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October 30, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-30-1924

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ry morning except Monday
rsity year by the Board in
nt 1'ucations.

abers of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en~
to the use for republication of all news
ches credited to it or not otherwise
Sin this paper and the local news pub-
:ered at the postoffilce at Ann Arbor,
gan, as second class matter. Special rate
stage granted by Third Assistant Post-
scriptionby carrier, $3.50; by mail,
ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
'nes: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
Telephones 2414 and 176.1I
r. ........John G. Garlinghouse
Editor.. ./ Robert G. Ramnsay
Night Editors
e W. Davis Joseph Kruger
ias I'. henry John Conrad
eth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Editor.......William H. Stoneman
y Editor........Robert S. Mansfield
n's Editor .............Verena Moran
and Lbrama......Robert B. Henderson
aph Editor..,William J. Walthour
e Barley Winfield H. Line
)n Barlow Harold A. Moore.
S. Bennets Carl E. Ohlmacher
a Bicknell William C. Patterson
ian B-oxer ilelen S. Ramusay
Cady Jr. Regina Reichmann
d B. Crosby Marie Reed
tine L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder
\r. VT-namberg Frederick 1. Shillito
h 0. Gartner Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
ing kuseworth C. Arthur Stevens
eth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
eth Liebeinann Frederic Telmos
is R. Line Herman J. Wise
Telephone 960
tising........... ....E. L. liunne
tising...................E. . Finn
tising............... . ... A. Marks
tising..............I M. Rockwell
ints................... Byron Parker
ation.................yR. C Winter
ation..............John W. Conlin
Arnold W. L. Mullins
Ardussi R P. Mast
" Burris H. L. Newmann
entz Thomas Olmstead
ijeitz J.1?. Ryan
iFox N. Rosenzweig
an Freehling Margaret Sandburg
SHamaker V. K. Schoenfeld
nnn S. H. Sinclair.
Kramer F. Taylor
1h. i~ra~iaer

His description of the hardships of that whoever agreed to that contract
the average instructor is graphic. The shut their eyes to any benefit or pleas-
most distressing part of it is that for ure the Michigan backers would enjoy.
the most part it is true. A careful per- To think 'that Michigan stooped to
usal of the salary scale is the only Illinois and permitted her to arrange
proof needed. The majority of men an agreement whereby they do not
now employed as instructors aid pro- return the game the following year,
fessors are grossly underpaid and was defeat in itself. Illinois had the
have little or no opportunity for "the upper hand right from .the start and
privileges of travel, artistic home sur- ouv representatives agreed with them;
roundings, music, books, the theater under such conditions Michigan never
now and then, and all the refining could win the game.
influences which make a man a gen- About a year or two -go, I think The
tleman and a scholar rather, than a Daily had an article saying Michigan
mere pedagogue." It is little wonder- couldn't accommodate her Eastern
that men of high calibre whose capa- alumni by playing one of the "big
bilities as teachers and scholars would three" in the east because they would
be great seek other and more remun- not consent to the home-to-home game.


r :




erative fields for their life work.
Another point deserving of com-
ment and serious consideration is
his statement that there are many
mediocre men now engaged as teach-
ers whose salaries should be given no
increase. There are so many of this
type at Michigan that the situation
appears at times discouraging-men
who are sincere in their effort to be
an inspiration to thought, but who
fail utterly and miserably, who very
apparently have missed their calling
in life. Michigan's greatest fbeed at
the present time is men of distinct
accomplishments, who either are
scholars or teachers of the first order.
Increased salaries for the many who
deserve them, and a careful distribu-
tion of favors will bring about the
desired end.
As Professor Van Tyne says, the
.reputation of the University depends'
not on its buildings, or it athletic
reputation, but on the extent of its
intellectual activity. Men of distinc-
tion give it the necessary atmosphere
and the proper sort of publicity, but
never will such men be attracted to
or induced to remain at the Universityz
until adequate possibilities for a
broad life are given. President Burt-i
on has already signified his intention+
of accomplishing this. He should have
the moral and verbal support of every
individual and instrumentality of the
institution. Only thus can we "insure
Michigan takinrg rank among the first
of American universities."
Ever since the first Pilgrim father
set foot on American soil, English
poets, English essayists, and, in fact,
English men of letters in general have
been looked up to and imitated by as-
piring American authors. The under-
lying cause for this hero worship of
literary men of the old world has

And now--look at her-why is it? Is
it because Illinois could accommodate
twenty thousand more people than
Michigan? If so, then football is com- !
mercialised to its greatest extent at
present, and football at colleges isn't
for the sport, that is just one way of
blinding the people. Then the coaches
have no right to discourage pro foot-
ball, nor discouraging the people from
wanting to see pro. football games.
They are all alike including the col-
leges. College football only turns out
and develops men for the pro football
season. Perhaps-it may be that Michi-
gan pinned her hopes of getting the
dedication to the stadium by agreeing
to the aforementioned contract. Her
representatives may have been sup-
erstitious and figured that Michigan
would be lucky enough to continue
her string of dedication victories,
well, in that case it is high time that
some of our broad-minded men lose
their superstition and expect to win
the game on football and nothing
We are all glad to be honored by
the opening of a stadium but none of
us, a loyal as we are to Michigan's
cause, will stoop to any school in the
country and play at their home town
two games in succession, dedication or
no dedication. It's a cinch that not
one Michigan man with any fighting
blood in him, would ever agree to so
outrageous an affair. Personally, 1
have followed the team wherever it
was just possible for me to go and
I haven't missed a game in four years,
and speaking for a few more grad-
uates and backers, we would all like
to see that wonder man "Grange from
Illinois," if possible. Many of us have
found it impossible to follow the teams
because we couldn't leave our places
of business, still a good many other
loyal rooters and supporters of Michi-
gan couldn't afford to make the trip.

meets in Room 25 of the Literary
building at 4 o'clock.
* * *
Both "Cotton Stockings" and "In
and Out" were one-man, star shows.
Especially last year everything was
built about Lionel Ames, who in his
hurry to get in and out of his eight
or ten costumes was hardly equal to
the enormous responsibility: for once
the limelight became too powerful1
and all but swamped the poor fellow.
Of course, this was entirely the
wrong idea, but the dilemna was any-
thing but the fault of the director
who, confronted with an almost un-
believably impossible book, had to
cover the blemishes with every avail-
able form of paint and powder..
But one always returns to the point
that such a basis is fundamentaly the
wrong ideal for a college opera; and
no one realizes this more fully than
Mr. Shuter. As a result, the produc-
tion this year, absolutely truthfully,
is the "new", Union Opera, or more
correctly, a reversal to the old fash-
ioned form, brought, long before our
day, to it* fullest fruit in "Contrary
Mary"-a return to the comic opera,
when operas, God bless them, were
really comic.
To begin with, as you have already
heard, the book this year has a defi-.,
nite, two-act plot, lines that are orig-
inal and clever, and a unique amount
of campus satire. The music is ex-
cellent, and the scenic and lighting
possibilities of the Chinese setting
are obviously far more grateful than
they have been, say in five or seven

-IIJ - if1



. .. .

BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all
Colleges at GRAAM'S, (at
both ends of the diagonal walk)


Phay for that Party.
For Engagements Call 248.



1 ,I

OCTOBER, 1924.
1 2 3 4
5 ,6 "7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 251
26 27 28 29 30 31


The spirit of the season is beautifully expressed in
the personal greeting cards Mayer-Schairer are
now showing. The assortment is so complete-
the designing, engraving and embossing so beautiful
-the prices so moderate that every desire can be
Place your order before November first and save
money. Cards to be delivered when wanted.
The, Mayer-Schairer



'112 South Main St.

II[ -

The report of the auditors of Uni-
ersity finances made public in yes-
rday's Daily and the comment of the
egent's investigation .committee con-
erning the condition of accounts rep-
esent a rather astonishing situation
at least one department of the Uni-
ersity. According to the auditors "in-
estigation of the accounts at the Uni-
ersity hopsital disclosed an incom-
lete and unreliable method of ac-
)unting and the absence of a proper
ecounting organization."
In conclusion the auditors say:
Our representatives endeavored to
repare a statement of the financial
esults of the conduct of the hospital
r the year ending June 30, 1924, but
ue to incompleteness of the records
id the unreliability of the accounts,
was not considered advisable to sub-
it any statement prepared from the
esent records.",
In view of this deplorable situation
e recommedation of the finance com-
ittee of the Board of Regents 'that
.ree administrative officials of the
niversity prepare immediately an
itirely new and complete system of
counting and provide for the proper
;encies to carry this out is gratify-
g. Such carelessness in handling
nds is inexcusable and can only
act against the University's general
elfare. It will be hard to ask the
gislature for an increase in the mill
x for necessary University funds
ith such carelessness in handling
e funds already available facing
em. Only stich investigation and
ompt action as that which charac-
rizes the recent audit of University
counts will serve to counterbalance
e poor publicity which will be given
e institution.
President Thompson of Ohio State
iversity in a public speech recently
plored the failure of the state of
io to provide for the needs of its
iversity, and stated that his insti-
ion "gets more out of the dollar
an any other university possibly
uld." Michigan has been generously
ated by the state in the matter of
propriations and will be in the an-
al income. In this is found an ex-
iple for our southern neighbor. The
iversity, however, can afford to
.ulate State's tactics in making ev-
r dollar of income do its work,
seeing that no money is misplaced
cause of carelessness on the part
certaIn departments.


been the acceptance of their standards 'Is there-any excuse at all wny Illinois
of literary excellence. Even those couldn't come to Ann Arbor next
Americans who have received recogni- year, aside from the fact that the
tion in the literary circles of England contract reads differently? If there is
hav'e been called "the American let's hear it. We are all willing to for-
Wordsworth, Shelley, or Keats." Al- give.
ways the standard has been English. This letter is written in protest to!
For the past two decades, literary any future efforts of the same nature,
critics of America, divided into the and if it is possible to have Illinois
two conventional schools of classic reconsider and visit us, by all means
and romantic, or conservative and do it.
radical have been championing their We wish to impress our future rep-
respective causes: the one holding resentatives that every word is meant,
that there is little work of merit be- so some few backers and graduates,
ing produced today, the other that whom I know personally and can get
there is power, new life, even literary in touch with off-hand, are also sign-
value in contemporary writings. ing in protest.
Louis K. Anspacher, a successful --0. M. Neidelman, ex. '25E; Joseph
dramatist in the light of present day Greenberg ex '16E; F. C. EisenbachC
evaluation who is to speak in Hill '17E; H. T. Kempa ex. "15E; B. C.
auditorium tonight, is reported to be- Davis ex. '25A.
lieve that " the movies are expressive
of the American attitude of mind, as MAKE THE MOST OF IT
is the short story, packed brimming To the Editor:
full of action." If this is the belief of Tuesday's Daily, under the heading
one of America's dramatists, it is lit- of "Campus Opinion" carried a com-
tle wonder that the writings of Amer- munication entitled "A Chimes Ar-
icans are belittled in the minds of the title." As a co-author of the Chimes
literary critics of the old world. article under criticism I should like
If the American movie, that travesty to reply to some of the changes
on American life, that gross exagerra- pressed by N. A. R. and point out 5ev-
tion of American experiences, can be eral discrepancies in his observations.
said to be an honest representation of He says in his first paragraph, as
the American state of mind, it is lit- evidence that the sermon treviews,
tle wonder that we are producing no which he is criticizing, cannot per-
works of lasting merit. If the average form the functions of dramatic criti-
American short story, either of the cisms. "It has been my opinion that
padded or sensational type, is a true negative criticism of a play amountedj
picture of every day American hap- I to nothing else than advice to stay
penings, it would indeed be a miracle away from it. Where then does the
to find any work of deep significance function of the church review, if it
or grounded upon sound philosophical has any function, resemble that of
principles springing out of such an dramatic criticism? Surely it does not
atmosphere. advise the Campus not to go to last}
Perhaps, this is an example of trying Sunday's services at the Episcopal
the case out of court. Perhaps it would church."
be but an act of courtesy to withhold If N. A. R. will glance at the first
any judgment in the matter until we item in the Music and Drama column
have first heard Mr. Anspacher's side in the same issue of the Daily he will
of the case. In any event it is a sub- find a review of a play presented the
ject which would seem to be worthy ndgat before; contrary to his nted t
of the consideration of every univer- nightbo cnraryt his oinion
ity student interested in literature of dramatic criticism he will findthaton
he is urged by the criticism neither to
at all. .tnr nfnnndtechw m

The cast, however, furnishes the,
most striking difference. In the first
place, there is no leading lady as
such; there is Nyan-Toy, the heroine,
but the role calls for neither singing
nor dancing, while Barre Hill as the
villain, peculiarly enough, has the
largest part in the entire production.
Charles Livingston is playing the
comedy lead of Marceline, "the little
lady who loves, her work"-you read
between the lines, of course. Willard
Spanagel as- Tu Yong plays opposite
her in some glorified-girly burlesque,
and Milton Brink, the one excuse for
"The Sweetest Kiss," is the negro
valet, Justice, conventionalities and all.
Incidentally, he has the sure-fire
dance hit of the show, "Feet, Let's
The other two burlesque characters
are Count Ivan Awfulitch and the
Baroness Valeri Mitchinki Pitsarnoff,
the one what his name indicates and
the other a noblewoman-or perhaps
not quite all that-after the best Olga
Petrova manner.
Finally, there are those most dif-
ficult roles in the entire list, the two
leading men. The task of being good-
looking, romantic, clever, and posses-
sed of a. capable tenor all at once
is better felt than described. Never-
theless, Russel Gorhing, especially,
is doing his part excellently: he has a
fine voice, and as a change lie is not
overacting his lines.
This sharp change was obviously
inevitable, perhaps because the local
days of Lionel Ames were ended, or

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Special Announcement
Owing to the nnusuaI iterest lnanifeped in the forlheonilni enigate-
mient of Cecl iR DeMille's mighty sped acle, "TIlE TEN COMlAND-
MiNTS9" "which begins on Monday night, November 10, and twice
daily November 11 and 12, the managenient of the Whitney Theatre.
has decided to inaugurate a special mail order department for the
engagement of this attraction.
Applications for seats will be filed in the order of their recipt.
Kindly address all communications to Manager Mcintyre, Whitney,
Orjers should be aceompanied by cLeW; or money order fori the
nunilxr of seats desired.
Performance will te given twice daily.
Prices for, ihe daily matinees are.......................85c, $1.10
For night performances .......... ... ............85e, $1.10, $1.65
In ordering scats please state for what performance tickets are




A Paramount Production-(Fain ons Players-Lasky Corporation)

Stop and think how
complete White Swan


Real is.



perhaps because everyone felt that a
purely commercial production was not
fittingly representative. Unquestion-
ably, "Tickled To Death" will do more
to quiet the persistent dissenting min-
ority among the faculty than evaey
kind of argument. It promises to be
beautiful, spectacular, sophisticated,
and purely entertaining; more than'
that, it promises to be original and
* * *

A review, by Marion Barlow.
Mrs. Edgar Stillman-Kelly has no
end of offices, among them Presi-
dent of the Federation of Women's
clubs. In this capacity she is attempt-
ing to propogate interest in larger
scholarships for the members of the
orgapization. Mrs. Kelly has a re-
markable husband, and no little know-,
ledge and musical ability herself. 11er
most illuminating lecture was touch-
ed with a bit of human interest-we
touch upon pathos, almost-when she
illustrated how here husband had de-
i wl o n. thom ulihi n nof , ,

WP 0

lunering, Rall from' a
single firm and first-
in everything.

Anonymous communications will be
disregardedl. The names of communi-
cants will. however, he regarded as
confidential upon request.

A LIVING WAGE To the Editor:
rhe current number of The Michi- Permit me as an ex-student and
a Alumnus contains an open letter ardent supporter of athletics at Mich-
University salaries by Prof. C. H.1 igan, to write a word of regret to the
nTyne, head of the history depart- Michigan football team for their re-
nt, which gives an unusually con- cent defeat at the hands of that wond-
e summary of the situation at Mich- erful team from the university of
n. Coming from the non of a man ! Illinois. It was hard to take. but the

' {

attendU nor to avoia t e s ow, outv wopea a eme wm chcame to him
merely to bear with the reviewer and in childhood. The Pilgrim of "Pil-
compare mental notes. grim's Progress" in horrible circum-
N. A. R. says, further, "Neither do stances, in danger of not being saved
they quite dare to suggest inanity." from eternal damnation, inspired this
Since two of the criticisms are given Mr. Kelly to compose a work, which
over to pointing out the inanity of ser- if not everlasting, is at least unusual.
mons, N. A. R.'s charge makes me After giving the members of the Ann
wonder if he did not disclose his Arbor society of the Federation of Mu-
reading habits as well as his pre- sic clubs a survey of the work being
judices when he said that some of done by the organization, Mrs. Kelly
our criticisms are "not particularly went on to tell what would be expect-
readable." ed of them in the future, and flattered
Then there remains, as N. A. R. them quite deliciously. The whole lec-
says, the matter of tone. He finds our ture was addressed primarily to the
criticisms shot through with attempts laymen, and was instructive indeed.

White Swan

.,nf4- .I.nr....cm ,i~rpnrqtvafui ntr. iic-

I U~AlUw



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