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October 30, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 10-30-1924

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For the fake of

ERE is one thing more important than great
cities and rich farms. It is, the American Spirit.
It is the spirit that threw off the shackles of
tyranny and gave birth to the Republic.
The Spirit of America is the Spirit of Liberty.
America without Liberty would not be America. at all.
The fou nders of this Repu blic recognized the impor-
tance of Libe rty when they laid the foundations; of our
present greatness.
The Costitution, of ..the, United States guarantees
re :onofSe hP esreiinan D C TOThis Freedom is now being challenged by an effort
to abol.ish all private and, church schools.
The School Amendment is contrary to the spirit of
ILwill niot. be ap proved by any man or woman wh~o
Joves merca and its ideals..

I arr rar -


Washi ng9to n:0

For the Sk a


" I have often expressed
my sentiments that every
man conducting himself as
a-good citizen and being
accountable to God alone
for his. religious opinionl
ought to be protected in
worshipping the Deity ac-
cording to the dictates of
his own conscience."



~ ; , ,
' .
tk ' .
K , :

"T have e on ~ied Cre.
ligion as- x matter' between
every man and his Maker,
'in which no other, and far
less the public, has a right'
to interrneddle.


/ _ .--

-'If you have been inclined
-to believe that all men are
not created equal in~ those
inalienable rights enumer-
atedj by our charter of
liberty: let me entreat yott
to come back'- Return tb
tie fountain whose waters'
spring close by the blood
of the Revolution."

f " r- es aes

'iL'r~c Iax-C \r lca ,supors more than
.. ree s' puc."ii c 1.erm.loy ees. Most of
thesai cti~arA~othe States, Counties,
JV~r~;u~narej~j'Temployed all the time.
>As ;: il-a r S "v ti ,f g Lovrn nen t is mount -
au to . d.4~
Nc~ r avetl~' mricnn peop~le groaned
under their h,':c adr~er? as, they arc today..
Now k-mee a r? e acto saddle Michigan
taxpyerswi he11wexpe.ns e of educating
nearly 12,-0 idrern whose parents are
willing s;b6 payfor their education them-
If the School AndmJient passes:

For. one hundred and fifty years
American ideals have been well.
taught in public, private, and church
G reat Americans, like Thomas
Jeffer'son, Theodore Roosevelt and
Grover Cleveland, have been produced
by private and church schools. Other
great Americans have been. produced
by public schools.
Public anid private schools may well
continue to work side by side as in
/the past.
You Can 'trust the Parents!
The parents oif America may, be trusted t~
choose the right school for their children,
whether it be a public, private or church schoo.
Michigan has a high mstandard of Educa-
tion, and ALL schools are faithfully strivin
to meet it.
Unless the School Amnendment is defeated,
private and church. school will be abolished.
This would mean, inef Ittat our gream
American Democracy* no trusts the
parents to guide the cdtzi in of t'heLz
own children.

N "The good citizen will de-
/ marid liberty fur himself,
and as a miatter of pride he
wdi see to it that others ro-
ceive the liberty which he
thus clairn~s as his owni."
"Religious liberty has its
N unalterable place, along
/ vith civil and human
liberty, in the very fourida-
I 2tion of the Republic.
S/ Therein is shown the far-
seeing vision of the im-
mortal founders, and we
are a better people and a
better Republic because.
there is that freedom."


?1. It will cost the, tax-
payer more than $;70,000,000
for additional schools and
t.: Lc~y $0,000,000 ill
be necdcd annually for their



3. About 4,000
and helpers will be
the p uIblic Payroll.

adde~d to

"No is a little word, but it- will have a big,,mean-
ing at the Nov ember election.
Vote«N" on the School Am'end mint if you would
hold secure our precious traditions.
'the question is not Catholic, rLteao
Sectarian.' It' is American.
And then- there is another corsieration, too. if
this Amendment passes, t axe nil go up millions of
dollars ever y y ear, and YOU WiLL HAVE TO PAY
Viewed , fromany standpoint this in-alicious gand.
ill-advised movement should e dz ated by ar over'
whehtiing vote at the N'ovember election.

Mars all:

f y..;:
tN /1

'Unless f develop into
such a brute as to be unfit,
to take care of my child,
and thus warrant socity
in, re-moving him perma. -
ently fromn my custdy
should b-e let alone to lcook
after his healthi, care fo~r
his wants, guide is eu.
cation, and instil into his
mind such religious v&~
as.,1 think will enable him
to stand against the temp-
tutions :;f a tempestuotas

That is what- it would cost the Michigan
tax-payers toablihrcools that ,ore meeting
every'reasona "il'c;-quirem-ent and are being
maintained a:i p;ivate expense.
Why should the taxpayer assume'a bur-
den that other s are willing to carry?



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