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January 03, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-03

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, , C


Published every morning except Monday
duing the University year by the Board in
Control of Stude-t Publications.
Member of Western Corference Ed:torial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of allt
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news, published therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription b'y carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices An Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Eaitorial, 2414 and 176-M, Busi-
ness, q6o.
Communications not to exceed oo words
if signed, the 'signature not necessarily to
aipear in prins, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices of events will be published in
t he Uaily at the discretion of the Editor, if
kit at or .mulled to The Daily office. Un-
signed commlunications will receive no con-
ueranion No rnanuscript will be returned'
unie the wrter encloses postage. The Daily
d4*e not necessarily endorse the sentiments
fxpressed in the comrnunications.
Telephones, 2414 and 17AN
-it-r..........-.Paul Watzel
Citye id~lor.. .:..James B. Young
lssistant City Editor..........Marion Kert
L1:litorial B>oard Chairman..........:U..Meiss
-iht-- - --itor- -
Ralph Ilyers h[arry Hoey
1. P. awson, J. J. F. Mack
f,. .1. l-lershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
- 1. A. Donahuef
sort ELdir................. H. McPike
niday Magazine Editor. .Delbert Clark'
anen's Editor.............Marion Koch
I umnor l-:litor.. ............Donald Coney.
o:nerence Editor........... 1 B. Grundy
Iictorial Editor.................Robert Taft
rsic 1-.dtor.................-. I. Ailes

as possible. If Ann Arbor is to

Gin-/mow.. .d 0 AM i

guard her future appearance, she Uf t
must have some definite plan of OLL
growth, and provide definite sectors/ f
of the city for certain uses. Resi-
dence districts must be safeguarded BLESS YOU 1UY
from the encroachments of factories CHILDREN!
or structures which will lower the "Back to the galleys, back to the
standard of their localities., Ann Ar- galleys-" is the song of the jolly o1d,
bor must grow on a pre-arranged gat wheel directly under one's ca-
plan, just as the University is expand-y
pacious upper berth as the jolly old '
ing on a program which provides for pcosuprbrha h ol l
Wolverine jerks one back to AA and-'
eevry future need now thought of. reality.
4. That a renewed campaign The campus was very dead, mes in-
should be undertaken to finish tin fants, while you were away. As soon
Union swimnring pool. The need of
nioono wimngy pood. The sneed- oas the last taxi-cab had carried theI
ultimate student lipety-lippety off
ming team, which is now a varsity or- down the hill toward the cho-cho
ganization, but also places at a dis- Ae the -l sta d she drooped
adfatag hunred ofstudntswhoAlfred - .he- steam - shovel drooped!
advantage hundreds of students who his scoop to the ground and never
are capable swimmers and anxious to crunched the front yard. until Christ-
indulge in the exercise derived from was over
water orts. wasover
5.thaspotsardi.ePoor Alfred had a sad, sad time ofI
5.. That a radio sending stationitiChsma.1fddnoexcl
should be established by the niver. it at Christmas. e did not exactly
pupoe Tewant to go to Lansing with the other
sity for extensione up~S h
value of the radio for this purpose is foreign students and the Caingrega-
tional church didn't seem to take him
fast being recogpized throughout the , so what could a poor steam shove
nation, and Michiga'n should take ad-
vantage of e immense and youBut now, now the cellars of the
audience afforded by the radio. Sch of Mus have again begun to tin-
6. That a moving picture record of kle chromatic melancholy, and ta
eveints from year to year should be new year is on the wing, Selaii
maintained, and financed either by ng
the students themselves or by the "Yo Ho, Drag Forth the Fatted Calf--"
alumni-of the University. Such a rec-
ord would be available for use at Ael I hack.
smokers, alumni reunions, or other A
i The bird was right what said,
occasions when desired ,and would. "Theres' no place like home."
hold the graduates of the University!
There ain't any, thank Gaw d.
Scloser to their Alma Mater. The old home town-ugh!
In the second group, The Daily be- Freshmen from various ilniv. running
Feves:rs uns
1. That a closer bond between fac- around
ulty and student should be establish. Showing new frat pins to old girls.
ed, and t the rlt of this -All they had to show for three
ea ndathela relzationf thisy. months in college.
Aim depends largely upon the faculty. Banquets where the toastmaster said,
The size of University classes makes
it almost impossible for student and I« toastmaster. Ha! ha!
instructor to know each other per- tasmsr. a!H!
instuctr tokno eah oter er-iStop me if you have heard this one.
sonally unless efforts are made to ao Ha Ia
meet outside. Hd Ha
2. That more purely graduate L ,if, only I could have stopped
courses should be included in the him?
University curriculum. Students in The inevitable old men at ie post-
the graduate school are handicapped office
by being forced to enter undergradu- Who said, "Hoe for vacation, hey?"
IAhi They, had ferreted out the truth.
ate classes, where they cannot re-Art,
ceive the time and instruction which The radiophone concert-static was
a graduate student should have. great.
3. That "Athletics for All" should kNeckties for Christmas with red and
green stripes.
be constantly kept in mind and work-
ed towards. The object of athletics --I've worn them all-once.
is not primarily to turn out good So I'm back where they have a real
teams, but to be of physical benefit police force
sto those involved. Any method which1 Instead of a rheumatic constable.
will interest a greater number of Back where fools know enough to
students in athletics, therefore, Is leave me alone,
worth while. And I'm glad of it. FULL MOON.
4. That students should remember
that study is the primary reason for 'APPY NQO YEAR!

{The Cornell Sun)
I n I. . T .«7L. . .... ..a _ , ].,



I 00K



President Harding recently admit-
ted that the machinery for the en-
forcapn t f thn V]nl At h

0 0 AT

ticemnent oI he vostead Act has
broken down, and in order to remedy
the serious condition in which it has I
fallen he is expected to call a canfer-
ence of the governors of the various
On the heels of the President's
statement; the New York Tribune has
just completed a rapid survey of the
situation in various Parts'of the coun- Arbor to resume his studies before
try, and the results made public yes- the end of this week.
terday are certainly disgraceful. The
sub-headings of the various dispatch- Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv.
es show in epitome the deplorable way
in which this law is being enforced:-
"Law Called Joke' in Chicago"; DETROIT UNITED LINES
"Threaten. Expose in Pittsburgh"; Ann Arbor and Jackson
"Detroit Thrives on Rum Trade"; "St. TIME TABLE
Louis Profits on Fines"; 'Maryland (Eastern Standard Time)
Forces Too Small"; "Nebraska Sale Detroit Limited and Express Cars--
6:0o a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:e5
Gains Tenfold". From these it is eas- a.m. and hourly to 9:o p.m.
discernable how completel Jackson Express Cars (local stops
ily p ythe west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a~m and




Thelma Andrcws
}. A. Maon'
Stanley M. Baxter
I)orothy Bennetts
Maurice Berman
Sidney Bielfieldt
k". A. Billin gton
W. I", lutlcr
J . C. Clark
A .Connable
dBcrnadlette Cote3
Evelyn 1. coughlin
\Walace F. Elliott,
Eoch . stein
T. E. Fiske
\. P. Webbink
'koho Carlinwhouse

Walter S. Goodspeed
Portia Gouldor
Ronald Halgrim
Franklin ) .DHepburn
Winona A. Hibbard
Edward J. Higgins
Lowell Kerr
Eiizalbeth Iiebermann
]John, McGinnis
Samuel Moore
\1,I-H. Pryor
\. BI. Rafferty
Robert C. Ramsay
Campbell Robertson
J. WV. Ruwitch
Soil J. Schnitz
W. H. Stoneman
Prederic G. Tehnios

"liquor ring" has spread its net, and
from the facts presented has gathered
nto its meshes those entrusted with
the enforcement of the law.
' Whether or not the act is desfrable,
or whether it is a good thing, is an-!
other matter. The fact remains that
it is a law; that illicit liquor traffic
has the country in its grip, and that'
the law is being openly treated as a
joke in every section of the country.
This lack of enforcement is a dis-
grace to the nation.
The one saving grace, if it can save.
it, lies in the outcome of the project-
ed conference. There is no doubt
that a general cleaning up among the
prohibition officers must be had, and
had quickly. As matters stand, the
situation will certain'y get no better.
A wholesale housecleaning is needed,
and a sufficient and trustworthy .band.
of officers sworn in. The government'
must see that the act is enforced eve:
if it entails the extreme of military
action. The righteousness does not
enter the discussion. It is a law, and
as long as it remains such, must be
enforced, no matter 'what ends are
necessary to bring it about.

every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.m.
aaid every two hours to 9 :o0 1j. in.,
1 :oo p.m. 'To Ypsilanti only-i
p.m., 1:15 a.m..
To Saline-.Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bcund-7 :5o a.m.,
12:10 p.11.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-L~im.
ited cars 8 :47, 10:47 a.in., 1247, 247
4:47 P.M.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m.
1923 1 JANUA RY 1923
1 2 3 4 5 ;
7 8 l 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 2. 25 26 27
28 20 30 31
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
-- WORK.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792

Choice of a Career,.
From the Yale News
Someone, probably an insurance
agent, was quoted recently as saying
that from the mass of one hundred
college graduates one individual only
rose to the Polo and butler class, peril-
ously near the top of the financial lad-
der. Five others became comfortably
off and found themselves after twenty
years at the small yacht and chauffeur
stage. The other ninety-four presum-
ably congregate in the great section of
the American people who drive their
own Buicks to the golf club. In other
words, dreaming about being a rich
man is one thing, and making'the grade
is "something else again.
Yet the ninety-four presumably work
just as hard as the sumptuqus six. Their
business is the axis on which a small
and uninteresting world revolves. They
have become devotees of the dollar
and when that fickle deity deserts, have
nowhere else to turn. Jammed in a
dull; straight rut of business they can
never leave the road and jump the fence
into finer fields of life. This, then, is
the portion of ninety-four men out of'
erery hundred now on the campus.
The answer to the problerri lies in
the proper choice of a career.
Between now and. Commencement
we shall have something to offer on
the subject of "Careers." Watch for
the space with the Famous Signature. U

Telephone 960
Advertis ng..............John J. Hamel, jr.
Advertisingy.. ............ Edward F. Conlin
Advei tisio:..............'Walter K. Scherer
-..............Larence H. Favrot
Circulationl............. .David J. M. Park
'ublication .. .. . ...L,. Beaumont Parks

(Columbia Evening Missourian)'
The American people as a whole are
suffering frdm inflated imaginations..
They have written and pictured and
talked themselves' into believing that
they are not only the most prosperous
country on tbhe face of the globe, but
one of tie most prosperous that the

Sched:e in Effect October18, 1922
Central Tin'.e (Slow Time)
1 . M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 ... . Adrian .... 2:45 8:45
15 8:1 ... Tecumseh ... 12:15 8:15
4:30 8:30... Clinton . .. 2:0 :oo 0
5:,5 9:15 ..S. Saline .... 11:15 7/25
5:45 9:45 Ar,\nn Arborhv..10:45 0:45
(Court Ileose Square) A. M.
D-Daily, X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for studlents leaves Adrian 1:45. leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAM ES H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phoni 026-M Adrian, Mich.
712 Arbor Street
ear State and Packard Streets

Kenneth Scick
George Rockwood
Perry M.Ilayden
1: uene_. fPunne
John C. hlaslini
C. ?', 1utnam
]. 1), Armantrout
I'l erlert W. Cooper
Wallace Flo er-
;jd ward B. Rielle
Wmrold L. ?Tale
Will. D. Roesser

Allan S. Morton
James A. Dryer
Wm. IT. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman
Cloward Hayden
F'Ienry Freud
lerbert P. Bostiek
1). L. Pierce
Clayton Purdy
1'. B. Sanzenbacher
Clifford Mitts,
Ralph Iewright
Philip Newall

Night Editor-ROBT. C. MORIARTY I
With the arrival of each New Year
comes a series of resolutions almost
all of which are broken before the l
last light of the first day has disap-
peared. Resolutions, on the whole,
call for too drastic a change, and
consequently when the spirit of the
day has subsided, they soon follow it
into oblivion.
'The New Year, then, should be rath-
er a time to visualize certain desira-
ble goals, and to start n the direction
of their attainment. At Michigan
many such goals of improvement
present themselves, innumerable ways
in which the University may be main-
tained as a steadily progressive and
increasingly effective iftstitution.
At this appropriate time, the begin-
ning of 1923, 'The Daily wishes to.
l)lace before the student body fox se-
rious contemplation some of the most.
immortant ends which should form a

college, and consequently good .schol-
arship should be the subject o:
praise rather than ridicule.. This does
not defend the so-called grind, whose
life at college becomes one-sided be-
cause of too much attention to stud-
ies, but refers to the average individ-
ual who is engaged in the broader lifeI
of the University and at the same}
time does not forget the primary pur-
pose of scholarship.
5. That the football seledules for
the comig years should be arranged.
with the idea in mind of obtaining anl
eastern game for Michigan. The fact
that Michigan played entirely withl
the East at one time makes it more
natural for her to retain a game1
there now than it does for other con-
ference universities to schedule suchE
contests. Alumni and students of
Michigan by a decided majority favor
the arrangement of an eastern game. I
6. That every effort should be made
to abolish gambling on football
games and the scalping of tickets.
Gambling creates a spirit in regard toy
intercollegiate athletics which is un-
desirable and not conducive to good
sportsmanship, while scalping is un-1
fair to those who buy tickets. Bot'i
practices open the way for profes-
sional gamblers to enter the field of
collegiate athletics.
7. That freshman discipline should'
be maintained, but that hazing is un-

world has, ever seen.i From the mov-
I ing pictures flashed upon the screen
it would seem that this is a land flow-
ing with riches if not with milk ana
r honey; from the prices demanded for-
/ not only the luxuries but for the very
~ , necessities of life results the ahnost
immediate impression that money lit-
"Drink, drink! Joy rules the day." erally'is as cheap as dirt.
- Old Song. It is necessary for such a thing as
* * * a Bonus Bill to be brought up occa-
y ssionally in order that the people of
Very old song. the country may realize the financial
conditions of their republic, Ina.-!
Vacation Statistics for Michiganders m as ondayionloz th govern-
998 students received more than a ! much as the condition of the govern-
half dozen pairs of silk so-half hose. meet is ultimately the condition of the
9,593 ties were . accepted with I people .it elf. And, while it is not
thanks. - Imeant to infer that the government of
9,573 ties were surreptitiously dis- I the United States is bankrupt or fn
carded. any immedi'ate danger of becoming so,
20 ties were publicly discarded. Iit is undoubtedly true that general
000 Christmas ties were worn more imagination has inflated the treasury
than to a richness far beyond its actual
tan once. cniin
11,447 cards were mailed after cnio.
Christmas in answer to an equal Much of the advocacy for the Bon-
number received without warning. us Bill came from the mistaken idea
* 49 will be the average number of that the government was rich, that itI
times eachstet iseasednum'er had most of the gold in the world, and
times each student is asked "D jaththeovrmnculwllaod
hav a good vacation?" on return. that the government could well afford
M. KLAVICAL. to spend five billions of its many bi:-
* Ed. Note-49 nuthin! lions on its soldiers. The disclosure
* * ,of the secretary of the treasury that
the government had no money for
Jingle, flappers. Jingle flappers! ha o:oe o
Jinge, lappyers! lae flaper! such a purpose, must have surprised
(Ye old-tyme belles are gone.) hnrd ftosns
.Ye tars o yorehundreds of thousands.
Canestears oyore.True prosperity can never exist in,
Can shame no nmore-. .-
'Tis ye jingling ear-ring long, a country if it is based upon illusion.
MARY CHRISTMAS. And that the United States is a nation,
* * * with money to burn is a fallacy that
will not bear the light of sound rea-
Countless curses showered about us ..
son. Unquestionably, this country is
As Palm-Beachedly clad we strolled, better off financially than the war-
All the shivering fools could join us torn countries of Europe. Compara-'
Reeked they our secret-"DOUFOLD." tively speaking, it is in ship-shape
> *4*
state. But that either the people as a
CALIG DEAR: Why not a parade of
whole or the government itself have;
all our dear co-eds (bless 'em) who money for wanton extravagance
wear Russian boots? Let the girl himerwofte imananes is a j
chimera of.. the imagination. I

'. Y 4
t. ..
- ..

Start the New.Yearright
Make up your mind you are going to hear the new Victor Records every month
the new ones for January. We are ready to play them for you. Drop in.

Here are

Address at Ilobokpei (May 23, 1921)"President'Warren. Harding
Address at Washington (November 12, 1921) President Warren Q. Hardin
Hadoline (E. J. Gill-S. Nelson) Einilio de Gogorza
Three O'clock mf the Morning (Terriss-Pobledo) John- McCormack
Tosca--VTIsi d'irte (Love and Music) (Puccini) In Italian Maria Jeritza
3lot her in Ireland (Griffen-Kahn-Lyman) John McCormack
aXndail :iButtertly--Un bel di vedremo In Italian Ainelita Gaili-Curci
Pu ritani-Ah per sempre (To Me Forever Lost) In Italian) Giuseppe de Tuca
Songs Iy Mother Taught lee (Dvorak) ' Geralaine Farrar
i'omieo and Juhiet--Juliet's Waltz Song (Gounod) In French Lucrezia Bori
Ause,:shj :and Nicolette (Canzonetta) (F. Kreisler) Violin Solo F. Kreisler
Waltz aid Elfin Dance (Grieg) Piano Solo Sergei Rachmaninoff
) larch of the C aucasian Chief (Ippolitow-Iwanow) Philadelphia Orchestra
Spanish Dance (Granados-Kreisler) Violin Solo JasChia IJeifetz
Les Preludes-Part 1 (Liszt) Mengelberg and N. Y. Philharmonic Orchestra
Les Preludes-Part 2 (Liszt) Mengelberg 'and N. Y. Philharmonic Orchestra
hungarian Rhapsody, ? o. 10 (Liszt) Piano Solo Ignace Jan Paderewski
Manisot March Arthur Pryor's Band
Kilties March Arthur Pryor's Band
"Twas in the Month of May-Kataia International Novelty Orchestra
Chinese Billikens (from "Chauve--Souris") International Novelty Orchestra
Pianoflage (No. 4 from "Piano Syncopations") Piano Solo Roy. :Aar
Knice and unlfty (No. 6 from "Piano Syncopations") Piano*Solo ' Roy Bari;y

35718 12

66109 '


nucleus for student aims during the,-t
coming year of their University life. Not only does hazing lead to brutali-,
hty, but it inevitably causes injustices
Thbese aims must necessarily be, of n ihaswih'dmgfte p-
two kinds, those which can and should and mishaps which damage the reps-
be realized in the immediate future. tation of the University in the eyes
of outsiders.
and those broader and usually more o
abstract aims whose realization may Although the football season is
never be complete except in compara-
tive terms. over, some advantageous ideas forl
In the first group, The Daily be- J next year might be gained from the
etreatment accorded student ticket
1. That i-eriodical convocations of scalpers at Wisconsin. Brought be-
the University body should be resun:- fore a sudent court, with classmates4
ed, and a certain time set when a . as their counsellors, two students
students may be able to attend. The were given regular trial, found guil-
benefit derived by students from sue:I ty, and fined $30 and $60, respective-
assemblies llps to create a~ greater ly. The money was deposited in thea
unity of spirit and purpose, and thus loan fund to aid needy students. Ift
tends to offset one disadvantage oft- some such methods were employed
en pointed out in the large univer- from within at. Michigan, student'
scalping of tickets might be alto-
2. Tha ;the one-semester Univez- gether eliminated.
sity lease should be demanded by stu-
dents in engging rooms and should be The opera girls are finding it hard3


18979 10
8969 16


Bllafile Belle o'D1unooi
The Sunshime of a Bonnie Lassie's Smile
Apple Blosoms
Cupid's Garden
'Neath the South Sea Noon (from "Ziegfeld F
Japinese Moon,
ThI Hein of His (armient
Better Eaich Day
Carry Me Back to My ("arolina ome
A Picture thout a "ramie
toflii' SangI (with The Virginians)
Away Down East in Maine (with The Virgia:
You 'Fell Her, 1 Stutter

Sir Harry JMander
Sir Harry Lader
Elsie Baker,
Olive Kline
ollies") Lambert Murphy
Olile Kline
Homer Redeheaver
Homer Itodeheaver-trs. William Asher
Peerless Quartet
Las) 7flss 'Patricohl
Billy Murray-Ed Sialle
Billy "Murray




45332 10
18971' '0

with the gray sOcks leadthe advance.
* * *
The Sadness of the Trooth

Three members of the law faculty
of the University were speakers at!
the 20th annual meeting of the As-





* Ii
Christmas vac i
which to get the h

A sociation of American Law Schools
JT AS IT WAS I which was held in, Chicago on Dec.
-- 28, 29 and 30. Prof. Herbert F. Good-
rich gave a paper on "Wrongs" and
sheek of ababam. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland spoke on
S"Remedies." Prof. Ralph W. Aigler,
addressed the convention on "Prop-
s a swell time in 'erty and Status."
air cut. In addition to those who read pa-

A Riss in the _Mark--Med. 'Waltz (from "Orange Blossoms") Thi Se'enaders
I le Waltz is Made for Lo-ve-Med. Waltz (from "The Yankee Princess") 'ehe Serenader
All Muddled Vp-Fox Trot Zez Confrey and His Orchestra
T'rne Blue Sam-Fox Trot Zez Confrey and His Orchestra
Sweetliart Lane-Med. Fox Trot Whitenaan and His Orchestra
(from "Greenwich Follies")-
The Yankee Princess--Med. Fox Trot 'Whiteman and Ills Orchestra
hiiss Miumia, iss Pala-Fox Trot The 'Virgin ans
Choo-Choo Blues-Fox Trot The Virginians
'lhe World is Waiting for the Sr arise-ied. Fox Trot The Benson Orcb. of Chicago
Tomorrow Morning--Fox Trot The Benson Orch. of ('hicago

18972 10
18973 10
18977 10
18978 10
18980 10


g-nerally ;adopited by landlords in
An Arbor. This shorter term agree-
ment does away with much of the

to get back into low-heeled shoes
again. And as for studying. Oh,.
well, we're all bothered that way.

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