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October 30, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 10-30-1924

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V, No. 33






roduced "Daddalums" in London;
Author of Other Well-known

Burton Gains
Upon Illness
President Marion L. Burton is rap-
idly on the road to recovery from the{
illness which has confined him to his
bed since Tuesday, October 21, accord-
ing to physicians. The President was
taken ill at that time with bronchities,
which developed into broncho-pneu-


Regal Shoe President Testifies
Placing Political Issues
In Advertisements


Michigan's, football team-the
team that came back so gloriously
in the Wisconsin game last Sat-
urday-will leave at 2:26 o'clock
this afternoon from the Michigan
Central station for Minneapolis
where they will play Minnesota'
Saturday for the possession of
the little brown jug and for the
right to remain a contender for
Conference honors. The team has
the confidence of the student
body. This will be evidenced
by the crowd'which will be pres-
ent to see them off, to cheer them
with the spirit of Michigan and
In many ways the men repre-
senting Michigan on the gridiron
can be considered to constitute
one of the best teams in the ath-
letic history of the University.
They have not won all of their
games but they did something in-
finitely greater. They proved them-
selves in defeat, and came back in
victory. From everywhere come the
praises of Michigan spirit because
of the-clean and hard fighting at
Illinois, and the fine playing at
Ferry field last Saturday. If ever
a team deserved to win a game,
this one does. Michigan is con-
fident of the outcome. It is in
this spirit that the students and
faculty will bid farewell to Cap-
tain Steger and his fighting elev-
en this afternoon.




reserved in his praise of the Wolver-
mne attitude after defeat.
"The finest thing," said Major Grif-
fith, "that has come out of the con-
test was that there has never been
an alibi' or excuse from Michigan.
The editorial in the Michigan stu-
dent paper was fine. What a won-
derful example to set before a nation!<
It has been one of the high spots in
Conference athletics in my judgment
and just goes to show how big an in-
stitution can prove itself to be in ad-

John 'K. Alexander of Chicago
Plea For United,

Makes I

Grvatet Gain for Party Col
Industrial North an
London, Oct. 30. (By A.
Conscrvative party appears
towards (.arI retunrn to o

John L. Griffith, commissioner ofBRITA1N PR
athletics for the Big Ten, in a letter
to Fielding H1. Yost, director of inter-
OPENS CO0 INFE I REI N CEI collegiate athletics, in commenting
on the dichigan-Illinois game, is un-


Ann Arbor's Regional Sunday school

uis K. Anspacher, dramatist,.
sopher, and lectrurer, will speak
Drama as a Social Force in a De-
acy" as the second number ofj
current Oratorical association
re series at 8 o'clock tonight in
auditorium. He will be intro-
I by Dean W. R. Humphreys of
literary college.
Anspacher's life is the story of .
,n who found difficulty in find-
bis "place in the world." Born
ncinnati, O., in 1878, he received
L. B. degree from the College of,
of New York in 1897, and spent
lext eight years in the Columbial

At first he specialized in philosophy
and ethics, and received his master's
degree on his thesis on Kantian philo-
sophy. He then entered Columbia
law school and took his LL. Bf, after
which he re-entered the graduate
school and continued his studies in
philosophy, ethics, and political
science for three years.
Staff Lecturer
From 1902 to 1905 Mr. Anspacher
was secular lecturer at the Temple
Emanuel, New York City. Since 1906
he has been on the permanent. lec-
ture staff of the Brooklyn Institute
of Arts and Sciences. He is also a
lecturer for the University Extension
center and. is on thee staff of theĀ±
Civic Forum lecture bureau of New
In addition to being a dramatist, a
philosopher, and a lecturer, Mr. Ans-
pacher is a poet. Some of his poems,
written for the National committee
before and during our participation
in .the World War, are quite well
known. . Among them "The Clarion"
and "The Pledge" were incorporated
into and are still used in many of
our national memorial ceremonials..
Noted Playsr
Mr. Anspacher's dramatic record is
well known through his long series!
of successful plays. For several years
an actor himself, and the husband of I
one of America's distinguished ac-
tresses, Katherine Kidder, he knows
the theatre from behind the scenes as
well as from the viewpoint of the1
dramatist's study.
Among his better known plays are!
"The Embarrassment of Riches,"
"A Woman of Impulse," "The GlassI
House," "The Washerwoman Duch-
ess," "Our Children," "The Unchas-
tened Woman," "That Day," "The
Rape of Belgium," "The Dancer,"
"Dagmar," and "The New House,"
which, produced in London under the!
title of "Daddalums," wvas said to-
have been one of the greatest theatri-
cal successes in England. ;
. No word had been received from.
Mr. Anspacher late last night as to
the hour of his arrival in Ann Arbor.
Dean E. H. Krauss of the Pharmacy
college and of the Summer session
leaves this morning to attend a con-.
ference of the Association of Summer,
School Administrators, which will be
held tomorrow and Saturday at the
University of Indiana, at Bloomington.
Several years ago Dean Kraus, with
the aid of two other administrators,
sent out a letter inviting the deans
of summer schools to attend a con-
ference at the University. The con-E
ferences, which are conducted on the
discussion plani, have continued to,
meet annualy throughout the country.
At present 30 institutions are repre-

Stresses Availibility, Eligibility, And
Activity As Basis Of College,
"We want you to live up to Michi-
gan. Her history is not finished; each
class has a page to write, so write it
well." With this exhortation, Herbert
!Steger, '25, addressed the meeting of
the freshmandliterary class, held last
night in the natural science auditor-
"Availability" was emphasized by
Steger as the biggest/ thing in col-
lege life, and second to this, ability.
"Stay eligible; then pick an activity
that suits you and give it all you've
got" was his advice to the freshmen.
Henry Grinnell, '28, Mary Louise
Murray, '28, and Louise Piggott, '28,1
officers of the class, spoke while the.
gathering was waiting for the ap-
pearance of Steger, who was delayed
by football practice. Grinnell em-
phasized the fact that organization is
necessary if the class is to make a!
name for itself, and if a victory over
the sophomores is to be recorded this
fall. He then announced the commit-
tees of the class of '28 for this year.
They are as follows: Discipline':
Fred Tuller, chairman, Benny Oos-;
terbaan, William Prescott, John
Remsceff, Ferry Reynolds Social.
Frank Sherman, chairman, Caroline
Colter, Katherine Gerow, Jean Green-
shield, Miss Summerfield, Miss Dea-
con; Finance: Tom Dougall, chair-
man, Eeman Bangs, Startton Buck,
Mortimer Fisher, Lisle Flemming,
Jack Gluver; Adivsory: T. A. Buck,
chairman, Wesley Douglas, Russel
Malcolm, Marion Johnson, Miss Isa-
belle, Isabelle Stitt; Athletic: Charles
Johnson, chairman, Babcock, Egan,
Lownsberry, Mengel, Oade, Purdy,
Schreoder, Brown, Weber.

LaFollette Involved
The committe also sought to 4lelve
momentarily into the inside story of
the LaFollette campaign and was told
that one campaign collector had re-
ceived about $120,000 among trade
unions, mostly in small amounts, not
covered by previous collecting re-
ports placed before the committee by
LaFollette managers.
Late today, E. J. Bliss, president of
the Regal Shoe company, was ques-
tioned regarding newspaper adver-
tisements appearing in the name of
the company discussing political is-
sues along with selling talk for shoes.
The witness told the committee he
could not say off hand how much
was sperft in the advertising cam-
paign, which was directed toward
preventing the elgction being thrown
into congress, but that one advertise-
ment, which was printed in 60 cities'
where the company had stores, had
cost $15,000. He promised to furnish
the information later.
Large Sums Raised
A. K. Liggett, a drug dealer, manu-
facturer, and chairman of the Calvin
Coolidge finance committee of Massa-
chusetts, told the committee he had
raised $450,000 and hoped to get more
than $500,000. He was questioned
sharply by members of the committee
and counsel concerning the letter
which the committee sent out asking
for funds and saying "very large con-
tributions' would be so divided as to
conform to the law."

Washington, Oct. 29.-(By A. P.)-
A bad entangled network of political
by-ways was explored today by the
Washington section of the Senate
campaign fund committee.
Focusing its efforts mainly on the
method of the Republican campaign
organization, the committee followed
Ithrough all day sessions a long trail
of charges and denials, swinging from
the famous Republican campaign let-
ter distributed in Massachusetts to
the parcelling out of federal patron-
age' in South Carolina, and touching
on reputed efforts to line up the sup-
port of the negro, the laborer and thej

Berlin, Oct. 29.-Formal contact be-
tween the staff of Seymour Carter
Gilbert, Jr., new agent-general for
reparations payments, and German
official quarters will be inaugurated
Friday when Dr. Hgalmar Schacht,j
president of the Reichibank, will give
a formal luncheon to the new official,
the retiring agent general, Owen D.
Young, and Rufus Dawes, Joseph E.
Sterrett, and Henry M. Robinson,
American members of the transfer
committee. The Reichbank director-
ate will also attend.
Owen D. Young, who arrived from
Paris tonight, will remain in Berlin
only long enough to complete the for-
malities connected with the installa-
tion of Mr. Gilbert. The latter is ex-
pected to arrive here tomorrow morn-


Experiments Conducted in Effort to
Destroy Clouds As Flying
Washington, Oct. 29. (By A. P.)-
Extensive experiment in the destruc-
tion of fogs and clouds by the use o
electrified sand are to be carried out
under government.supervision, at Bo-
ling field. Army airplanes equipped
with a device patented by Dr. L
Francis Warren, of Harvard univer:
sity, have been detailed:exclusively
tni thai work and daily flights are, to
be made during the next six weeks
to determine both the peace and war
value in connection with aviation.
The two aviatbrs who conducted the
attack today obtained a fair "bag"
despite the extreme height of the
clouds over the field. A group of of-
ficers and civilians from the ground
could follow without difficulty the I
cutting off of part of a cloud and it's
subsequent disintegration.
"The test has resulted in some cases
in uncanny manifestations," says Dr.
Warren, On July 8, a frightfully heavy
thunderstorm with almost continuous;
lighting lay to the south of Phillips
field over Chesapeake. At 2:30 o'clock'
we attacked a small corner of this
storm with a quantity of negatively
charged sand-less than 10 pounds-
and coincident with its application
there was no more lightning and no
more thunder."
Tickets for the Northwestern game
are still available, although there are
only a few remaining and these are
expected to be sold within the next
few days. Interest in this game has
heightened considerably since North-
western's 13 to 9 victory over M. A.
C. last Saturday. Students wishing
to secure seats for this game may
file their applications any time dur-
ing the day, at the office of the Ath-
letic association, in the .Yost Field
Michigan's quota of 15,00 tickets for
the Ohio State game at Columbus has
been completely sold out, it was also
announced at the Athletic office.
Waring Improves
After Accident
Tom Waring of the Waring's Penn-
sylvanians who are playing at Majes-
tic this week, is reported considerably
improved at St. Joseph Mercy hospi-
tal, where he was taken following an
accident Monday. 1
Although his condition was con-
sidered serious when rushed to the
hospital, there is every chance for
his rapid recovery, according to at-
tending physicians.

conference, with slightly more than
1,000 registered delegates, opened
yesterday morning with a general
meeting in the Methodistschurch. The
day's progran included speeches.
A dinner ;talk at the Presbyterian
church from Coach Yost, and in the
evening the rendition of Handel's
Largo, by the University women's
I glee club, directed by Nora Crane
Today's program will include the
quiet hour service at 8 o'clock in the
morning at the' Church of Christ, and
group conferences for workers in the
several branches. President William
SOxly Thompson, of Ohio State uil-
versity, will address the ministers'
fellowship luncheon at the Y. M. C.
A. at non, and will also make the
speech of the evening assembly. The
Varsity Glee club will sing at the eve-
ning meeting.
John M. Alexander, of Chicago, di-
rector of the American Youth found-
ation, was the first speaker at the
afternoon session of the regional
Sunday school convention, held at the
First Methodist church today. He
made a plea for an organization of
all churches together, and asked that
religious education be not looked up-
on as a fad, but as a means of giing
children a Christian objective. His
address wa followed by that of Prof.
H. U. Leedy; on "Music in Worship."
Following this Dr. M. A. lion-
line, of Pasadena, Calif., gave an ad-
dress on "The Aim of Religious Edu-!
cation." "Education is equally im-
portant with heredity and environ-
ment," said Dr. Honline, and as edu-
cation is a unitary process, religion
must be mixed with it."
Following Dr. H-online's address,
the convention inspected the publish-
er's display at the church, and the
educational exhibit at Harris hall.
After this the members attended the
Twilight organ recital at Hill audi-
Coach Yost addressed the dinner
meeting of the officers held in the
Presbyterian church. In his speech
the coach pointed out that a man to
be a winner in life needed to be an
all-round man. He must be well bal-
anced, physically, mentally, and mor-f
ally. "As to booze," said the coach,
"I like a game where you have some
chance of winning. I couldn't figure
any chance of beating that game so
I never played in it."
Appointments to the sub-commit-
tees for the Sophomore Prom were
announced last night by the presi-
dents of the sophomore literary, en- I
gineering and architectural classes.
Plans for the dance have been in the
making for the last few weeks and
with the appointment of the sub-com-
mittees the actual work will begin.1
The ticket and finance committee
will be headed by Robert Y. Keegan
and h'e will be assisted by Andrew W.
Kramer and Stanford M. Phelps. The
program committee, of which Fred S.
i Glover is chairman, will be composed
of John H. Lovette and Paul Starrett.
W. Calvin Patterson will be chair-
man of the music committee and will
be aided by Howard L. Preston and
Joseph S. Vogt. The decoration coin-
mittee will be headed by Helena M.
Knapp and she will be asssisted by
Phyllis Haehnle.

I versity."
Progranm To ,IieCi1i e Pieces
Schunmami, Saint -;ae ls, and
Guy Maier and Lee Pattisron, W
have become famous for tl'cir tV
piano recitals, will present the Cho
Union concert in Hill auditorium a
o'clock, Monday night. Mr. Maier,
,at present a member of the facu
of the School of Music, althoughl
fore this he did much concert wc
with Mr. Pattison. They appeared
" gether in Ann Arbor fore the fi
time two years ago, scoring a deci
success at that time.
Their program has been announ
and will include the following nu
Sonata (in one movement).'. Clener
Allegro-Minuet-Allegro molto.. .
Andante and Variations .. Schuman
Scherzo .... ............. Saint-Sae
Gavotte and Musette....... . Ra
Six Waltzes..............Brahi
(Transcried for two pianos by G
Maier. These Waltzes have been ch
en from the "Lieheslieder Waltz
originally written for vocal quarte
with pianoforte duet accompanimen
Scherzino .. ...........Schuc
"The Arkansas Traveller" Pattis
(Old Fiddler's Tune)
Prelude, "The Afternoon of a Faun'
. .Debus
Feu Roulant ("Pinwheels").Duvern
Spanish Rhapsody ..... . .... Chabri
The two artists through number
appearances in Europe and Amer
have made this form of musical
distinctively their own as the t
most distinguished exponents. Th
repertoire includes practically the
tire literature for two pianos and
their Ann Arbor engagement they ha
chosen numbers consisting not o'
of so-called heavy pieces, but numl
of attractive, melodious smal.
works. One of the mnore unique
these is "The Arkansas Travelle
adapted to the "Old Fiddler's Tux
by Mr. Pattison.
In order to avoid confusion and
assist the ticket takers at the doo
holder of season tickets are reques
to detach and nresent for admiss
coupon number 2, reading "ilaier a
Pattison." The concert will be
I promptly on time and the doors v
be closed during the performance
the numbers. Single tickets for the
cital are now on sale at the Sch
of Music.

.,j a 0 y luJI1 o ) le
19 Iworking majority ovor all
when at 2:30 o'clock this morn:
most half of the constittecc
i Great Britain had reported
J votes cast in yesterdays electi
the new Parliament.
by At that hour the Conservativl
1 54 seats, as against 101 cot
[seats of all other parties. Of
the Laborites had won 71 with tl
orals only 21. The various
groups accounted for the remair
who i With less than half the consi
;wo- Iies accounted for, the Conser4
ratI had already regained more tha
t 8 of the 90 seats they lost last
their net gain he 46 representi
is gains and 7 loses.
.lty Labor lost -32 seats and won
be-' net decrease of 16, while the Li
ork, had only 6 gains to show aga
to- | loss of 39 seats.
The heaviest swing to Conser
rst fin the early returns came from t
ded dustrial North and the Midland:
j Conservatives won 7 of the 10
ced ! chester seats only one of whic
i- occupied in the last Parliament.
scored further triumphs in New (
nti. Northhampton and Nottingham.
nn. Plymouth, England, Oct. 29.-
ns. Astor, the American born "con
f f. er," today retained her seat i
ms. House of Commons, in the rar
ruy Conservatives by a majority of
os1 over the Labor candidate Capt;
s W . Brennan.
tte Lady Astor's victory was g
nt.) with the utmost enthusiasm b
stt. l followers who made the sti 0e
Plymouth lively with a demonst
on, of satisfaction late tonight.
art Chicago, Oct. 29.--Testimony
woI $3,500,000 has been raised 'for t]
eir I publican campaign and a word.
en- between Samuel Untermyer, of
for York, special counsel and Willi
ave Hodges, of Denver, treasurer <
ny Republican national committee,
ber ed the opening today of the Cl
Iler end of the Senate campaign fu;
of vestigation.
r," Lecalled at the request of 1
ne" rver, Hodges told the sub-con
. n'ndr Senator Borah, Repul
to 1daho, which arrived late today
frs Vashington, that of the total <
ted ions $750,000 had been returned
ion states from which the funds had
and I leaving $2,750,000 for the presid
gin! senatorial and congressional
will paigns.


Prof. W. L. Badger of the chemical
engineering department. will speak
for the Michigan section of the Amer-
ican Chemical society at an Intersec-
tional meeting to be held at Cleve-
land on November 6. The meeting is
'being sponsored by the Cleveland sec-
tion of the society and they have ex-
tended invitations to all 'sections,
within close proximity of Cleveland.
A number of noted chemists will
give lectures, among whom will be
iL. H. Baekeland, honorary professor
Iof chemical engineering at Columbia
university and president of the so-
ciety. Professor Baekeland is a prom-
inent authority on chemistry and was
the inventor of bakelite, a substitute
for hard rubber.
ISchenectady, Oct. 29.-Robert M. La..

Saturday is the last day that con-
tracts may be signed for space in the
Michiganensian. Any campus organi-
zation which has not signed by that
time will forfeit the privilege of hav-
ing space this year.
Many contracts are unsigned and
all organizations are urged to be cer-
tain that they have signed-their con-
tracts. The 'Ensian office is open
every afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock,
and will be open Saturday morning
from 10 until 12 o'clock.
F. W. Sevin, '17, of the Vacuum Oil
company, will deliver two lectures,
at 8 and 9 o'clock Friday, before Prof.
W. E. Lay's classes in the automotive
laboratories. His subject, " The Lu-
brication of Automobiles," will in-
clude quality, grades, dilution, and
the function of oil, together with con-
ditions of operation, carbon deposits
and oil pumping. Professor Lay ex-
tends an invitation to everyone inter
I ested to attend.
Thirteen men were elected to active
membership in Mimes, honorary dra-
matic society, at its last meeting,
while one was elected to honorary
membership. Anthony Whitmire was
the honorary member, while the fol-
lowing others comprise the active


t t a



Em.rono. Dunntl' '9.51. ulw,


"Being Physically Fit," is the sub-
ject of the first hygiene lecture which
will be given by Dr. George A. May
of the physical education department
at 3, 4, and 5.;o'clock today at Water-
man gymnasium. The lectures, which
will take the place of the regular1
gym classes, will be repeated tomor-
row at the same hours. All freshmen
are required to take the lectures.
Althoughthe lectures wil take up
the greater. part of the hour, the

" 4 ; 45 a Jt lflt, .; 0, aMV 0.0 c4,tL,'k
ally appointed to fill a vacanc
the ;tudent council at the ret
---teat in;; of that organization
Brussells, Oct. 29.-The dispute be- last night at the Union.
tween Great Britain and Turkey, con- Alfred B. Connable, '25, pres
cerning the status quo of the frontier of the council, announced that
between Turkey and Mosul, was names of treslnhen guilty of infr
settled tonighit by the council of the I ments of Michigan traditions s
League of Nations which unanimous- be turned over to him. The n
ly adopted a resolution fixing a pro- will then be given to the fres)
visional frontier pending the settle-' discipline- comumittee for furthe:
ment krter of the question of the tion. This committee ws appo
sovereignty of Mosul. last night by henry iGrinnell,
Both the British and the lurk ish I president of the freslnan class.
delegates informed the council that
they would loyally carry out' the
terms of the resolutien,which 'pro-nr
vided that any locality occupied or' CLA4,) DOlSD PROI
administered by the British or TurksI
in violation of Ithre new frontier linesE
shall be evacuated at the latest by
November 15.
William Kerr, '25l, treasurer <
Student council announced last
that class dues day was a tinc
RL ST cess. Booths were located at va
,P places on the campus and the
l { part of the day.

All sorts of requests come in to
Jimmie every day from every sort
of person for all sorts of things.
We are now trying; to locate some
kind of a tonic for a co-ed friend,
to keep her awake in lecture.
Bring your ads to the Press Bldg.

Badger Returns
From Conference

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