Lions. ,Sunday rnight's offering is IVer-; unConflictnr of Fihand Hp"has been 1 e e sdil's 11 T ll'rovatr, with an SUN D91 SE IE l chosen for the sermon topic. ,Follow- ____exce1(l , ast including Mimes. Rap-U I Ing the s upper at 5:45 .o'clock there (Cniudfo aeN.) 11-111(1Dt Mette, and Messrs. Sala- flll will be discussion around the fire. (Cotiue froi PgeN-n .)AN ABOr, RiIS7 chard Bonelli, noted Italian AeronCHIIglihDilHbEgve "Sentimental Tommry." are seern l mritone and the two first bassos. Pie- IfhUI emni nls ilb ie two pathetic kan B tae Crv.h ook ;. K1at[Iee n tThDeBlsat '10:00 o'clock and one. in German. Clifford hnasi en ihosen tOite pa}"troperas fc~r the remainder of the week (Continued from Page Nine.) at1:0occk tth Behhm "F ru r l." le tuou ; vangelicali church. "Full Equality include Lzuc iaAda, Faust, Carmen, for W93" wllbe discussed at t