owgtI __________,
HOCEY EA TOI1I~tK;NTIIE FREHMA lyjj' Two Michigan Men Picked ECC'AYTYU O
takteam 1may report anyIAfl
.ST9RTW0 HKTOO9Yi afternoon this week at the NIO D N
helhus.____on star of the famous lin of Yale and Hligins o Pen S ap ,''J I
IA. V. Merrick sieci~iaii point-.-minute teams of 20 tackles, Lang of 14. and ,1. andl Lamp-
cofll)tioni of Repairs onl oliselli aae ocinHsir;eS al'riin o fPnsyvna gadMfo-:Cuiils ohl FrtPatc
AlosRo o Patc tDil rcie n o , o all-Aerinanimu hie finger of Yale and Hare of Pennsy-1 ,inve Vaeaiioi n igt in
and (fames G3 l.<, l at l-Aeia halfback by ivania; center, Schulz of Mibhnasun
1kco il iIT. Yost, and Coaches backs, Eckersall of Chicago, Xilinger-
n( ui ai ui or! Zuppkec of Illinois, Gilmour of Pennsylvania, Thorpe ot Crlisle'TA ro~~PO I S
ARRDAWLIURLLIX GAME ALL DIISIONS, GOOD liloie of Cornell, and,Hugo Bezdek of and Heston of Micigan.,j
It was definitely decided yesterday1 Coach Iotchen, of tae iesmauil t hey named at the recent coaches' Tf 1 ()~)( ( ie uvtnd0ifl(s for tiie gymi-
that Michigan will be represented withlI JI wrestling team, has 1aklivl squad of niusedi g at. New York. I Ik L rAI a . sc su a v ii g t 1their fist rel
a hockey team this year, and the wok FN ll first year candidates reporting to him -cern ny" Schulz, another of Yost'sLIU I MIU T O ,~l~
111VENV LNevey ca u ie'" r,,,iii woorslor~tisrues.alltvhe01 'llt ,iii t11 Clrecetss.
of making up the schedule has been jerydyi henarweslngrom ollsia ,vs aediat cntry al r an erte xia zrestn ti
started by Coach George Little, minor I of Waterman gynsiurn .lou~r coackces, as was "lFude" Ileffel]- i~~ h
!pnrtsdirectr. I i pjroves as Maher lDrives O h e ohi u d~finger, famous Yale guard of ears' PI F EI N [ id 14'al;Jj ,J ju et erni numasium. Over forty
The success of workmen cl"l aii u o h earling squadFor PstlerGameack. Walter Eckersall was picked e ti eidate were working out before
up the wreckage at Weinberg's Coli- aturday. tihe 115 pound class, apears 1ojfloss- as uitcIback by every mentor but Michigan's VaV~~ytenis ir vi~~el~iassdwl otnei hi
seurm was responsible for the decision 1ess all the qualities of sp ed, st res i h. cio, who lplace) George Phann 1begiindo ciein- ' Wtran ilrate Lolidays andhwill arontin enther
of authorities to carry out their plans~ MOON BAKER TO PLAY aggressiveness, andl coolness which abrtad of the Chicagonan. Zuppke gymnasium within a week or ten days. cr ,rot gymniastcs becomes recognized
reaietmhapr. h ik l' rde Defoe a winner last year. Solo- ,and ;oi ~ael"Rd rneo Dr. George A. May has given the team a"iadonor sport n the Michigan
though not inth bestofsae allows 1 oc Matherpu his Vriylnn Ratner,an Perrotar fightingthi teams. permission to use tie gymnasum ine lldr'
pleny o pcefrpratc n ae.basketall squad] through a stiff ork- it out for toil honors in the i2 a aueto pc o atc nd games, in ef alend ardfllwsk:Ha-Ends, th onnsadlpuni :0 lt At present, the squa, which is
The skating surface is as large as itI out last night at the field house, the idivision. . elno Yl n arwc fHe i h afternoons for indoor pratice iie notv nti rgesn
wayatyaadteedo h ard;tckls, Flh f Harvard and1 ' diasdedintoat tho unstsisoprogressin
wa ls yarandthtndoft e being the last strenuous work in the 1,5 pound weight, Watsonacs il anasonastep0511.S in,- rapidly and should gymnastics become
buildingwhc was dsrydb fire ~ Coonrey of Princeton; guard,ileffel- ing tie nets arrive, t.hose candidates rcgie samnr5)rMci
whc etoe y Ischeduled before the team meets has a slight edge over ranid and BLr ne fYl nlYonsrmo at h urie h u tfi ill bec gniz shol eablenrtor)t awell
has been cleared away. Flooding has 1Northwestern Saturday night, mitt, although all are likely cand woFsrmouthhe;utcenterlwil bchulzholdofr Michigan;awel
benudrwysnels eked eivikwas stressed throughout dates Swintoni is the lhest bet itile, rcs EkralofCiagH s umondtoth'ymfr oniio-balanced d well trained squad on
Coach Little has made tentative ar- the session, in which the first team 145 pound division, with Efner iml of MichigaThre ofCri, Wieprcialgalo h the foig tnsagre p gatinstthe smaler
rangements for gaines during the re- soe nesnl mohc-pr-poigsedl.Sitnwl , ihgn hreo alse hl rcial l ftei~rli e grgtos h mle
nainder of the first semester against soe nesnl sot ooeaI proigseai 1.Swno il a Malian of Harvard. IConference schools have indoor couts, ~ cmoe fmnwohv
Asmto Colg ofSriOttion. Bruce Gregory, who again broke to keep going at top speed all yer ?. Dobie picked the following: ends,:Mclgns ast eni emhsqu ad, cosd ofexerenceo haves
and . A C. eiter he dtesnorinto the lineup in the Navy game, is he expects to keep ahead of his tam-i Shevlin of Yale and Miller of Califor- nvrhdisd okusi h at e h udmna tg n t
and . A C. eiter he dtesnorfast adapting himself to Varsity playsI mate. If Restelli keeps in trim a nia akeHnyo ad J n vrhdisd1okusi ieps, e h udmna tg n t
particulars of the games with these pad wt ati ~gat n d~nt egt eogtt ia;iitackfleslenytoi W.'and J.Iaefand cosequently has often lbeen at a eambrs are practicing on combina-
toshoshv benarne asChambers, the two forwards, in form, things his own way in the 158 pouli( feifinger of Yale and are of Pennsy-oudseantaea.h einigo h io bt ntmbigadiUh
yet, but a full announcement regard- the Michigan offense is bound to e department. George stands alone nh Iaoutdoorr season. ichgan heavy rpparitus work. The larger
ing the schedule will be made within strong. Haggarty is an all-Conference the 175 pound division,ener ShuzofMihiand has so far contented itself with
backs, Phiain of Cornell; Heston of ___the____ore__rudimentary____stages___of squa
a few days. In Feburary, after theI player whose work is always depend- Botchen has a couplie of bery-I \iclhi gan, Mahani of Harvad and h mr udmnay tgslftl
satothseodsmseWco-able, and often sensational. Chambers weights in Prescott and smith raio(),(page of Illinois. i FfunS OCEat a egeatideal isprantcesinath
sin and Minnesota will come to Ann is a newcomer to the squad, but his ought to be heard from i nithe tuninit - Zuppke's teanm consisted of: ends,
Arbor, according to present plans. all-around work has been pronmising ed division. oth tie candidates trcIfIlni ndRde fMc-Amein falmnitr ; bfundaetcalneries wisectessary
an ae ntemonth,thtemwl an heia greatdensv player. weigh oeta 0 poundsannae igan; tackles, Burtke of Wisconsin ( ested in fencing, especially I attempt tile m1101 comipicated work.
take its annual northern trip, engag-J Dick Doyle will jump center, theni speed to back them ip]). ageHlr r.,,~and Clarke of Illinois; guards, Heffel- those who scored poits in- - ---
Ing the sanme teams at Madison and drop back to standing guard. His)Wctr haly n aumnal ivc fYleadXcila;fhm last year's tournament, will Columbia, Missouri, Jan. 7.- M\or
Minaoisbepcivl.jiliy nth ipof n hsdeesie IteSalyan afl ilsasrfYaeadMcilnoIln
Minaoirsetvl.I aiiyo h i-f n ieesv are pronising men and( will give tnleoic.-~ ter, Schulz of lieichga; backs,) be held at 3 o'clock, Saturday i than i1,5001people are enrolled ii coi-
T first patieof the season wllIpowers make him a goodl man for his leaders a real battle in their ceart lfcker:;ahi of Chiiago, Grang i I W-aternningy fis i n ; J U.rx~n el'i of W seto ut b the ms
he held tonight at the Coliseum. Coach position. In addition, lie is a good ments. ei, horpe of Carlisle, and H-eston ofaemn ynsu.;'1ivri fNicmn h ors
Barss is expecting a large turnout of shot. Red Cherry's guarding, which ;______~:meign Dr. George A. May I o dn (len i-ct is a part of the
candidates, inasmuch as 29 men at- has been outstandng since he joined VPyyolrii lz tsil on ' le. elcin a:onsr1mv I____ xenindiiin ee
tended the hockey meeting Tuesday the team last year, is certain to ham- I______________________________________
The fraternities entered in the bas-
ketball tournament have been group-
ed into 12 leagues. These leagues are
posted on the bulletin board in the
Waterman gymnasium.
Although tihe basketball season has
started, the entry sheets for independ -
ent, class, church, society and board-
ing club basketball leagues are still
open. Managers of these teams who
are not entered or presidents of or-
ganizations which expect to partici-
hate should signify their intention of
competing within the next few days.
Entries in the all-campus wrestling
tournament can be made at the Intra-
nmural office, freshman wrestling room,
or the Yost field house. The rules
governing the competition are on the
bulletin board in Waterman gymnas-
The Intramural basketball season
started with a rush at 7 o'clock last
night when 32 out of the 70 teams
entered in the -fraternity tournament
Speculation as to the outcome is
'rife as usual. There are only a few
,organizations, l4owever, who are pre-
dieting a very successful season, as
ni ost of the top notchers of last year
(Continued on Page Eight)
I All eligible nien are asked{
to report for Varsity hockey I
- p~ractice at 6:30 o'clock to-j
Inight at Weinberg's Coli-
Iseuim. J. E. Barss
night. This number will be augment- 1 per the Northwestern forwards.
ed tonight by the addition of numer-. I excellent defensive work is an in
ous players who were not at the meet- able asset..-
ing. The outlook for the team is un-; Although the Northwestern
certain at .present. Captain Peter-; finished at the bottom of time Co
man, Pep Reynolds, George Weitzel, ence standings last year, it appea
and Shorty Lindstrom are the letter be stronger this season. The ad
mien who are back this year. Wally; of Ralph Baker to time squad will
Levi, who won an AMA is also elig- Icmsdrbeadt h upe
ible. Graduation took the most ex- football star is reputed to be as
perlenced forwards from the team; at the court ganme as he is or
when Anderson and Beresford woundf gridiron.
up their careers last year.
Tonight's practice will start at 7 One can never estimate a Tiani'
o'clock. ary by the work lie claims toa do.
t°i'..r'."1rS%~ '.a'' ~.',,.','d l/ ,/d E..'e.o'J~., e..J.'I
ti TK
0 T E-
A'm ft
3 AND $.50
I;er beril=_u!JckbunM
goode- -Or 'R ctlSPORTING GOOIS-
Reviewlay b niitisi of jail.5-
. of Mr. Wilfred's Appearance in Acolian Hall, Dc. 26 =E FIRST IN EVERYTHING-
TestageofAoin al s set fracnet n= Even the Cross-word Puzzle. Solve this onc and in .yourself
it loomed no pianoforte's [arp-sllapecl shadow; no fiddlers a pir of skates or tcll(dolars in trad.
trehi srns oars odctor raised his arm. A-t the E We can't work t--you try it.
,c back of the stage, there stood a. hugye screen, black-bordered; - n;'r utb awdi rmie osoe jnrt
down by the footlights wee ~cetain lciat£l boxes, each floppedLcaiorcdle.
whith a keyboa:)rd of sliding tt0 i'-{. Before the concert -,
began, ia maxi rmade a speech. 1le c wuu Thomas Wilfrcci,
J ° Danish singer',who 11i Lcrdl I We iul;tVlrum t s0 cuiousy-
i E composed of the metal lac xis, the grye,, screen. Hie explained hi netzn hCaia owi~i-o~,thtmks y-E
w phonics of colors. Thien li, pJycd.
symetn" Fors I "riaul-ar EDude,
i_ St'uctturCSFary Tlde of 8it OreC; ,1 IOCrCC( Ui Iur-D1lien-. - :1x9
' :sional Stage Settingys for ai } _ P: EAv~t.Such were the1
compositions ofl\Mr. Wilfred, OC'r thec scn, like dyes -'
filtered thrioughf l athomie:; 3 t'.' e ar, colors faited,,
M burled, swelled, dar-kened, dwPAinlld, 1in:cdibly clear; pat-
3terns crossed, sh-apes pa - 37 i3oli ed ori es s un-
Ri down through? hell, suck-Jig the sight with them, and the -V
ro, earth, like a small ball knitted by rmusic out of cloud and hire, -
Whirled voiceless through the gulf whltere sound and color:-
merge. Amazed were the listeners, for surely those in the_ 36 ''yA
dark hall listened with ther ecys. When an enthusiast began
to clap, they Hissed him down as if lhe had interrupted the --
M first movement of a sonata. B'ut t the concert's end they, w
too, clapped long for Inventor Wilfr'ed.'
- -OM-~~
7II1~Nr~L5. Chide; scold , tens on the shoe (p).
Any i tVvintwich oi uite th irythmsiiof ui 4.Tede faw- es.p" 1.Aln ak
b'~~~~ = 50 - I~~~~~~~. Senior macmber of prominent ~Tm e fawl cs~.1.Aln ak
stae5t.. I h r iiO 7 T lz wy(obsolete).
55 n hott1,\17Toblz a a ih the accents of color, properly perfected, is beyond doubt business firm on Sae~56 ulc toogfr al.1.L n tc fw ocre
as permanent an addition to the engines of Art as a violin = l. Anaicle me ber ofpsaeri. 59. rAn' Africananeloe on one end .(One too may
in our national lpastime. 60. ongmictknard enti }
-s60.4Longeflatmataod benttin 22. Spanish for good-bye-two .,,
orapitI5uh - i. Anecatinfo. letters transposed.-
= 16. An English asaloon. 63. Name of a street in Ann 24. Right from the hog's back.
Taken from "TIME" Vol. V. No. 1 :c 18. An Egyptian goddess. Arbor 25. A fence buster (p). -
- 20. Northern steamship (ab). 28. Kicks. -
21. A slang expression. YERTCAL 29. A little mnan, rather fat.
j 23. Red Kiddie Kar (ab). 32. The mon; the eye.
w'= 24. Line of shoes we carry. 2. An animal to which Dr. 34. The eggs of a fish.
26. Western Union. Lovell claims no relation- 37. A neckpiece (p). We have
27. Something that goes around ship. them in plaids and, stripes
Iyour neck (not a noose) 3. To endeavor. imported and domestic.-
H l A dio i mml(1l)1) 4. Preposition. 40. Game in which a net is used
H l Au i ri m-= 29. Our competitor in athletic 5. Shirts, ties, socks, collars, 42 American Travelers' so
- I y supplies, reefers, scarfs, handkerchiefs, eation (ab).
Tu s. J nu ry 1,.:1 ._u 31. An owl's gurgle. We carry a complete line. 45. A molecular unit.
1 33. A vase, .7h snakes. 46. Sault Ste. Marie.-
Si = 35. Exists. 7. TO pull (scotc)-just up- 49. A wvop.
Than Two to Each Customer
c s ..14 .# 161iAfmu:!m #_