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October 30, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-30-1924

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j gg ~rights and privileges, I
I"In a state-supported insttittion
;..x elike Michigan, it is not felt that there
PAFIHE1O OHH~ Sttemet I Alu nus ssu are any gouns for drawing such a
A ratl r clear, concise statement fo the fact that townspeople in the statej lie of distinction, but it must be re-
the ticket situation problem is on- of Michigan get seats on the 40 and membered that alumni receive appli-
CiOr a"Izalons WilL Assist In the~ taned in thiswe' Alumnus, out j 50 yard lines in the South standc
weekc'sFs vilswie h lmn n tuet i cation blanks and they are warned in
today, which sets forth the whole af- advance of the day on which their re-
at West Park yaroc ora.enbyteofc behind the gol posts with one mem- j t.ie hudbesn.
, J as on te lm i ass ciaytio, s tt ber of their family-not two. Te it.c ues ilud esaeter frm"
R E 'P SH M :l S FR EE ing wio h theAletter ao ciationu, at '17)uei cu es a lttrfo
innit reetyaere InT.Heuly7, "Mutch expession," says the article, prof. Claude f3. Vaii'Fyne of the his-
hi ~"hs been given by alumnni to a feel- to°. dP artmient on "University Sal-
Three bands are expected to lead and several Detroit and state papers. ing that a distinction should be made" aries,"in which the writer steadfast-
the big'parade to West Park which ,Mr. Hull, it will be recalled, was I between ther and the general public. y supports President Marion L. Bur-
;will start the city Hallowe'en cele- rather bitter on the subject of why Iatro ton i his Battle for higher salaries
brtlntooro igt.Te ihi n. thismatrf securing seats for for Tivrs ty n. Ie also 'Ures
brati-n toorrownight The i he didt nca get tickets to the Wisconi- Ibtsc
gan band-<will head thke parade, which sin gai. a big gamQ bt uc procedureI ti oalumnni to aid in this undertaking.
wilsatfo he eroh AnnJ After reprintIng Mr. Hull's letter! would be completely at variance with (-'i . IP, 11.
Arbor higl scool at 7 o'clock. on the matter and giving all the fig-, tho athletic policy which the Univer-
A "Rupei" banid, playing any such res, whch undoubtedly shoes the fity has puirued. At Harvard, Yale Brunswick, Me., Oct. 2.-John J.
instruments as its volunteer mne- fact ti, t+t hem' a-e not enough seats' and other privately endowed institu 'M agee, hBowflin college track coach,
berg are able to collect will be next! for everyone who desires them, the tions, there is every .justification for will go to Australia next summer to-
In line. A' third band will be known iarticle goes 3enl to give tie reason for the assumption that the almi body1 coach the ta(k anl field athletes:
as 'the mnouth' organ. brigade, and any
one who owns a mouth organ, wheth-
er they can. play it or not, is invited _____
to join the ranks.
Refreshments will be plentiful, it
Is announced by the Chamber of
donated by the Rotary club, doighi-7
nts Te' ',xhaiige lub, apples by 3t OA.
the I'i anisanxd pop-corn and candy " ---_.
by, the 'hllks and various womiens" or-I
ganization. Each club will have ii
a booth ttroom. which 'to dispense their w~g~V JVV M
gifts.Cant-fire Girls will assist at
these bodtfifi and' will 'also m aintain Ir
a numaler of fortunetelling stands. BT
Alfred 13 onnbble, '25r, president! da4 V#0v0*
of the tu4td ounci, and Thomas
"Cavanaligb, '"2?L, president of the ,~zI
Union,," ire In charge of theatricals, is r naclnubsfomte
tkits IM 10s A&umer ro t
Univer sity.
More thian 70i gifts have already
been recelived by hW Cambe ot
Oomm~eri tip be given athetarival
as reW'atdW'foi"r thebest costum es of Q00
fairies, M ines; goblins, and witches.
Man~iy Mier 'irizes are expected be- .~
tfre nI rrow 'night, andi the occa-! o m' ' u Ya-RkIr LM)
sions sib their "dispensation vwill be
numerous and, varied. _
PLAN SENIOR 1PATIS4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Senior education students met yes-
terday t I5 o'clock in Tappan hall to
discuss plans for a class party. A'L T I E TO I T
~temporary social committee, comapos- 1 GA T:44 T N GH
ed of Thelma Boyd, chairman, and Matinee 2:00, 3:40; Evenings 70. 8:4 1
Violet Peacock, R. P. Brumbaugh, and His Sucaesor to "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS"
F.'. Cook, had made tentative ar-
ragmnswhich' it was decided to i
follow. 'IC CL B e IL '
The firpt party" will 5be held at 9
o'clock, Nov. 8, in the Univerisity high}
school gym. Gamnes will occupy the;
early part of the evening; later there l y,
will be cards and dancing.I
Glass dues are to bae $3.50 this year, { Luuixiij~rs gowanswii'rous wontri- .
ac cording to action taken at the meet- eu, marvelous etings and all that
In ; they will be collected in Ta ppan u do saime l~to daring deluxe ocletg Q
hal11 at a late to be aannounced oo.* sirees oetyi
The payment of dues is pi'erequisite ; 'whiehi "a spade is called a spade"
to th-egranting of ceti'icate,,.1 A Typical 1eille Cast, Including
A faclty party for junior and sel- In Addition VERA REYNOLDS
2i eiducation students is also being I" ei t rsits IAnd
planned. "I E 4{l~IWES ROD LAROtCQUE

Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary
chemical society, has invited all stu-
dents intending to specialize in chem-

istry as a profession to attend al
smoker at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
room 165 of the Chemistry building.
Short talks will be given by Profes-
sors Campbell, Bartell, Willard, and
Lewis of the chemistry department.
The smoker is being given fo~r the
purpose of enabling the students who
plan to enter into this kind of work:,

Mlanila, Oct. 29.-A bill 'pert
the teaching of religion in the .,
pulcschool.,s,pass-ed? by the
31 to 26, now goes to the sena
Pay for your Suscryict,,,

.. .,A


Sp 1



Today Only



E.l Walker, Propr.
922 East Cathierine Sre
We Use Soft Water a
Pure Soap
No Alkali or AcidsN.
Always at Y our 'Servire.
We call'for and deliver.

"The Phantom Horseman"

Comedy and Review

$5.00 Cash Cards, $4.50
'Phone 127°21-11




_._.... ..d




~, a genur aeInnovation
Based on kacliel Crothiers'
faaneus play, i"Mary the Tird"

A , Cold Shower of Commono aGe rtinD uk
for Genraton Dunkwith


'" j


W ~

ere~cted by]

Ta Me. caZI


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'ti _.._....._
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J J " 'r J jy
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40, 4ary's own idea, She jeolt she Inu st
really know the two y oung mtenl
who sought her hand. She wvanted
to see them away from t fe wIld ,
jazzy atmosphere In, which they-ti
tied In town. So the three of1
there went off to camp In the
woods, unchaperoned. And then-E
It was FIFE they wanted; life full-
er, gayer, richer In achievieent
tihan that of their parents.--A iii
then Life rose to, wallop them !

Prof. T. Takainle of the


d(.part inert at the University of Tfokio I
ha's been in Ann Arbor since Septemt-9
'her and inte'nds to remain -here ulntil
Decembler 1, doing research work in
spectroscop~y. Professor Takam mi~e,
who is al o a memlber of the staff of
the Japanese Institute of Physical !
anld (Chemnical Research, 'which corre-
spond3to the Bureau of Standards i
this country, is noted in-.spectroscpi-
c:l work and has studied in both Eu-
rope and America.
Professor Tlakaniine is here pri-
marily to obtain experience in infra-
ri:J spectroscopy, a branch of that
sciencwe in which Prof. 1Ii. M. Rain-
dall, of the physics department here,
is; especially interested. Accordingi to
Dr. It. A. Sawyer of the physics de-
partmlent the laboratory provided for
ii~tra-red research work here is the
b! et euipped in the world.
Band Drum Major
Resigns position
Paul Sellards, grad, drum major or
the Michigan band, has resigned, dlue
to the fact that he is now in thegr d a e s h o an is p s ed y
work. Hle will continue to act as drum
11a1jor until a suitable successor for
his position' may be located, however.
Sellards has been drum major for
two years and is noted for his walk
while the band plays the "Victors."j
Tryouts for the position are being
held, and all applicants are asked to
report to the band headquarter:.
Author Dies At
Long Island Home3
New York, Oct. 29.-Frances Hodg-'
son Burnett, author and playright,
known particularly for her novel and
play, "Little Lord Fautleroy," died
here tonight at her homc, IPlandomne;
Park. at Plandome. Long Island. She

a. _ _.. _ L-. _ 1



wwAN Doc

An Entire



( .

by the Sensational
Recording Artists




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