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January 07, 1923 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-07

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Lions. ,Sunday rnight's offering is IVer-; unConflictnr of Fihand Hp"has been
1 e e sdil's 11 T ll'rovatr, with an SUN D91 SE IE l chosen for the sermon topic. ,Follow-
____exce1(l , ast including Mimes. Rap-U I Ing the s upper at 5:45 .o'clock there
(Cniudfo aeN.) 11-111(1Dt Mette, and Messrs. Sala- flll will be discussion around the fire.
(Cotiue froi PgeN-n .)AN ABOr, RiIS7 chard Bonelli, noted Italian AeronCHIIglihDilHbEgve
"Sentimental Tommry." are seern l mritone and the two first bassos. Pie- IfhUI emni nls ilb ie
two pathetic kan B tae Crv.h ook ;. K1at[Iee n tThDeBlsat '10:00 o'clock and one. in German.
Clifford hnasi en ihosen tOite pa}"troperas fc~r the remainder of the week (Continued from Page Nine.) at1:0occk tth Behhm
"F ru r l." le tuou ; vangelicali church. "Full Equality
include Lzuc iaAda, Faust, Carmen, for W93" wllbe discussed at t<e p the 1lgon~Gd h ujc
"a"dae.Ohesponet incld I._cr nteKndu fto"i h ujc
"jaz" lles ,. oninet i IJewels of. the Mfadonna, Cavalleri t - Students' Fireside Chat at 0:30 sri.
the astare altr Lng My Klsoticana and Pagliacci. The last t'wo o'clock;
andc JcnMlen ugb eart attfpiepl etho)dist Holy Communion will be held ate
stin b s par te c st,, of pcin il~a s (8:00 o'clock this m orning at St. 'A n- I
.. yjes.tdoule nill fo. y ,Gre"i h tiethe irhst drew's church. -Holy Cormmanion andj
Artur . Salkr }sermon will be given at 10:30 ,clock.
Jackie Coogan, a')pearing in a screen - Methodist church has chosen foar thist "The Lost, Radiance of the ChristianI
,,daption or Charles Dicken's master- ;iiiibvrtMlekl1gan (Ifr'troit) 1[morning. Five Bible classes for stu eigin"i h etrssbet
piece, 'Olive: 1, begins a slve- "Nice People," a sparkling coinedy deists will meet at noon in Wesley salcouIrm piat.Nra
day engageme~cnt hero today. In this foit1 hm~e Cohr all.' iargaretStair, '24, Will lead tecrudthehemal dlaris rect Yin t of rmale~
pictur"e, wvhich critic:; ac clai one of touching uzpon the, present day enjoy- I Wesleyan Guild Devotional meeting Alxne;ilsn oeo h
the best 1produzctions1 of the past year. ment of~ the smart young social set, at r lc.M.EgrGetwueikmsca :0ocokti
th1e jutvenile star, portraying innocentwilbthofengothBnsle speak at. the Wesleyan Guild lecture atron n i ilcnttt h
boyhodregisters an .peal t companyl.beth fisneektbeginning '®ionat 7:310 orlock. The special musc for atron n i ilctsitt h
boyhodyta n i i webgnin o-"usual monthly musical service, lut #
stries he ears o youg ad od (ay l'~this m orning Is as follows, "Prelude {
anstrieshi circlof admirernd odc opnsinanaprt . inr"' (Salomue), Mrs. Rhiead; the change of hour ;for this edate is .to 5
andexens iscicleofadlrrsto The play, which "openictli"nGanndapahercorusbe noted, 5:30 Instead of 5:00 o'clock
inlue~i lase f epl.meat In Park Avenue, New Y'kl ty, choir; "before the Heavens-Were M1r. Alexander will also give a short
Chio' .1 ,laktes ,.l~pot, lio tal onthe compositions suig .at this'
Chnyes i c oeofFgiagiver an Insigtinto ,the lvsori a Spread Abroad" (Parker), the chor-,
"rr lignlmn"Others in the gopo on epewohv o-uslchoir;"C all Me Forth with -Thine l
m ryodetlein"ey and nothing to dlo, showing the),lc hne____________
ert ar ldsBrcwl sNny stlesisnes s tt os .sthm nd'(Verde), Mr: Dewey; "Elevation"' Got a rOgm to rent? A..Daily ctassi*
Sikes, George Slegmnann as Bill Sikes the possibility o daner in thei grl td (fou anni1eum)
and Lionel L'elmrec as Mr. Brown low. " i~r( agcMs led Amgt fled ad-will fin a roomer.-Adv.
method of enjoy.,nent. Theodora So Thy Gbrace. to Me" (K{remaser), ..
Vioa .anw i deighfuly flLi~Gloucester, only, daughter o. a wa the chorus choir; "People Victorious"
tamning in her ilatest comedy-drama, ty a,;a mn amresamn a(ro or ovs-.)(Pa-e)
"Love in the Dark,," the attraction for class whose am usement consists large- (frmis Ho;ra NdvisCe).or lu-__________________________
Friday and Saturday. The vivaciou:' fdikng n alga ut-of IMiss Hwe; .GrandChoru" (Du
sta apear a anorpanadotedbythe-way places. A scandal Is cautI di, The rmorning servioH of the Trinity
at woman whoc is a member of a gang when a storm prevents he_- return fromi Luther'an chiurch w ill be held at 10:10
of thie es._ She is engaged to tako her father's country homse wltero e ok h e. .F.G'dr
ca~eofiit~e Rod" furyer-ldhas stopped with hler, escort niter will. speak this3 morning ,oi, "The
stealing awpay from home to dittetlii a."~r'
leads her to discover mnan ,Ythings usinLloingh ~nefobd prd.t ysupper, tA.Revelation and In-"UM
yougstr, nd ernatraleurosiy cstoby emifather. ierne frbid- spigue will om.4ee a Lt her o'loc. A-M i
abiout the wxoman whose ward she is. !Vdonbyoherfave." The LutheeretsLea-
The plot complications rec many B3illy Wade, a mlan of an entirely tlf-{Guiide -Boaard PFsalfi," is :the =subject ot
aznd' varied and the element of suirprise: ferent type and anunsa romance the sermon At.7:00 o( 'clock this; ete lo h e
is. never lacking. C~ullen Landis, Bruce .bogie::. uupli
Guerin, Arline Pretty, Edward Con- 'Icietlythisg Myewill srve., t
nelly . and 'John Hlarron are seen %172;introdhice to Detroiters Miss Bi
the sup,pprting cast.! stoec's new leading man, Minrm tt Services in German will be held. at
10 :30 o'clock this morn Ing in the Zion.

fr T ewa..,-" -. a - w
CJlopYour ebening aiments
cleaned and refreshed
";ANN AR.BO'S. Master G egners"
ga a* -a~ -r


_ , ...

Will be the Closing ficaturie 01the Freneb Bonds SAi I Baal4j
Paris, Jan. ,6. By A. P.--Tine abun-
dance of capital in Fratuce Nas d
"liotersUne theSkn" t onstrated recently when Credit lFong-
"Drciher tiner te Sks" Ptercier, bond~s to- the a, a unt of 6OQb,0O.0.:
B3. Kyno's, highly diverting comedy. of francs were over-sublwribed in 24j
married life, comas here the~ first half hours. It -was originally intended to
or the week. The story t1,,i of, the continue the sales over a fortnight.
si.milar domrestic difficulties encount- The bonds bear- interest at sin. per-
ered by two .young husbands: orp. a cent, and were priced ait 9?0.
humble shippinig clejrk in a NeW "York?
plumbing business, and thr othrth
vice-president and manager oat'ttoe ', .
iirmu. Both are having trouble with
their wvives-andI for very9 siniilar%
carses. J1:1 M te. shipping clerk's
Awife, believes in' sharing her hiis- J-
badsjoys but not his troubles. Shteq
lets him tiptoe about getting his own r
break <ast so as nct to wake her from
her "beaut~y :slep." Tiro vice-presi-
dent's, wife must also have. her beauty
slee.p in the morniligs. Both, bring;
their husbands close to bankruptcy
through their extravagance. The ship-I
pink clerk, given $,) to deliver a note' .
to Kirtland, the vice-president, over-
sec:, a lessoa in wife taming whileI'
thern. ie goes homre to-try the sa1rio
cave-mxan stuff on MIVNly and the re- _
sults are equally as successful. 1eId-
ene Chadwick, .Claire Windsor and , whetherc or not your property is fully.
Mae Bush have the leading femainine 'c iirecl against Fire.If not you, had
r oles, and Pat O'Malley and Normxan ibtter comie in and see us beforeie t.9
K~cr are seen as the worried btt vlc- to lato. No one known, when fire
torious husbands. .myoccur hibut you can feel safe after
"Slim Shoulders," Irene Castle's you take out one of our policies. The
latc!;t oroduchion, which will-ba shown cog 't is vary smiall comlPared with the
the remainder of the week, is anl un-! benw. tf; derived therefrom. Pity a§;a
usually pleasant blending of society 'visit and we will t ll you mnore.
life with mnelodramia. The star is seen
its the role of a' young 'girl who offer s
ucinrrrv one o1 hor father's creditor;
fn-vnt- a family scandal. Fate 1in- U
crvQnes and new complications arlseIsua c
wvhe.& tho gi~rl turns croo': to aid her In urnc
father vwhoi has forger' a note, robbing s2 1& ainlBn ulig
the nloney-lender's safe and later fall- 0 tNtoa akBidn
'int: it, love with him. Phone. 401- 1M
Miam; and Palm. Bfeach scene- afford -
. A mot. pleasing background for this'
ciety -drama. Anders Rodolph is the'
villain of the !picture and Rod La Roa-j
cquo 'is said to 'be 'a sort, of Valentino 3
typo hero.

titaUULtL& Y f..)faf5nLYI

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