__ j gg ~rights and privileges, I I"In a state-supported insttittion ;..x elike Michigan, it is not felt that there PAFIHE1O OHH~ Sttemet I Alu nus ssu are any gouns for drawing such a A ratl r clear, concise statement fo the fact that townspeople in the statej lie of distinction, but it must be re- the ticket situation problem is on- of Michigan get seats on the 40 and membered that alumni receive appli- CiOr a"Izalons WilL Assist In the~ taned in thiswe' Alumnus, out j 50 yard lines in the South standc weekc'sFs vilswie h lmn n tuet i cation blanks and they are warned in today, which sets forth the whole af- advance of the day on which their re- at West Park yaroc ora.enbyteofc behind the gol posts with one mem- j t.ie hudbesn. , J as on te lm i ass ciaytio, s tt ber of their family-not two. Te it.c ues ilud esaeter frm" R E 'P SH M :l S FR EE ing wio h theAletter ao ciationu, at '17)uei cu es a lttrfo innit reetyaere InT.Heuly7, "Mutch expession," says the article, prof. Claude f3. Vaii'Fyne of the his- hi ~"hs been given by alumnni to a feel- to°. dP artmient on "University Sal- Three bands are expected to lead and several Detroit and state papers. ing that a distinction should be made" aries,"in which the writer steadfast- the big'parade to West Park which ,Mr. Hull, it will be recalled, was I between ther and the general public. y supports President Marion L. Bur- ;will start the city Hallowe'en cele- rather bitter on the subject of why Iatro ton i his Battle for higher salaries brtlntooro igt.Te ihi n. thismatrf securing seats for for Tivrs ty n. Ie also 'Ures brati-n toorrownight The i he didt nca get tickets to the Wisconi- Ibtsc gan band-