THUR SDAY, JANUARY 8, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DATi .Y PA(tv. rTVA.' dTc dm adCI 1 -TCA V LL'T! - -.-.a.' .4 S' .A .AJS 1) A fill' ~'YVU 4 ~;~~AA4 J. 4 V 0 6I6'S D ugHTERS TO CONVENE HERE" Initerniationial Delegates o Order F' I:o :Beet at 3ihigan ioIn r January 14. COIMPLETE .PROGRAM SThe 20th annual convention of the Washtenaw County Branch of the In-, ~ternational Order of King's Daughters ;;and sons will be held at the Michigan OW Ulnion, Wednesday, January 14. M~rs. '1Albert R. Crittenden will preside. ~The morning session will open at 9':30 o'clock at which time reports of : Ube county officers and of the presi- 1 dents of circles will be given. The ,,veport of the nominating committee, ,,,~.the one on hospital work and the *committee on the work at the 01l1 Ladies H-ome will be given. All members of the King's Daught- ers circles of the city and county are- invited to attend the meeting and the luncheon to be held at the Michigan Union at 12:30 o'clock, January 14. Reservations for the luncheon may hej made prior to Tuesday noon, Jan 1 by telephoning Ms. J. J. Kelly, 240. (or Mrs. W. D. McLean, 2563-W. The feature of the afternoon session v: hick begins at 1::30 o'clock will be an adldress by Mrs. George H. Prior of Je wett City, Conn., international presi- dent of the International Order of1 King's Daughters and Sons. The guests of honor in addition to Mrs. Prior will include the following state'officers: State president, Mrs. D. Ii. Hunt of St. Johns; first vice-presi-I 'r iKet, Mrs. William Lahring of Gains; second vice-president, Mrs. F. R. Smithi of Somerset; recording secre-{ nary,, Mrs.' J. C. Stewart of Owosso; porresponding secretary, Mrs C. Sewey *fil in;treasurer, Mrs. Charles 1lor- . , I ", . :.; ,. , Fres~hman nurses uinoflicially re-I ceivedl t hei: caps and became Sopho- more nurses at a Ca p Night servicel held at 8 o'clock last night at theI Nurses' dormitory. Miss Alice Lake,, t _ _ ' >) NO TICES Aftf: Special Candles Orc Regular interclass hashethbill wa~c-- director of Nursing in the University tices will be held this week as fo!-1 hospital, gave a speech of -welcomes lows: Today, freshmen at 4 o'-- followedl by short talks from Miss, clock, seniors at 4:40, Juniors at 5 :20; !Susie Watson, educational director in l Friday, sophomores at 3:20, freshmenI the dlepartment of Nursing, and Miss I at 3 :50. Pansy Shambaugh, '25, president of k the senior class. Thlis service is al There will he an important meet - traditional one. Plans are being muade ing of all women tryouts for the' to welcome those who (desire it into; M1ichiganensianl at 3:30 o'clock rrhllrs membhership) in the nurses' Y. VV. C. '(l ay in the Press building on May- A. at a Candlelight service to be held nard street. Particularly those wo-' the last of the week. - men who signed uip earlier in the yearm - - are urgedl to attendl. The Faculty Women's clubi will give; a dance from 8 to 11:30 o'clock to Senior society will hold a special night in the gymnasitum of the IUni- meeting to discuss plans for the fancy varsit y high school for members of cre~ss ball at 7 :30 o'clock tonight in the diuly)and t hei - escorts. No admifis- Betsy B3arbomur playroom. s'in f'eo will lbo ni'le. CGine 1lliick' .rchesM,t awill furnish the Imusic., Subscribe for 'lihe Michigan Daily Ii s F . .... rr.r,.l - Read The Daily "Classilfied" Co 1I lnS Don'7it Bomrow --Stbscri be Io i da'. ., t' . . .. . . - An Announcement To . I Every Laundry User Well Tailored Waiters' Coats ~2.5 These waiters' coats of an excellent white duck, ywell made, trim and well fitting, are worth the low price-$2.25. (Mack's Main Floor) 'iFlis now possible' to have your clothes. washed in water that is THOROUGHLY SOFT. The recent addition- to White Swan equipment of a Permnuter 'Water Softener with a capacitV of 80,000 gallons a. day' brings this about. {. i ' ', t its members at a banquet to be held at 6 o'clock tonight in the MichiganI Union dining room. The entirej. chapter roles of all the sorority houses on the campus are expected to be pre- sent at the affair. Charlotte Blagdon, '25, president ofj the Women's League, and Margaret Dixon, '25, vice-president, will address the women and explain to them the{ purpose of the organization. E'dna K~adow, '25, is general chairman of the banquet. Pekin, Jan. 7.-A mandate has been issued abolishing the office of inspec- tor-general of the Army and instruct- ing General IFeng Yut-Hsiang to re- mnain in commnandl of the northwest frontier (defenses, a post he has prev- iously ignoiedl. A secondl mandate ap- points, General Stung Chi-Yuan actin; 6oinmnandlant of F+eng's faifous iron- sides division.. Managua, Jan. 7.-The new Nicara-. .uan cabinet was sworn in as follows: Interior, Dr. Jun Jose Martinez; for-! o'ign, Dr. Salvator Cavrillo; finance, Dr. Albino Roman Reyes; instruction, D r. I ;aonardo Arguello ; public works, Dr. Juan Fr'ancisco Gutierrez. Presi-; denit Solcrzano will be minlister o1 war tnd commtander-in-chtief. HAVE YOU SUBSCR[BED) Y rri P ,,, x;;k r -+ <. t Al Inds L-nsblff I u) 'il Portafle is This is the verdict of countless students. And you will feel the same way, once you have en- joyed the miany advantages of the Reniington Portable 'T'ypewriter. It will save your til-ie. It xviii irake all writ- ing tasks easier, It will help you tj do lbetter work, and that means better marks. It \\, III give ,ou a training that will be useful in all your after life, Buy a portable typewriter at once, and be sure it's a Remington Portable-the students' favor- ite-the recognized leader in sales and popularity. Price, complete with case, $60. E..asy pay- ments, if desired. C~IA in L seethel e inabn ortble 17 'black 3degreesW dgeesSuperlative in quali1ty, the world-famous I I 11 ! 11