
!cerest admiration.Ij





Betsy Ross





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" AN 3 AII
A review, h1w V,,tenmtimmcDavlni.
S The Iiglih 1 irhseah ill:-woI"d has
seen thme Vwom-h f Cm' Gorge BMer'tard
Shaw prodtic d an iinaite nummiber of
timne.lintitP ha;; rarer seen "haw
done by a grcaup of actor's who present i
lie piynot aq't ooitmltire ia Iventurme
but for thImo'. doelt 'g i'(tt play
adeqie(I(l'ix' nt withm mnderstondiLig.
\V it hith lie rncItandP ci tusiasrmm of an
ainatna r org anizioU I bu)t 1 WW xI tthe
sil of1101 the' m'o'st Uhilm('d Imu -,




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In no small degree is it important tha~t your Tuxedo
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an unusual degree of comfort. At the smlfl tirne no
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the Annoyance of a Try-On
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chic:, i' ii)n fle -i7° pvcdutz >11an of II V TI-TV A 1)R A VI

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