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January 07, 1923 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-07
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Unveiling te DoDo
One of the most interesting and UR Elll be given three night
valuables enterprises in artistie inewRR lo, so that all meembers
undertaken in Ann Arbor is that. by tie oportunity of witnessi;
group of University and town I kitchen anld dining room of the same craft. This, like the play before te Noput yo wi h
people ductions. No plays which
who call themselves "Doos". This house, where thirty; could enjoy the mentioned, is highly fantastic. 1 produced elsewhere will be
is an organlatins of art lovers which ! exqAite little plays. A kindly witch or faiy-godmother Everything relating to the
endeavors to bring out the best in its These plays were aesthetically, but ! gives a little girl a can of "loquorrie", Itheir production will be by
members in all lines of art. Not even'"at the same time economically, pro- which, when thrown upon the grate- iofthe society.
the difficulties' of dramatic art daunt duced. The settings -were made from fire, will bring the furniture in the Exhibits of paintings will
them, for they have recently bought; cheese-cloth, and painted with calcim- room to life. The little girl follows from time to time. It is exp
themselves a property at '1$ Spring line .so cleverly, as. to give an air of instructiaus, which causes the furni- [.the interesting collection o
Street, where they will produce their: reality rivaling that of professional ture to be imbued with life, and to intstiG n patingc
sionisti German paintings
own plays. stage props. The lighting effects were cqnjnre up for her amusement mey{ here this fall by John R. A
Atall that could be -wished. After the and women of past ages. Since the'.Ae-
Athou he oc ty, hgasid, bt ra- frst two performances, it was decided initial performance, "Lgquorrie ha b shon.Al eill r
cently been formally organized, it. has ! ha thenceforth only plays -written ben prdue befoetecide fb a special exhibit of Mar:
been in operation since 1920. It first.meers o lypaywrt. t been produced before the children of Johnson's paintings.
began as a series of symposia at- the tniversity hospital. It is the intention of the
home of Mrs. Margaret Grenell, where The originality and modernistic Plays still to be produced are kept organize smaller groups y
local enthusiasts of the arts would tendency of these plays can be illus- a dark secret, but using my own membership, so as to disc
come together to discuss the chaiges ! trated by giving, in a few words, the j brand of "loquorrie", -I was enabled intimately the various pha,
in aesthetic ideas that are now so substance of one of the plays already to discover that - among the season's especially interesting to the
swift]y and radical]y in progrss produced. "A Point in Space", by plays will be "Monkey Glands", groups. Thus not only di
over the world. Quickly recognizing Margaret Grenell in collaboration with{ "Swimming Apples", and "If She also poetry, music, and dra
the animating effect that these meeg Donald Roxburgh, is a good exanmple. Sleeps, She's Not Awake". This last; come within the scope of
ts meet The plot consists of a discussion be- is a puppet play, although human be- tivity. A. "DoDo Directo'ry
as mdecided that the members ind.- tween a n:essenger from Jehovah and ings will represent the mannikins. being prepared with this in
vidually do creative work in any aesth one from Satan concerning the state These titles show that the interest of After having learned th
atic line they wished, and that these of affairs on the planet Earth. Neither' the society is still along modernistic facts I have given about the
works then be constructively criticlzea character appears on the stage, which lines. ciety, one thing still troubl
wyrksthenhecnstielis set in futurist. fashion to present As the DoDo Society was constantly could see no connection b
b literally a point in space. The only growing, it was decided to fully or-I and the extinct bird of tha
Poetry, stories, and essays were thing seen is the horned shadow of ganize and establish it. So in July "So you are curious a
written, and read . aloud by their the "Messenger from the Lowermost", 1922, it was Incorporated as a non- name?" my facetious inforn
authors; those members fortunate cast by the lurid flames below him. profit organization under the laws of "It was laughingly adopte
enough to have talent in painting ex- The play has undbc ubtedly4 little the State of Michigan. The officers iresult of one member's misp
hibited their work; musicians played dramatic action, but it brings out un- are Cecil V. Wickter, president; Oakley tion of a contemporary, but
or sang their own compositions, or s iuspected possibilities in the art of C. Johnson, secretary; and John R. art movement in Europe. I
interpreted those of others. But one little theater stagecraft. The enthu-1 Adams, treasurer. the original Dodo. we flatter
great obstacle presented itself. Those siastic praise given by all who saw Among the. members best known to that we can survive--we do
who were interested in dramatics could! this remarkable little play, proves be- the student body are Professors Mea- 'DoDo' is a doubling of th
not follow their line of art, nor could yond a doubt that not only was it a der of the Russian dept.; Parker, action."
the DoDos give adequate criticisms of success from a literary point of view, philosophy.; F.N. Scott, Wier, Rankin, When asked what the rea
plays they could not see performed. but that the settings and production Peterson, Cowden, Everett, and H.P. of the society is and whet
So through the kindness of Mrs. Gre- surmounted the extreme diffculties: Scott of the Rhetoric department; tends to rival its contempi
nell, the two parlors of her home went I.play presented. Cooley, sociology; Sauer, geology; ;Ann Arbor, he answered.
through a process of metamorphosis About two or three times a year; Hollister, public speaking; a n d "We will be found an
which resulted in one becoming thechildren's plays are given. Among Strauss, English department. I strongest supporters of th<
stage of a theater, the other an audi-! the most interesting of these is one There are now, 120 members in the Club, Masques, Comedy (
torium. This little theater was filled which the enticing title of "Loquorrie" society. The limit of membership Is kindred organizations. As
to its fullest capacity when there were by Mary Olmsted Johnson, who is pro- set at 150. Members are admitted only I purpose, contrary to news
sixteen in the audience. minent among the DoDos not only for by invitation. parts,!we do not intend to
To acconnodate more friends of the her excellent literary work, but more The new theater, known as the DoDo uplift art. All we try to
DoDos, the theater was moved to the especially for her painting and stage- Playshop", seats fifty people. Plays DoDo, is now things in a n




To Prces t Prevail inteCaScio
To be enfolded in luxury and smartness, choose one of these new coats - the most beautiful wraps and coat
created for the present season, reveal a wealth of style treatments heretofore confined to wraps shown at much
higher prices. Their tailoring is expertly done - each model is tuthoritative in its Clever styling, taking its in-
spiration from recent import, or created by an original designer. In all the favored woolens.

a J


Values to $27.50 at .....................:.......
,Values to $49.75 at ...............................


Values to $3 .50 at ...:..................


Values to $87.50

at ..........................

Values to $150.00 at ..... .,... a....r ....

Y .

Finish the Season with

A New Hat'


Winsome Frocks
Are Also on Sale at
reduced prices
Values to $15.00 at .......$16.75
Values to $35.00 at$..................21.75
Values to $49.75 at...........$.......29.75
Values to $59.75 at$...... .........95
Values to $85.00 at..................$59.75

Paternalizing American Industry


Just as Milady iss becoming a bit tied of her winter
attire conies this sale of winter hats which will enable
her to select an attractive new hat at a very small cost.
All of the winter hats including many models of v'elvet,
some of duvetyn and a few felts will be on sale at the
uxnusually low price of $50.



Sports Skirts are Now on Sile
Sports skirts to chum with the skating sweaters, and also appropriate to wear with
Other sweaters, blou.se pr jackets, in a number..of dieffrent plaid and strip -patterns
will be on sale

Sweaters "for
just in time for the skating season comes the Jan-
uary Clearance Sale - bringing its price reductions
in skating sweaters! A large group of heavy rope
stitch skating sweaters in navy blue, different shades
of brown and red, will be on sale. Values to $11.5U
at $7.95 and values to $7.95 at $5.95.
A group &f skating sweaters in one color trimmed
wich a contrasting color, red and white, or blue and
whit combined, will be on zAse, values to $4.95 at

Glenn Frank, the brilliant young]
editorof the Century Magazine, wins
friends both because and in spite of
his youth. It seems almost incredible
that a man just nine years out of col-
lege should have made such a nam'e
for himself in the literary world as to
be selected editor in chief of one of
the greatest publications in the coun-
Many credit this phenomenal success
to pure intellectual brilliance. I think,
however, that it would have been quite
impossible for him to make such rapid
strides without the engaging geniality
-and polish which mark his personaiicy
and appearance. The other element
effecting his rapid rise has been his{
vision. No man who has been brought3
to the campus this year has made
such a deep impressioi upon his audi-
ence, except possibly Dr. Merriam,
president of the Carnegie Institute at
Of the eight ideas he declared as
absolutely necessary to the future of
Western civilization: a cultural na-
tionalism, an economic international-

An Interview W

(ith Glenn Frank.

tomorrow. He also concede(
element of fatigue was a se
stacle for which -.-perhaps
hours were the only remed
tvly -high wages; an .the ot]



Values to $14.95 at..................$975
Values to $9.5 at... ............ . -
Values to $5.95 at..... ..... ................ $3.95

briefly traced the changes wrought by prices -below cost, but gently in-creases he argued, made for economi
the industrial revolution which re- the ;demand by putting his product of 'Ihe workman.
placed the domestic 'industry by t-he within reach of a larger number of Another man in America -
factory system. "The essentials for people. By employing the mass pro- Frank characterized as hig
a workman's~ happiness," said Mr. duction idea, by paying a wage more ficant in this generation in
Frank, "are opportunity for self-ex-+ than that required for a mere exist- ing industry is Mr. Edward
pression, a sense of security and -ap- ence; and by reducing the number of wealthy merchant of Boston,
preciation from the employer." working hours, he is in turn able to! his brother has built up .tl
He indicated that the domestic sys-' increase efficiency and lower costs. I i institutidn of its kind in "
tem of manufacturing offered these told Mr. Frank I used to work at De-, lie has tried a number of ex
three elements. Living under the troit in the automobile industry, but: in making his business demo
same roof with his master, the worker that I did not consider Mr. Ford's men has experienced some high
had much more in common with the ; were well satisfied with their work as factory results. At one .tin,
employer. He was able to stamp his something which gave them opportu- rate of absence due to mim
personality on his work and living nity r self-expression and apprecia- was noted. The company
in the security of his present endeavor tion from their employer. Many of, ceeded to establislh a medical
could look forward to becoming a: them had told me that they worked service in its building, secur
master himself. With the introduc- in the Ford industries merely because tor and nurses who were g
tion of machinery, however, master they received more money that they'-equipped rooms and instrur
and workman drew farther apart in- could other places. They also bore The enmployees felt that 4
their interests, for they no longer evidence that the high factor of' paternalistic move and consi,
lived and worked under the same roof. fatigue involved in the Ford methods the Filenes might discharge1a
Operations became more complex of highly specialized repetitive opera- health record was not sa
and made less demands o6 personal tions produced some physical deformi- The result was that few toc
skill. The workman, now performing ties and intellectual dullness. - tage of the health service an
but a small share of the total work I said that the men were so tired dtion continued to exist.
on any given product, felt less of his when they had finished their day's firm nut the records of the e
work as an expression of personality. work that they did not care to do any- into the workprs' own hands
Then, too, be became more econamic- thing else, though the working hours 'ed that no one excent ti
IIliv - arendent and lost the sense of were short. Thus avocation was pro- ized representatives of the
security which he had experienced hibited. Mr. Frank granted that at would have access to the file
under the domestic system. (present, Mr. Ford's system was an the health service was thus
Henry Ford, continued Mr. Frank, autocratic one, but that out of it would their own control, the empkc
observes this procedure: He cuts his grow the demociatized lind-:stries of (Continued on Page F

The January Clearance
Sales are nown
Full Sping


Shop dur:ng the January
Clearance Sales and
Save Money

ism, rationalized politics, liberalized
business, humanized education, a well-!
bred race, socialized religion, and a
den-acratIzed industry, I think the last
may be more important,
Contrary to the judgment m o s t3
would expect from an intellectual, Mr.l
Frank declared, when discussing the
democratizing of industry, "Henry
Ford is one of the most significant
men of the generation." Mr. Franki



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