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October 30, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 10-30-1924

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Woman Makes pI9Y ntainh
Success Of Debt '"
Laden Business lHOSPIALCHI L

OF After 5 minutes of playing, the Mar-
tha Cook team made a goal against
I NSororsis and broke the tie of theirj
first game which was played Monday.
Monday's game consisted of four
LEAGUE quarters of strenuous playing with,
IN no goals made by either team.
Darkness prevented the playing off

Archery class teams have 1 een s -
l acted a follows: Freshuan team.
Mary E. Brown, Esther Merrick.
Helen Morse, and Frances Schulz
Sophomore team, lizabeth Campbell,
Margaret Clark, Fredericka Marston,
and Julia Wilson.
The number of women competing
for the junior and senior teams made
it -necessary to form a combined
junior and senior team which con-
sists of Margaret Stauftfer, '25, Nor-
ma Barlow, '26, Norma Clark, '26, and
Evelyn Smith, '25. The teams were
selected from those having the high-
est scores in each class. The high-
est score this year was made by
Evelyn Smith whose score was 54
made with 12 arrows.
A meeting of the members of all
the teams will be held at 3 o'clock
Thursday in Palmer field house.
AMembers who are unable to be pres-
ent should report to Miss Janet
l umming, of the physical education
earment as soon as possible.
The interclass archery tournm mnt
wTl take place at 3 o'clock, Tuesday
in Palmer field. Thin is the first
time that :archery has been given a
place on the list of interclass team
sports. Th increasing interest in
archery shown throughout the coun.-
try End a recognition of the skill,
thought, and practice required, in
fluenced the directors of the depart
ment of physical educat ion to raise
this sport above its ormer level of
Li individually competitive sport.

Displays of the types of handworl
done by children in the University
hospital and in the State Psychopatic
hospital, an exhibit of books, includ-
ing an entire set of the Book of
Knowledge sent through the courtesy
of the publishers, and a group of
health posters sent by the Visiting
Nurses association were included in
th exhibition of the Child Conserva-
tion league convention at the Mich-
igan Union.
Women have come from all over
the state to attend this convention.
and Jackson, Lansing, Pay City, Pt.
Huron, Mt. Pleasant, Ann Arbor.
Howell, Battle Cr3ek, St. Johns, and
Fenton groups have sent several
delegates each. It is hoped that
through this exhibit and the talks and
lectures of the convention, women
living in small towns may be helped
in their struggle for bettering condi-
tions in their schools and commun-
ities. The Child Conservation league
is doing the same type of work in
small towns that the Parent-Teach-

of the tie, so the game was completed
No interclass games will be played
Friday unless announcements are
made to that effect.
Hallowe'en features will make up
most of the program of the meeting
of the Portia society which will be
held at 7:15 o'clock tonight in room
4205 of the Literary building. Ruth
Rosenthal, '27, Will explain the origin
)f Hallos.e-en. Ghost stories will be
told l y Merel Slingluff, '25, and Mir-j
iam Olden, '27. A discussion of cur-
rent events will be led by Marian
Good '26, and all members will be
expected to be prepared to take part.
Dues will be. received after the

Mrs. J. R. Effinger
Says Teaching Is
Natural Vocation
Teaching, according to Mrs. John
R. Effingers, is the most suitable
and most natural vocation there is
for the average woman, and does
more material good in this world
than any other possible occupation.
"I feel," she stated, in comparing it
with social service, "That there is far
more actual good done in the world
by conscientious teachers than by all
the social service workers put to-
gether. Social service is all right, but
it is rather artificial, and I believe
too strictly in heredity to thing that
many wonders will ever. be done in
that field."
"If a teacher has the personality,"
she continued, "She has the power to
mould many a character. It is es-
pecially when children are of high
school age that a marked tendency
is shown by pupils to pay a great deal
more attention to the opinion and ad-
vice of outsiders than to their own
parents. For this reason the high.
school teacher has much to do with
the development of the child. Her in-
fluence is important."
Mrs. Effinger feels that teaching
should be the most natural thing in
the world for a girl to want to do--
to be in contact with small children,
and it should be helpful, too, because
she will soon learn to understand
their childishpeculiarities, and will
be spared a lot of worries when her
own youngsters do outlandish things.
"I would advise every girl to do
something for at. least a year after
graduation," said Mrs. Effinger, "For
sheer satisfaction as well as to be
able to earn a living should the oc-
casion ever demand."
"The work of a librarian is another
appropriate field for a girl," she con-
tinued. "It is broadening and en-
ables her to know her readers well,
especially iWl a small town, so that
she can mould their tastes in read-
ing. Business must be very interest-
ing, but that, as well as many of the
popular new fields for women, like
interior decorating, landscape gar-
dening, or architecture would necessi-
tate a long, hard period of appren-
ticeship. However, planning a kitch-
4 LiI imn js a' o

He can put in all possible rnoderni won"'n should interest thyezs
conveniences, but somehow, nothing the practical side of arch:
is ever handy, and he invariaby for-'coninning their mjor efforts
gets the indispensible broom clset to kitchen.
make way for an insignificant little:
nothingness. For that reason. I think- Pay for your SuhOscriptiont
337. South Main Street - Ann Arbor
Specializes in Ladies Hair Bobbing, Shingling and Marcelling
Children's hair Cutting
Open from 8:30 A. M. to 7 P. M.
Tuesday and Friday, open to 8:30 P. M.
Phone for appointment-2773-R

Smart frocks of flannel and
jersey il dark tones and il,
riewest high shades are very
spcfad '2t this onice fmr th
Month-End Sale. Ideal for
spcrts and campus wear.


Mri. EIit h O'Keefe Suisong
Successful newspaper women are
not new. Many reporters, feature
writers and editors are listed in the
acnais of nwspaiperdom, but it is
a little unusual to find a woman man-
ager of a newsnaper and one who
fought against odds that would have
discouraged an experienced man.
Mrs. Edith O'Keefe Susong, of
Greeneville, Tean., was literally forc-
ed into the nCwsp aner game several
ycar ago. She was obliged to take
over a "sinking publication'" with a
$3.{0G mortgage attached to it. After
eight years of hard Work Mrs. Suson
has not only paid ofu the indebtedness
but has increased the circulation tc
live times what it was formerly, and
is in a position to buy out all of her
rivals in reeneville.

f ,

er associations take care of in larger Announce Junior
cities. They are active in establish- ,umo .
ing children's libraries, arranging for Tennis Champion
supervised playgrounds, helping to
keep the children in hospitals profit- Tennis championship of the junior
ably occupied, and regulating health jlass has been awarded to Marjorie
conditions in the schools.lashsenawrdtoMjri
edelesante swe entertainedla Tubbs, as a result of yesterday's fin-
Tie delegates were entertained lastals. Miss Tubbs defeated Mary Jo
night at dinner by Mrs. H1. S. Mall- Iuenting, the other junior runner-up
ory; chairman of the convention, by a score of 6-4, 0-6, and 6-4.
'rof. Par~bara Bartlett. director of Freshman finals should be conplet-
training in public health nursing, ed as soon as possible. After this the
spoke en the physical health of the class champions will play for the
young child. . championship of the University wo-
Dr. Theophile Raphael, of the Uni- men.
'ersity psychopatic hospital, will dis-
cuss the facts to be considered in
connection with the conduct and ab- CLUB TO GIVE BRIDGE
normalities of the child at 2 o'clock

i l
. .

Mrs. Edg.ar Stillman-Kelley, who
spoke at a meeting of the Matinee
Musicale in Martha Cook building yes-
terday, lectured on the subject "How
Composers Cornpose."
The talk was begun with a consid-
eration of the activities of the or-
ganization. Undr encouragement of'
the American Federation, three Am-
erican operas are to be presented this
' \ekmint year. "Algzla," by Dc Leone
wil be given in Cleveland, Nov. 14
and 15, and in Columbus, April 22.
"Castle Agragol to," lby Ralph Ly-
ford, will befgiven in Cincinnati in
aiii y, aind1lch6,5'by FrinlC Pat-
tison, will be shown in Portland at
-Alme biennial meeting of the society
in June. "Too little interest has
been shown by Americans in authors
of their own country," said Mrs. Kel-
ley. "In Europe, there are a grca
many more organizations which pro-
duce operas by new and native au-
The American Federation of Music
uocietics give scholarships to each of
four people who win in an annual
contest, one for piano, one for violin,
and two for voice. Mrs. Kelley spoke
in her lecture of three forms of mus-
ical composition which are used ex-1
tensively in the composition oE
chamber music, namely the song, the
rondo,. and the sonata. The points
of the lecture were illustrated upon
the piano. Certain works which are
to be done by the Elshuco trio in Nov-
ember were played by Mrs. Keley.
~ Notices
Members of 'i hca "'g1ma, journal-
istic fraterImity for women, are re-
quested to meet at 5 o'clock to-
day in the Press building on May-
Snard street.
All captains of financ dve o
the Y. AV. C. A. re to melltf' t.t
o'clock today in Newberry hall.
All upperclass women are invitedl
to attend the first iceting of the club
leaders training course w hich wil I b
held at 4 o'clock today at Newberr
MIjumers dramatic society will held
a meeting at 4 o'clock Mnday at I
the Gamma Phi cBta house. lnitia-
toen will be held then and the "ay
"Overtones" presente .
11aive you paid your Daily Sabscrip-

U"hr-ys a nth e mum ,,,

"Y" Committee And
Foreign Students
Hold Joint Party


A hallowve'en party was held from
4:30 to 7 o'clock yesterday in New-
berry hall for all women on the
World Fellowship committee of the
Y. W. C. A. and foreign students. A
basket luncheon was served and hal-
lowe'en games were led by Sarita Dav-
is, '27.
The women on the World Fellow-
ship committee are as follows: Beryl
tacaffe, "5, chairman;- Helen Ras-
zel, '26, Ieata Wagner, '25, Esther Ma-'
haffy ','2G, Sarita Davis, '25, Cynthia
Smith, '26, Gertrude Turner, '25, Pris-
cella Ricket, '27, Dora Dodge, '25,
Elizabeth Brown, '25, Dorothy Spen-
cer, '27, Mary Beeman, '27, Marion
Grlifin, '2, Carol Reeder, '26, and
Madalyn Leland, '26.
Wyvern Society
Elects Members
Wyvern society initiated the fol-
lowing women Tuesday, Oct. 28: Mar-
garet Ainsvworth, Ruth Carson, Con-
I stance Clark, Josenhine Clark, Norma
Clark, Kathryn Clark. Dorothy Cline,
Sloretta Coopor, Marguerite Goodman,
Margaret Mogk, Eleanor Musselman,
Eunice Rose, Anne Seeley, Elizabeth
Str uss and Vera Wallington.
Michigan Samies will give a Hal-
lowc'en party at , o'clock Saturday
at th Fa eulity Wornmen's club, 226 S.
In;;alls. All (A the members of Michi-
gan Uname and their husbands, as
el aother married students in the
veriy td their wives, are coz-
'ch o o Danc inok
Pi*;xa L lessons in aesthetic,
toe, ba ct and modcrn ball-
room clancing.

in is a Whing a man Just can't. do.
this afternoon in room 318 of the Reservations may now be made by
Union. members of the Faculty Women's
Club for the bridge and mah jong =!#!#!i#1#1U11iIIHi#!##I#!!1#li#I##!!#11#1-
party which will be given by the club E
Thursday, Nv 3 tteMcia
.EDITORIAIL TRYOUTS Ulion.rThis affair is similar to the The De a-
one given last year. Members may No. 4, Nickels Arcade
All sophomores interested in ) bring a guest, and if desiring to play
working on the Michiganensian -nh oghudbigrteronst
see William Etheridge in the En- inh jong, shuld bring th eir own sets -We now have a few hats in vel-
se e a ath erin e- Mrs. Evans holbrook will receive res- vets and broadcloth-just what
I tween 2 and 5 o'clock. ervations by phone, 3537), or through you have been waiting for. Col-
the mail, 719 E. University. ors are tan, brown, blue and
Tea will be served this afternoon Hand made Infant dresses.
as usual at the Faculty Women's club Wool suits for boys 3 to 8 years,
Read the W ant Ads house, 226 South Ingalls street, fom priced at $5.75 to $8.75. Splen-
members. did selection.8
Wool dresses for girls $ to,14.
#!!!!!I!I #I!!i l 111i 1#!1!1!1!1!1111gll#l11Il111lI#I1#111!#11#1111111111111li #l~ig l llag t years, $6.00 to $11.75.
-, -Phone 2963-R. '
-Open Saturday evenings.
- UR Aim tlo serve
- you the best...
- Luncheon 12:09-1:30
A fternoon T ea, 3 :0 0-5 : 0 -Dn r 5 : 7 0
Dinner, 5:30-7:00 i
The Gren =1'I
205 South State St. Phone 1306-R
youwantjuit The right gilt come
2 Nickels Arcade
Opposite Sub Station
aL M.

Finest Qduality

Spcc'al Doze and Half Dozen Ratcs On display
now. Call and See tcm.

Ph none 666

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After the Show

Try this new one.

You will enjoy

Where shall we go?

The Fountain Room

To "The Grey Shop"I
For a "Buffalo."'

R 1O

Ill - I 9 07




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